Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, May 13, 1926, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MAY 13.1926
Susanne Homes Carter, county
superintendent, was here Friday on
her periodical visits to the schools
o f Jackson county.
committee, made a favorable report
and read the constitution and by­
laws o f the society. At this time
Rafael Benson, Scott Hamilton, Don­
ald Wilson and Ivan Skyrman an­
Students Leave Building in 60
nounced their intention o f running
for fctudent body president. The
One minute is the time required girls’ league announced as their can­
by the students to vacate the school didate fo r vice-president, Evelyn
building: as determined by a fire- Hamilton.
drill Friday, under the direction o f
Fire Chief Roy Elliot o f Medford.
Seniors Defy Sophomore end Junior
< • •
Platforms Announced — Chairman
Torch Honor Society Reports at
Student Meeting Friday
A student body meeting was called
Friday morning for the JiurpoRe of
instructing the students as to the
voting in the primaries that after­
noon. In addition. Miss Jennie Eicher
chairman o f the Torch Honor society
of Portland
Candidate for Republican
Nomination for United States
States Senate who can secure results
for its people at the national capitol.
It needs a man familiar with its
resources, agricultural interests, in­
dustries, harbor and reclamation pro­
It needs a man with the energy,
industry and ability to secure gov­
ernment recognition and aid for the
development o f these resources, var­
ious interests, industrial enterprises
and projects.
After carrying on a frantic and
fruitless hunt for their stolen eats,
and after being the big wallop in
the Senior-Junior, Sophomore fight,
Thursday afternoon following the
close o f school, the American History
class motored to Ashland where they
most o f the goiters among children
can be cured in a few months by
the iodine treatment or with desicat-
ed thyroid medicine under the ad­
vice o f a physician. However, he
stressed the importance o f prevent­
ing goiters from obtaining a start
by beginning with the mothers who
have defective thyroid glands and
then beginning iodine treatments
with infants when they begin taking
general food. He said that in this
part o f the northwest everyone
should use iodized salt o f two per
cent strength for household uses and
that children in addition should be
given the iodine tablets weekly until
they reach adolescence.
This instructive talk by Dr. Else
was given under the auspices of the
Jackson County Public Health asso­
ciation, who invited him here as a
means o f educating the community
along health lines.
The Jackson County Health Unit
held the first o f its summer pre­
school clinics in the county, Friday,
April 23 at the home o f Mrs. Pete
Betz in the Reese Creek district.
This is the first time a clinic has
been held in this district and sixteen
children were examined and refer­
red to their family physician. Dr.
V. S. Gearey, county health officer,
examined the children assisted by
Miss Vera Beard, county nurse, and
by Miss Josephine Koppes, and Mrs.
H. L. Noblit.
- -o
(Ore. State C. o f C.)
Persona! letters o f welcome to
In Alfred E. Clark, candidate for prospective settlers establish a bond
the Republican nomination for Unit­ o f confidence and open correspond­
ed States Senator, the people of Ore­ ence which brings results in land set­
gon have such a man.
tlement work. That is the convic­
He has the energy.
tion o f W. G. Ide who is directing
He has the industry.
the work o f the land settlement de­
He has the ability.
partment o f the Portland chamber
Moreover he already has to his co-ordinated with the Oregon State
credit a record o f faithful and e f­ chamber.
During April Mr. Ide
ficient public service.
signed 8,386 letters carrying Ore­
He has courageously opposed in gon's message o f invitation.
this campaign those who would de­ these letters went 20,367 pieces o f
prive the people of the right to se­ illustrated literature.
lect their own candidates under the
These letters were sent not only
direct primary law and who now seek to new inquirers o f whom there were
to dictate party nominations.
983 during the month, but largely
These factors have made him the to interested homoseekers whose cor­
leading Republican candidate for the respondence extends over several
senatorship and his nomination seems months. Inspired with confidence
by the frankness and warm personal
A vote for Alfred E. Clark for interest evidenced to them by their
Senator is a vote for the general wel­ first uetter from the department,
fare of Oregon and its people.
the inquirers are encouraged to ob­
(Paid Adv
Alfred E. Clark for tain all the facts necessary to satisfy
U. S. Senator Campaign Committee) them they are moving inthe right
direction in coming to Oregon.
The records o f the department
' sho'-T that this follow-up correspond-
The lecture on goiter and its pre­ ' ence is worth while, measured by the
vention given April 27 in Medford capital investment brought to the
by Dr. J. Earle Else proved to be state. Out o f the 146 questionnaires
o f interest to people from all over signed and returned during April,
Jackson county as shown by their 117 carried the declaration o f the
attendance and by their eager ques­ writer’s intention to come to Oregon
tioning o f Dr, Else at the close o f and specified a proposed capital in­
his talk. Dr. Else pointed out why vestment o f
the subject o f goiter was o f inter­ letters and questionnaires combined.
est to this locality by quoting some I : 72 families sent assurance they are
o f the results o f Dr. Gearey’s sur­ coming to find new farm homes.
vey among school children. In the
Among those families who arrived
grade schools o f Medford the devel­ in Oregon in April were 29 placed
oped cases o f goiter among boys is directly through the Land Settlement
18 percent and among girls 35 per Department. They made investments
rent. In the Medford high school aggregating 198.456.
the devoped cases o f goiter among
Oregon is the goal o f many thou­
boys is 9 percent and among girls
sand o f homeseekers. To direct
78 percent.
Dr. Else hastened to explain that ! these families to farms on which
enjoyed a plunge in the natatorium
o f that city. Buying a new supply
o f eats the “ gang” went up Ashland
canyon and had their picnic dinner.
