Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, August 05, 1926, Page PAGE SIX, Image 5

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    T hursday , august s, 192«
Notice is hereby given, that the
under«'gned, has been appointed
Administrator of the estate o f Annie
Wright, deceased, and all persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby required to present the same,
with proper vouchers, to said admin­
istrator, at his office in the Freeman,
Wiley & Company Store, in Central
Point, Oregon, within six months
from the date o f this notice.
given, that all accounts and claims
due and owing said estate must be
paid to said administrator.
Dated this 1st day of July, 1926.
Date o f first publication July 1st,
E X E C U T O R ’ S
Notice is hereby given, that the
undersigned has been appointed ex­
ecutor o f the Last Will and Testa­
ment and of the estate of Thomas
McDonough, deceased, and all per­
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the
same, with proper vouchers, to said
executor, at his office in the Central
Point State Bank, Central Point,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of this notice.
Dated July 22nd, 1926.
J. O. ISAACSON, Executor
Notice is hereby given, that the
undersigned, has been appointed ad­
ministrator o f the estate o f Nancy
M. Obenchain, deceased, and all per­
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the
same, with proper vouchers, to said
administrator, at his office in the
Central Point State Bank, in Central
Point, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated this 22nd day of July, 1926.
W. G. TRILL, Attorney for Estate.
(Furnished by the Jackson County
Abstroct Company)
Geo. W. H. Albert et ux to School
Dist. No. 91 W. D. $1600, Lots 5
and 6 Blk 7, Butte Falls.
Everett Abbott et ux to School
Dist. No. 91 W. D. $1800, Lots 1
2 3 4 Blk 7 Butte Falls.
W. D. $300, Lot 8 Blk 3 Queen Anne
Add to Medford.
.___________________ rAOt fix
Donald Snyder, former high school
student here, was in town Friday
night from Klamath Falls, enroute
to Santa Cruz, California, where he
will be employed ih the grocery store
of an uncle. Donald expects later
to go to Salt Lake City, where his
father has an insurance business.
Don’t suspicion every car you see
parked along the road. It may be
that some of them have the gasoutis,
and are awaiting for the supply doc­
Two sides to everything.
There's good health, and poor health,
wealth and poverty; true and un­
truth male and female; heaven and
hell and republicans and democrats.
Mr. Burton o f the Sam’s Valley
City o f Medford to Agnes C. Store, is having a well put down
Franks Deed $600, Lots 1 and 4 Blk from which he hopes to obuin a good
4 BeattyAdd to Medford.
flow o f water for domestic use. John
Jones and Glenn Rogers are in
City o f Medford to J. V. Bradley
charge of the work, having reached
et ux W. D. $300, Lot 2 Blk 1
a depth o f twenty-two feet. There
Queen Anne Add to Medford.
was a small flow o f water coming in.
“ Tvs for Pro-TEX-ion'*
for all
Honra far Sale
City of Medford to Chas. G. Goold
Clarence Welhite o f the Lake kinds of Insurance.
large let, $200 cask;
et ux W. D. $300, Lot 4 Blk 1 Queen
creek district was in the valley last
$300 terms, if taken at eace. i n ­
Anne Add to Medford.
week transacting business.
The American does all kinds of quire at this office.
City o f Medford to R. W. Kitte-
printing. If it con be printed— we
S. S. Abbott was making some im­
man et ux W. D. $550, Pt lot 7 Blk
can do it.
Brick Ice Cream at Damen Cafe.
provements on his house last week.
2 Mingus subdivision to Medford.
The Hallowell threshing rig is in
City o f Medford to L. N. Foy W.
the valley this week and they are
D. $550 Pt lot 12 Blk 1 Cottage Add
threshing grain for the farmers in
to Medford.
this district. They were delayed for
City o f Medford to Ora A. Collins several days because of a breakdown,
W. D. $550, Pt lot 12 Blk 1 Cottage else they would have been here last
Add to Medford.
True education combines theory and practice, and it* goal i* serv­
H. G. King et ux to W. P. Bottom
Rex. Abbott and Walt Strauss
ice. Oregon’s Land-Grant College affords the liberal training
et ux W. D. $10, Lot 7 Blk 3 Queen came over from Klamath county Sat­
essential to personal culture and civic efficiency, combined with
Anne Add to Medford.
urday evening and spent Sunday with
special training for leadership in fields vital in modern life.
relatives and friends, returning to
Harry England et ux to J. R.
