E X E C U T O R ’ S N O T IC E C R E D IT O R S TO Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed ex­ ecutor o f the Last Will and Testa­ ment and of the estate of Thomas McDonough, deceased, and all per­ sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, to said executor, at his office in the Central Point State Bank, Central Point, Oregon, within six months from the date o f this notice. Dated July 22nd, 1926. J. O. ISAACSON, Executor J22-A19 N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, has been appointed ad­ ministrator of the estate o f Nancy M. Obenchain, deceased, and all per­ sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, to said administrator, at his office in the Central Point State Bank, in Central Point, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 22nd day o f July, 1926. J. O. ISAACSON, Administrator. W. G. TRILL, Attorney for Estate. J22-A19 WANTED TO TRADE— Good town property for small, improved tract o f land near Central Point. Inquire at this office. 4p 5-acre tract fo r sale, g ood soil, plen ty w ater in dry years at low rate, well drain ed, ti-m ile from G rants Pass on state highw ay. Land values in creasing, g ood m arket f o r stra w ­ berries, etc. $ 1 2 00 cash if taken soon. A ddress f . O. B ox 173, C en ­ tral Poin t. George E. Fox REAL ESTATE and IN S U R A N C E Good Bargains in Land and City Property Central Point - - Oregon We Buy— Sell and Exchange FOR W HAT YOU HAVE Before Selling or Buying See Us Price 2 n d PAGES CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN T H U R SD A Y , A U C U ST 1» H and S to r e 31 South Front St., Medford $ 15.65 P ortland and return good ¿or 1 6 days A lto, season roundtrip tickets on sale daily with October31 limitatslight- ly higher fare permit stopover. Convenient trains going and returning. « Travel in comfort and safety Southern Pacific C. A . B O L E S . A gen t the way he rubbed it in that they The city had less than $2000 left Fox told the people.— Grants Pa Courier. now pass him on the street with only to put in the treasury. Warrants are now outstanding in a cool nod and the scantiest of greet­ Joe Wharton in Grants Pass Courier ing. It is a just retribution for im­ Gold Hill to the extent o f $10,000 JA C K S O N C O U N T Y A B S T R A C T COM PANY Last week we predicted that we posing upon a fat man because he is which are not covered by funds in would soots have good steelhead fish­ good natured. the treasury. The charter limits A bstracts of T itle and T itle In­ ing. When a fellow prophesies it is this indebtedness to $1500, making surance. T he only com plete T itle always some satisfaction to have that Diamond Lake fishing is still good the present warrant indebtedness System in Jackson C en nty. | prophesy fulfilled. The nights are but most o f the fish are now taken $8500 more than allowed by char­ M e d f o r d . . . O re g a n 1 no\v a little longer and much cooler on salmon egg bait or with a deep- ter. The bonded indebtednesa % of than they were a few weeks ago and fy submerged fly. However, in Dia­ the city is $40,000. ! the temperature of the water has mond Lake the fish will strike al- These facts were brought out at __ J I dropped in consequence. The steel- most anything. One o f our friends a meeting at the theatre at Gold 1 heads have begun to move upstream spent his vacation tnefe and for a Hill, at which George Fox told of and with the cooling of the water while his efforts to connect with the his findings as accountant. Mr. Fox they are more in the humor to strike. Rainbow were not very successful. checked over all records between Quite a number have been caught He tried everything he had but they 1911 and July 1, 1926, giving a during the week, some on flies and all looked alike to the Rainbow and complete recital of the city’s financ­ some on various kinds o f spinners, none of them looked very good. Fin­ es. The treatre was crowded. The E. L. Stingley, from Ponca City, Ok­ ally his wife said: accountant told the residenta, gath­ lahoma, holds the record for the larg­ “ G---------- , why don’t you try a ered there, that there had been no est one so far— weight a little over piece of the man in this sandwich?” misappropriation of funds and that A ihorousti cultural ind p ra lN M cel k M h eight pounds. Most of the steelheads • hip is the autsunding chersctmste at the “ Try anything once,” he replied, all accounts were regular. All the State University taken run from two to five pounds wading ashore. He put on a piece money expended was accounted for T r a in in g le o # e W in and being fresh run from the sea of the ham and waded back to re­ and Mi. Fox stated that they had 22 departments of the College of have put up some wonderful fighting sume his casting. About the third received full value for expenditures. Literature. Science and the Arts. exhibitions. O f course, most of the or fourth cast a big whopper hit it The whole trouble appears to be big ones got away. On these fresh and then the fun began. The fish in poor management of the city. Architecture and A llied A rts— Business Administration— Educa­ run fish the skin about the mouth is circled round and round him and Taxes were less in 1925 than in tion— Journalism—Graduate Study very tender and if too much strain wrapped the line about his legs. Fin­ 1921 and no recognition of this fact — Law— Medicine— Music— Physi­ is put on the line, the hook tears and ally he got ashore and landed a was made in order to provide for in­ cal Education— Sociology — S ocia l when the fish jumps he throws it out Rainbow that weighed over four crease in expenses and for interest W o rk — Extension Division. and is gone. Often the novice for­ pounds. Now he claims that ham is payment on the bonds. gets that he has plenty o f line and the only bait for the rainbows in îlst Y rat Opea» September 27, 1M» Cooperation by all factions and a tries to hold the fish up and drag Diamond Lake. Can you beat it? For in/ormotion or cotolofoo untie cessation of the