Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, May 13, 1926, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Charles A. Howard
for Slot# Suporiotendeat of Public
One of the most important offices
in the state is that o f State Super­
intendent o f Public Instruction. For
this oftice we heartily endorse,
Charles A. Howard, of Marshfield.
W. C. Leever, Mayor, Central Point
Mrs. A. T. Lathrop, Pres. P. T. A.
H. P. Jewett, Supt. of Schools
D. F. Amiclc, Grade School Principal
S. W. Trill, Lawyer
R. H. Paxsen, Merchant
Mrs. Susanne H. Carter, Co. Supt.
of Schools
E. H. Hedrick, Supt.
Avard Whitman, Supt o f Schools,
Supt. o f Schools,
A. J. Hanby, Grade School Principal,
pd. adv
Mrs. E. W. Hedgpeth is a new
reader o f the American since our
last issue. Mr. and Mrs. Hedgpeth
have recently moved to theus farm
near Central Point.
H. Fields, one o f our wielders of
the paint brush, is a new reader of
the American.
Mrs. Stephenson and daughter
Hazel, were called Saturday after
noon to Ashland, because o f the ill­
2 \ lots, good location, best soil ness o f a sister o f Mrs. Stephenson.
in town, fenced for garden, priced
right. Inquire at this office.
Mrs. S. E. Doolittle was a caller
---------- o----------
Brick Ice Cream at Damon Cafe. yesterday to renew her subscription
to the American.
Mr. and Mrs. John Higinbotham
N. I. Whetstone o f Ashland, was
have as guests their niece and fam­
ily from Alberta, Canada.
visiting the home folks at Tolo to­
Why take your cars to Medford
when you can get a better job for
Our jolly
good friend
less money at the Independent Gar
j Zuccaia, was a caller last press day
age at Central Point.
to subscribe for the American.
Paul A. Sherer was in the city
For Sale— Hardy Sprayer com­
Sunday morning having service work
done on his Packard.
plete or will sell parts.— Independent
Garage, Central Point, Oregon.
For Sale— 4 week old roosters at
10c each.— Mrs. D. M. Grisham, Cen­ SUNDAY SCHOOL AT HOWARD
tral Point, Oregon, R. 1.
—— —
o --------------------
E. E. Evans, Supt. of Schools, Talent
B. H. Conkle, Principal
School, Medford.
— Dentist—
Mr. and Mrs. Newell Whetstone X-Ray
Medford, Ore.
and daughter Penelope, aiso Mr. 409 Medford Bldg.
Baugh and children o f Ashland, spent
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Boles and fanj-
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. ily motored to the Grants Pass coun­
try Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mayfield and
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harris enter­
sons, also Mrsi Alice Kincaid, spent
tained the Sunday school class of
Tuesday in Medford shopping.
We are sorry to report Miss Lucy Rev. Johnson Monday, May 10.
Wilson is on the sick list and hav­
The news staff o f this paper were
ing trouble with her eyes. She is
guests o f the American office at the
compelled to quit school.
Mrs. Clayton has returned from A1 G. Barnes circus Wednesday.
California to make her home with
Everette Scott left Wednesday
her son, Troy Clayton
for Bray, Cal., where he has
The social given by the Commun­
ity Club was a great success. Every employment for the summer.
one enjoyed the pictures shown by
Mrs. Elizabeth Scott is still con­
Mr. Ivanhoe, o f the Copco. A neat
little sum was taken in from ice fined to her home with an attack
The next meeting o f the of heart trouble.
Club will be held on May 26.
Geo. E. Briscoe, Supt. o f Schools,
R. L. Cornwall,
Gold Hill
Sunday there was an attendance
c f 71 out to Sunday school at the
Howard school house (or the Mid­
way) which is held every Sunday at
2:30 p. m. It is undenominational.
After Sunday school there was the
song and testimony meeting; follow­
ing was the preaching by Rev. Goble.
across the street long enough this
Brick Ice Cream at Damon Cafe.
At the close o f the meeting two came
morning to order the American sent
and were saved in the old-
to his son B. G.t who lives near
Horace Terrell and Miss Eleanor
Saubert were golfing at the Legion time way. Everybody invited. Come.
— James McDowell.
golf links Saturday.
Friday Nile
Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching r
services It a. m. and 8 p. m. Christ-
The program given by local peo­
ian Endeavor 7 p. m. Preaching
on Friday evening, April 30, as
The young lady who was looking
services both morning and evening
by the Rev. I. G. Shaw.
for a graduation gift for a young a final party for the benefit o f the
Mrs. J. E. Weaver, S. S. Supt.; man dropped into Jones* Jewelry P. T. A., failed to he mentioned
Mrs. J. O. Isaacson, Supt. o f Pri­
in last week’s issue, due to a mis­
mary Dept.; Mrs. A1 Hermanson, Store last week and her troubles understanding among reporters.
