Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, August 19, 1926, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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On December 12, 1924, occurred
the in net extensive fog within
living memory. Over northwest­
ern Europe It spread a huge
clammy blanket for half a mil­
lion square miles.
In the winter of 1879-80 fogs
were unusually prevalent. Kor
three months, with few Intermis­
sions, London was enveloped in
a dark, choking pall.
More recently, during the
Christmas of 1904, a disastrous
fog mantled Britain for fire
days. All the transport service*
were disorganized. Apart from
the Increased mortality, the loss
to the country was computed at
At sea fog la among the most
dreaded perils. All sense of di­
rection goes when It descends
upon the vast trackless expanse
of water. In olden days ships
went forward blindfolded
Bui science has come to the
aid of the navigator, although
“slow down” and blaring fog­
horns still play leading parts In
the “safety first" campaign at
sea. Submarine bells, wireless,
and electricity are now used In
the liner's fight against fog.
One of the new wireless light­
houses, an odd-looklng structure
of steel lattice-work, has been
erected on Incbkelth, in the
Firth of Forth. Fitted with spe­
cial apparatus, a ship overtaken
by fog, 4>ut in touch with wire­
less lighthouses, can have her
exact position ascertained.
pitch. The hall, vibradng at a con­
Brick Ic* Crnam at Damoa Cafa.
stant rate, sends out a constant num
ber of waves per second, which travel
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bursell mot­
toward the observer with constant
velocity, relative t j *he sir. But If the ored to Diamond lake Tuesday.
bell Is approaching the observer the
F ollow tho cro w d to the O ld T im o
waves are closer together, henc* the
D ance, C en tral P o in t, F rida y Nita.
pitch Is higher.
V isit tha “ C ou n try S to ro .”
How to Cut a Cork
State Fire District Warden P. B.
The best way to cut a cork Is to Lowd was among the business visi­
damp It slightly nnd then use a sharp
tors in the city Tuesday.
knife. If the cork Is not damped there
is a danger that It may slip and the
The American does all kinds of
fingers be cut.
printing. If it can be printed— we
can do it.
Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Beebe and
Mrs. Frank Denton and Delbert,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hopper and
daughter motiyed to Crater Lake to­ formerly o f this city, now o f Fort
Klamath, were here this week.
F or Sale o r W ill T ra d e fo r C on tra i
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Kindle left
P oin t p rop a rty , resid en ce in A shland,
for Eugene late this morning to at­
fu rn ish ed , tw o lots.
W rit# 163 A u ­
tend the Trail to Rail celebration.
burn St., A shland.
H ouse
fo r
Sale— N ew 4 -room
Miss Kathleen Smith, Junior in
house, strictly m odern , close in, c o r ­ Reed College and resident o f Port­
ner lot, at a bargain. In qu ire at this
o f fic e .
land, is visiting in the valley.
S A L E — E igh t ro o m
Mr. Richard and Miss Evelyn Cam­
h ou se in C en tra l P oin t, clo s e in,
eron o f Gold Hill were visiting tw o lots, g o o d rep air, ga ra ge, w o o d
friends in this city yesterday.
P riced low to soil at o n ce .
In qu ire at tha A m e rica n o f f ic e .
-T a n far Prn-TE X-lon”
klads o f Insuraace.
Three members o f the Central
Point horseshoe club, James Watkins,
Charlie Snarley, and Mr. McDonald,
took the valley horseshoe tossing
title from Grants Pass, when they
defeated the crack team o f that city
there Sunday afternoon.
The local tossers are practicing
steadily, and the clang o f horseshoes
behind the postoffeie can be heard
up to 10 p. m. almost every night.
The club has one o f the finest pitch­
ing courts in the valley being equip­
ped with electric lights.
They are getting games every
Sunday, in preparation for the tourn­
ament at the Jackson County Fair,
at which they will be contenders.
“ Tnx fo r P r o -T E X -io a ”
kind» o f Insurance.
fo r
Miss Gwendolyn Houston o f Trail
was shopping in our city Friday.
Word from Grandma Stidham an­
nounces her safe arrived at Soda
Creek, Car.ada.
Mrs. J. L. Burger, who was ill the
first o f the week, is reported as much
Mr. and Mrs. Morton attended the
wedding o f a niece in Ashland on
Tuesday o f this week.
Mrs. G. W. Myers was called to
Klamath Falls the last o f last week,
due to the illness of a daughter, who
ia now improved.
Mervin (Sonny) Gleason, a noted
racing driver who won recognition
Geo. Wright and wife visited rel­
in the spring races at the Jackson
atives in the Applegate Tuesday.
county fair speedway was a Medford
Charles E. Grey, a peach grower of visitor Saturday.
the Gold Hill district, was in the
Mr. and Mrs. Vestal, who have
city today.
been for the past year in Porter­
Mrs. P. E. Sandoz o f Trail, was ville, California, have arrived here
doing shopping with our merchants for a few weeks’ stay in Southern
last Thursday.
