Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, May 27, 1926, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1926
of w eights and m easures, left Tues-
day for Philadelphia, w here he w ill
A n I n d e p e n d e n t W e e k l y P a p e r P u b l i s h e d a t C e n t r a l P o i n t , O r e g o n , a n d represent Governor Pierce at th e open-
E n t e r e d T h u r s d a y o f e a c h w e e k in t h e P o s t o f f i c e t h e r e o f a s S e c o n d C l a s s
lng of the sesqui-centennlal exposition
M a tte r
Harlan Jones, 13. Eugene boy, who
JO H N B. S H E LEY and N E T T IE B. SH E L E Y , E ditors
saved the life of Ruth Burnside, 16-
CLA R EN C E SH ELEY , B usin ess M anager
year-old girl swim m er. In the m ill race
at Eugene. April 28. received a gold
S I .0 0 m edal from the Comrade clubs of Em
$ 2.00
A ll Subscrip tions M ust Be Paid in A dvance
A bill to reim burse the sta te for
A d v e rtisin g R a te s G iv en on A p p lic a tio n
$355,453 In fish in g licen se fees col­
lected by the governm ent from fisher­
men using Sand island at the entrance
to the Columbia river was Introduced
by Senator Stanfield.
W EEK LY IN D U S T R IA L R ep resen ta tiv e H aw ley. It is a g r ea t
and m uch n eeded m easure o f r e lie f
fo r th e c o u n tie s w hich have b een d e­
S e n a te Bill 3 2 5 5 , to refu n d about prived o f th e taxes.
$ 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 to eig h tee n O regon coun-
C annon
B each — 14 0-a cre
h o tel
ties fo r ta x e s lo st from railroad and
w agon road g r a n t lan d s fo r fe ited , property sold fo r $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 , fo r beach
has b een favorab ly rep orted in th e d evelop m en t.,
sen ate,
his is S en a to r
S ta n fie ld ’s
K lam ath F alls— G round broken,
bill, also introduced in th e H ou se by fo r new C ou n try Club house.
THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1926
Oregon News Items of Special Interest
B rief R esum e of H ap p en g in s of the
R eaders
The port of Coos Bay recall tauea
by more than 300 votes. The renom-
. Inatlon of A. H. Pow ers as the regular
candidate for port com m issioner was
assured. North Bend piled up a ma­
jority against the recall while Marsh­
field broke about even.
The Mountain S tates Power com­
pany had net operating incom e of
$422,785.81 during the year 1925, or
an increase of $89,424 71 when compar­
ed with the year 1924, according to
the annual report of the corporation
filed with the public service com m is­
W eek
C ollected
Follow ing an Inspection of work on
the R o o serslt highw ay in Curry coun­
ty, D ivision Engineer Chandler ot
Grants P ass said the work was pro­
g ressin g rapidly and the contracts like­
ly would be fully com pleted th is f a ll
hatcheries. Additional ponds at the
M cKenzie hatchery recen tly installed
enable the officials to retain the trout
until th ey reach a len gth ot liv e or
six Inches.
Abolition of capital punishm ent,
sh iftin g consideration of application
for pardons from the governor to a
state board of pardons and paroles and
creating a state board of control to
be com posed of the secretary of state
and tw o appointees, are proposed in a
petition for an am endm ent to the Ore­
gon constitution subm itted to the state
departm ent at Salem. The secretary of
sta te has referred the petition to the
attorney-general for ballot title.
will go before the voters at the gen ­
eral election In November.
Directors of the Oregon linen m ills,
to be established at Salem this year
at a cost of $650,000, will have to pay |
$26,000 duty on m achinery ordered for
the plant, according to a telegram re­
The secretary of the interior has
ceived from Senator McNary. The j subm itted a favorable report on the
m achinery Is being shipped to Salem grant land tax bill in congress, re­
from Liverpool.
m oving the most seriou s obstacle to
The federal public buildings bills, the passage of the bill, according to a
as agreed upon by rep resen tatives of telegram received from W. H. Gore of
the tw o houses In conferences, would Medford, chairm an o f the com m ittee
perm it the sale of Portland's old fed­ appointed by the county judges' a sso­
eral building by the secretary of the ciation of Oregon to work for the pass­
treasury and construction of a new age of the m easure, which w ill re­
building on all or part of the same turn over $5,000,000 to the state of
Oregon, being distributed am ong 18
site, o f in som e new location.
