Central Point Am erican VOLUME 2 PROSPECT WINS HIGH SCHOOL FIELD MEET CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN THURSDAY. APRIL 29. 1926 MEETS W IT H ACC ID E N T TOLO CLLB WILL HAVE COPCO PICTURES H IR E D ' n EXT ' YE A R ^ T E AC7-IERS NUMBER 2 AEROPLANE STORES ARE ORGANIZED On Monday o f this week Mr George Ross, while unloading wood W IL L O W SPRINGS,— The teach­ had the misfortune to fall from the ers fo r the coming year in this dis- wagon and was hurt quite seriously I trict have been hired. Mrs. Tucker, Reports are that Mr. Ross suffered who taught at the west side last year, injury to three ribs and was also will teach the upper grades. Miss bruised in other ways. He is under (M oore Hamilton) On Wednesday evening. May 5. Greenleaf has been retained to teach The Prospect track and field team the care o f a physician. the Copco company will display mov­ the lower grades. Miss Mabel Moore, five business firms o f Central Point took advantage o f the favorable ing pictures at the Tolo Community who has given such satisfaction here began issuing “ aeroplane auction handicap given it by the Jackson Scott Hamilton, Central Point, 4th club house. The admission is free for the past three years, has taken a money” with each twenty-five cent County Athletic commission, and Glenn Nichols, Phoenix, 5th. Pole Vault, A class — Melvin Sar­ and the pictures will be o f especial position at Lone Pine so that she can purchase. v o n the 12th annual Jackson county Everybody be with her sister, who has taught This auction money will be used Hill, 1st; Woodrow interest to children. track and field meet at the county gent, Gold welcome. there the past year. to obtain any one o f 23 premiums, fa ir grounds Saturdav, with a score Shaver, Gold Hill, 2nd; Charles Whit valued at $109.00, on June 5th. tier, Jacksonville, 3rd; Alton Lind­ o f 848 points. C O M M U N I T Y C L U B M EE T It is planned to continue these JESSIE R I C H A R D S O N IN J U R E D Gold Hill wa8*second with 679, say, J'ville, 4th; John Dickey, Phoe novel auction sales for a full year. B class— Eugene Reams Jacksonville third with 660, Central nix, 5th. On Wednesday afternoon the Those not successful in obtaining a Jesse L. Richardson, well known Point fourth with 457.5, Phoenix Central Point, 1st; Burnell Davidson ladies’ Community Club, o f Tolo, merchant and transfer operator, is premium the first time will retain Gold Hill, 2nd; Lester Scott, Central fifth with 452.5, Sam’s Valley sixth met at their hall in regular session. recovering from a laceration fo r future that their auction money with 328.5, Applegate seventh with Point, 3rd; Harold Fish, Phoenix, This club is similar to a civic club cut to the bone on one arm ; received auctions. 4th; Elderd Culver, Phoenix, fifth 288, Butte Falls eighth with 153, As the auction money is given in its activities and*has already ac- when a motorcycle that he was rid Rogue River ninth with 91 and Eagle C class — Glenn Smith, Jacksonville, complshed a number o f movements ing on the Ashland-Klamath Falls free with each purchase a great 1st; Vernon Wright, Phoenix, 2nd; Point tenth with 18. These totals iiy the way o f public improvement road, went o ff grade on the Green many people will obtain useful and are according to the new scoreing Sam Chrisholm, Gold Hill, 3rd; Wm. in the Tolo community. Springs mountain Sunday evening. reasonable articles by trading at Reed, Phoenix, 4th; Carl Coleman, system. ----------- —o - Mr. Richardson was returning aeroplane stores. Central Point, 5th. In actual points won, Central R E T U R N S FR OM H O S P I T A L Organization war effected W ed­ from Klamath Falls where he was Running Broad Jump, A class— Point lead with 152.5, Jacksonville on business matters when he met nesday night when the heads o f these next with 132, Gold Hill 97, Phoenix Melvin Sargent, Gold Hill, 1st; Rog Mrs. Chas. Burgdorff, who has re­ one car passing another on a fill. five firms met at W eaver’s Store. 