THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1*2« FISH A S C E N D I N G R I V E R SAM’S VALLEY A. J. Grimes o f Gazelle, Cali­ fornia, a former resident o f Rogue River valley, was visiting friends in this district last Sunday afternoon. Fish are coming over the recently constructed fishway at Raimey falls at the rate o f nine a minute, acocrd- ing to Walter Browne, who with W. O. Hadley, state superintendent of fishways, returned the first o f the week from a trip there, a week ago. The fish are experiencing no diffi­ culty in coming up, and better con­ ditions are being noted on the Upper Rogue. Last Tuesday Bowne and Supt. Hadley and W. R. Coleman made an inspection o f conditions at the Savage Rapids dam, and confer­ red upon recommendations, which will be embodied in a report to be filed by Supt. Hadley with the state fish and game commission for early action.— Medford Mail Tribune. ---------- o---------- WANTED TO TRADE— G oo« town property for small, improved tract o f land near Central Point. Inquire at this office. 4p Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruch and family o f Medford, were calling on friends in the valley last Sunday. Mr. Ruch is in the employ o f the city water department of Medford. John Conley arrived from Myrtle Creek last Tuesday where he has been for some time. past. Mr. Con­ ley is putting the roof on the new barn and otherwise improving his ranch property. Mr. Payne and family have moved into the Williams house. The chil­ dren will attend the school here this winter. A very good attendance was out to the last regular Grange meeting last Saturday night. Some routine business was transacted, after which a lecture was given. Miss Francis Wilson presented a novel program, which included a hunt for pennies which caused very much amusement to all present. 120 ACRES— Plenty of water, under ---------- o----- 1— good fence, 70 acres under culti­ W I L L O W SP R IN G S vation, will produce grain, alfalfa, fruit or vegetables, close in. $8000 terms, or will exchange for Willow Springs school opened city «property. September 7 with ten new pupils, 160 ACRES— Good buildings, all also one new teacher, Mrs. Tucker, fenced and under cultivation, close who comes in place o f Miss Mabel in, a real buy. Moore. t 710 ACRES— On Pacific highway, Mrs. J. S. Miner left Sunday on worlds o f water, joins Government range, an ideal sheep ranch, 100 number 53 for, a visit extending • acres o f good alfalfa land, 120 through the winter months, with acres can be used for grain or alfalfa, a small cash payment with relatives in Colorado and Kansas, This is Mrs. Miner’s first visit with long term on balance. 12 ACRES— 1% miles from city, them for fifteen years. good modern house and out-build­ Callers at the Deer Park Sunday ings; small family orchard, 6 acres were Mr. and Mrs. Page o f Klam­ - in alfalfa; will sell or trade. ath Falls, Mrs. C. Higdon and'party 6-ACRE tract, all under good wire fence, seeded to alfalfa, no build­ from Medford, Mr. and Mrs. Alex­ ings except garage, one mile from ander and grandchildren o f Central town, $1500. Point, and Mrs. Harris and Herbert A modern 5-room dwelling, garage o f Seven Oaks. and wash-house, three lots, $2000. The following lette from Myrna A number o f acre tracts, unimproved Bush, who has been in charge of from $100 up. the post office at Crater Lake lodge W. G. T R I L L for the past two seasons has such Just West o f Central Point State a nice mental picture o f the lake Bank that we were inclined to pass it on: A FEW REAL BUYS IN REAL ESTATE •is Unfailing Care • — to meet every requirement in dry-cleaning is our claim for your patronage. . . . though our charges are only standard. CITY CLEANING AND DYEING CO. " W E ARE NOT SATISFIED UNLESS Y OU A R E " Phone 474 On Crater Lake, Sept. J l , ’26 Dear Folks— I surely wish you could see Crater Lake tonite, its the truth when I say I positively never saw it so beautiful before. • • We are under about six inches o f snow and the clouds have gone away and left the air clear and cold. Oh, oh, but ’tis