CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN PAGE T W O CENTRAL POINT A M ER IC AN An Independent Weekly Paper Publieked at Central Point, Oregon, and Entered Thursday o f each week in the P o e to ffic e thereof aa Second C l o u Matter JOHN B. SH ELEY and N E T T IE B. SH ELEY, Editors CLARENCE SHELEY, Business Manager SUBSCRIPTIO N RATE S Six Months ................................................................................................ $100 One Year .................................................................................................. $2.00 A ll Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance Advertising Rates Given on Application TH UR SD AY, JU LY 1, 1926 Oregon News Items o f Special Interest Brief Resume of Happengins of the Week Readers Ernest Houck. 35, was drowned while bathing In the river at Corvallis. Will Davis, about 15 years of age, drowned In the Grand Ronde river in west La Grande. 8herlff Edlck reported at Hood River that the total of tax collections for the year had reached $286,000. The first testing of wheat In the Yo- kum region is 60 pounds to the bushel. It is going 24 bushels to the acre. Registration at the new southern Oregon state normal school at Ashland has reached almost 200 for the summer session. The fifth annual reunion of the R. C. Geer descendants was held In the Waldo hills at the original Geer dona­ tion claim. Start of rail extension work south from Bend on the Oregon Trunk will be marked by an intercommunity cele­ bration in Bend. The ninth annual convention of the Oregon State Elks' association was held at Eugene with nearly 1500 visi­ tors In attendance. I White Rocks rapids of Rogue river claimed another victim when Rennie Rehkoff, 15, of Grants Pass, was drowned while swimming. Collected for Our will be surfacing on projects now be­ ing graded, and 20 more miles will be let for grading. The Oregon hop harvest will occur this year at tha earliest date ever known to liopmen of the state. From present indications picking will start on August 25 and in some yards as early as August 20. The fifth accidental death In three weeks occurred at Grants Pass when Arthur Connolley, a lineman of the Californla-Oregon Power company, was killed when he came In contact with a high voltage wire. Following experiences of from one to five years with private casualty Insurance companies, a number of large industries in Oregon are return­ ing to the workmen’s compensation act with the beginning of the new fis­ cal year on July 1, according to a statement issued by the state indus­ trial accident commission. The people of Eugene at a special city election July 6 will vote upon a proposition of issuing $30,000 bonds for city water mafn extensions and a one-mill special levy for an improved street lighting system. A comparatively small timber sale was held at the Roseburg land office, five tracts of land in Lane, Coos and Announcement has been made of Douglas counties being sold to as Immediate commencement of the Clay­ many timber owners, the total amount ton Mark logging railroad in the realized being $40,938.02. Frankport territory of Coos county. Cherry picking got under way in Indications are that the Milton-Free- Union county Monday. Picking at first water district will have a larger fruit included only Royal Annes, but the crop than in 1925. Estimates are 1500 harvesting of the black cherries will cars of apples, 1000 of prunes and 70 begin next Monday. Cove growers ex­ of cherries. pect to harvest from 60 to 75 car­ Fifty per cent of the Chinese pheas­ loads. ants hatched in the Willamette valley Forest Grove Is to have a booster during May were killed by cold rains. club known as the Daffy-dils. About Consequently, a poor hunting season 35 business and professional men will Is expected. be members of the club and the uni­ Cherry trees In the Cottage Grove form will feature Forest Grove’s new­ section are so loaded that high est Industry, the growing of daffodils branches droop to the ground and re­ tor market. turns of $50 from a single tree are The prized blue-back salmon have uot unusual. started their run up the Columbia river The vetch crop In the vicinity of and fishermen are reporting fair Junction City Is 75 per cent short of catches. The run of salmon this year normal on account of ravages of aphis has been far below normal, it is re­ snd other things, coupled with unfavor­ ported. Fishermen are receiving 13V4 able weather. cents a pound. Between 20 and 25 lookouts will he By unanimous vote the Ashland city on duty in the Sluslaw national forest council repealed an ordinance passed by July 