Central Point Am erican VOLUME 2 CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN CAR DIVES 1000 FEET TO WATER FROM RIM OF CRATER LAKE. Klamath Falls, August 23.— A large sedan, the property o f James Swasen, Klamath Falls barber, plung­ ed over the rim o f Crater lake Sun­ day, catapulting 1000 feet to the lake edge, where it was almost un­ recognizable as an automobile. Mr. and Mrs. Swasen had driven to the lake with other visitors, and left the machine parked near the rim, brakes set, with the nose point­ ing toward the declivity. They were at another spot when the brakes in some manner become loostened, and witnessed its fall. They did not realize until later that it was their machine. Witnesses said the sedan, a new one, reached the bottom in four jumps. Each time it struck against the rock it flew outward, somer­ saulting completely before striking again. Each time wheels, fenders and other parts, broken o ff by the crushing impacts, flew into the air and accompanied the main wreckage downward. No one was injured, although many tourists had climbed down to the water’s edge. The twisted wreck landed in the edge o f the lake, about 50 feet from a boat landing. There was a general checking up on the part o f witnesses to make sure family cars were safe. The recipients o f the final shock, after resigning themselves to their loss, were given a ride back to Klamath Falls in an­ other automobile. WRIGLEY’ S ADVERTISING IN TOWN CONSTITUTION ANNIVERSARY WEEK MAN Ben H. Rouw, the northwest rep­ resentative o f Wm. Wrigley Jr., the concern that makes the Wrigley Chewing Gum, was in town last Fri­ day in the yellow car advertising this well known brand o f gum. Mr. Rouw, a booster and one of the best advertising men we ever met, gave this office a pleasant short visit to talk advertising and get ac­ quainted. Wrigley is the greatest advertiser o f a single article in the world. You will find his advertising in the mag­ azines, daily papers, on street car tickets, in all public places, and from now on you will find Wrigley adver­ tising in the weekly papers as he has found this is one o f the best direct ways o f reaching the people out o f the cities. Approximately 92 million was spent for gum last year in the world and Wrigley sold about 76 per cent o f this amount. This is appaling when you stop to consider that this amount has to be reached from the small sale o f 5c packages. And still you find business firms who claim it does not pay to advertise. Mr. Rouw left in the business places and with boys, girls, women and men, samples of this delicious gum which we are all enjoying this week. Four hundred o f the yellow cars are now used in different states to advertise this article and many more will be added soon. The anniversary week fo r the study of our Constitution will be ob­ served in Oregon next month. The churches, the school and all other organizations and societies shourJ cooperate to continue this educa­ tional work for better citizenship and better citizens. A thorough knowledge and understanding o f our Constitution and its workings is the surest solution to that end. The purpose of Constitution An­ niversary Week is to renew in the minds of American citizens the ben­ efits which have accrued from the Federal Constitution, to the end that it may be re revered and preserved. Each county is a seperate unit, the character, scope and program o f its celebration being exclusively in the hands of its county committee, and this holds good in each city, there­ fore, why not Central Point take the lead among the cities o f this county. Let us hope that with the active co-operation o f the churches and other civic organizations. Central Point will fittingly observe “ Consti­ tution Week,” and that we will have such a program as will quicken the knowledge o f our citizens generally regarding our basic law and the nature and ideals o f our government and to incite renewed loyalty to this government. Let us remember that this observ­ ance is an outstanding National serv­ ice, and by all means Central Point should not be found wanting. THURSDAY. AUGUST 26, 1926 SYMPATHY AND FACT Sympathy is a Greek word, meaning to suffer with. It stands for the ability to put yourself in the other man’s place; to enter into his feelings, to understand and share his joys and sorrows, his difficulties and perplexities, his hopes and fears. Human sympathy is a price­ less possession in anyone's life. For the highest service as well as fo r the highest culture it is indispensable. It is an element in all leadership; unless one feels with others he can never understand them or exert much influence over their lives. Not what we possess in separ­ ateness and isolation, but what we possess in common, or are able and willing to share, gives us power and usefulness among men. The greatest benefactors o f the race have been men of g r e a t sympathies. Lincoln's “ Gettysburg Address” lives, not because he spoke to the people but because he spoke for them. Fact is not cheap and insin­ cere diplomacy th.it shuns issues that should be faced; it is rather an insight into human nature which avoids needless controver­ sies and meets all necessary ones so open-mindedly, fairly and wisely as to dispel any ill- will in opponents. Sympathy must be disting­ uished from mere sentiment. It should be severe when sever­ ity is demanded but always have faith that goodness is stronger than evil. PROGRAM PLANNED FOR THE SOLDIERS' ENCAMPMENT The annual four-day encampment of the Southern Oregon Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Reunion association will be held at the park at Rogue River, September 6 to 9 inclusive. The pro­ gram has been completed and indi­ cates that the veterans will be given an excellent time. Members of the American Legion and Spanish War veterans have been given a special invitation, with their auxiliaries, to be present. Following is the complete pro­ gram for the encampment. Monday, Sept. 6.