90.5, Prospect 70.5, Sams Valley non Guy, Gold Hill, 2nd; Alvin Lind- cently undergone a surgical opera­ Going as close to the bank as pos­ ley, Jacksonville, 3rd; Frank Lind- 36.5, Applegate 24, Butte Falls 17, FAL LS TO HAVE strom, Butte Falls, 4th; Wm. Spires, tion in Portland, has recovered suf­ sible was not enough, as the passing B U T T E Rogue River 13, Eagle Point 3. M O D E R N STORE Phoenix, 5th. B class — Rodger von ficiently to'return to her home. Mr. car struck Mr. Richardson on the The handicap ruled that the Pros­ and Mrs. Geo. Meyers, her parents, arm emitting it seriously and throw­ pect score be multiplied by 12, A p­ der Hellen, Central Point, 1st; Pete accompanied her there the last of ing the motorcycle and its rider over Excavation is well under way and Montgomery, Phoenix, 2nd; John plegate by 12, Butte Falls 9, Sams last >veek. actual construction will soon start the grade. Cooke, Jacksonville, 3rd; Barnell Valley 9, Rogue River 7, Gold Hill ---------- o---------- on the new modern store being Davidson, Gold Hill, 4th; George 7, Jacksonville 5, Talent 5, Phoenix A M E R I C A N ’’ G E T S l O U Q U E T ROSE CAFE A N N O U N C E S erected for the firm o f Faber and Elden, Central Point, 5th. C class— 5, and Central Point 3. These fig ­ Simmervillo, general merchandise OPENING Eugene Clark, Prospect, 1st; William ures are in proportion to the en­ store in Butte Falls, according to E. The Southern Oregon Spokesman, Reed, Phoenix, 2nd; Carl Hover, Cen rollment o f the schools. A fte r having completely remodel­ C. Faber, prominent local merchant. tral Point, 3rd; Leonell Robinson, edited by Jack Hoogstraat, Grants Orville Shores o f Central Point, The building is going to be o f the Gold Hill, 4th; Rafael Benson, Cen­ Pass, in the last edition, speaks thus ed and refinished the interior o f the was high point man with 16 points, o f the Central Point American: style. Concrete corner building opposite the City latest improved tral Point, 5th. winning first in the 50, 100, and “ The Central Point American has hall, the official opening o f the Rose building and tile will insure an abso­ 8-lb. Shot Put, A class— James Mc­ 220 yard dashes, and running on the Donough, Sams Valley, 1st; üelvin, just published its first anniversary Cafe was announced fo r Saturday. lutely fireproof structure. F. W. winning relay team. Shores has Clerk o f Medford is the architect. Sargent, Gold Hill, 2nd; Cecil edition which speaks well fo r the in­ May 1. been a consistent winner in the Mr. Faber started this mercantile In addition to the booths a ban­ Swingle, Phoenix, 3rd; Willard C o ff­ dustry o f the published and for the sprints fo r several years. Olney man, Jacksonville, 4th; Fern Young, loyalty o f the merchants in that city. quet room fo r private parties has business in Butte Falls four years Edington o f Gold Hill, " B ” class, was Prospect, ago. The bright looking business 5th. 8-lb., Class B — To the ‘American,’ and through tis been provided. second, winning first in the 50, 100 prospects and continued increase o f --------- o--------- Rodger von der Hellen, Central constructive e ffo rt in behalf o f Cen­ and 220-yard dashes fo r a total of Point, 1st; Donald Kenney, Jackson­ tral Point should go the bulk o f the H. S. S T U D E N T S E N T R A N T S IN industry has brought forth this new 15 points. project. C