■H M CE N TR AL POINT AM E RICAN PAGE FOUR M exican Couples C o Not Reaponaible for in 5/afe to Wedding A ny W ildcat’ » Blunder A atranger, driving down a lonely road, aaw a big wildcat dash acrosa the highway In front of him and leap through the open window of a farm- r house At the aame moment he saw the farmer working In a held a short distance away. Whipping up his home, he excitedly accosted the farmer. "Is that your house T’ he breath­ lessly Inquired. "Guess It la," drawled the man of the soil. l a your wife In the ^ItchenT" “ Ought to be," said the farmer.. “Then hurry home, man, and see what you can da I Just saw a wild­ cat leap through the kitchen window." “That soT" asked the farmer. “Yes, man; hurry, hurry.” "Tell me, stranger," Insisted the farmer, “was anybody chasing that wildcat r “ No.” “ He went through that window of his own free will and accord 7" “ Yes,” replied the now thoroughly puzzled stranger. "Then let him defend himself," con­ cluded the farmer, as be returned con­ tentedly to his task.— Washington Star. Small Girl Slightly * “ Under the W eather” The Mexican Indian dislikes noth­ ing so much as unnecessary labor. He Is disposed to take life as he finds It, and seldom does anything to better bis position In the world. An Ameri­ can bunting In the Sierra of Pueblo, stopped at the door of an Indian hut to Inquire his way of a woman and a little girl who stood within. Tba fol­ lowing conversation ensued: "Good morning, señora.“ "A very good morning, at your or­ ders, senor.” "This Is the road to Zacapoaxtla, la It n o t r “You are quite right, senor.* “ And is It very far?" “ On the contrary, It Is a little way." “ A thousand thanks for your kind­ ness, señora." "There Is nothing for which to offur them, senor.” “ Is the little girl sick, señora?" "She Is a little sick, senor.” “ What la the matter with her, señora V "She has the smallpox, senor."— Exchange. PAG EAN T TO BE ALL SOUTHERN OREGON Ancient wedding customs are stil observed by the Mexicans. Theli church weddings are always held In the morning. The bride and groom ride to the church In a closed carriage with a footman and a driver In white trousers and correct English livery The horses have docked tails and heavy white leather collars, beside* white cockades streaming from their bridles. The real picture, however, Is said to be Inside the carriage, which Is completely lined with satin In a sort of tufted effect. The contracting parties alt beside each other. The bride wears conventional white and the groom eve nlng clothes. Directly opposite them Is a small child dressed In white vel­ vet with the ring pillow on his lap. The wedding ceremony contains many picturesque symbols. The climax of the affair comes when the bride and groom are bound together with a heavy string. Immediately after the cere­ mony the whole party goes to the pho­ tographer's.—Pathfinder Magazine. Gather Every Fifteen Years to H onor Deity On the great hill of Sravanbelgola, In Mysore state, southern India, stands a colossal Image over 00 feet high o f the god Komateswara. Every 15 years a great festival Is held in Jionor of the deity, and hundreds of thou­ sands of Jains come from all parts of India to participate In It. One o f the principal events o f the festival Is the ceremonial anointing of the Image with ghee, milk, sandal­ wood oil and other liquids. A huge scaffolding Is erected around the figure to render It accessible, and the right to anoint It nut up at auction—a curi­ ous feature o f a religious festival. The figure o f the god Is a huge mon­ olith—probably the largest In the world. It was hewn out of solid rock at least a thousand years ago and Is In a wonderful state of preserva­ tion.