— Opening o f camp. Tuesday, 10:00 a. m.— Address o f Welcome by Mayor H. W. Sparks of Rogue River. Afternoon— Chester A. Arthur, W. R. C.’s o f Medford will entertain. Evening— W. H. Harrison W. R. C.’s of Central Point will entertain. Wednesday, 10:00 a. m.— Business meeting and election o f officers. Afternoon— Burnside W. R. C.’s o f Ashland will entertain. 6:00 p. ____Salmon bake. Evenin'»— Gen. Logan W. R. C.’s o f Grants Pass will entertain. NUMBER 19 THE CENTRAL POINT STATE BANK TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY. The Central Point State Bank has just passed its twentieth year as a successful business institution. It was organized and opened for busi­ ness on the 21st day o f August, 1906, with a capital stock of $10,000.00. The deposits at the end of the first year were $48,000. At the present the capital surplus and undivided profits are $35,000.00 and the de­ posits total $283,000.00. Owing to the conservative policies o f its officers and directors, the bank has enjoyed a very strong financial position throughout the twenty years o f its existence and today is acknowl­ edged in financial circles as being one o f the strong banks in the state. Read the display ad on page five. MEDFORD MAN REPORTS MANY FISH IN RIVER RUNNING Medford, August 23. — Walter Bowne, representative o f local sportsmen, who is giving a good deal of his time in an effort to im­ prove the fishing in the Rogue and to get local sportsmen interested in the project in a body, returned the end of the week from the mouth of the river. “ There are lots o f fish in Rogue River,” said Mr. Bowne yesterday. “ I hooked 26 steelhead on Kendall riffle, six miles above the mouth. I released most of them. The river is full of steelhead but as usual the bigger one are not yet running, those I hooked running true in form and averaging a pound and a half or two pounds. The big ones run in June and October.” While on his trip Mr. Bowne saw E. F. Averill, state game warden, who »old him that he had given or­ ders for the fishway at Savage Rap­ ids dam to be opened and water al­ lowed to go over it at all hours to provide proper conditions for fish attempting to reach their spawning grounds in the upper river. Due to the recent rain the river has risen several inches and a few fish have been coming up. The falls, below Galice is still a serious obstruction, however, and the four men who started work last week are still working, deepening the fishway around the falls with dyna­ mite so that the thousands o f steel- heads which are attempting the pres­ ent impossible passage can make it. At least 40 horses are expected to compete in the running horse racing, to be put on by the Jack- son County Fair, Medford, Septem­ ber 15 to 18, Secretary Brown an­ nounced. In an effort to build up interest in running horses, the management has given the runners a prominent place on the entertainment pro­ gram. Invitations to race here have been sent out to every stable in this community, and r e c o r d-breaking fields are expected to start in each race. As an inducement to race here the management is offering $ l,t0 0 in purses. There is no sport that furnishes greater thrills than running horse races, in the opinion of fair o ffic­ ials. The “ sport of kings” is one o f the oldest forms of entertainment in the world, and it is flourishing today more than it has ever in any other year. Tracks are being built and meets revived in all parts o f the country and Cauada. Races will be staged on four aft­ ernoons, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri­ day and Saturday. Entries will be received until midnight the night before the races are scheduled. The list of officials, including presiding judges, stewards, starter, clerk of court, and assistants, will be an­ nounced in a few days. Entry blanks for the races can be had at the secretary’s office on re­ quest. The state game commission is co­ operating with local sportsmen in this work and is furnishing over half the money at present. It is an­ ticipated that they will make an ap­ propriation to cover the entire cost and refund subscriptions to local sportsmen. Local sportsmen are determined ------------o------------ • to carry on a comprehensive pro­ HOLE IN LAKE OF WOODS TO BE V I S I T O R S FROM UMATILLA gram to perpetuate the good fishing PLUGGED COUNTY which has been a feature o f the Rogue river and which has brought Hugh B. Rankin, supervisor of Mrs. A. T. Lathrop has been en­ many people to this vicinity in years the Crater National Forest, who joying a visit the past week from past. Business men of the city as went to the Lake o f the Woods the Miss Esther Compton and mother, well as those directly interested in middle o f the week to investigate Mrs. Mary Compton, who were on the fishing from a sporting point of the fissures through which water their way from a visit in Berkeley, view, are beginning to realize that has been escaping in such an amount California, to their home in Milton, it means something to them. Na­ as to lower the lake an inch per day Oregon. tional publicity has been received by stated yesterday that steps would be Mrs. Lathrop and Miss Compton this section as the result o f the taken at once to plug the crack with were both teachers in 1910-11 in Thursday, 10:00 a. m.