Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, June 10, 1926, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A a In d e p e n d e n t W eekly P a p e r P u b lith e d a t C e n tra l P o in t, O re g o n , an d
C a te r e d T h u rs d a y of each w eek in the P o ito f f ic e th e re o f ae S e co n d Claea
M a tte r
CLARENCE SHELEY, Business Manager
Six Months .............- ................................................................................................. $1.00
One Year ................................................................................................................ .... $2.00
All Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance
A d v ertisin g R a te s G iven on A p p lica tio n
“ THURSDAY, JU N E 10, 1926
Oregon News Items of Special Interest
B rio f R esum e of H a p p e n g in s of th e
R e ad ers
W eek
C o llec te d
Permits are now necessary to build Estim ates now placed on the Hood
camp fires In the Crater Lake national River valley apple tonnage for 1926
by County Fruit Inspector Kocken
forest. It Is announced.
a crop of 3000 to 3200 cars
The 1927 budfet for the Marshfield forecasts
indicates a yield considerably
school district provides for expendi­ and
less than in 1924.
tures totaling $141,830.77.
Construction has started on a new
A total of 272 Salem high school power
from the California-Oregon
graduates received their diplomas at company line giant
power plant on Klam­
exercises held in the state armory.
ath river to Klamath Falls. The pro­
Postoffice receipts in May this year ject, which will cos! $250,000, will in­
at Eugene show a substantial Increase crease the power service capacity in
over those of the same month last Klamath Falls from 15,000 to 25,000
Claus C. Jesse. 89. of Roy, was in­ W. H. Ferguson, machine shop fore­
stantly killed when his auto was man of the Coos Bay Lumber com­
struck by a train of the United Rail­ pany, Marshfield, has been awarded
the second prize of $500 in the Na­
Governor Pierce suffered a fractur­ tional Lumber Manufacturers' associa­
ed rib when he fell while inspecting tion's waste prevention contest. Fer
the state flax plant at the Oregon peni­ guaon's Invention was a "line and
delay graphic recording device for
Andrew Johnson, of Portland, was sawmill carriages."
Sixteen thousand yards of rock w >re
drowned while bathing in the Wiliam
ette river a mile and a half above shattered near Lava )>utte- 10 miles
south of Bend on The Dalles- Cali­
Tho bridge over the W illamette at fornia highway, when six tons of pow­
Harrisburg was dedicated in honor of der were discharged. The blast was
Joha B. Yeon at an all-day celebration heard at a distance of approximately
15 miles.
The house located on Dr. M. M. Approximately 80 of the 575 men
Bull's fish farm near Leaburg in Lane now in the state penitentiary are serv­
County burned to the ground with ing terms fqr various 'orrns of moon-
shining. according to a report by J.
most of its contents.
Building permits were issued In La W. Lillie, warden of the Institution.
Grande curing May for new construc­ The ages bf most of the moonshiners
tion valued at $34,030. Nine permits range from 45 to 55 years of age.
R. R. Turner of Dallas, who was ap­
were for new residences.
C. C. Sturtovant's store and home pointed state superintendent of public
and the United States postoffice at instruction to succeed J. A. Churchill,
Crow. 15 miles southwest of Eugene, resigned, has assumed the duties of
his office. Mr. Turner announced that
were destroyed by fire.
would be no changes in the
Tourist travel to the Oregon Caves there
staff of the department.
Is Increasing and already more than
70. of Imbler, is
700 people have registered at Grauts
held in the county jail on an open
Pass for a trop through
while officers are investigating
Alfred Miller of Gold Reach, one of charge,
his warehouse at |
the best known pioneers of Curry Imbler. Estim burned
loss incurred in
county, died suddenly while on a visit the burning of two warehouses,
a grain
to his farm on Rogue river.
elevator and its contents run as high
The annual convention of the Ore­ as $100,000.
gon State Fire Chiefs' association will The Oregon state penitentiary May
be held at Corvallis June 21 to 24. 1 had the largest population in its
according to announcement.
history, according to a report filed
W heat shipments from the Wiliam by J. W. Lillie, warden of the insti­
ette and Columbia river district in tution. There were 573 Inmates of the
May to foreign and domestic markets prison on the night of May 1. It
| has become necessary to put two
amounted to 3.026,227 bushels.