Supt. o f Cradle Roll Dept.; Mrs. G. were soon ended.
The program was sponsored by
C. McAllister, Pres, o f Ladies* Cir­
cle; Bernice Shaw, Pres. C. E.; Mrs.
Mrs. Audrey Snyder and was well
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leever were
Warner, Choir Director.
attended and seemingly enjoyed.
---------- o----------
among the Central Point people in
The entire year’s work with Mrs.
Wa have seen much discussion about attendance Monday night at Abner
A. T. Lathrop as president, has been
the use by Southerners of the term K. Kline shows now showing in Med­
successful and much has been ac­
“yen all." In many examples, we have ford and for the rest o f the week.
complished in an educational way.
seen this used by writers who do cot
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Kindle and I Mrs. Lathrop has given untiring
understand It to refer to the singular
parson, says the Troy Messenger. Thla Mr. and Mrs. Sterns motored to effort in behalf o f this work. A
la not the usage In the South by edu Roseburg Sunday. Incidentally this clo* r relationship between parents
anted people but the term ts often is the first day o ff Mr. Kindle has and teacher!' has been established
aaed to distinguish tha plural from the had for several weeks due to his | and '* '* hoped that many chi,dren
wi" be benef'tted in a physical way
atagutar "you." The same Idea Is work with the service stations.
I because o f the many excellent sug-
ioond In a recent editorial In the New
The American does all kinds of
The Willow Springs district school printing. If it can be printed— we
children enjoyed with their teacher, can do it.
their annual picnic on Wednesday of
The tearing down o f the barn
this week.
owned by Joe Stevens was completed
Our friend, Ben Peart, came Saturday morning.
York Times In which tha writer, tell­
ing of the efficiency of the New York
pallce. of which tha cltlsena In that
Mty look pride, eald: "It la aomethlng
of which wa all have a right to be
Tho propriety of tho em­
end Inclusive "all" la plain.
Not mach I« accomplished by the
ffiarce scoldings for the transgressions
«4 tbatr offspring which It Is tha fash
Ion. Just now. to give the parent class.
Mwch said about tbs breakdown of
temlly discipline la unquestionably
But If the boys and girls, tbs
sg men and maidens, of thla day
tu bava tho responsibility for
at thay do transferrad to their fs
and mothers, why cannot tha
Bthw* and mothers say In turn that
are just what thalr own fathers
“ 4 “ ethers taught tham to be, or let
* • " K end so start a sequence of
taveaponslMIltles that would go back
to Adam and Kva?
A certain young lady who will
graduate this spring is expecting a
nice watch or piece o f jewelry as
a graduation gift. Why disappoint
her? See Jones, the Jeweler.
Mr. Pervis o f Talent, coach o f the
1926 Jackson county haaketbal!
champions of secondary schools, was
in town Friday and among the out-
of-town persons attending the Jun­
ior class play at the high school.
The Battery and Electric Shop of
which I. C. Grimes is manager and
owner. <a putting out mile posts ad­
vertising rentrai Point and the elee-
tric shop, along the Pacific highway.
A number o f Epworth League
members enjoyed a business meeting
and social time at the home o f Mr
and Mrs. J. M. Johnson Tuesday eve-
Delicious punch and wafers
were served as refreshments.
The Girl Scouts attended both
Mother’s Day programs last Sunday
They gave, orally
Girl Scout promise, which is brief,
but expresses a high ideal, the de­
sire to he o f res I service.
Sunday, April 25, was Jim Wat-
kin’s 64th birthday. Jim came down
town early with his horse shoes dang­
ling from his arm and a peculiar
look in his eye. On this day he had
determined to clean-up southern Ore­
gon or quit the game.
In company with a co-partner
from tedford he went to Ashland
where the pitchers of that city, Med­
ford and Grants Pass were going
to ‘‘pitch it out.’’
Jim and his pal “ cleaned” all the
pitchers in this art, of all the above
mentioned cities. But he was still
going good when he came home in
the evening and won all the games
played with home pitchers.
Moreover, he ended the day by
hunting up the frail editor o f this
paper and offered to go in the ring
for several rounds. We looked Jim
over and decided to wait until he
was older.
Jim Watkins is a good old scout
and we wish him many more such
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the home o f Mrs. Maud Boswell
Saturday evening in honor o f her
birthday. The evening was spent in
playing games, and a number o f
musical selections were played by the
Burger sisters; after which refresh­
ments were served.
Those who were present to help
enjoy this pleasant evening were Mr.
and Mrs. J. Burger. Mr. and Mrs.
John Hesselgrave, Mr. and
Ernest Scott, Mrs. Paul Martin, Mrs.
\ ” ort° n’ M” A , Webster, Mrs.