1, according to announcement two weeks ago prohibiting all public at the office in Eugene of R. 8. Shel­ dances In Ashland. The city attorney ley, supervisor. will prepare a resolution on the dance The Mount Hood Woodlands com­ question for submission to voters at pany. whose summer homesite prop­ the November election. erty is two miles beyond Brightwood. State prison officials report receipt has let a contract for the construc­ of the first load of flax for the season tion of a $60,000 hotel. nearly a month earlier than usual. Typhoid germs were found In the Harvesting of the crop Is In full swing Harrisburg city water and. by order throughout the Salem district. The of the city health officer, no water product this year Is said to be plen­ shall be used for consumption until It tiful. of an unusually good quality. has been thoroughly boiled The Public Service league, sponsor- \ from v*ge7utlon The quaiheTs of cap­ W . G. T R I L L the past two years is doing thousands tive swifts should be sprinkled daily, of dollars of damage 15 miles south­ that they may drink In this manner; A ttor n e y-a t-L a w — N otar y Public west of Klamath Falls. The fire is in , they do not readily hud a dish of the midst of a virgin stand of yellow water.” Central Point . . . Oregon pine timber, owned by the Weyer- Professor Jones said that he had j haeuser Timber company. A second had the rare experience of once watch­ Brick Icc Cream at Damon Cafa. forest fire, 20 miles west of Klamath ing a lizard lapping the dew from a spider’s web. Falls in the Spencer creek watershed, ts also raging uncontrolled. How Rainbows Are Formed The public service commission of C ITY C L E A N IN G A N D A glass prism splits light up Into Its Oregon renewed Its petition for a seven primary colors. A mass o f fall­ cross-state line irf a brief filed with D Y E IN G CO. the Interstate commerce commission ing raindrops will do the same thing The rainbow is the reflection of sun­ at Washington, D. C.. asking a reopen­ light from a shower of falling water ing of the case against the Central We never see a rainbow except when Pacific railroad. In its declaration the we are between the falling water and ‘W E A R E N O T S A TIS F IE D state commission strikes again at con­ the sun. A person standing only a trol of the Central Pacific by the few feet nearer or farther away from UNLESS YO U A R E " Southern Pacific, insisting that con­ the rainbow does not see exactly the ditions no longer Justify such an ar­ same rainbow as another. The fact Is the sky la full of rainbows, but any rangement. There was a noticeable decrease in one person standing still focuses only Phone 474 624 N. Riverside Ave one. If he takes a step forward or production, new business and ship­ backward his eyes focus a slightly dif­ On Highway— Medford, Oregon ments for West Coast Lumbermen’s ferent reflection. association mills for the week ended June 19, compared with the record How Criminals Are Traced made in those items for the week pre­ In addition to the usual police an­ vious, according to the weekly com­ nouncements concerning criminals, the parative report issued by the associa­ Berlin authorities now give Informa­ tion. The report showed 104 mills last tion concerning iwrsons wanted by the week produced 109,961.902 feet of lum­ police by electric light signs flashed in ber. New business totaled 114,783,- five different places about the city. 183 feet and shipments totaled 101,- The police warnings are interspersed through the usual advertisements and 405,817 feet. news proclamations, widest never fall At the highway commission’s ses­ to draw crowds. sion in Portland the famous "Devil's Punch Bowl” was given as a park to the state by F. W. Leadbetter. The government, will be asked to cede all W e A re Manufacturers of off-shore islands to the state; a warn­ ing was issued that the commission DOORS, SCREENS, W IN D O W S A N D SASH, will request corrective legislation W IN D O W A N D DOOR FRAMES, M O U LD - against use of new six-wheel trucks, ' INGS, C ABINETS OF A L L KINDS 8 new projects were ordered adver­ tised for the meeting on July 29. and Our Constant Aim js to Keep Our Quality and Prices various contracts were awarded, ap­ Absolutely Right. Do N ot Order From Out-of-Town proximating $225J)00. Concerns Before Letting Us Figure on Y ou r Bill. Signatures on an initiative petition circulated in 1924 to place a meas­ ure on the ballot of that year can­ not be used in initiating a measure Medford A MODERN M IL L Oregon to appear on the ballot this year, ac­ cording to Attorney-General Van Winkle. His opinion was given to Sam