— Installa­ steelhead fishing and the opinion is crushed rock and clay. Columbia College, at Milton. tion o f officers. that conditions which are at present “ That fissure has been there as Several other persons in this com­ Noon, 12:00 m.— Basket dinner. causing the deterioration o f the long as you and I have been on munity claim a share of these peo­ Afternoon, 2:00 p. m.— Judge C. sport and which have bee« bad for earth,” asserted Mr. Rankin, “ but ple’s friendship. M. Thomas will speak. the lake has become low enough several years, should be lectified as In 1915-16 Miss Compton and 3:30 p. m.— American Legion. this year, due to exceptionally small Mrs. Sheley taught in the same soon as possible by concerted action Evening— Daughters o f Veterans rainfall, to expose i t There has al­ school at Umapine, Oregon, and Miss by as great a number of residents will entertain. ways been that much water running Compton was Clarence’s teacher in o f the community as possible. Friday— Camp breaks. out o f i t but it makes more o f a the sixth grade at that place. difference this year, as there is less Camp Fire Fife and Drum music Later, a few years before coming The Rev. Dryer, o f Pacific Grove, water coming into the lake." to Central Point, Mr. and Mrs. J. each evening. California, who with his wife, is If the fissure is plugged the level M. Johnson lived in Milton and made Horseshoe pitching and other old spending a feW days’ vacation in thil o f the lake will be raised several the friendship o f these same people, fashioned games. section, preached at the Federated feet in normal years. There is no j where Mr. Johnson was presiding Rules o f camp read every morning. church Sunday morning. Mr. Dryer creek which forms 6 regular out­ elder and they were members o f the There will be one watermelon day. is pastor o f the Congregational let for the lake, the only time an Methodist church there. ■ o — ■■ church in Pacific Grove. His talk outlet is visible being in flood times, Mias Compton was during that Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anders o f Duns- was of interest and his service here when the springs from the mountain ; time Perry Johnson’s sixth grade muir, California, spent the week-end was appreciated. snows are gushing more rapidly than j teacher. in Central Point and Medford, visit­ now, and are assisted by rainfall.— On Wednesday Miss Compton, ing friends and relatives. They left Archie ^uuwnberg and family of Mail Tribune. S with her mother, the little Lathrop Sunday morning for Klamath Falli Portland, who have been visiting the sisters and brothers, and Mrs. Sheley where they will make their home. Arnold family in Medford, were The egg taking operation at the were dinner guests at the home o f j Mr. Anders was transferred from shaking hands with Central Point Elk Creek fish hatchery is now in Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. friends this morning. Mr. Quisen- Dunsmuir to that place. They left Thursday morning by full swing according to J. O. Isaac­ berg is now employed in the Hazel­ son, who with Mrs. Isaacson motored stage for Portland. A Crater Lake National Park pro­ wood Bakery in Portland. U. Flk Creek late Saturday after­ gram was broadcast Friday evening noon. James Watkins has are pled a posi­ A shower o f rain, following an ! over KGW, the Oregonian. It con­ electrical storm, fell Wednesday eve­ sisted o f music by a concert trio, tion as manager o f the Southern W. C. Pankey and family are here ning. It was needed, and was gen­ interspersed with instrumental solos Oregon Clay Products company. Jim from Klamath Falls for a few days’ eral throughout this section. With and a talk. This talk was one of says he will be on the job from visit with the parents. Mr. and Mrs. it came a much appreciated drop in the interesting aeries on the attrac­ eight te five and can toss horse shoes i temperature. tions o f Crater lake. the rest o f the time. Obe Pankey. RACES TO CROWDS DRAW GRANGE WILL GIVE SATURDAY NICHT DANCE Sam’s Valley Grange will give a dance' at the pavilion next Saturday night, August 28, in the Williams grove, just south o f the Sam’s Val­ ley school house. The ladies o f the Grange will serve the supper for the dance and we are assured of plenty of good eats. Good music and a good time is as­ sured for all. E. C. FABER AT HOME E. C. Faber returned from his trip East Wednesday evening. He is much enthused over the trip with the exception of the Exposition in Philadelphia. He says that was somewhat of a disappointment in a number o f ways. He has promised us a more detailed account for next week’s paper. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scott, Mrs. Guy Tex, Grandma Scott and little Bobbie Wilcox were Sunday after­ noon callers at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Will Hansen, of Medford. Mrs. R. H. Paxson is leaving to­ night on No. 16 for Missoula, Mon­ tana, where she expects to spend a month with her sister, Mrs. S. Pax- son. The Ladies’ Circle of the Christ­ ian church met last Friday after­ noon at the home o f Miss Mary Mee. A very interesting business meeting, as well a* a social time, was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Love have en­ joyed the visit o f Mr. and Mrs. R. M. .Smith o f I/os Angeles who are en route north. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Kindle and Mrs. James Ross returned Sunday afternoon from a trip to Eugene to attend the “ Trail to Rail” celebra­ tion. They also visited in Portland. Frank Cime was a business visi­ tor in Klamath Falls Saturday.