Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, June 17, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY. JUNE 17, 1926
¿OOOOQOOOOOOOOOQOOOOQOOOOa »»»♦I oil. rurtienMn* and vinegar, well
IVrhapa, «aye Mattel H. Whar­
ton. In American Forests, you
have seen an ancient pine tree
with long, straight-holed trunk
perfectly branchless until high
In the air the branches about
out and form u green crown.
!>ld you ever «top to think how
this came to he? Why Is It that
this special plug Is not like the
forest of young pine» at It* feet,
which are well branched from
ground to apex? She goes on:
“This is Just another example
of the wonderful way Mother
Nature has of making things
work together for the heat good
of all. She causes the forests
to prune themselves, thus giv­
ing us long, straight, free
trunks, containing good board
lumber with which to build our
uiHls. our houses and our ships.
"When this pine was young,
as young as the saplings at Its
feet. It. too, was many branched
from root to tip, but growing
around It, pressing closely to­
gether were many other pines of
the same age and height. As
they grew larger and larger
they bernme crowded and. need­
ing more room, they chafed
branches grew thickly, and the
upper branches shaded those
beneath until they could not
get the light, and so became
yellow and sickly. Now, a tree
needs light and air as much as
It needs the moisture and plant
food which It draws up from
the ground. It breathes through
Its leaves as we breathe through
our pores, and to do this must
have light and air In great
abundance. When It finds that
the sickly yellowed leave* are
unable to digest the sap and
get the most good from It, It
does not care to bother with
them any longer, but pumps the
sap directly past these places and
on up to the topmost branches
which are thrust up Into the
air and sunshine, and which
drink the precious sap, and
grow quickly upward and out­
mixed, and rubbed on the floor with
»a«t» or a cotton rr wool rag. Thl*
mixture, thorn igh1» rubbed In, will
quickly renew the Jnlsb of a waxed
H ow G ravel W e ig h t V aries
The weight of gravel vwries, depend­
ing it|H*n the proportion of stone to
llgl ter substances. An average weight
I* 112 pounds to a cubic foot. A cubic
font of dry sand will weigh from UU
to IIS pound* and saturated sand from
119 to UMI pounds.
(Furnished by the Jackson County
Abstract Company)
M. P. Carney to H. A. Dubuque,
Deed $625, Lot 11 Blk 6 Central
H. A. Dubuque et ux to Agnes
Carney Q. C. D. $10, Lot 11 Blk 6
Central Point.
Mrs. Myrtle M. Gere to City of
Medford Q. C. D. $25, Lot 4 Blk 1
Page Add to Medford.
William J. Hockenyos et ux to H.
F. Hockenyos W. D. $-0, 1-4 int. in
Ld in DLC 78 Twp 37 S, R 2 West.
R. S. Murray (trustee) to A. E.
Waldron W. D. $1, Lot 4 Blk 9,
P h n to 5* A F R O S er v ice C o rp o ra tio n .
Laurelhurst Add to Medford.
The giant arena In the centre of the Sesqut-Centen- clses on May 1 which formally opened the structure. In
nlal International Exposition site ln Philadelphia was the stands are seated 10.000 persons watching the pro­
Grace K. Orr to John Blass, Jr.,
built In approximately 300 working days. It was com­ gram A group of 10.000 persons Is a large crowd but
et ux W. D. $100, Lot 17, Blk 1,
pleted and In use a month before the opening of the big they are only a “drop In the bucket” in the big Philadel­
Kenowod Add to Medford.
exposition which celebrates the 150th anniversary of the phia stadium. The boys paraded onto the Held to the
J. A. Moffatt et ux to Samuel L.
signing of the Declaration of Independence. This photo­ accompaulment of fourteen bands and thore went through
Mason et al W. D. $10, NH o f Ld
graph. made from tbe air. shows nearly 3.000 boys on their drills and athletic exercises for the benefit of city
the playing Held, massed there for the dedicatory exer- officials and paiwnts.
in DLC 60 Twp 37 S, R 2 West.
Sterling Mining Co. to J. D.
Rrench W. D. $400, NW o f SW Sec lot 3 Blk 1 Cottage Add to Medford.
For Sal*— Hardy Sprayer com-
The American does nil kinds of
9 Twp 39 S, R 2 West.
Fred W. Bartley et ux to Alice plete or will sell parts.— Independent printing. If it cult l)C printed—WC
Chas. P. Talent et ux to City of Ulrich et vir Deed $1.00 Lot in Garage, Central Point, Oregon.
can do it.