Kozer, secretary of state, in con­ nection with an attempt by the Pro­ Y-’ -V .V A W .W .V A W A V .V V A V A V .W /A W .V .S W /A V .V .V gressive Civilization league to revive petitions which had been circulated In Mail your shoes to me for prompt and serviceable 1924 in order to place an anti-capital SHOE REPAIRING punishment measure on the ballot. With Best Quality Material TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS How to Raise Lizard as Pet of Household “ Pets often lead a miserable exist­ ence,’’ says Professor Jones. “ If one takes home u lizard from the woods, one ought to study its wants as he would those of any other helpless thing d elu d in g for its very life upon him. "In captivity the 'chameleon,' as many people wrongly call it. soon learns to take food from the fingers. Mealworms and Hies are the favorite diet! it will also take roaches. The sugar-amiwater diet so often imposed upon these reptiles by kindly Inten- tinned hut misinformed people is only taken by the lizard to quench a killing thirst, for these little animals drink much and If deprived of water will rapidly weaken and die. Their method of drinking Is to lap the drops of dew I pay postage one way— cash must accompany order Men’s half-soles ..............$1.50 Heels extra Ladies’ half-soles ............ $1.00 Heels extra ...........................25c Men’s Panco soles ........,...$1.25 j a m e s Central Point M - .........................50e Boys’, $1.00; Ladies’ ...........75c c D o w e l l . . . Oregon HAY — GRAIN — SEED — W O O D Phone 41 Store Phone 54 Residence — Local and Long Distance Hauling— WE BUY P O U L T R Y M O VING Central Point Feed Store JESSE L. RICH ARD SO N Central Point "Y O U R Oregon FACE IS GOOD, BU T IT W O N 'T GO IN TH E CASH REG ISTER R A Y M ILLA R D Fire of undetermined origin destroy­ ing the state Income tax bill with -Team Work o f All Kindr- ed the plant of the Menefee Lumber | property tax offset, has filed Its com- | company at Rainier. The loss was pleted Initiative petitions with Secre- j PR O M PT SERVICE estimated at $225,000 to $250,000. The tary of State Koter. The petitions ! plant employed about 80 men. contained a total of 28,206 certified j Pkooo 541 Blueprints and estimates of the new names. r.T nearly twice as many as grade to be built up Greasy creek val­ are required to place the measure on Central Point ley from Philomath to the foot of Al- the ballot. Three thousand acras of land In the sea mountain have been completed by Wood river valley. 70 miles nor'h of ; the state highway department. H O W ARD GOVE. D. D. S. Klamath Falls, which depends upon i The annual meeting of the thresher Anna creek for a supply of Irrigation men and hay balers of Linn county water, will be seriously hit by drouth — Dentist— was held Saturday, to fix threshing this season, according to Joseph Jen­ and baling prices and establish wages Diagnosis sen. county road engineer and Klam­ X-Ray to be paid during the harvest season. ath representative of the state water The health clinics which have been master, who made a comprehensive pvt Me.ifonl H’.dg. Medford. Ore. conducted at Sllverton under the direc­ survey of the Fort Klamath situation F. F. B U R K — FOR A U T O TOPS tion of the Marlon County Health ass» At the closing session of the Oregon elation during the winter months will State Fire Chiefs' association conven­ Opposite S. P. Depot be continued through the summer tion at Corvallis, Roy Elliott, chief of months. the Medford fire department, was Oiling of the Old Oregon trail be­ elected president; William Nushaum MEDFORD T E N T A N D A W N IN G W ORKS tween North Powder and La Urande of Eugene, vice-president; Ivan Pear­ la now virtually complete and oiling son of McMinnville, second vice-presi­ Medford, Ore. Phone 145-J will start very soon between North dent; James Fletcher. Roseburg. tress- | PERL F U N E R A L HOM E Powder and Raker, also between Raker urer. and Thomas Yoates. Tillamook, and Durkee. secretary, Salem was chosen for the More than 40 miles of road work 1M7 convention Com er Sixth and Oakdale Completely out of control, the larg­ will be advertised in July by the state est forest firs In the district during highway commission. Of this. JO miles Phone 47 Medford. Oregon r Ì TH U RSD AY, JU LY 1, 1926 Last Call on Straw Hats T'iey are G o in g Fast FIBER T U L E Y TR EATED HATS They wear so well— are light, elastic, cool, flex­ ible, cheap in cost — 65c and 75c each. W e also have every kind o f Straw Hats from 25c up; Men's, Boys’. Ladies’ and Girls’ Hats. The cheapest and Best— Come and let us show you. B. P. Thiess & Co.