O U N T Y C YCLE MEET ville, 2nd; Relbert Rodgers, Sams credit fo r bringing Central Point out Approximately 2000 persons w it­ Valley, 3rd; Glenn Holst, Sams Val­ o f its lethargy and into its rightful nessed the yearly event, fo r which SAME Southern Oregon Lester Scott, Edward Stanley and 2500 SEE M E E T — U N D E R ley, 4th; Pete Montgomery, Phoenix, position among the weather man provided a perfect 5th. M A N A G E M E N T 12 Y E A R S Philip Hamrick, local high school 12-lb., C class— Homer Hart­ cties.” day. Blue ribbons and sunburns will man, Jacksonville, 1st; Earl Beall, students, are entrants in the bicycle be flaunted with equal pride for meet at the Jackson County Fair A record breaking crowd fo r a S A LV A T IO N ARMY BUSY Central Point, 2nd: Bob Kenestron, weeks to come. Glenn Smith, o f Gold Hill, 3rd; grounds, Saturday, May 8. school meet, said John D. Beeson, Charles Swingle, Jacksonville, broke the track record Phoenix, 4th; Marvin Montgomery, These local cyclists showed the who was in charge, was present at The local Salvation Army, with fo r the pole vault by clearing the headquarters in Medford, under the other entrants in the meet last year the Southern Oregon field and track Phoenix, 6th. bar at 11 feet in that event. Central meet at the fair grounds last Satur­ Running High Jump, A class— leadership o f Captain and Mrs. Gay at the fair grounds that Many o f Central Point’s most Woodrow Shaver, Gold Hill, 1st; are continually “ on the job,” preach­ Point was among the best o f them day. He estimated the crowd pres­ seasoned athletes had never before Lyle Childers. Gold Hill, 2nd; W il­ ing and looking about for some good when it came to bicycle races. A t ent to have numbered over 2500 fe lt the sting o f defeat, as Central this meet Edward Stanley won two persons. that they may do. Point won the meet fo r the past five lard Coffman, Jacksonville, 3rd; This is the twelfth year that Mr. Last Friday Captain Gay, with an first places, and Lester Scott and 4th; John years. Despite the handicap which Emery Nye, Prospect, assistant, was in Central Point, dis­ Philip Hamrick carried o f f one first Beeson has managed the meet and it is feared will not be changed, the Pickett, Rogue River, 5th. C class— tributing literature l ublished by the each. it is said that this year’s contest was Rafael Benson, Central Point, 1st; mumblings heard brood ill for rival hnndled more efficien tly than in any John Baldwin, Applegate, 2nd; Carl National organization o f Arm y work­ teams next spring. According to the Mrs. L. F. Pickett entertained the previous year, due to the experience Coleman, Central Point 3rd; Glenn ers. The most widely read o f their Central Pointers, other schools can It Medford chapter A. A. o f the P. E. o f the officers. Much credit is due Smith, Jacksonville, 4th; Lovell Rob­ publications is the "W a r Cry.” expect to see not one. or five, but O. sisterhood at her home Wednes- the management, as it is no easy depicts conditions o f people in need bins, Gold Hill, 5th. 50 pairs o f well trained heels. Members present matter to reel o ff 72 events in a Javelin Throw, C class— Noel Kel­ in various parts o f the world and j d®y afternoon. Evans creek, by winning 114 Mesdames W. R. Adams, day, in which 40 schools took part. logg, Gold Hill, 1st; Donald Snyder, tells o f the aid that the Salvation included points, took first place in the rural --------— o------------- Central Point, 2nd; Eugene Clark, Army extends: it contains many in­ M. D. Cole. E. E. Kelly, J. G. Love, schools division; Prospect second A t the meeting o f the Rogue Prospect, 3rd; Marvin Montgomery, structive and interesting, as