Baiic and General Training—
their work Sunday evening.
Smith et ux Q. C. D. $10, Lot 4
In the School o f Basic Arts and Science and the departments
o f Industrial Journalism, the Library, Physical Education,
Blk 5 Imperial Add to Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McKinnis and
and Music.
daughter Wenonar, were guests of
George A. Hansen et ux to School
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker at Ash­
and Special Training—
Dist. No. 39 W. D. $1, Ld in Sec
land last Sunday, when Mrs. Baker
curricula leading to the bachelor's degree in the
4 Twp 36 S, R 1 East.
gave a picnic dinner in Lithia park
schools of
Methodist Episcopal Church of in honor of Mrs. McKinnis’ birthday.
J’ville to O. C. Lewis Q. C. D. $1,
A few members o i Sam’s Valley
Lots 1 and 2 Blk 23 Jacksonville.
Grange attended the Pomona meet­
Gladys M. Moses et vir to Bertha ing o f the order at Medford July
Graduate work is offered in most of the schools. In addition to
E. Holmes Q. C. D. $1, S tt lots 7 24 and they bring back reports of
the Resident Instruction, the Experiment Station and Extension
Service specialize in the application o f science in every-day life.
some good speaking on farmers’
and 8 Blk 23 Jacksonville.
problems and taxation.
National Manganese Ore Company
to Henry L. Smith Q. C. D. $1, Ld
Tom Wright and family are mov­
in Sec 36 Twp 36 S, R 3 West.
ing to their new home this week.
For latest catalogue and information address
They recently bought the Harper
Ellsworth Tubbs et ux to Hewitt place in the Table Rock district.
Land Company Q. C. D. $10, Ld in
Secs 3 and 4 Twp 40 S, R 2 West.
Sam's Valley Grange will hold
their First Annual Picnic at the Club
Harry J. Norbury et ux to Harry
Grounds near the school house, Aug­
J. Norburry et ux W. D. $10, Ld in
ust 14— and they extend a cordial
Sec 30 Twp 36 S, R 4 West.
inviUtion to all farmers, Grangers
Franklin E. Martin to Lillian L. and families to attend. A good pro­
Reames W. D. $10, Lot 11 Blk 7 gram o f sports, games and music is
being arranged. Also there will be
Park Add to Medford.
some good speakers to make talks
W. P. Moore to W. H. McNair et on Farm Problems. Bro. C. E.
ux to W. D. $10, Lot on Iowa St., Spence, State Market Master, of
Portland, and Bro. C. H. Bailey of
Hattie T. Harl to J. H. Westcott Roseburg, who is editor o f the State
Q. C. D. $10, Ld in Sec 27 Twp Grange Bulletin, will be the main
speakers o f the day.
37 S, R 1 West.
Science for Service
O regon A gricu ltu ral C ollege
Take ice from you r
kitchen lamp-socket!
----------o -------
Dana A. Barrell et ux to Nellie
“ Tex for P ro-T E X -ion "
R. E. Arnold to Frederick B.
Bampton W. D. $10, Lot in Blk kinds o f Insurance.
Pierce et ux W. D. $10, Lot 7 Blk
2 Cottage Home Add to Medford.
6 Imperial Add to Medford.
George W. Deane et ux John Bill­ LEAPS ERE A U TO HITS FREIGHT
Robert W. Stearns et ux to Com­
munity Hospital W. D. $10, Lot on ings W. D. $10, Lot on Riverside
Jumping out o f the car just be­
Ave Medford.
East Main St., Medford.
fore it was struck this forenoon at
11:30 by a slow moving freight train
Chas. L. Wimer et al to Al Her-
Alva E. Cook et ux to R. E. Cook
manson Deed $1270 Lots 7 and 8 Blk et ux Q. C. D. $10, S16 lots 1 and on the Southern Pacific tracks at
the McAndrews crossing at the end
73 Central Point.
2 Blk 5 Gold Hill.
o f North Central avenue George L.
Hazel Landgraf et vir to Frank
Henry’ H. Clark et ux to Sherman Myers, o f Central Point escaped
Overcash et ux W. D. $10 W. 45 ft C. Godlove et ux W. D. $500, Lot what could have been serious injur­
lot 3 Blk 5 Ross Add to Medford. 6 N. 35 ft lot 5 Blk 10 Medford.
ies. The auto, badly rammed on one
side, was completely turned around
B. F. N eff et ux to L. W. Loomis
Ella Evans to S. J. Evans et al
by the impact of a box car, which
et ux W. D. $10 S tt o f Lot 7 EVi W. D. $1, Lot in Ashland.
at the same time shoved it away from
o f S tt of lot 8 Blk 3 West Medford
E. G. Owen et ux to Noel W. the track.
Add to Medford.