Six additional p ostoffices have been counties in am ounts equivalen t to
raised from fourth class to presiden­ ta x es lost on revested grant lands.
tial grade by decision of postoffice The sen ate com m itte on public lands
authorities. The o ffices affected are has already made a favorable report.
Boardman In Morrow county, Cochran
The sta te laundrymen held a two-
In W ashington county;
Malln in day convention in Corvallis.
K lam ath county, Marcola In Lane
Sllverton straw berry grow ers are re­
county and W estflr In Lane county.
porting finding root w eevil In their
“Trail to Rail” is the title of the fields.
celebration to be held in Eugene
F rancis W illiam s, 9-year-old son of
August 19 and 20 to mark the com­
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. W illiam s of Max-
pletion of the Southern P acific com ­
ville, was killed on the Columbia high­
pany's Klamath Falls-Eugene line and
"Klatawa" Is the nam e of the pageant
R oseburg's annual straw berry fe sti­
to be staged. A prize for the best
name for the celebration was won by val was held Thursday and Friday
w ith a record-breaking crowd in at­
Mrs. E. F. Judkins.
Reports received by the W est Coast
Betw een le.000.006 and 12.060 000
young rainbow trout will be carried
over In the state fish hatchery on the
M cK ensle river for distribution la the
fall or winter, according to Malt Ryck
man, superintendent of sla te fish
M embers o f the sta te em ergen cy (
hoard w ere called to m eet in Salem
T uesday to consider applications for
deficien cy appropriations aggregating
approxim ately $70,000.
T he Oregon sta te cham pionship
trapshooting tournam ent will be held
at th e C orvallis Rod and Gan club
grounds beginning Friday, and will
continued until Sunday.
A United States em ploym ent office
at Arlington during the harvest sen
son tn G illiam and Morrow counties
w as urged at a m eeting of G illiam
count y wheat grow ers at Coadoa.
W. A
4 » w .r state sealer
Industrial concerns in Oregon dur­
ing the past eigh t m onths have paid
personal injury dam ages to workmen,
based on court judgm ents, aggregating
$900,000, according to figures made
public by the state industrial accident
com m ission.
R evocation 6 t the quarantine order
resulting from the foot and mouth d is­
ease in California tw o years ago waa
recom m ended by m embers of the Ore­
gon state 1,«eslock sanitary board.
The recom m endation was sen t to Gov­
ernor Pierce.
H. G. Kennard, w aterm aster, In co­
operation with the state engin eer’s
office, is m aking a hydrographic study
of the Malheur river to determ ine the
return w ater that will be availab le for
use when the Vale irrigation project
is constructed.
R etail prices of food in Portland in­
creased one per cent In April and 3
per cen t betw een April, 1925, and
April, 1926 according to figures of the
bureau of labor statistics. Since 1913
the retail cost of food in Portland haa
risen 41 per cent.
W ith B est Q u a lity M ateriaJ
I pay postage one way—cash must accompany order
M en’s h alf-soles ................$ 1 .5 0
H ee ls
L adies’ h alf-soles ............. $ 1 .0 0
H ee ls e x tr a .............................. 2 5 c
M en’s P an co so le s ............. $ 1 .2 5
B o y s’, $ 1 .0 0 ; L a d ies’ .............7 5 c
C entral P o in t
M c D o
e x tr a .............................5 0 c
w e l l
O regon
(M ixed F er tiliz e r s fo r A ll S p ecial C rops)
M IL K M A K E —
(A ll P ure— N o F iller s U sed — B e st fo r L e ss)
PEERLESS—That exceptional baby chick Mash—
Baby chick Scratch—Purest for less—Every feed
for the Poultryman.
( W e do G rin d in g , S te a m R olling, C l e a n i n g )
Farm Kureau
Co-Operative Exchange
B rick Ice C re a m a t D am o n C afe.
Two new burner hou ses at an ap­
Lumbermen's association for the week
ended May 15 showed that 108 m ills proxim ate cost of $14,000 are being
produced 114.627.416 feet of lumber, built by the Silver F alls Tim ber com ­
sold 120.564,138 feet and shti ped 107,- pany at Sllverton.