Maud Boswell, Mrs. L. S. Wilmoth,
Mildred Burger, Dorothy Martin,
Berniece Burger, Ruth Webster,
W yvette Boswell, Ruby Webster,
Jenisse Hesselgrave, Lawrence Col­
lins, Edwin Martin and Carl Bos­
This week Attorney Trill, opened
an office in the J. B. Stevens build­
ing just west o f the State Bank.
He will also enter the real estate
business and write insurance.
Mr. Trill’s two children will be
here about May 18, to spend the
summer with him. The building is
being arranged for living rooms so
that he will occupy the entire build­
The printing office force was the
recipient this morning o f a beautiful
boquet o f roses and honeysuckle
brought to us by Mrs. Robert South-
well. Mrs. Southwell has been in
rather poor health for some time but
was out this morning visiting Mrs.
You have all read stories o f the
ancient Magi o f Persia, once a caste
or cult o f Priests who ranked next
to the ruler o f the land in import­
ance; but how many o f you have
ever thought to meet one o f these!
Well, you will now have that op­
portunity, as one o f this cult has
established his residence right here
in town.
This is the way it happened:—
two local men who have been spend­
ing every spare minute o f time, for
the past year and more, in experi­
mentation have at last succeeded in
the>r endeavor to produce something
that is “ just a little better” than any­
thing in that line— an Automobile
and Furniture Polish.
These gentlemen claim some very
important improvements over any
other product now on the market
and are ready and willing to dem­
onstrate and prove their contention.
This office has just finished the
printing o f the first lot o f labels
which are lo appear on the contain­
ers for this polish and we are hold­
ing the “ set-up” for more to be
printed in a short time as there will
soon be great demand for this pro­
duct, there having already been re­
ceived orders from as far away as
Chicago, as well as several from this
This polish, A well as several
other kinds of polishes, has been
named “ Magi” because o f its magical
work on the various surfaces for
which it is intended, and a special
cut has been made for use on labels,
etc., the said cut being obtained
through this office.
These two gentlemen are well
known in this vicinity, being none
others than Messrs. Harold Fields
and Frank M. Jones; it has been
known by many that they have been
doing tome sort o f experimental
work, but not many have known the
nature c f that work.
Messrs. Fields and Jones will man­
ufacture these polishes here in Cen­
tral Point, and distribute to all parts
o f the country, either in wholesale,
job .or retail lots.
Everyone who has seen the work
o f their polishes has admitted that
they “ never saw anything just like
it” and a great deal o f encourage­
ment has been offered by those who
realize its merits.
We are glad to welcome this new
industry to Central Point and hope
that there will soon be such great
demands for these products that a
force of workmen will have to be
added to carry on the work.
Mr. Jones is ready at all times
to demonstrate these products at his
Jewelry Store at Paxson’s; Mr. Fields
also will demonstrate. Their charge
for this polish will be reasonable
and the results o f its use will be
more than pleasing.
Beside this Auto and Furniture
Polish these gentlemen have also dis­
covered in the course o f their work,
an aluminum polish, brass and gen­
eral metal polish, and a special
piano polish and leather finish, the
last two named not yut being man­
ufactured because o f lack o f time
and manufacturing capacity, but it
is intended to put these out at an
early date.
Lloyd Anderson, formerly a stu­
dent at the University of Oregon
and now with the Owen Oregon
tre8tion* as to he,ltb rules, etc.
1 The laat n,<etinK o f the V*™ was Lumber company, spent the last
j h,‘ld la,t Fn,lay> but ■" no nomina- week end with his parents o f the
Were made for offifers for the Willow Springs district.
fo,1',w,n* year- the meeting was ad-
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Merritt of
K » ™ d to meet at a later date.
The executive committee expects Corvallis, who recently purchased the
‘ ° Use ,he
now in the tr«‘a*- Norcmsa home and property, took
ury in buyin>r some iine Playground | possession o f their new home Thurs-
The Williams family has moved to
the country.
e,>uiPmont fpr the school yard.
Since the resignation
Pankey, as telephone operator, Mrs.
Love, who has been, assisting in the
afternoon only, will Increase her
service to eight hour., daily. Mr.
Pankey will serve the remaining
The Jesse L. Richardson Feed
Store and Transfer company hauled
two truck loads o f lumber to Dia­
mond t-nke Sunday. The fumber is
for the Diamond Lake Improvement
company, probably to be used in the
con.truetion o f the new boat house
and store which are going to be used
this summer.
John Anderson, a progressive far
mer o f the Tolo district, called at
our office this week to renew his 1
subscription. Mr. Anderson special
izes in diversified farming and has
his buildings electrioally equipped
and enjoya the conveniences o f a
complete water system throughout
the buildings. He has lived in var­
ious Middle Meat states hut prefer*
the climate o f southern Oregon to
any he has tried.
Get Your Aer-o-plane Bonds
at the
Central Point American Office
$50 in Bonds for New Yearly Sub­
$25 on Renewals.