Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, June 10, 1926, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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...... - - ' JUNE ■ 10, ■ 1926
j hours. This activity
How Shot H Turned
I nelle storm.-*
Out in Shot Tower*
la called a “ mag-
The process o f manufacturing lh «
How Experts Pack China
•hot fom rafn fM with hoisting up the
T o pack china with the minimum
lead hr an endless chain or »Indiana
risk of breakages you must be pre­
driven by «team. It 1» then melted In
pared to spend a little time on the job.
kettlea at Ihe rarlou* dropping ata-
See that your packing case la well
tlona, ulloyed and prepared for drop- |
lined with a good layer of straw.
An Iron handle or holder la
Then sprinkle the straw with water
then hung over the hatchway, which
before putting In each article, filled
la open from bottom to top, and In
and wrapped In soft paper and wound
thia handle la placed a box, with the
round with straw. Put a good layer
bottom perforated with holea of the
o f well-sprinkled straw between each
•Ize o f ahot to he manufactured. The
layer of glass or china. The Idea of
descending atreama separate Into glob­
the water la perfectly sound sense. It
ules of exactly spherical form, which
makes the straw expand ao that each
are cooled by their passage through
article la firmly wedged In place. For
the atmosphere, and finally fall Into
much-treasured bits o f china or glass­
a reservoir o f water. l>om the water
ware you might, with advantage, pro­
tank the shot la raised by a ladle, or
vide small cardboard or wooden
machinery, and passes Into the dryer,
boxes, Into which they should be
where It Is thoroughly dried, and
tightly parked before being embed­
thence to the polishing cask, or cyl­
ded In water-snrlnsled straw
inder, where a little black lead la
----------- -o -------------
added and a swift rotary motion soon
produces a high polish.
There are
some half a dozen shot towers In this
(Furnished by the Jackson County
country, consuming annually from
Abstract Company)
1(10,000 to 300 000 kegs of ‘ead and
F. N. Morgan et ux to Stewart H.
turning out 5,000 tons o f ahot.
Butler, W. D. $600, Lots 10 and 11
Blk 6 Central Add to Eagle Point.
Annie C. Gilchrist et vir to Charles
The weather bureau says that when
lightning Is about to occur between C. Gilchrist W. D. $10, Land in Gold
a cloud and the earth (It uauully oc­ Hill.
curs between different parts o f the
Pine Belt Banking company to
same cloud) there Is a great accumu­ Elmer H. Carter, S. W. D. $10, Lot
lation o f electricity o f one kind, uau- 2 and 3 Blk 10, Lot 9 Blk 15 Butte
ally the negative, at the surface of
the earth, and o f the opposite kind In
George W. Barker et ux to Elmer
the lower portion o f the cloud. This
Imposes an electric strain on the me­ H. Carter, S. W. D. $10, Lots 7 8 9
dium between the two. The break, and 10 Blk 16 Lot 4 Blk 19 Lot 4 Blk
or discharge, consisting essentially of 21 Butte Falls.
a flow o f negative electricity, or elec­
Earl P. Shirley et ux to D. H.
trons, toward the positive charge, may Barneburg W. D. $10, Lot 7 Blk 5
begin at any one point |n midair
Imperial Add to Medford.
along the path, and progress (this
Gertrude Mulit to Mabel A. Rob­
break progress) In both directions at
the same time, or It may begin at erts W. D. $10, Lot. on Church street
either end and from there progress Ashland.
toward the other.
Glenn L. Inman et ux to Joseph
R. Smith et al W. D. $1550 Ld in
Jackson county.
How Loud la Niagara?
City o f Medford to Victor C.
It Is noisier ut Niagara falls than
It Is on New York’s busiest comer. Sether et ux W. D. $550 Lot 14 Blk
This Is the verdict o f scientists who 3 Miravista Add and part lot 7 blk
recently measured the roar of the 2 Mingus subdivision Medford.
great falls. The two noisiest places
Cora Gay et vir to Edgar F. Bing­
around the falls were at Prospect
point and In front o f the Cave of ham W. D. $10, Lot 5 Blk 1 Park
the Winds. At these points the noise Add to Medford.