Paul McRinnis and Geo. McDon­
Ernest Rhoades, wife and chil­
ough, two good boosters o f the Sam’s
Following a vacation spent at the
valley vicinity, were in town Mon­ dren arrived here by auto Sunday
Louis Gay o f Seattle, is spending Crater Lake National Park where her
day looking after business matters. from Los Angeles, California, for a a few days with his father, J H. husband is ranger, Mrs, Ray Hender­
short visit at the Jack Southwell Gay.
son returned to Central Point Tues­
Martin Zanon, John Brenner and home. Mr. Rhoades and Jack served
P. D. Lofland were business visitors on the vessel “ Charleston” for four
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Farra visited
at this office this week to have honey
relatives on the Applegate last Sun­
R. H. Paxson is home from several
war. He is now fire chief in Los day.
labels printed.
days’ visit at the Grieves Hotel in
Angeles and is on his annual vaca­
Prospect. Mr. Paxson is feeling
The family will visit Crater
W IL L E X C H A N G E — A small tract tion.
Donald Faber, Rafael Benson, Miss rested and he speaks well o f his
How Native Eskimo»
Oregon Caves, Eula Benson and Miss Grace Flem­ treatment there in the way o f good
o f land, with live pa yin g business and Diamond lake,
Get Fire by Friction close to g ood m arket; will exch a n ge and other points in southern Oregon ming o f Grants Pass left Tuesday for air, good rooms, good eats, etc.
Diamond lake where they will stay
In their native state the Eskimos fo r small a crea ge near C antral P oin t. before returning home.
Little Paul Morton left Sunday
until Friday.
use the same method of making a Are F or pa rticu lars sae W . G. T rill.
as was used by most of the Indian
P ian o fo r Sal* Naar C antral P oin t
night for Portland where he will be
tribes. This is by wood friction and
J. B. Stevens was a Tuesday caller
Beautiful high grade piano to be
James Watkins has accepted a in a hospital for a short time and
the method was general throughout to renew the American. J. B. has sold at once. Big saving and terms
“ pitching” pears in the will receive treatment for the palate.
the American continents at the time been very busy this summer taking
*10 monthly. If interested in par­ ' Clark orchards, east o f town. Jim As Paul has made the trip several
of Columbus' first voyage. By rub­
care of his truck farm near Central ticulars write Cline Piano Co., 66 j sent word to his friends that he is times he went unaccompanied, and
bing two sticks together sufficient heat
can be produced to set fire to Inflam­ Point beside helping the neighbors Front St., Portland, Ore.
I open for games of horseshoe during he, as well as his friends, is anxious
mable material such as dry grass. The through the haying season.
that he shall receive permanent ben­
the noon hour.
most Improved- method was to twirl
H ouse fo r Solo
a dry stick in a hole In another piece FO R R E N T or S A L E — M odern 4-
C lose
large lo t, * 2 0 0 cash;
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beebe are
of dry wood. The other way of mak­
room d w ellin g, ga ra ge en d w o o d ­ $ 3 0 0 term s, if taken at o n ce .
In ­ enjoying a visit from Mr. and Mrs.
J. O. and Mrs. Isaacson returned
ing a fire among the natives of North
shed, u nfu rn ish ed , will sell at a b a r­ quire at this o f fic e .
C. W. Hopper and daughter from Sunday from an auto trip into Can­
and South America was by rubbing
ada. They visited Victoria and Van­
flints and pyrites together.
This gain, or ren t fo r the w in ter.
Kennett, California.
Miss Lorna Hamrick has gone for
couver, B. C., as well as many other
method was limited to a few tribes W . G . T rill.
In Canada and Patagonia. Moat of the
a week’s visit wtih her sister Erna,
W. E. Alexander, while attempting places o f interest. While in Port­
Mr. Crane, local resident, repre­ who is taking a Nurse’s Training to repair a spray rig at the rear of land they met Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
Eskimos of today aré supplied with
matches through their trade with civil­ senting the circulation department of Course in the Good Samaritan hos­
the Freeman-Wiley store, was un­ Pickett, who are visiting a son.
ized nations.—Pathfinder Magazine.
the Oregon Journal, is in Klamath pital in Portland. Miss Lorna is 4th fortunate in cutting the first joint
Falls this week-end to meet the first grade teacher in a school at Fellows, o f the small finger o f the left hand
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Jones in com­
How Hunters Signal
official train to come over the Nat­ California, and will return to that completely o ff and mangling the fin­
with Mr. and Mrs. Root, drove
A sportsman and big game hunter. ron cu t-off Saturday from Eugene,
ger next to the small one. Medical to Medford Wednesday evening to
J. Allen Barrett, of Lykena, Pa., has where the Trail to Rail celebration point later in the fall.
aid was summoned and being natur­ attend a lecture given by a mission­
Just copyrighted a unique Idea for a
starts today.
FO R S A L E — F ou r
lots, clo se ia, ally ambitious, Mr. Alexander
has ary who was in Japan at the time
national code of distress signals for
persons who may be lost. Injured or
sew er end taxes all paid, lu m ber not lost any time
from his work. o f tl;e great earthquake. Mr. Jones
R esiden ce fo r Sale---- 4 -room b u n g ­ s u ffic ie n t to build small
In need of assistance while traveling
d w ellin g, His friends are glad the accident was reports the talk as highly interesting
or hunting In sparsely settled regions. alow with sleepin g porch, w ood shed, will sell at the regu la r p rice o f the no worse.
and instructive.