bickerings that have The Aefietrsr. UmilemCp o f him out o f the river by main strength been going on there will be the only Orapon. Eufono. Ore and awkwardness and this generally This week end, owing to the cool­ results in a broken leader or line and ing of the water, there should be way to get the city out of debt, Mr. the story o f the “ big fellow” that good trout fishing on all parts of got away. Even at that, the exper­ the river. The best water for steel­ ience o f having hooked a big one heads will still be up near the We- is worth while even though he was Ask-U-Inn and Pierce Riffle, al­ lost. though some will be caught along For several days the steelheads the rifles below town. It is a little have been congregating in goodly early for Galice water with the fly, numbers below the Savage Rapids but some nice ones have been taken Dam, seeking the entrance to the there this week with a spinner. The fish ladder. Many have found their best flies for steelheads will likely way over and are making all speed be the Royal Coachman, March for the upper river. A delegation Brown and Professor. These pat­ of upper valley sportsmen went to terns tied with the Jungle Cock fea­ investigate conditions at the falls ther in the wings are more atrac- above Whiskey creek, returned home tive than the plain ones and fish and reported that it was impossible will often rise to them when they jgTL. «*= - 1 ^AJT " for any steelheads or salmon to ne­ will ignore the plain flies. The gotiate the falls. These steelheads Light and Dark Rogue special flies we now have with us evidently left will also be good. Nearly every fish­ the water at some point below the erman has his own individual prefer­ T h e hot days arc here— delight­ falls and came overland on the trail ence in regard to flies and we would for a ways. There is a good yail advise you to use the patterns in fully healthful days so long as around the falls and this is the only which you have the most confidence. you can keep fit! logical conclusion and explanation With confidence in your choice of o f their presence in this part of the flies you will work harder and fish more persistently and in this lies the river. But for perfect health, be care­ secret o f success. For trout fishing the same pat­ ful o f your foods! Fishing is generally a serious busi­ ness but at times there is a little terns, Royal Coachman, Professor comedy mixed with it. In this town and March Brown, in number ter. Try this: there are three cronies who always hook will be good. In addition to fish together when it is opportune. these patterns they should rise to Place a bottle o f milk in a neighbor’s It is not necessary to mention any the Blue and Red Upright, Brown or electric refrigerator, or let your dealer names. Two o f them are long and Gray Hackle, Olive Cow Dung, Dus­ lanky individuals and the other ty Miller or McGinty. The latter fly make this test for you. Leave it there a might, by stretching the imagination is made in imitation o f the Yellow Jacket. In the late summer you will week or ten days. Then examine it— a little, be called fat. These two lanky individuals put up a job on notice lots o f Yellow Jackets along it’s still sweet! their fat friend. They knew he had the edge o f the water and if you will been out late one night this week so watch closely you will see the trout Clean, hygienic, sanitary electric re­ next morning long before daylight rise and take them in. The small frigeration will soon be in every modern first one would call him to the tele­ spinner, all brass, copper or nickle phone and then the other. They and copper, will be very effective. home. Your dealer will show you an kept this up for an hour or two and The best fishing will be had either easy and economical way to have it now finally, knowing it was useless to very early in the morning before try to sleep any more, he consented the sun gets too high or between — on attractive installment payments if to go fishing with them. It was just three in the afternoon and dark. you prefer. getting light when they reached the Trout will generally strike a spinner river. The two lanky individuals at any time it comes near. o ■ ■ immediately appropriated the best C H IL L Y N IG H T S B E T T E R RO G U E R IV E R F IS H IN G JCet electricity pack your ice-box with sw eet,chilled air! , water and told their friend to wade the river and fish the other side. He did so. But they had taken the best steelhead water untc themselves and he found it poor fishing. A fter a couple o f hours he waded back to them and found that neither one had even raised a fish. On account of I having only the poorest water to fish j he did not do very well himself. He | had only taken four steelheads, j weighing from two to five pounds | each, and a number of large trout, j And he took all of his fish on a num­ ber ten Jungle Cock Professor. To | say that be “ razzed" his two lanky j friends is a mild way o f expressing j it. They finally got so sore about SPEED TRAP F IN A N C IN G G O L D H IL L F A IL U R E A c h in o HAD A B m i a d — a d H E U N C M tS S lD A N D G O T RE.A D V f O R B S D - Vf u\ < 5 * T H E C A L IF O R N IA O R E G O N Gold Hill didn’t get rich during the time that city employed a traf­ fic officer to garner in all passers-by who might be proven guilty o f traf­ fic offenses. People o f that town thought the city had taken in at least $16,000 to enrich the treasury, but an audit o f the treasurer’s ac counts shows that the city received less than $2000, after making the splits with the officer and the city auditor. In all, $6650 was taker in during the maintenance o f the speed trap Of this the traffic officer received $2650 and the auditor about $2000 SM ILES Mu. JO M C S OF ONU BV A N T I-P A IN POW ER C O M P A N Y O ffices s M edford, Oregon Roseburg, Oregon Grants Pass, Oregon Klamath Falls, Oregon Yreka, California Dunsmuir, California ÏTXJS. PAPJNFXS lx ry.ooM_s3 MILES T ltt — He FORGOT ne w a * tu . c - AND M IN T TARTY TO A INST S A D