Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, July 15, 1926, Image 1

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Central Point American
Word came to town this afternoon
that S. A. Richardson, had been found
dead at his home near Central Point.
Mrs. Richardson and daughter had
gone fo r a short visit at a neighbors
and on returning home found Mr.
Richardson sitting in a chair where
he had passed away.
Mr. Richardson was a truck gard-
ner about 60 years old and had lived
here about 10 years.
He was in
town this morning and it is sup­
posed his Seath was due to heart
trouble from which he had suffered
from time to time.
He has one married daughter liv­
ing in Butte Falls and one living near
Central Point, beside Mrs. Richard­
son and the daughter at home.
Mr. Richardson was well liked by
his many friends and his sudden
death will be greatly regretted.
--------- o---------
Local orchardists and pear packing
companies will be glad to hear that
the Southern Pacific company has
reduced freight rates 14V4 cents per
100 on fruit in carload lots from this
section o f the state to points east o f
the Missouri river when routed by
way o f Ogden or El Paso, according
to the announcement o f C. M. And­
rews, assistant general freight agent,
arrived in Medford
morning from Portland for a general
conference with shippers and grow­
ers o f this valley.
A fte r a survey o f the orchards o f
the district Andrews said 2500 cars
o f pears and 500 cars o^ apples
would be shipped out o f the Rogue
River valley this season.
The form er shipping rate to points
east o f the Missouri river was 1.8414
and the new rate announced is $1.73
which will save the shippers this year
approximately $150,000.
O f much interest to sportsmen and
ranchers is the controversy over the
taking over o f Diamond Lake into
the Crater Lake National forest. As
the result o f this question a deter­
mined stand to prevent the incorpor­
ation o f Diamond Lake in the park
will be taken August 7 by the state
game commission. Letters and tel­
egrams from sportmen's associations
over the state indicate that the com­
mission will be backed by nearly ev­
ery community in Oregon, according
to E. F. Averill, state game warden.
Notice o f a meeting o f members
o f the National Parks and Forests
Coordinating commission from Wash­
ington, D. C., at Diamond Lake Aug­
ust 7 with Arthur Ringland, secre­
tary o f the president’s outdoor rec­
reation commission, was given at the
game commission meeting Monday.
It is believed an emphatic protest
at that time by Oregon’s sportsmen
may help in keeping the lake out o f
the hands o f the federal government.
Loss o f the extensive fish egg pro­
duction fields in the lake is feared
by members o f the game commission,
if the United States government
takes charge o f the lake. It is in­
conceivable that the government
would allhw the state hatcheries to
remove hundreds o f thousands of
eggs from a national park lake, they
To be sure that the game commis­
sion would be represented there, it
was decided to hold the
meeting o f the commission at Dia­
mond lake August 9.
The “ OP swimmin’ ’ole” at Tolo
is fast becoming famous as the most
desirable swimming pool in the val­
ley and Sundays and evenings it is
visited by many bathers. Not only
the youths but many business men
and women refresh themselves in the
Rogue. The water is sanitary and
always fresh, it being used fo r drink­
ing purposes by towns along the
An additional feature is a
nice sandy bottom that slopes grad­
ually to most any depth desired. The
temperature o f the water is some­
times a little too warm.
Included among the Central Point­
ers there part o f Tuesday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross,
Richard Copinger, Miss Doris Hub­
bard, Mrs. James Ross, Mrs. Murril
Kindle, Miss
Rose Neil,
Brown, Lester Scott, Kenneth Damon
Everett Scott, Donald Faber, Russel
Ross, Leo Potter,
botham, John Ross, Scott Hamilton
and Clarence Sheley.
--------- o---------
H. C. Terrell, English instructor
in Central Point high school last
school year, has accepted a position
with the English department o f the
Medford high school fo r the coming
year. During his two years in Cen­
tral Point high school, in addition
to his English and dramatic work he
was coach o f boys' athletics.
brought Central Point forward in all
branches o f athletics and coached the
1926 county league champions. Mr.
