Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, June 24, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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JUNE 24. 1926
Noticeable Variety in Shape
of Hailstones
The formation of hall, according to
the careful deductions of Rollo It ns
sell, a «dentist who made a special
study o f this subject, takes place In
clouds which are commonly at a great
height, between 15,0(10 and 40.000 feet.
The prominent conditions associated
with the production of these clouds
are the expansion and congelation of
warm, moist air in a -state of cyclonic
whirl, combined with the sudden com­
mingling o f masses o f air differing
greatly in temperature and vapor ten­
sion. The snowflake or spicule which
forms the nucleus of a hailstone
originates in the uppermost cloud, and
is electrified as a result o f condensa­
tion. As It falls, particles o f Ice, or
globules o f water whose temperature
Is under the freezing point, attach
themselves to the nucleus, grouping
into concentric layers or In a stellate
formation. The great variety In the
shape of the hailstones Is due to the
variable form assumed by the primary
kernel. Although
thunderstorms, there Is no reason for
regarding electricity as the primary
agent in the production of h ail; but It
is when electrical storms are prevalent
that strong ascending currents, loaded
with hot and moist air, are projected
Into the cold upper strata of the at­
mosphere and electrical clouds are
Large hall is usually pre­
ceded by an unusual degree of heat.
--------------------------- -
Why Clinkers Form
Grover Deed *2971.50, 5.12 acres in W. D. »160, Land in DLC 76 Twp
Charles T. Morris to Jasper R.
Clinkers are caused from the fire
Morris, et al W . D. »10, NW o f SW DLC 46 Twp 3« S, R 1 W est; 3.37 37 S. R 2 West.
getting too hot The only way to
George B. Crapsey et ux to C. W.
acres in DLC 46 Twp 36 S, R 1 West.
overcome this la to carry a deep fire Sec 26 Twp 39 S, R 1 West.
(Continued on page 5)
Frances Holzgang to Jacob Kinsey
bed and not allow the lire to get too
Elmer S. Hedberg et ux to R. V.
hot. Carry large fire id low temjier-
ature Instead of small (Ire at high Williams W. D. »10, Lot 5 and N
ft lot 4 Blk S Olson Add to Med­
i temperature and regulate flu- temper­
ature by reducing the draft.
Lee Watkins et ux to Walter H.
Why We Have “ Score”
Leverette et ux W. D. »10, lots 10
Primitive man counted hy his fin­
gers and toes, whleh numbered 20. and
when the objects to be counted ex­
W alter H. Jones et ux to R. V.
ceeded that he made a mnrk or score
In the dirt or on some object and be­ Williams Q. C. D. »1, Lots 5 and
gan again on Ills fingers and toes, 6 Blk 66 M edford.
lienee 20 came to mean-such a mark,
P. J. Smith et ux to W. C. Lyman
or score.
et al W. D. $2200 lots 30 and 31
Montview Add Ashland.
Sweet, Tasty Meats
Why Wood Rota
The rotting of wood Is caused by
small plantlike growths which feed
upon the starch and other materials
In the cells of the timber and at length
reduce It to a dry powder.
Benjamin B. Beekman to School
District No. 49 W. D. *4000 Lots 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 Blk 60,
M edford.
Why Known u “ Cobweb '
D. E. Hardman et ux to Clyde
R. Smith W. D. *10, Pt lots 2 and
6 Blk 3 town o f Jacksonville.
The old Dutch word for spider was
cop. so with a slight change It has
become cob In English, hence "cob­
John R. W est et ux to George H.
West Deed *1, SW o f SE o f Sec 24
Twp 35 S, R 1 West.
“Quality and Service”—Our Motto
Central Point Meat Market
I. D. LEWIS, Prop.
R. R. Irrig Or. Inc. to Jay W.
(Furnished by Jackson County A b­
stract Com pany)
Jack Heyland et ux to Oral Frank­
lin W. D. *10, Land in Sunnyside
Add to M edford.
V iviilends ¡o r You From E lectrical Development
W hy “ Brasses” Became
Popular on Harness
Jack Heyland et ux to Oral Frank­
lin, Q. C. D. *1, Land in Sunnyside
A custom that declines to die Is that Add to M edford.
o f attaching various "brasses” to the
Oral Franklin et ux to F. E. Red­
harness o f horses. Today these brasses
are regarded as merely decorative, yet den W. D. »10, Land in Sunnyside
their use goes back 8,000 years or Add to M edford.
more— they are referred to In the Old
Oral Franklin et ux to F. E. Red­
Testament—and they remind us o f the
belief o f the ancients In the “ evil eye." den Q. C. D. *10, Land in Sunnyside
From the earliest days horses were Add to Medford.
regarded as being peculiarly suscep­
tible to witchcraft, and these shining
Eva Marton
Slater to Marshall
and symbol-carrying brasses were Denzer W. D. $10, Lots 5 and 6 Blk
used to avert the danger. The glitter 3 Orig. Town o f Phoenix.
of the brass was to divert the malign
glance o f the “ evil eye," and the Jin­
Burton B. Strock et ux to Marshall
gle was to frighten away other and Denzer W. D. *10, Land in Barr’s
unseen dangers.
Add to M edford.
The shapes of the brasses had their
special significance. The crescent was
Luke Ryan et ux to Charles B.
the symbol o f Diana, the goddess of Doyle W. D. »10, Land in Tw p 36
hunting. The round flat disk was the
S, R 1 West.
symbol o f Apollo, the Grecian sun
god and the guardian of horses. It Is
Emily F. W ing to J. Z. W ing W. D.
extraordinary that today, In rural
$10, Lot 54 Pracht’s Add to Ashland.
parts, face-brasses are still called
R. M. Cook et ux to Earl H. Cook
"sun-pieces." Further, the old belief
that even numbers were unlucky still Q. C. D. *10, Lot 6 Blk 1 Helms
persists. Today's "brasses" are al­
ways In odd numbers, although carters Add to M edford.
could not say why.— London Tlt-BIta.