well as C. W. McDonald, Miss Elizabeth Mc­ with 50 and Bear Creek third with Phoenix, 1th; Homer Hartman. Jack­ inspirational readings and poems. Kay. T. W. Miles, E. A. Moore, R. River Ministerial association held in 36. The last issue o f the War Cry E. Penoyar, F. R. Roberts, R. W. Jacksonville on Monday afternoon o f sonville, 5th. John Beeson o f Talent, was in 440-yard Relay, boys — Central contained photogrnphs o f the junior Sleeter, A. G. Smith, H. C. Smith, this week, one action o f that body charge o f the meet. He was assist­ Point, 1st; Phoenix, 2nd; Gold Hill, Army workers o f Medford, also one Miss Virginia Smith, F. L. TouVellc, was to designate the time from W. E. Tumy, L. E. Williams, Rob­ Mother’s Day, May 9th, to Children’s ed by Coach Callison o f Medford. 3rd; Prospect, 4th; Jacksonville, 6th. o f the adult members. Coach Hughes o f Ashland, and let­ On last Thursday night the Army inson, Mason and Brown. Day, June 6th, as the most appropri­ 880-yard Run, Boys — Eugene ter men from both schools. The Clark, Prospect, 1st; Rafael Benson, was in Butte Falls. They had an ate for the churches to put on a meet completed with no irregulari­ Central Point, 2nd; Truitt Cantrall. audience o f 126 people at the street Over 201 fishing licenses have month’s campaign for better homes. ties and few disputes, was declared Jacksonville, 3rd; Homer Hartman, meeting and about 80 at the inside been been issued from the local state This will be the program in all the by Mr. Beeson to be the most suc­ Jacksonville. 4th; Floyd Hollenbeck, service at which Miss Bernice Burger angling and hunting permit agencies cooperating churches. It is desired cessful in years. spoke on the subject, “ Y e must be at the Ross & Ross confectionery that the fullest publicity be given to Prospect, 5th. born again.” Mr. Gay reports two and W. C. Leever’s hardware, ac­ this e ffo rt on the part o f the pas­ Events are as follows: — Girls— cording to reports received here to­ tors and churches to awaken the 50-yard Dash, A class— Elizabeth conversions at this service. Boy»’ 50-yard da»h, A cla»»--- The Arm y is doing good each day day. widest interest in making our homes Melvin Sargent Gold Hill, 1st; Wood- Southwell, Central Point, 1st; Adrias truly Christian. It was suggested row Shover, Gold Hill, 2nd; Rollin Casard, Central Point, 2nd; Rebecca and is especially in evidence on all holiday occasions when the need The school board held a special that Memorial Day would be a splen­ Boles, Central Point, 3rd; Alton Rose, Phoenix and Rosalia Schultz, seems especially great. meeting last night fo r the purpose did time to deal with important Lindsey, Jacksonville. 4th; Bruce Sams Valleq, tied for third; Eunice --------------- o--------------- Home L ife ; o f selecting a teacher fo r the pri­ phases o f American B class— Mansfield. Jacksonville, 5th. B cla»» Coots, Butte Falls, 5th. — Olney Edington, Gold Hill, 1st; Marjorie Lindsay, Jacksonville, 1st; Mrs. J. H. Snyder has been in mary grades and also one to fill a with Children’s Day as a most fit­ ting climax. Donald Faber, Central Point, 2nd; Eileen Amidon, Prospect, 2nd; Ruth Medford the past three weeks stay­ position in the high school faculty George Elden, Central Point, 3rd; Cameron, Gold Hill, 3rd; Flora Col­ ing with a friend, Mrs. L. S. Cook, fo r the coming school year. Neces­ Burnell Kerns, Applegate, 4th; Bar- lins, Central Point, 4th; Marion Nye, who was quite seriously injured in sary details in connection with new J. E. and Mrs. W eaver attended well O’ Kelley. Rogue River± 5th. Prospect, 5th. C class----Gertrude an auto accident, but is recovering. high school build were taken care of. the talk on “ Goitre Prevention” at C class — Orville Shores Central | Hanscom, Jacksonville, 1st; Mildred Medford Tuesday evening. One o f Following nine days o f sickness, the main points brought out by the Point, 1st; John Baldwin, Applegate. W itter, Jacksonville, 2nd; Enola O. R. Pankey drove to Jacksonville 2nd; Jesper Crow, Prospect. 