Terrell is now touring the eastern
states and his resignation was re­
ceived here by Supt. H. P. Jewett,
sent from Indiana. He states that
he wiil start fo r Florida soon and
then return to the Rague River val­
ley by the Panama route.
James Cummings, Central Point
marshal, is scheduled to face a
liquor possession charge at a trial
Monday or early next week,
follow ing his arrest with the three
others at Central
F4>int Sunday
night, when a house at which he
was visiting was raided
by local
officers and several gallons o f al­
leged moonshine found.
Thomas Olson, arrested with Cum­
mings, also will probably have a
trial next week. Verne
who upon his plea o f guilty to moon­
shine possession and sale received a
sentence o f 60 days and fipes of
750, is said to have exonerated the
marshal o f having had connection
with the liquor, saying that Cum­
mings had had supper with him and
was spending the evening, all in
ignorance o f moonshine about the
The jugs, according to officers,
were setting in a pantry, but four
feet away from the marshal, hut out
o f his sight- Allison Moulton is the
attorney fo r the defense.— Medford
------------ o -----------
Mr and Mrs. Barney Knudson o f
Santa Anna, California,
while en
route to Portland and other northern
points, stopped today for a short
visit at the L. II. Smith home. The
Knudsons and Smiths were neighbors
Among the visitors in this city yes­
hack in Iowa and a real visit was terday was J. O. Walker o? Trail,
enjoyed by both families.
Mr. Walker is a pioneer
in this country, coming here in 1853
Messrs. Hal Spiers and R. W il­ with an ox team from Missouri. “ The
liams o f Alameda, California, were Indians didn’t bother us much dur­
sojourners a short time Wednesday ing the six months it took us to get
evening at the Mary A. Mee home. here.” relates the old timer, “ but
are the gentlemen Frank a fter we were settled in this coun­
Knutzen accompanied last week from try they caused the settlers much
California. They drove a 1925 Star disturbance. * Lnlike most pioneers,
car and made the trip to Canada and who ve n t to California during the
this fa r on return trip wtihout any gold rush. Mr. Walker stayed in Ore­
car trouble and only one tire punc­ gon from the time he came to the
Mrs. Jessie Kinsman o f Applegate
visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Mee o f Medford. Mr. Mee is
an employee o f the Jackson County
C reamery.
One out o f every 17 Americans
| owns securities o f public
RIVERSIDE PK. I Three and a half million own stocks
i of electric light and power compan-
j ies.
There are now over 16,337,000
people in the United States who util­
ize electricity for light and power
Stocks o f
throughout the nation are every­
where considered a favorite invest­
ment, combining the features of
safety with good dividend yield.
Stockholders lists in electric
and power companies are constantly
growing, as investors o f both large
For the first time since the Fc.‘d
and small means are becoming more
became the world’s popular veh'cle,
and more familiar with the merits
sales show Ford in second place. Last
o f electric securities.
year's profits o f 106 millions fo r the
- ■
General Motors company, against
Triplets! Two boys and one girl,
79 millions for Ford— a'gain o f 130
were born to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
per cent fo r General Motors, but a
Damon o f Eagle Point, Sunday, July
falling o ff o f 25 per cent fo r Ford.
4th. One o f the baby boys passed
General Motors’ big gain was on its
away. The boy and girl are report­
low-priced car. There are rumors of
ed as doing well. Lloyd is a son o f
a price-cutting war. Also it is pre­
L. L. Damon o f this city.
dicted Ford will spring a new sen­
sation by bringing out a medium-
Dr. Gary, county health officer,
priced and a new type o f engine.
will be at the library room in Central
Ford showed a friend a model of
Point Friday, July 16, from 1:30 to
this engine 7 years ago. “ There,”
4 :00 p. m. Consultation and small
said Ford, “ is an engine that does
pox vaccination will be free.
not vibrate. I ’m going to put it in
a car when I feel competition get­
Mr. and Mrs. Swarm o f Tangent
ting dangerously close to me.”
spent Tuesday night at the C. A.