• * *
Golds Entertain Silver Key Club
The Silver Key Club, an organiza
tion o f the Freshman English class,
went to Ashland for a swim at Hel-
mans and a lunch at the park, Mon­
day afternon after school. A fter the
swim ice-cream and cake were served
by the girls o f the club. The “ Golds”
were the hosts and proved themselves
to be very good sports by the dinner
they served, according to a report
by Perry Johnson.
The “ Golds” and the “ Purples”
will stage a short program before
the student body assembly in the
near future.
they can be successful is the import­
ant work being accomplished by the
sustained and prompt efforts of the
Land settlement department,
The kind hearted action o f the
people of Jackson county in raising
funds for my benefit has made it
possible for me to have the benefit
o f treatment in one o f the best in­
stitutions in the United States for
the malady Lam afflicted with.
In behalf o f myself and my fam­
ily I can only feebly express the ap­
preciation I feel and I want to say
that the dark cloud that had settled
about me may yet I hope yield to the
treatment I am to receive.
I shall go to this institution with
the resolve to use every effort in my
power to get well and I hope to re­
turn in time to this community and
my family in condition that I may
take up the responsibilities o f life
and help to do to others as I have
been done by__ J. A. Rasmussen.
Local residents and lodge members
in attendance at the Muscovite cer­
emonial in Ashland Saturday night
were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vincent, Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Richardson, Mes­
dames Ed Gleason and Rostel. The
party motored to the Lithia city in
Mr. Vincent’s car.
Portland, Oregon, May 13, 1926.—
(Special)— Senator I. L. Patterson
will be the Republican party nom­
inee for Governor. Such is the gen­
eral prediction now being made here
by Republican and Democratic lead­
ers alike.
Incidentally it might be remarked
For Sale— Household goods, in­
in this connection that the splendid cluding Holpoint Electric range, and
showing of strength made by Pat­ garden tools.— Mrs. Beck at the C.
terson leaves no doubt o f his suc­ Hansen house.
cess at the general election, and
that fact has been a strong element j
in attracting all classes of Repub- j
licans to his standard.
It has been generally conceded all
the while that he would emerge tri­
umphant in the Willamette Valley,
the only difference o f opinion being
as to the size o f his plurality, and I
now that Seymour Jones has an­
nounced his support o f Patterson, it
is prophesied that he will carry the !
valley by a majority, instead o f a j
plurality. The concensus of opinion |
throughout the state is that if nom- j
inated, Mr. Patterson would be ! GRADUATION TIME
stronger in the fall election than any j
other candidate. He, being a prac- I
tical farmer, is in sympathy with the !
farmers’ troubles, and will apply
business methods for their relief.
Patterson is making the campaign
on a platform o f progressive and I
It will not come again
constructive principles, and making
these young friends of
an unqualified promise that he will
reduce taxes, and that he will apply
ours, so let us make the
business principles to the administra­
most o f the occasion—
tion o f state affairs.
select that gift NOW !
What is probably the biggest bull
trout ever caught in Wallowa lake
was brought to town by Glenn
Sprague, Ed Leffe and Elwyn Ker- |
Watchmaker & Jeweler
nan. The trout measured 32 inches
(At Paxson’s)
and weighed 1 2 % pounds. It dress­
ed over 10 pounds— Joseph Herald.
F. M. Jones, Prop.
Footwear of Quality
Utz and Dunn Make
----------- o-----------
One o f the finest social gatherings
o f the season was the occasion of
the class party o f the Women’s Bible
Class of the Federated churches, held
on Monday evening o f this week, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Harris. It will not possible fo r all
the members o f this large class to
be present: but the class was well
represented, and there were a few
other women o f the Sunday school
present. Twelve gentlemen also w%re
present. The large house was well
filled. The evening was spent in
games, social converse and music.
The old sajing that older people are
only grown up children was well
demonstrated. Mr. and Mrs. Harris
are splendid hosts. They made us
hope we may go out there again.
The “ eats” committee had found an
abundance o f the very best things.
These were also well received. Quite
a little zest was added to the occasion
when it was found that the day was 1
the thirty-sixth anniversary o f the [
graduation o f Mr. Harris from high
school, and was also the ninth anni­
versary o f the wedding o f Mr. and ;
Mrs. Harris. We were really cele­
brating. The affair was under the
direction o f the “ Look-out” commit­
tee o f the Bible class. Mrs. Hub­
bard and her helpers served well.
Thcwbicycle rodeo sponsored by E.
L. Scott o f Medford, at the Jackson
county fair grounds Saturday, ac-
i cording to Lester Scott, who attend­
ed and last year won two first prizes
in th<- ¿aces, was a grand affair.
The bicycles parade through Medford
and out to the ball grounds. Horace
Bromley, the Copco man, took motion
pictures o f the various events.
As the result o f a collision be­
tween the cars o f D. R. Schrader
and Floyd Odin on the Crater Lake
highway Sunday near Eagle Point.
Wayne Bowman, formerly o f Cen­
tral Point but now o f Medford, re­
ceived a lacerated knee.
M. M. Kindle, secretary o f the In­
dependent Service Station Owners’
association, attended the regular
meeting o f that association Tuesday
night at the Holland Hotel in Med­
Footwear at Popular Prices
Summer Styles now in
— A Good Place to Trade—
G ir l s
l a d ie s
(W ith ventilated feature, also adjustable bands)
Come and see tbe largest stock that wo over
Our special offort is on Hats at—
35c, 45c, 50c, 60c,
These are all worth more money— all sines from 6 to 6.
A R R IV E D !
B. P. Thiess & Co.