beautiful. A few coluds cling around the higher peaks o f the rim, lending a mysterious beauty to the rest o f the lake, the sun has just set, and the lake is a very deep blue, oh I just can’t tell you how wonderful it is with everything so white and so clean looking. I got out for a half hour today and took a few snapshots of different things, and surely hope they are good, but Mother when its so pretty that it actually hurts, I just wish and wish that you could all see— My Crater Lake. MEDFORD NEWS With fine workman­ ship such as to impress your favor 624 N. Riverside Ave Highway— Medford, Oregon PAGE THREE CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN Wednesday o f last week was the inauguration o f the Air Mail Line through Medford and the opening day o f the Jackson County Fair. Pat Patterson piloted the Medford No. 4 from San Francisco, arriving in Med­ ford at 8:15 a. m. Piolt Book waiter arrived from Portland at 8:45 a. m. while Art Starbuck took the San Francisco No. 6 from Medford to San Francisco. Pilots Patterson and Starbuck alternate on the San Fran- cisco-Medford run, one coming to McCord and the other going to San Franc, co. Pilot Bookwalter makes one round trip daily between Port­ land and Medford. The mail was carried to the postoffice by Post­ master Warner in a Harley-David- son motorcycle driven by Ernest Scott, local dealer, under escort o f ' State traffic officers. The Special Delivery letter to Mayor Allendorfer from Mayor Baker of Portland was rushed back to the field via motor­ cycle by Postmaster Warner and handed to Mayor Allendorfer on the field by him while H. G. Bromley took moving pictures of the event. Mr. Bromley also took movies of the planes landing and taking o ff and of the pilots, the transferring of the mail and a copy of the above let­ ter. Another letter received on the first air mail was a letter to Boy Boyle, secretary o f the chamber of commerce, which had written cn the lower corner o f the envelope, “ Los Angeles is the best place in the world to live, Medford being a possible ex­ ception.” ---------- 0---------- !¿ u . CPUS NT a in — Sweet, Tasty Meats TH E CH OICE OF TH E LA N D — A L W A Y S FRESH A N D TE N D E R “ Quality and Service” — Our Motto Central Point Meat Market University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore., Sept 23. (Special)— H. D. McCaskey, geologist, o f Central Point is among the 177 Oregonians listed in the new edition o f “ Who’s Who in America,” which has just been issued. One half o f the number live in Portland, while the other half is dis­ tributed among the smaller cities o f the state. There are six Oregon women as follows: Gertrude B. Warner, Eu­ gene, art collector; Anna E. Bag- stad, Forest Grove, author; Eva E. Dye, Oregon City, author; Mary Carolyn La vies, Portland, author; Anne Shannond Monroe, Portland, author; and Cornelia Marvin, state librarian. I. D. LEWIS, Prop. The Most Wonderful Book in the World ORE than thirty million Bibles or Books o f the M Bible were sold or distributed in 1925. Would you not love to have companion volumes to help you discover the treasures in that Wonderful ________ Book? A U T O M O B I L E S C A U S E O R PO O R SCHOLARSHIP S w e d e n b o r g [1688-1772] University o f Oregon, Eugene, Sept. 23. (Special)— Pointing out that automobiles brought to college by University students are a cause o f poor scholarship and increase the danger o f moral delinquency, Univer­ sity authorities have appealed to par­ ents to prohibit their sons and daugh­ ters from bringing cars to Eugene, it was announced today. While several other large institu­ tions have prohibited the use o f stu­ dent cars, Oregon will attempt to solve the problem by seeking the parent’s co-operation, it was stated. “ The increasing use of automobiles by University students has been ob­ served with much concern by Univer­ sity officials everywhere,” a letter sent to parents today read. "Care­ ful studies have shown that they cause poor scholarship, are expen­ sive, waste valuable time, increase the danger of moral delinquency, and