The annual Colorado picnic this
year will be held at the Riverside
Park, Grants Pass, Sunday, July 25.
All former Colorado folks are in­
vited. The picnic will consist o f a
basket lunch and various entertain­
ments in the afternoon.
The picnic will consume the entire
day and the usual big Colorado
crowd is expected.
Mrs. E. F. Schroeder o f Myrtle
Point, Oregon, who recently was
struck by a . stray bullet, which
lodged near the heart, is reported
improving and will goon be able to
leave the Medford hospital, where
she has been a patient for the past
month. She is now able to sit up
in a wheel chair. The aocident oc­
curred north o f Central Point while
she was riding in an open automobile,
en route to Watsonville, California,
with the family.
-o -------------
July 13.— Katherine Foley 30,
who has been living at a lodging
house fo r the past five weeks in
Portland, committed suicide Satur­
day night by jumping from a bridge
into the Willamette river. Her body
was recovered. Miss Foley was said
to have been a teacher, and had
been attending
classes at Central
library. Letters found in her room
indicated that her mother is Mrs. M.
Foley o f Central Point.— Exchange.
Miss Foley was a niece o f Jim
Watkins o f this city. Her body was
shipped here Wednesday fo r burial.
Mr. Watkins stated that the girl had
Boles home. Mrs. Swarm is a niece been in ill health fo r some time and
W. L. Greenleaf o f Medford was
o f Mrs. Boles. They were on their had become discouraged.
a pleasant caller at our office today.
way to Oakland, California, where
Mr. Greenleaf came here in 1912 and
they expect to make their home.
was at one time superintendent of
the Central Point schools. He is now
C. I* Lair and w ife were here last
with the Treichler motors o f Med­ week visiting at the A. A. Lair home
Mr. Tom Wataon, locator and part
ford. This company will have on at the Modoc orchards.
C. L. is owner o f the Brittany mine near
display Saturday for the first time, Mr. Lair’s son and is a mail carrier
Kerby, brought in twenty pounds o f
the new Overland “ Whippet,” a med­ in Seattle, Washington.
sylvanite and telluride ores last F ri­
ium priced car o f European design,
day from a new vein just discovered
which has many economical features.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Damon left on the Brittany property. The ore
Monday fo r Dead Indian
Frank D. Knutzen returned to where they will enjoy an outing fish­ assays $756.00 per ton and is said
to exist on the property in large
Alameda, California, Saturday, after ing.
Mrs. Frank Cline is assisting
a week’s visit with his mother, Mrs. in the Damon Cafe during their stay. quantities.
The owners o f this mine expect to
W. A. Crane o f this city, and his
mine several tons o f the ore and
father and sister at Applegate. He
Miss Gladys Coleman returned
pack it out to Kerby where it will
was accompanied by two friends who home the latter part o f last week
be hauled by truck to Grants Pass
were on iheir way to Tacoma and from Klamath Falls where she has
and then shipped to the smelter at
points in Canada. The vacationists, been staying at the home o f Mr. and
Selby fo r the recovery o f its values.
accompanied by Mrs. Crane, spent a Mrs. Hughes.
— Southern Oregon Spokesman........
day at Crater Lake.
Johnny Richardson and Miss Addie
Our old friend E. C. Bell, one of Cline returned last Sunday from
the owners o f the Southern Oregon Healsburg, California, where they
Mrs. C. T. Hamilton o f this city,
Spokesman, at Grants Pass, was a spent a week at the home o f the
underwent a major operation at
pleasant caller today. E. C. is now form er’s parents.
the Sacred Heart hospital in Med­
with the Bell Telephone company and
Mr. and Mrs. W .'P . Grimes en­ ford July 7, is well on her way to
his short visit was greatly enjoyed
to Dr. F. G.
joyed a few days’ visit the first o f recovery, according
by the American force.
last week from W. L. Critser and son Thayer, attending physician.