Medford Q. C. D. $1, Lot 7 Blk 3 Jacksonville.
Palm’s Add to Medford.
S. L. Hoagland et ux to W. S.
Fred F. Haiiey et ux to Leslie Hoagland et ux W. D. $10, S% o f
E. Halley Q. C. D. $1, Lot 18 Blk SE Sec. 34 Twp 35 S, R 1 East.
h a y — G R A I N — SEED — W O O D
5 Siskiyou Heights Add to Medford.
V. L. Thomas et fir to City of
Phone 54 Residence
Phone 41 Store
Gladys M. Freeland to F. B. Rree- Medford Q. C. D. $3806.25, Lot 9,
— Local and Long Distance Hauling—
land W. D. $10, Lot 6 Riverdale Morey’s Add to Medford.
J. C. Gill et ux to Irsel Lewis W.
City o f Medford to C. S. Butter­ D. $750 Ld in Sec. 1 Twp 37 S, R
field W. D. $125, Lot 1 Blk 3 Kendall 2 West.
Floyd Murray et ux to A. J. Crose,
Add to Medford.
Frank J. Holbrook et ux to A. A. trustee W. D. $10, Ld in Sec 8 Twp
Waymire et ux W. D. $10, SW o f 37 S, R 2 West.
Central Point
SE Sec 12 Twp 35 S, R 3 West.
Virginia C. Rigg to Hortense R.
J. H. McIntyre et ux to A. J. Rucker W. D. $10, Blk 2 Ross Add
Crose, trustee W. D. $10, Lot 10 Blk to Medford.
How Light Ray Is Used
lot. 12 Blk 3 Kenwood Add to Med­
Arthur West to Joseph Wilkinson
W. D. $10, Lot 2 Blk 8 Imperial
as a Telephone Wire ford.
Willamette V. Johnson to Jane Add to Medford.
Nearly half a century ago Alexan­
der Graham Bell, Inventor of the tele­ Anna Thompson W. D. $10, Lot 2
Emily A. Main to Hugo Guenther
phone. tried In vain to talk over a ray Blk 13 Helman Add to Ashland.
Q. C. D. $1, Lot 11 Blk 2 Newtown
We Are Manufacturers of
of light 1». C. Stockbarger. Instruc­
R. F. Antle et ux to J. E. Glass Add to Medford.
tor in physics at the Massachusetts et al W. D. $400, NE o f NE Sec
Lester Lord et ux to Floyd F.
Institute of Technology, hus now suc­
Burk W. D. $1, E. 36 ft o f SVfc
ceeded In doing this very thing which 26 Twp 35 S, R 2 West.
T. E. Daniels et ux to Owen-Ore- lot 4 Blk 9 Park Add to Medford.
eluded Bell. He employs a photo­
Eliabeth L. Zimmerman et vir to
electric cell, which Is highly sensitive gon Lumber company W. D. $1, Lots
to light, by which the variations In j in Berrydale Add to Medford,
Joseph Lynn W. D. $10, Lots 13 and
Our Constant Aim is to Keep Our Quality and Price*
the beam of light are transformed
H. Grebe et ux to Eugene Palmer 14 Blk K Railroad Add to Ashland.
Absolutely Right. Do Not Order From Out-of-Town
Into electrical currents. The pulsa- w D j 10> Ld in Sec 3 Twp 36-3 W.
Hattie L. Berrian to Chas. Swift
Concerns Before Letting Us Figure on Your Bill.
flops of the electrical currents are In
c c Walker to Camilla E. Owen et ux W. D. $10, Lots 3 and 4 Blk
turn transformed Into sound In the or-
_ .
ln _
4 Laurelhurst Add to Medford.
(Unary way. When Bell made the ex- j ,
A. L. Lamb et ux to John H. Sugg
periments he used selenlnm, which I* ! ^8
also very sensitive to light. Exjaisure
W. S. Hoagland et ux to S. L. et ux W. D. $10, Pt lot 5 Blk 1
to light diminishes the electrical re- Hoagland W. D. $10, SV4 o f SEI4 Pracht’s Alaska Add to Ashland.
slst.inee of this mineral.
By the effect Sec 24 Twp 35 S, R 1 East,
Walter L. Smith et ux to Herman
of light on selenium Bell hoped to
Denton et ux to T. N. F. Stoaks et ux W. D. $10, Lots 59,
bring about the same
varying pul- Humphrey, et ux W . D. $10. Ld in 60, 61 Miners Add to Ashland.
satin..* in current which hnve been | ^
g Twp 39 ^ R j Eagt.