— Wide World Magazine. Victim T u rn ed Lure — SCOUT NEWS Federalized Service Central Point State Bank Sweet, Tasty Meats Central Point Meat Market I. D. LEWIS, Prop. A d i about CIRCLE TO U R of the UNITED STATES JAMES - * M c D o w e l l Oregon «■rrî\ —Southern Pacific *• new Crave! bargain Low Fares Back East AiS Central Point The Flying Eagle Patrol is going on a hike to Gold Hill next Satur­ day, the 15th, patrol leaders and as­ sistant patrol leaders were invited. The thumb print contest was won held The regular meeting w In announcing the third annual Tuesday night at 7 :30. There were tw enty-four present at pageant at M edford, the producers are laying especial stress upon the this meeting. by the Fox patrol, this contest was Two new recruits were brought in; fact that they have extended the fo r the most members o f each patrol Lester scope o f the production so that in­ they were Joe Collier and present at each meeting Naught. stead o f a com ic opera revamped as form erly, with nothing o f local inter­ est except the people in the produc­ tion, this year they have something that will appeal to the entire Rogue River valley and surrounding coun- * try. “ Blazipg the Trail,” as the name suggests, is a symbolic story o f early days in the Crater Lake country, j founded on historical facta. But the writer, Muir Kelvynn, has work- | THE ADVICE FROM AN OFFICER OF ed in a beautiful love story, with j THIS B A N K CONCERNING YOUR some very beautiful music, alho has FINANCIAL PROBLEMS W ILL COST succeeded in what is almost more | YO U NOTHING AND M A Y SAVE YO U important, and that is he has some ' real com edy characters and situa­ MAKING COSTLY MISTAKES. tions in the piece, and this is most J • unusual in a perform ance o f this | W E CONSIDER IT A PLEASURE TO kind, fo r in the ordinary run of | pageants, there is no story, simply j SERVE Y O U IN A N Y CAPACITY h number o f scenes and dances with WHEREIN W E CAN BE OF ASSIST­ very little plot to hold them together, j ANCE. Messrs. Andrews and Hazelrigg, j who have entire charge o f the pro­ duction, are now assembling the cast | and ensemble, fo r what will be the most pretentious o f their many e f­ forts in Southern Oregon. There will be more than 500 people, with wagons, trains, stage coaches, sol­ diers, miners, Indians, easterners, horses, fire works, special scem ^L splendid ballets, a big orchestra and every feature that goes to make up a big outdoor spectacle. “ Blazing the T rail” will be given three perform ances at the Jackson County Fair Grounds near M edford THE CHOICE OF THE LAN D — A L W A Y S FRESH AND TEN DER on the nights o f June 22-23-24. ----------- o----------- The new high school building for which $40,000 bond issue was voted last February, is being constructed rapidly, despite the bad weather con­ ditions causing work to be suspended fo r a short time. Forms are now completed fo r the new central heat­ ing plant which will supply heat for the new high school building and the present one. F or the past two weeks ‘Quality and Service”— Our Motto tlrb fprms have been filled witfi con­ crete. While in the Hawaiian Islands Mark Twain was assaulted unmerci­ fully by mosquitoes. Attempting to fool them, he hud a fine netting put all around his bed. In spite of this precaution, however, the pests nmn aged to find their way Inside and nearly tormented the life out of him. After careful Investigation the victim decided that after they once got In­ side of the netting the mosquitoes were unable to find their way out. Persons from outlying districts o f H arne ss fo r Doga Consequently, every evening Mark the valley in attendance at the Jun­ The ordinary style of harness used would crawl Inside the nettiug. wait ior class play, “ The W rong Mr. for dogs drawing sleds Is made of patiently as a lure until he figured rawhide straps. It consists o f a col­ thi^t all o f the pests were Inside, then W right,” at the high school gymnas- | lar with a strap extending down from lift the covering cautiously and sneak ium Friday night, included Mr. W il­ the back o f the neck to the middle of outside to spend the night on the floor. son and Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich o f the back, where It meets a strap which Moreover, he always declared that he the Agate district; Mr. Pervis of passes from the lower part o f the col­ was never afterwards bothered. Talent and county road commission­ lar between the forelegs and up on er Victor Bursell, and Mrs. Bursell. each side over the ribs, to be attached Pat B ea t th e Law to the back strap; at this point Is The story o f dogs Is closely con­ made fast the leading line, which Is The height o f econom y was exer­ from three to five feet long, and la nected with the story o