She is now allowed to sit up and
Mrs. Chas. Burton and (daughter Loren, o f Turock, California.
to return home Saturday, a
Jean o f Modoc Point, Klamath coun­
fact her many friends will be pleased
ty, were guests Sunday at the Miss
C. B. Rostel and son o f Central to learn.
Mary A. Mee home.
Mrs. Burton
is a teacher in the public schools Point were calling on Jacksonville
Mr. Rostel was
For Sale— 1923 Ford Touring and
o f Klamath county and is attending friends Saturday.
at one time proprietor o f a barber 1920 Ford Sedan, both in A-l con­
the State Normal at Ashland.
shop in Jacksonville.— Mail Tribune. dition. Priced for quick salo.— Inde­
An exchange publishes a list which
contains the surprising information
that the United States navy is the
largest in the world. Counting the
vessels in building as part o f the
fleet, the United States has 579 ves­
sels, Britian 479, France 346, Italy
302, Japan 284, Russia 208, Germany
pendent Garage.
Although the tourist travel has
lightened up somewhat after the hol­
The Kansas City Star recently
iday rush, the Crater Lake, Diamond sold fo r $11,000,000.
What would
Lake and north bound traffic la still a person with that sum want with
heavy and is expected to reach its a newspaper?
heighth next month.
The “ tango swing” , whatever that
F. W. Jordan has returned from
just arrived in towh as we go to
Wonder, Oregon, a place southwest
o f Grants Pass, where he has been press. It is being erected just back
In the eight years from 1917 to
o f Root’s Second Hand store.
working for some time.
1925 the number o f farm bankrupt­
cies in the United States increased
T. L. Wilkinson, a railroad man,
I/oose, rattling wheels are not only
more than sixfold. For the five
annoying to you but to others, and o f Minindoka, Idaho, was here the
years ending with 1924, the farm­
your life is endangered. Ted Morava latter part o f last week visiting L.
er’s return on his investment was
will tighten them so they will “ stay H. Smith and other old friends.
three-tents o f one per cent.
tight,” and at very small cost.
year 1924-1925 was better fo r the
Rev. Chas. T. Nahss preached at
farmeg than the four preceding years
W. L. Critser and son o f Turlock, the Christian church Sunday, July
but even then the return on the cap­ California, a brother o f Mrs. W. P.
4th and 11th.
ital was only 3.6 per cent.
Grimes, were her« last week fo r a
few days’ visit.
Wright, form er high
school principal at Gold Hill
Central Point, accompanied by Mrs.
Wright and children, waa in Central
Point recently en route to his home
at Plarerville, California, where he
is a member o f the high school fac
ulty. He, with his family, have bee.i
motor touring through Oregon and
Mr. and Mrs. John
Butler o f
Medford were calling on Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Kent and little sons
Mrs. L. F. Pickett Thursday.
Bobbie and Arthur, spent Tuesday
with Mrs. Kent's mother, Mrs. Per-
Mrs. J. W. Ling o f Yreka, Cal­
ifornia, was a guest at the G. E.
Mrs. Guy Tex is carrying the mail Fox home Thursday and Friday.
this week while Ed Vincent is en-
! joyin g his annual vacation.
Mesdames Keeler and Casjidey are
visiting relatives in northern Cali­
Mrs Dorothy Pullman and two
J. E. Boswell o f Yreka, California, fornia.
| children arrived last Wednesday
C lifford Collins, with the county spent Sunday here with his family.
Mrs. G. J. Reinking from Oakland,
night from Oakland. California to road force, left fo r Prospect yester­
visit her mother. Mrs. Emily Lam day morning to complete a road into
Mrs. Huxley o f Ashland is a guest California, is visiting at the Rsinking
1 home near Central Point.
mey, and brother Chas. T. Nahss.
the Red Blanket country.
this week o f Mrs. Chas, Taylor.