Major-General Hugh L. Scott. U. S men in many cells.
A., retired, will represent the war de­ A total of 156 cttles and towns in
partm ent at the dedication of the As­ Oregon were listed June 1 by the state
toria column at Astoria on July 22.
indust-lal accident commission as be­
About 50 automobiles made the trip ing protected by the workmen's com-
Sunday from Klamath Falls to Crater | pcnsatlon law as to a portion of iheir
Lake lodge. The road to the rim is | employes. On the same date 32 out
passable, but not in good condition. I of the 36 counties of the slate had ap-
T. W. Morgan, prominent Douglas 1 plied for protection for some of their
county farmer, was fined $200 at Rose- employes.
burg for moving a fence from a pio­ Production of 106 sawmills reporting
neer graveyard and occupying the to the West Coast Lumbermens asso­
ciation (luring the week ended May
29 totaled 114.141.620 feet, which was
One third of Klamath's output of only
870.659 feet less than 109 mills j
wool. 225,000 pounds, has been pur produced
during the week ended May j
chased for approximately $67,000 by 32 During
the week the 106 mills
the J. Keshlan company of Boston. sold 103.498.870
feet and shipped 112,-
The body of Scott Goodall, 50 years 745.377 feet.
old. was found In his home 15 miles The U. 8. supreme court has re­
from Telocaset The condition of the fused to Interfere for the present in 1
body Indicated that he had been dead the motor transportation controversy
in Oregon, but agreed to hear argu­
about a month.
on the subject on October 4.
Fred Reunion. Umatilla county ment*
Pending the arguments. Morris A
agent, has refused appointment aa Lowther
other companies carrying ;
Montana state leader of county agents freight by and motor
denied a court
Mr. Reunion decided to remain In his order suspending were
a ruling by the Ore­
present position.
state highway commission fix­
The O.-W. R A N . coal chutes at gon the
maximum weight of loads.
Messner. 2>•» miles west of Roardman. ing Sweeping
toward the tim ber line
were burned to the ground The
the Oregon line In the Poke
chutes, pump house and ail machinery across
gams country, a huge brush fire with
were a total loss.
a 16-mile front was burning fiercely
Clifford Klfordl. 21. la being held la Siskiyou county. Cal., near the a u te
at Coquill» in connection with the Una. The conflagration was nearly 45
death of his uncle. William Whobrvy. miles southeast of Klamath Falls on
40. found beaten to death on the high­ the north side of Klamath river. Three
way near Power».
hundred men from Hilt. Hombronk
Receipts of the water and electrical and from the California Oregon Pow
departm ents of the city of Eugene In er company headquarters as Copco
1*25 reached a total of $224.1*1*5 over were trying to check the onsweeptng
all eipenaea. the biggest year in the bias?.
hletory of the city.
Purchase by the Southern Pacific
THU RSD AY , JU N E 10, 1926
Railroad company of 81 acraa of prop- ORECON CLUB MEMBERS FILING recom m endation in the Columbia
•rty adjoining Its term inal site and
paralleling Its main line within the
city limits of Klamath Falls, from the Club m embers from tw enty O re­ T he Am erican does all kinds of
Klamath Development company, was gon counties have filed fir.al reports
announced. Acquiring of the land in the club office for 1925,’26, and printing. If it can be printed—we
which Increased its holdings within are entitled to achievem ent pins an- can do it.
the city limits to over 80 acres is a nouncel| H c Seym our, state club
unit of the construction program which leader. The list includes m-'re than
the Southern Pacific has started with three hundred club members, most
the building of an $800,000 terminal of whom are enrolledin sewing and
in Klamath Falls
i cooking project*.