Dora Brown to City o f Ashland W
measurement was 70 units, which la
regarded ns deafening. The measure D. $1, Ld in Sec 20 Twp 39 S, R I
o f the noise at the corner o f Sixth East.
• venue and Thirty-fourth street In
Clarence W. Adams et ux to Nora
New York Is 65 units, according to the
Darby, W. D. $10, Ld in DLC 49
same Inst rumen ta.— Kxchange.
Twp 38 S, R 2 West.
Newsom H. Harrison et ux to
How Corn Caused Tear Flow Charles H. Pierce et ux W. D. $2250
A constant rain o f tears from the
eye o f Paul Wlnas. a small hoy of Northeasterly 48 ft lot 4 Blk 23 Chit­
Humboldt, Kac., was stopped when wood tract Ashland.
Alice A. Sargent to Barney W.
doctors probed a lump at the corner
o f the e c .
The swelling proved to Cody et ux W. D. $10, Lot in Jack­
be caused by a kernel o f corn, the sonville.
point o f which rested against the
Josephine Wilson et vir to C. W.
tear duct. It was recalled that the
Adams W. D. $1, Ld in Sec 14 Twp
youth was struck In the eye with an
ear o f corn last summer, hut nothing 38 S, R 2 W est
Thomas Albert Shaw et ux to
was thought o f It at the time. He
lost the sight o f the other eye sev­ Mary W. Mathes W. D. $2500 Ld in
eral yeara ago when struck with a DLC 43 Twp 37 S, R 1 West.
Linnie Hanscam et al to Sterling
C. Richmond et ux W. D. $10, Pt lot
How Sea Birds Drink
4 Blk 26 Central Point.
When sea birds are flying far nut
Katie Lindley et vir to Samuel L.
over the ocean. sometime* hundreds Leonard W. D. $10, Lot 9 Blk 17
of mile* sway from land where there Medford.
la fresh water, they must have some
Mollie Keene et vir to Edwin H.
way of .penciling their thirst.
they do hy Imverlng about beneath a Janney et ux W. D. $10, Pt blk 26
rain cloud and drinking In the drops Siskiyou Heights Extension to City
as fast as they come down
An old o f Medford.
Sklptmr relates that these birds will
H. M. Chadwick et ux to Mrs. Cora
smell a rain coming, though It l* „ A. Wilson W. D. $10, S. 166 ft lot
away, and
make 5 Blk 8 Park Add to Medford.
straight for It.
R. Schuler et ux to Chas. A. Whil-
lock et ux W. D. $10, Lot on West ,
j 11th street Medford.
How Sunspots Affect
W. L. Walden et ux to O. E. Lem-
the Magnetic Needle [ mon, W. D.. Ld in DLC «1 Twp 37
It la well snowu that there exlata a I S, R 2 West.
most remarkable ami subtle connec­
L. A. Ditsworth et ux to Walter
tion between sunspots and various Bowne W. D. $1000 NW o f SE Sec
phenomena on our earth.
19 Twp 33 S, R. 2 East.
In the flrat place, sunspots affect
F. L. Orr et ux to James B. Hurt
the movements o f the magnetic needle
et ux W. D. $1, Lot 1, Pleasant Val­
to a marked extent. In magnetic ob­
servatories delicate Instrument* are ley Farm Tracts.
How Lightning la Formed
Installed to record Ihe state of mag
netlsm o f the earth. Thus It la found
that (he compass needle does not al­
ways point to true north, but oscillates
slightly to right nr left, or east and
west, o f the north point. This vart-
attoa o f the magnetic needle occupies
a period o f slightly over eleven yeara.
Now here Is the remarkable connec­
tion. The number o f spots on the sun
Increases and diminishes rhythmically.
Sometimes very few stmts sre seen,
or perhaps none at all. Oradually,
however, more and more spots appear
tin a maximum Is reached, when their
number again begins to diminish
This period, or '’sun*|iot cycle." a* It
Is termed, also occupies a little over
eleven years.