E. C. Fawcett to John Cadxow W.
D. $10, Lot 9 Blk 17 Butte Falls.
W hy Many Pensioned
Persons Die Early
“ It Is quite conceivable that the ef­
fect o f suddenly sitering the mode of
life, breaking with the habits of 40
years and more, and having unlimited
time with nothing to do. Is literally to
kill a man."
This statement was made by Cyril
F. Warren In a paper read before the
British Instltnte of actuaries, dealing
with the mortality among pensioners
o f banks nnd Insurance companies.
"I f the worker anticipates the day
o f his retirement," he added, “ and
makes preparstlons to occupy his time
adequately, the break will not have
such an III effect, and he will benefit
to the full from the relaxation from
a sedei.iary life."
Why Links Lure Golfers
There Is rare quality to the music of
the links. The beginner does not hear
I*. It Is only the trained ear which de­
tects the melody o f the mtdtron. the
music o f the mashie, the poetry o f the
putter, the »ong o f the spade, the croon
of the cleek and the drone of the
driver. It takes understanding to ap
preclate the lay o f the lie, nnd self
restraint to remain Impassive at the
fortissimo o f the foozle. The lure of
the links must be sensed before one
feels the syncopation o f the stance and
moves of the tempo of the tee.
No music can he more alluring to
the soul o f man than tins blending of
links hs-mony to the trled-and-true
golfer. N'o audience Is thrilled to a
higher pitch than that which Is swayed
hy the crescendo o f the course.—Je­
rome P Travers and James R Crow­
ell In the Saturday F.venlng Post.
How Palace Was Built
The Hofhurg palace In Vienna la
a complex o f buildings o f radons
epochs and various style«. Inclosing
severs I courtyards. The oldest part
o f the present edifice dates from the
Thirteenth century, and extensive ad­
dition* hare been maile since 1*87. In
addition to private room* and the
state apartments, the Hofhnrg con­
tains a library of about Snn.ontl vol­
umes. *.•»« Incnnabola and 24.0(10
manuscripts. Including the celebrated
Papyrus Rainer.
Before the World
war the palace contained the Imperial
treasury. In which were kept the fatu­
ity treasures o f the house of Hspe
burg and 1-orralne and other Impor­
tant collection*.
Marguerite D. B. Reives to E. B.
Miner W. D. *10, Lots 13 14 and
N * o f 15 Blk “ E” R. R. Add to |
When Our
Representative Calls
J. C. Brown et al to Everett Houk
W. D. *10, 1 acre in Jojack sub div.
Merton Elwood et ux to J. N.
Hockersmith Deed $75, W V» o f NW
*4 Sec 27 Twp 34 S, R 2 West.
Ivarson to Garrett
Holloway et ux W. D. »10 , Land in
Cottage Addition.
O U M A Y receive a call from one of our represen­
tatives, who w ill tell you all about the advantages of
investment in the preferred shares of The California
Oregon Power Company.
Henry Morgan et ux to Dean Weit-
man W. D. *10, Lot 11 Ulrich add to
Eagle Point and land in DLC No. 45
Twp 36 S, R 1 West.
Ho w ill tell you how the extent and value of this Company’s
activities have multiplied fix-fold in the last ten years.
Paul A. Smith et ai to Ocie S.
J Newman et ux W. D. »10, Lot 6 Blk
® 2 W oiter Add to M edford.
He w ill tell you about the increasing demand lor the services
supplied by the great hydro-electric plants and widespread
transmission systems that are back of this investment.
Lelah Milton et si to Myrtle Mc-
Gregory W. D. *1, Lota 2, 13 and
14 Burgland Add to Rogue River.
Ella J. Patterson to Jackson coun-
y W. D. *10, Ld in DLC 43 Twp
38S, R 1 West.
He will tell you, too, how easy it is to invest — you can
begin now by paying only $5 a share per month on our
Monthly Investment Plan.
R. H. Shirley et ux to J. W. Shir­
ley Q. C. D. *10, N. 60 ft o f S *
ot 3, Blk 1 Cottage Ad dto M edford.
Otto W alter et al to Herman Wal­
ter Q. C. D. *1, Ld in Secs 35 and
3« Twp 37S, R 4 West.
A jgusta W. Brusch et al to Her­
man W alter Q. C. D. *1, Ld in Sees
35 and 36 Twp 37 S, R 4 West.
Margaret E. Patrick to George H.
Dorman et ux W. D. »10, Ld in Secs,
If, and 21 Twp 36 S, R 3 West.
Ala N. Milia et vir to Lillian M.
Daniels W. D. *10. Ld in DLC 52
Twp 37 S, R 1 West.
Gust Peterson to Roth Mock W.
D. *10. Lots 1 2 and 3 Blk 2, Sunset
Park Add.
Clara L. Loomis to
Loomis W. D. *10. Ld in Ashland.
Ray G. Johnson et nx to P. J .
Smith, et al W . D. *10, ots 30 and
»1 Montview Add to Ashland.
The California
You need not w a it, how ever, fo r
our rep resen tative to c a ll A
phone c a ll or post c a rd w ill b rin g
him q u ick ly, u ith com plete in fo r­
m atio n a s to price a n d retu rn .
Oregon Power Company
O R E G O N — Medford, Roseburg, G rants Pass, Klamath Falls
C A L IF O R N IA — Y rek a, Dunsmuir
M ore Than 2 ,0 0 0 H om e Shareholders