3rd; Lentz, Phoenix, 3rd; Eva Hanson. on business Wednesday morning and | necessitating his staying at home. speaker was to the effe c t that iodine Carl Hover, Central Point, 4th; Glen Butte Falls, 4th; Verna De Haas, was accompanied home by Mrs. Geo. Jack Lees, local mechanic and garage and iodized salt will prevent goitre Central Point, 5th. Smith, Jacksonville, 5th. Lewis, who was a guest o f Mrs. owner, resumed his auties in his es­ but should not be taken without a tablishment Friday morning. 75-yard Dash. A clast — Elizabeth Nancy Obenchain that day. physician's advice a fter a goitre has lOO-yard dash. A class — Woodrow formed. Shaver. Gold Hill. 1st; Frank Straus. Southwell, Central Point, 1st; Ger­ Mrs. M ayfield has recently pur- | F. S. Graham o f Portland who ar- trude Kerr, Jack onville, 2nd; Re­ Sams Valley, 2nd; Willard Coffman, Phoenix, 3rd; Opal chased the Frank Cochran property i rived in this city Friday, April 23, Jacksonville, 3rd; James McDonough, becca Rose, Included among the guests at the Sams Valley, 4th; Rollin Boles, Cen­ Montgomery. Phoenix, 4th; Adria.« in south Central Point and expects i has accepted a position on a stock Hotel Central are H. H. Murphy o f The house ranch nearby. Mr. Graham and fam- Portland, Alex Barber, Mr. and Mrs. tral Point, 5th. B class — Olney Ed­ Casad, Central Point, 5th. B class— to make it her home. their Wilbur Nine o f Tonkin, ington. Gold Hill, 1st; Donald Faber. Marjorie Lindsey, Jacksonville, 1st; next to Mrs. M ayfield’s is occupied 'ly will make Central Point Oregon, Central Point, 2nd; George Elden. Geneva Dorothy. Jacksonville. 2nd; by the Webber family and this place | residence. Sam Clark o f Everett, Wash., J. S. Central Point, 3rd; Ralph Swingle. Marion Nye. Prospect, 3rd; Elizabeth is undergoing improvements. Grohm and fam ily o f Portland, D. 4th; Eileen The first home grown strawberries F.celes and Everett Russell o f Butte Phoenix, 4th; Pete Montgomery, Scott, Central Point, The work o f the Clay Products o f the season were received at Falls. Phoenix, 5th. C class — Orville Shores. Amedore, Prospect. 5th. C class — Central Point. 1st: John Baldwin. Mildred Whither, Jacksonville, 1st company is being rapidly advanced W eaver’s store Tuesday morning. W. and in a few days they expect to Applegate. 2nd; Carl Hover. Central’ ¡Gertrude Hanscoin, Jacksonville. 2nd H. Casebeer was the grower o f these The dance at th e Gateway Point, 3rd; Jasper Crow, Prospect. XelT,a , Central Point, .3rd. be able to make more definite state­ unusually fine berries. J. B. Stevens Theatre Monday night was largely ments in regard to their work and ____ 4th; Idr and “ Steve” Stephenson are also attended. The Night Hawk orchestra 4th; Glenn Smith, Jacksonville, 5th. | • S i*1 Phoenix, the products they will put out. enjoying strawberries fo r table use. -^-college boys from Corvallis, fu r­ 220-yard dash. A d a , , — Willard Sc^nacj'- Phoenix. B-h- Coffman. Jacksonville, 1st: Rollin . . . * * * , ; ^ " rf.w;, A « ! • » » — Velma nished the music which pleased the Miss Ida Meiers, who, with her Bole«, Central Point. 