Revolver shots should be used for ga ra ge, lights and w ater. T erm s to lots.
See W . G . T rill fo r fu rth e r
the signals, but the victim should suit purchaser.
Inquire at this o f ­ in form a tion .
shout, call or whistle them. The chief
fice .
requisite would be to have the code
widely understood. The code follows:
To signify “ lost," two shots quick;
Included among the local residents
wait; one shot. “ Injured," three shots enjoying the evening o f dancing at
quick; wait; one shot. “ Sick." four the Oriental Gardens last night are,
Mrs. L. Hatfield returned Sunday
shots quick; wait; one shot. “ Help,"
M. O. Gleason, Roy Weaver, Earl from a visit in Seattle with her son
two shots quick ; wait; two shots. Res­
Clifford and wife. She also visited
cuers answer, using the same number Weaver, Wilda Richmond, Mrs. Dor­
friends in Victoria and Portland.
of shots, but In reverse order. One
The pleasure trip was combined
and Mrs. Guy Eddie. The Oriental
shot; wait; two shots quick.
Gardens under new management this with business. She attended "Buyers
summer, has continued to make a Week” in Seattle; at the luncheon
How Language Is Made
(•lancing over a list of some of the hit with the public and is still feat­ hour each day, style shows exhibited
old-time Inns and hostelrles, one la uring Tillotson's musicians from the latest models in dresses, coats
compelled to wonder how such peculiar Portland.
and hats.
combinations originated. At these times
The Baxley Frocks, which Mrs.
any title but the simplest was quickly
Hatfield features, proved to be the
assimilated to the vernacular often
with amusing results. Thus "The Bac­ T. Myers and Miss Welch o f Cor­ most popular.
The wholesale houses were visited
chanals" became the Bag o' Nalls, the vallis, Oregon, were visiting at the
“ Bellerophon" the Bully Ruffian, and J. E. Weaver home in this city Tues­ and a fine line o f new merchandise
the "IVpture of Bologne Mouth." or day. They will also visit Diamond was selected.
hnt-bor. tlje Bull and Mouth; while the lake. Crater lake, Klamath Falls
text, 'Mod Knconipaaaeth IJa," dis­
played over private doorways, readily country and other points in southern
lent Itself to algnhimrd embellishment Oregon before returning home. Mrs.
Homer Myers, 7-year old son o f
as the goat and compasses. The list Lunt and the Weave» ' are old friends
could be stretched out almost Indefl having lived at Talent at the same Jake Myers, while playing in the
barn at his home Monday, fell and
broke his leg near the hip. The
How Cool W a s Formed
little fellow is getting along as well
Coal la one of the most Important
as could be expected.
economic minerals, and Is of vegetable
Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Howard o f
origin. When vegetable matter accu­
mulates under water It undergoes a Medford, Mr. and Mr*. Pete Pick
Title o f Sunday School lesson.
alow process of decomposition. grad­ and son Lawrence o f Jacksonville,
ually giving ofT Ita nitrogen, hydrogen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr». H. “ The Helpless Sinner,” John 5.
In the morning service the pastor
oxygen and some carbon, the result of F. Whetstone.
which If carried far enough Is the fo r
will preach on the same theme an­
We are sorry to report Mr*. Han­ nounced Inst week. “ Growing in |
matlon of a mass of carbon. The gen­
eral theory regarding the formation of son has been on the sick list for Grnce.” Lasl Sunday the thought o f !
coal Is that It results from the decom­ the past week.
the “ planting” was considered. A fter
position under tremendous pressure at
Last Thursday the club was enter­ the planting come* the growth. Hem
a high temperature of vegetation la
■wimp*. The first stage la peat; sec tained at the Helman park at Ash­ this sermon. In the evening service
ond, lignite; third, bituminous coal; land by the Valley View club, after the subject will be a continuance of
fourth, anthracite, and the final atage about an hour o f sport in the bath the story o f Gideon. This wonder­
la rraphlte.
houae all returned to the park and ful character o f the old days am*
were served with lea cream, cake and able to do great things because the i
H ow Sound Travels
coffee. All report haring n most de­ needs were great, and God was with
“Hunt and Feel Fit”
Sound la a sartén of woven In the lightful afternoon.
him. Cam we have help now* Hear
air. and the aborter the diet ance tve-
Mr. and Mr*. Harold W'altermeier the discuaaion o f the subject.
Ugegn the** St»Tr t t&K higher the
spent Wednesday at Kifimath Falls.
J. M. JOHNSON. Minister.
Deer Season opens September 10th.
W e have Hunter’s Supplies—Guns
both second hand and new—
Pack Sacks
Gun Sights
Coleman Lanterns, etc.
John Ross is adjusting and targeting
rifles this week and next. Bring Old
“ Bacon Saver’ in and have her
fixed up.
and R O S S