cause traffic congestion about the campus; that at best they are unde­ sirable and unnecessary at college, and that they are often positively demoralizing.” Although permission may be ob­ tained in cases where automobiles are particularly necessary, officials pointed out that "we are constantly striving to maintain on the campus a simple, wholesome, democratic and | scholarly atmosphere. Many of the students are self-supporting and gain rather than lose thereby in respect and social standing.” - - ■■ O ' explained the Bible’s practical application to daily life; how it describes the life hereafter; what the Bible parables mean when spiritually interpreted. His theological work»— as issued by himself— have been pub. lished by the Houghton Mifflin C o. in most modem transla. rion from the original Latin, in the Rotch Edition o f 31 volumes. The first tw enty give the spiritual sense o f Genesis and Exodus as understood in Heaven; and volumes »6, 37, ¿8 give likewise the spiritual sense o f the Book o f Revelation. Volume 39. Marriage L o w , viewaTrom the union of the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom the Law of Sex throughout all crea­ tion. It shows (he crown and jewel of the Christian Religion, the uniog of one w ith one only. Price $3.00. Volumes 30, 31, ja , contain a full statement of the True Christian Religion as revealed from Heaven. $j.oo the set. The whole j i volumes in half-morocco at $ 135 ; in buckram, $40. The following are the beat introductory hooka to the Revela­ tions of Swrowmoao. T hey are in large print, bound in buck« ram, and contain from 360 to 487 pages. TITLES FklCE H E A V E N A N D H E L L from things heard and seen $ 1.25 A n g e lic W isd om C o n ce rn in g — T H E D IV IN E P R O V ID E N C E , which governs the Universe and ihe Heavens and the Halls, and the least as well as the greatest of all things In creation, and in the everyday life of man $ 1 .2 5 TH E D IV IN E L O V E A N D W IS D O M , the profoundeet hook and revelation concerning God and Hie Creation ever written, feet published in Latin at Amsterdam 1765, along with this 1 a the ‘'intercourse Between the Soul and the Body "feet published in Latm at London 1769 _______________ $ 1 .2 5 Price of all three at one time, including postage $ 2 .7 5 BIG BUCK L A S S O E D Who Was Swedenborg? Clint Lewis, Wallowa county cow­ boy, has gone the gun carrying nim- rods one better. He lassoed a five point buck deer from horseback, after it charged toward him through the brush. Emanuel Swedenborg. I ht ton o f * bishop, wo« I he great Sweduh irimnje, phdo- her and theologian, whole ceti range rauaed im erwn *> term htm the maitodon ■ rivelar. Dr Parkt t Cattman recríele named him the Unnerial ( i m u O fit tally connected, by affinarmene of the King. u«eh the great mining induelry o f Sweden, lu ma acred all the menee« o f hie on e, and wrote the mou useful hook, on metallurgo, minerali, faoiofy, aswonomy, and the human beam Hu li|lr eearch was for the human mel How hu iptncual «nie 1 were opened, afttr he teU1 JO cure of age. that ht might reveal the human soul. I he life after death, and the BiWs Usai/, may be read m the above named, uplifting, useful books. r FO R S A L E Servi orders or inquines to 3 room house, acre o f ground, close to school— $585. Good terms. See G. E. Fox, Central Point, Ore. B . A . W H IT T E M O R E , Agent i j j B o w "P a i n T il l * by m ade «ILS» d o in S t r e e t , 1 I 1 ~»— 9 . Mass milps H v ------- C h a n g e d H it frow n INTO S H I L l S ----- HI retT HAPPY a n o w c u . ONCa AGAIN V • LJ/ a ' if. Boston Atu llrferfSrm aro-or, . nt pnstpski for 19 cants, Hasvm grad Msfl m pspm cot for M c a n u .G a U i^ abeti 00 l«»k n b n r| fac IO u n ti; or all thror for ¥> cants The American does all kinds of printing. If it can be printed— we can do it. • T g a v e M in 'R h S u n A T it S AND T a House f o r Sale $ 300 terms, if taken at o n ce . in, large lot, $ 200 cash: 1 quire at this o f f i c e . •WHO’ S W H O IN A M E R I C A ’ sm iles « n Tot sirii ebr close L .L i, Y y ■ fíi In­