Myers claims his vision was im­
Heard et ux W. D. $10, Lot in Ash­
F. E. Furry ct ux to W. V. Foster land.
paired by an oil tank car, which
et ux W. D. $10, Lot in Phoenix.
hid the northward moxing box car
Noel W. Heard et ux to E. G.
from view. Myers, driving west, ap­
W. E. Thomas et ux to H. D. Pow­ Owen et ux W. D. $10, Lot in Ash­
parently unable to stop at close
ell et ux W. D. $10, Ld in DLC 79 land.
notice, jumped out, the auto moving
Twp 37 S, R 2 West.
Helen Blunkall et vir to Arthur on.— (Sat) Medford Tribune,
S. S. Montgomery et ux to Herman R. Thompson et al Q. C. D. $10, Lots
Several o f this year’s high school
D. Powell et ux W. D. $10, Ld in 3 4 7 8 Blk 5 Jacksonville.
annuals were left at this office for
Sec 15 Twp 34 S, R 1 West.
Lulu Kellems to J. P. Wells et ux sale at $1.00 each. Come quickly,
W. E. Thomas et ux to O. V. Myers W. D. $1, Ld in Sec 19 Twp 36 S, while they last.
et al W. D. $10, Lot 3 Blk 58 Med­ R 3 West.
Thomas Wr. Atkinson et ux to
C. H. Howell e f ux to Glenn O. lames F. Meikle et al Deed $100,
Taylor W. D. $10, Ld in DLC 60 Ld in Sec 34 Twp 38 S, R 2 East.
Twp 37 S, R 2 West.
Mabel P. Jacobs et vir to Clara
Etta Stevenson et al to Elizabeth Taylor W. D. $10, Lots 9 10 11
Pierce W’ . D. $10, Ld in DLC 45 and 12 Blk ’ N” Railroad Add to Ash­
Twp 37 S, R 1 West.
Etta Stevenson et al to Clara M.
. L. Cornwall et ux to Paul A.
Patching W’ . D. $10, Ld in DLC 45 Smith W. D. $700, Lot 10 Blk 1
Twp 37 S, R 1 West.
Lewis Add to Medford.
It’s as simple as that I
The same economical
electric current
that does everything else about the mod­
ern house now delivers ice, too,— direct
to your refrigerator without fuss, drip or
Just attach to a kitchen lamp-socket.
Put your hand inside and feel the air
grow cool — cold — ice-cold — colder 1
Electric refrigeration keeps air crispy-
cold and dry. Foods stay fresh. Danger­
ous summer bacteria that breed in cool
moist places shun the clean, dry, fro«ty
cold o f your electric refrigerator.
Even your present refrigerator can be
turned into an electric. Ask your dealer
to show you how simply and economic­
ally it can be done.
Attractive installment payments can be
Etta Stevenson et al to June Ear-
Gust Peterson to City o f Medford
hart W. D. $10. Ld n D LC 45 Twp W. D. $300 L ou 12 and 13 Blk 1
Capitol Hill Add.
37 S, R 1 West.
Nellie B. Lacy t" Allan P. Lacy
Paul A. Smith to J. F. Fliegei, I
W. D. $10, Pt lots 4 and 5 Crest- W. D., Lot 10 Blk 1 Lewis Add to |
brook Orchard Tract.
W. R. Lamb et ox to Harry T. FOR QUICK SA L E — Eight room
Kiley et ux W. D. $10, Lota 1 and
braso in Croirai Potai, clara ta,
2 Blk 18 Gold Hill.
two lata, good repair, garage, wood
Priced law is sell at eace.
George B. Snyder to Etta May •had
Havens, W. D. $10, Ld in DLC 90 Inquire at the Aararicaa office.
Twp 37 S, R 2 West.
City o f Medford to Otto H. Dalwey ia.
Hrara for Root— Five raaaa, close
laqoire at this affisa.
M edford, Oregon
Roseburg, Oregon
Grant* Para, Oregon
Klamath Fall*, Oregon
Yreka, California
Dunsmuir, California