M arion county
The contract for the 1927 motor ve- headg the Hgt with one hundred forty
hide license plates was awarded by seven m em bers in fourteen clubs
Sam A. Kozer. secretary of state, to complete to date. Portland has the
the Irwin-Hodson company of Port­ second
num ber of completed
land on the basis of 12.81 cents a pair. projects, greatest
The contract calls for 238,000 pairs of side of Portland third. as county out­
plates for passenger cars and other Counties included in the list, the
motor vehicles of less than one-ton project,
and the num ber of m embers
capacity and 19,000 pairs of plates for
trucks and trailers. The colors for
— T e a m W o r k o f AH K in d s —
the 1927 plates are the same as those ing a r e : Benton,2; Clackam as,64;
used in 1926. The back ground is
black with white letters and figures. Coos, 16, Curry, 2; K lam ath, 14;
22; M ultnomah, 18; Portland,
Major Lee Moorhouse, one of Pen­ Lane,
P h o n e 541
Sherm ana, 15; Wasco, 15; W ash­
dleton’s earliest residents, died in Pen­ 68
Central Point
dleton following a four weeks’ illness
at his home. He had been one of the 7. In cooking project Marion county
outstanding citizen] of Pendleton since had 60 club members end M ultnomah
coming there in 1861, and probably 19.
was better acquainted with the his­ “ We m embers of the club staff
tory and development of Umatilla consider the aw arding of achieve­ CLINE’S
county and eastern Oregon than any m ent pins as a very im portant duty,
other person. Major Moorhouse was since it gives us a fairly good idea
regarded as an authority on Indian of who the successful club members
history and possessed a collection of of the state are,” said Mr. Seymour.
Indian relics regarded as the most "Every actjve club m em ber should TRAN SFER
w ear his achievem ent pin. He has
complete in this part of the state.
The enactm ent of a state Income som ething to be proud of.”
tax, a more equal assessm ent of prop­ N earness to m arket is one of the
erty, federal legislation to provide a factors encouraging the flax seed in­
Crating, Packing, Ship­
better price for farm products, enact­ dustry in Oregon. An established
ment of a constitutional amendment mill in Portland producing linseed
for state and municipal development oil operates new largely on flax seed ping. All kinds of haul­
of water power and electric energy, im ported from the Orient. This ing—day or night.
readjustm ent of the state automobile mill offers good prices with a m ar­
license fees so that old machines will ket practically assured. It is one of
pay less than new ones, the Improve­ the few mills on the Pacific co ast
ment of- highways to serve rural dis­ The m anagem ent has agreed to sup­
tricts Instead of large expenditures for ply flax seed meal a t substantially
rebuilding main highways, form the reduced rates to those farm ers who
Phone 461
pri gram for grange activity outlined actually produce the crop under con­
in the annual report of George A. tr a c t The experim ent station is
Paimiter, state m aster, at the 53d an­ now recom m ending flax production
nual session of the state grange at in northeastern and w estern Oregon.
Baker. Approximately 500 delegates Results a t the Moro station are not Central Point - Oregon
were in attendance.
yet satisfactory enough to w arrant
Effective July 1st, the banks of M edford and C entral Point will unanimously
adopt the policy of m aking a m onthly charge of fifty cents on all checking
accounts of depositors where the balance is under $50.00 at any time during
the month. This rule will affect only those accounts which are subject to
check, and will not apply to Savings Accounts and Tim e C ertificates of De­
In adopting a monthly service charge, the banks of M edford and Central
Point are only following the policy of banks in ail larger cities and most of
the sm aller towns of the country.
Increased cost of clerical help, supplies and other items that are necessary
in conducting a banking institution m ake the small accounts a source of loss.
Those of our depositors who carry only a small balance may find it mre con­
venient to place their accounts in the Savings departm ent where no charge
will be m ade.