f man. For In­ cised when W eaver Hartmen and attached either directly to the front stance, there Is the legend that relates George Casebolt, M edford youths, of the sled or to a single straight how lap dogs came to Ireland. rode their bicycles ten miles in order In the beginning Britain seems to leading line fastened to Ihe sled and The boys rode extending forward to a distance suf­ have had a monopoly on tiny dogs, to save ten cents. ficient for the attachment of all the and It was forbidden to give or sell a to town Saturday evening and had their hair cut; the rates o f the local dogs belonging to the team. When tiny dog to an Irishman. the team consists of more than three Then parliament passed a law which barbers being lower than those o f dogs, they are attached to the main decreed that a criminal should be M edford. leading line In pairs, with the most given to the man he had wronged. Intelligent dog In front as a leader. So a clever Irishman, as the story FOR SALE goes, succeeded In getting a tiny lap English Penciled Indian Runner | dog to bite him. Ducks, $4.50 per pair. Ducks now I C r e o f M e n ’s Birth M onth The ruse succeeded, and the dog was laying.— E. G. Henselman, 423 King j Among the distinguished men of taken to Ireland, where all the Sings -8 history, who had January for a birth fought among themselves for the pos­ St., M edford, Ore. Phone 532x. month are: Edmund Burke, January session of her, until she brought peace 1, 1730, statesman, orator and writer, by producing a large litter o f puppies famous for his speech concerning tax­ ation o f American colonies; General W a rn in g to W iv e s Wolfe. January 2, 1727, famous gen­ If you expect your marriage to be j eral ; Clrero, January S, 107 B. C., noted Roman orator, suppressed the hnppy, I warn you to beware o f the Catalina conspiracy; Benjamin Frank­ following: Trying to "boss" your husband. lin, January 6, 1706; Swedenborg, Talking too much. January 29, HWS or Ids», noted philos­ Interrupting serious conversation I opher; Thomas Paine, January 2U, 1737, agnostic, author o f the “ Age of with banal interpolations. Jealousy—when there Is no cauae Reason” ; Mozart. January 27, 17M; R A Y M ILLARD Robert Burns January 25, 175», Scot­ for It. * Belittling yonr husband In public. tish poet: Frederick the Great. Janu­ Overpraising your husband In pub — Team Work of All K in d t— ary 24, 1712, king o f Prussia; Francis Bacon, January 22, 1561, Byron, Janu­ lie. Talking too much about yourself. P R O M P T SERVICE ary 22, 178». Lying unnecessarily — about the price o f things, for Instance.—From Pkone 541 O n e -W o rd Serm on "The Passion Called "Love"— Elinor The word •‘news" Is made up of the Glyn. Central Point four letter« that Indicate the main points o f the com pass— N„ 8.. E. and Brick Icc Cream at Damon Cafe. W. In a book published more than a century ago. the author comments upon this In a way that la by no means out of date at the present time. He Mail your shoes to me for prompt and serviceable sa ys: "As news Implies the Intelli­ » gence received from all parts of the world, the very word Itself points ont SHOE REPAIRING Its meaning—N, the north; K, the W it h Best Quality Material east; W, the west, and 8, the south. This expressive word also recom­ I pay postage one way— cash must accompany order mends the practice o f the following Men's half-soles S I.50 Heels extra 50« virtue«: Nobleness In our thoughts, | In d ies’ half-soles I 1.00 Heels extra Equity In our dealings. Wisdom tn our Men’s Panco soles .......... I I 25 counsels, and Sobriety In our enjoy­ Boys’ , $1.00; Lsdfes’ ments.” Why take your cars to Medford when you ran get n better Job for leas monuy at the Independent Gar- aga at Central Point. adv T H U R S D A Y . M A Y 13.1926 Effective May 22 R ou n d trip summer excursion fares effective all summer; return limit O ctober 31. Take advantage o f these substantial reductions in fares to eastern places. D o and see more this summer than ever before. See California on your wav. K now the w hole PacificCoast. Itcosts sovervlittle more. Have the Southern Pacific agent help you plan your trip. Thus get the most for your travel expenditure. LIMII Îhem Pacific Lines C. A. BOLES. A fea t