Further If a particularly large spot
hraaka out It may cause the magnetic
needte to oscillate wildly for a time
It may also give rise to brilliant dis­
plays o f the "northern lights." Some­
time« It may even Interfere with tele­
graphic communication, rendering It
to send
message for
Henry Huenergardt et al to A. B.
E. Huenergardt, Q. C. D. $1, Lot 1,
S h o f NE Sec 4 Twp 41 S, R 4
Henry Huenergardt et al to Rod
M. Frain Q. C. D. $10, Lot I SH o f
NE Sec 4 Twp 41 S, R 4 East.
Lena Perry Ames to State Bank
o f Talent Q C. D. $10, Lots 8 9 10
i ! 12. Blk K. Ta.. nt.
City o f Medford to Clart M.
Amann. Deed $375.32 Lot.» 1 1 4 5
Blk 4 Kendall Add to Medford
City o f Medford to Snnmcl Bate­
man et ux W. D. $550. Lot on N.
Riverside Ave Medford.
City o f Medford to Joe A. Thoms«
et ux W. D. $550 Pt lot 7 blk 2
Mingus subdivision.
City of Medford to R F.. Curley
et urf W. D. $600 Lot 6 blk 3 Rose
Ave Add.
City of Medford .o A. J. Bateman I
W. D. $550, Pt lot 13 Blk 1 River­
side sub-division.
Mail your shoes to me for prompt and serviceable
City o f Medford to L. K. Sunder­
land W. D. $550, W. 140 ft o f SWW
W ith Best Q uality M aterial
o f lot 8 Blk 2 Riverside sub-division
City of Medford to A. F. Stennett
et ux W. D. $650, Lot 5 blk 3 Cro­
Men’s half-soles ........... $1.50 Heels extra ....................... 50c
well Add to Medford.
Ladies’ half-soles ............ $1.00 Heels extra ............................25c
City o f Medford to C. W. Newland
Men’s Panco soles ____ $1.25 Boys’, $1.00; Ladies’ ............75c
et ux W. D. $600, Lot 1 Blk 2 Ken­
j a m e s
M c D o w e l l
dall Add to Medford.
Central Point
City o f Medford to Russell Angel
W. D. $650, Lot 4 Blk 10 Imperial ■.VV.VAVW AV.VA*.V.V.VAV.VW A".W AW .V-V.V.V.W .v
Add to Medford.
City o f Medford to Victor C.
Sether et ux W. D. $800, W. 27 ft i
lot 6, E. 13 ft lot 7, W. 40 ft lot
HA Y — G R A I N — SEED — W O O D
7, Blk 1 Fairmount Add.
P h on e 41 S tore
P h one 54 R esiden ce
City o f Medford to Frank Edwards
— Local and Long Distance Hauling—
et ux W. D. $850, Lot 2 Blk 1 Sum- I
mit Ave Heights Add.
City o f Medford to T. C. Barry j
W. D. $600, Lot 1 Blk 1 Summit Ave !
Heighs Add.
City o f Medford to E. C. Silliman j
I pay postage one way—cash must accompany order
Central Point Feed Store
et ux W. D. $500, Lots 1 and 2 Myers j
City o f Medford to W. L. Michael j
et ux W. D. $550, Lot 6 Blk 5, Ross
Central Point
Dividends for You
from Electrical Development
R E A T hydro-electric plants and far-
flung transmission lines have been
built to place ample power at the
command of the fine territory served by
The California Oregon Power Company.
These enduring properties have been built
with the dollars of many investors.
In the last ten years, the extent and value
of the Company’s services have increased
nearly six times. There has been no sud­
den boom, but steady, substantial growth,
which gives every promise of continuance.
More money constantly must be invested
to meet the growing needs for service.
This demand is your opportunity to ob­
tain dividends from electrical development.
In more than 2,000 homes the preferred
stock of The California Oregon Power
Company is a highly valued possession.
Its dividends bring cheer and comfort
regularly four times a year.
Save and invest at the
same time hy means of
our Monthly Investment
Plan, with terms as low
as $5 a share per month.
The California Oregon Power Company
OREGON—Medford, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls
CALIFORNIA—Yreka, Dunsmuir
More Than 2,000 Home Shareholders