2nd; Lyle ' incent. Butte Fall», 1st; Oj»aI Mont- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Poague made crowd away beyond expectations, brother, has been making her home Childers, Gold Hill. 3rd; Fenn Young. S°ni *’ry, hoenix, 2nd; Rosalia a flyin g trip by motor to Walla | with Mr. Tule, o f Tolo, was reported Walla. Washington, Tuesday and re r - - Eugene Coats. - — * 1 ...... . ° Sams ----- * '- Valiev. ,,- ^ 3 r d 3rd; ; Edna Prospect. 4th; Phoenix ! Schultz; E The local horseshoe club, o f which Francis as being quite ill at her sisters home turned Fridav. The death o f Mrs. Guy Tex is president, and James 5th. B class— Olney Edington. Gold ¿horman Jacksonville. 4th; Frai Hill. 1st; Ralph Swingle. Phoenix. M ilkowski.Ssni» Valley, 6th. B e class in Medford. A t this time she is some Poague.s brother-in-law was the Watk inn the champion teaser, re- better. ........ 1st: —, I>eona 2nd; Loyd Norman. Jacksonville. ~ 1* ' "JjD e'tnch. Phoenix, Le cause o f the unexpected trip. ceived two new pair o f throwing 3rd; George Elden. Central Point, I F,sh‘ F>h,,* n'*- 2nd: Minnie Heveren. shoes according to Mr. Watkins. The unseasonable hot spell has _. .. . . . . . 4th; Jack Hollenbeak, Prospect, 6th. Jacksonville, 3rd; Ernestine Dahack, created a big demand fo r ice. accord- , To w,‘ n* M » Rouble header wrest­ F. W. Sebrean, owner and man­ C class- — Orville Shores. Central Central Point, 4th; Gladys Schultz ing to Sanford Richardson o f the in* »natch at Grants Pass quite a Point 1st; Wm. Reed. Gold Hill. 2nd. Eagle Pointi 6th; c n|> ager o f the Gateway Theatre, made Richardson Feed Store and Transfer Fred Nichols, Prospect a business trip to Macr,¡-.field by i ,tjr including Roden. Applegate, 4th; ' Homer , Vinc*“nt‘ Butt* F ,IN - l r t : Mickie company; in the last three days 1700 I Î? Earnest Rostel and Sanford Richard­ motor the first o f the week. ' Davis, Prospect. 2 n d ; Gertrude hundred pounds o f ice have been son. man, Jacksonville, 5th. consumed by Iocs' residents. 120-ysrd Hardies, A class— Frank i Hanscam, Jacksonville, 3rd; Willim- ,8am Clark o f Everett, Washing­ Straus, Sams Valley. 1st: Clyde I ania Fitzgerald, Sams Valley, 4th; Mr. Iver and James French left ton, has been here the past week I. G. Shaw and wife, also J. O. Childers. Gold Hill, p , 1 1 ,„ — ,n. Roger. l ~,.— — c - * .. x.— . 11 __ 5th Isaacson and wife, attended a ban­ Tuesday fo r Hilt, California, where looking for a business opening, leav­ s 2nd, - j ’ r- Ocile c,,e i Catherine Sams Valley. Swingle, Jacksonville. 3rd; Emery . . j quet at the Christian church in they will accept positions in the ing Wednesday. Nye, Prospect. 4th. B class — Donald 220 1 m r * R ,l*7- G,rl*- A Medford Tuesday evening. F. W. lumber mill o f that city. Faber, Central Point, 1st; Burnell Jacksonville. 1st; Central Point. 2nd; Burnham, president o f the United .Superintendent o f schools H. P. Kerns. Applegate, 2nd; Douglas Bell. Phoenix, 3rd; Prospect, 4th. B das Christian Missionary society. Floyd Ross, one o f our local fish­ Jewett renewed his subscription to Jacksonville, 3rd; Jack Hollenbeck, — _ Central r w rai Point p „ inf and Prospect p ,r „. tied present and talked on the work ing enthusiasts made a nice catch o f the American yesterday. Prospect, 4th; Harold Fish, Jackson- „ . . . . . which he was interested. About 100 trout in the Rogue River above the ville. 5th. C class— John Baldwin. { " T f,r ,t; Ph” * " '* . * H ; Jacksonville, rsons were present, including rep- Dodge bridge yesterday morning. As Our friend J. K. Hall has our Applegate, 1st; Glenn Smith. Gold Jlh. C class— Jacksonville, first: resentative* from Klamath Falls and well as chatching 20 large trout Mr. thanks fo r a renewal o f the Am er­ Hill, 2nd; Jasper Crow, Prospect, 3rd i Prospect, 2nd. as far north as Grants Paaa. ! Ross landed three steelheads. ican since our last issue. t