Lillian M. Daniels et vir to May C.
produced by the photo-electric cell
Mrs. Mary Van Dyke et vir to Hayes W. D. $10, Ld in DLC 42 Twp
used by Stock!»arger.—Exchange.
! Emma J. Gooding W. D. $10, Lota 37 S, R 1 West.
| 7 and 8 Miner’s Add to Ashland.
R. W. Dunlap to Jennie D. Perrine
H ow D o Y ou W a lk ?
Emma J. Gooding to Mrs. Nellie W. D. $150, Lot* 19 20 21 Nob Hill
There once wa* a time when every­ Power W. D. $10, Lots 7 and 8, Add to Ashland.
body was tauclu that the correct way
G. E. Fox et ux to Roy E. Kelley
to walk wa* on the halls of the feet, , Miner’s Add to Ashland.
the heels barely touching the ground, i Douglas Forsythe et ux to Grace et ux W. D. $10, Lot in Central
Now teachers of rhythmics say the * H. Orr, Deed $10, Lot 22 Blk 1 Point.
G. E. Fox et ux to Zora Hood
heels should touch llrst. not the Kenwood Add to Medford.
weight thrown on them, but Just a
A. L. Vincent et ux to Ida A. Dubbs et vir W. D. $10 Lot in Cen­
contact with the floor like a little way- Jackson W. D. $1, Ld in DLC 51 tral Point.
station on the road to the balls and Twp 37 S, R 1 West.
Samuel L. Mason et ux to J. A.
the too*. Try It. Not that clicking,
Ida A. Jackson to A. L. Vincent Moffatt et ux W. D. $10, Lot 9 Blk
hard, staccato sound that comes from
2 Ross Add to Medford.
weight on the heels, hut a soft, slight et al W. D. $1, Ld in DLC 51 Twp
sound from which the movement flow* 37 S, R 1 West.
»long the foot to the toe*. That I*
Charles E. Cranfill et uy to H. M.
Nature’s way.
Isbell W. D. $1800
Lot 3 Blk 1 j CLINE’S
Not only Is every walk charged with Davis’ First Add to Medford.
the personality of tbe person, but
H. M. Isbell et ux to Thomas J.
moods are reflected In the way you
Gifford et ux W. D. $10, Lot 3 Blk J
carry yourself. Great grief changes
a walk into a mere heavy dragging 1 Davis’ First Add to Medford.
Carroll S. Bertelson et ux to Anna j
of the body about. Joy radiate* It*
way nil through one’s carriage—head M. Bertelson W. D. $10, Lots 8 and ^
up high and riding, feet spuming the 9 Creston Heights Add to Medford.
Fear causes stun.tiling All
Ernest L. DuChane et ux to B. O.
your moods seep out through your Wallstcn et ux W. D. $10, Lot 3
manner of walking —Celia Carolina Blk 1 Newton Add to Medford.
Crating, Packing, Ship­
Cole In the Itellneator.
Ida Wertx et vir to O. C. Sabin
ping. All kinds of haul­
et al W. D. $10. Ld in DLC 79 Twp
H ow to P reserve Oak F loor
17 S, R 2 West.
ing— day or night.
Never n«e water oil. kerosene, tur­
R. S. Murray to E. C. Corn et ux
pentine. soap or other rtesntng agents Q. C. D. $10. Lots 1 2 and 3 Blk
on oak floor* exeept as by these di­ t Sunset Park Add.
“ Quality and Service” — Our Motto
rection* :
Raymond R. Reter et ux to O. C. |
The surface of a waxed or Var­
n ish e d floor may be gone over with Gibbs et ux W. D. $10, Lots 11 12 I
Phone 461
a cloth dampened In tepid water, to and 14 Blk 10 Laurelhurst Add to
remove dirt and dust, bat the damp­ Medford.
ness should be taken up Immediately
M. P. Carney (e x ) to Sidney E.
with a dry cloth.
Chilcott Deed $750, W. 30 ft lot 5
fine of the best homemade mixture* Blk 49 Central Point.
Central Point - Oregon
L D. LEWIS, Prop.
for keepinr »ti ork floor In perfect
J. W. Shirley et ux to R. H. Shir­
c o n d i t io n
s m < > f emial pert* qf
ley Q. C. D. »10, S. 50 ft o f SH j
Central Point Feed Store
Sweet, Tasty Meats
Central Point Meat Market