175,223 feet. T his brings production
P lans for the erectiqn of a new $65,-
for the first 20 w eek s of 1926 to 1,983,- 000 church edifice w ere announced by
230.519 feet. feet sold and the congregation of the F irst P resby­
2,059,342,032 feet shipped.
terian church of Astoria.
The Taylor m emorial com m ittee of
Attracted and b c r lld e r ed by the
Pendleton has cabled A. Phim ister ligh ts of Grants Pass, a sm all spike
Proctor, noted sculptor now In Rome, buck ran into a confectionery on the
to begin work at once on a bronse busiest corner in the city.
equestrian statu e of the late sh eriff
N els K. Bue. 54. em ploye of the
of U m atilla county, killed several
East Oregon Lumber company, w as
years ago. The statu e Is to he finish­
Injured fatally at Enterprise, when he
ed by 1927 and will be unveiled at
fell from the m ill tram to the dry kiln
Taylor Memorial park during the 1927
Slight d ecreases in the rates of the
Cereal crop conditions In Oregon on
C onsolidated E lectric com pany, with
the whole are favorable, though winter
headquarters at Canyon City, have
wheat in som e of the Columbia river
been ordered by the public service
countries suffered from early dryness,
com m ission.
the recent rains com ing too late to be
The second annual Jersey Jubilee,
of much benefit. Spring sow n wheat
by the C lackam as County
prospects appear good. It Is believed
that the earllneas of the season will J ersey C attle club, w as held at the
put the bulk of the wheat crop beyond C lackam as county fair grounds at
Canby Saturday.
danger of sum m er winds.
Forty acres of land, just outsid e the
Oregon w ill receive a larger share
of the $7,500,000 fund appropriated by etty lim its of Klamath Falls, w ere j
congress for road construction in na­ leased for an aviation field which will
tional foreats during the fiscal year accom m odate airplanes from all sec- |
19S7 than any other sta te except Idaho, tions of the coast.
The m em bers of the M ethodist E pis­
th e United S tates forestry service has
The Oregon allotm ent Is copal church of C orvallis dedicated a
$1,097,077 o f the whole sum. of which new place ot w orship Sunday. The
$580,591 la to be devoted to highw ays new building cost f 120.000 and Is mod­
ern In every respect.
and $516,486 to road developm ent
Reports received by
W estern
P ine M anufacturers' association tn
Portland showed that for the week
ended May 15, 32 m ills had orders on
hand, totaling 2971 carloads, or 77.-
146.000 feet
Orders received during
the week totaled 1002 carloads, or 26.
062.000 feet, a total o f 3973 care of
order«. < r a total of 103.396.000 feet;
th is was *1 per cent of the normal.
W hile prospects im m ediately follow ­
ing the heavy bloom indicated that
Hood River valley would have a large
pear crop this season, the young fruit
has dropped in such qu antities that
grow ers now predict less tonnage than
last season.
Mail your shoes to me for prompt and serviceable
but the last few miles
are less fun/
A glorious day’s o u tin g bu t w hen th e
car tu rn s for hom e all th e fun is gone for
one of th e fam ily.
T here’sd in n er to get for a late and h u n ­
gry crowd. And th e stove, of course, is
K indling and fuel to bring in. Never
m in d th e floor now it ’ll have to be sw ept
later. So m an y th in g s to be don»», and the
fire to be w atched!
In eigh teen hundred other hom es near
at hand, there isn ’t any kitchen-fire prob­
lem tod ay—or any day. Electric ranges are
in these hom es. A cooking heat is ready at
th e turn of a hand.
IN F R O C R & 3 S
*TT m a c tu a l a m t d r cim t o f
c u r r a n t f o r «Am tr i e c o o k l n f
and tl| h ;ln | , to g e th e r, la
h o rn « « In t h i s n e i g h b o r ­
h o o d . la IS .» } m m o o c h .
E conom ical,* clean, convenient and
m ore efficient, electrical cooking is the
choice o f every housew ife. And if it is only
a m atter of tim e, why not now? A wide
selection of m odels to fit any kitch en , and
term s to m eet your wishes, at th e nearest