Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, April 22, 1926, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    THURSDAY APRIL 22. 1926
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Seniora*Sophom oret W in Interclaaa
M eet
In the annual interclaaa track and
field meet involving moat of the
high achool atudenta the Seniors and
Sophomores carried off the honors
of the day running; up a score of
42 pointa giving them a m argin of
15 pointa over the Juniors and
Freshmen who scored 27 markers.
The meet was held on the high school
grounds at 3:30 p. m. Tuesday.
The events, their results and the
order in which they were run in­
cludes; 880-yard run— Benson, 1st:
Wilson, 2nd; Johnson, 3rd. 60-yard
dash, boys— Shores, 1st; Hover, 2nd;
Faber, 3rd. 75-yard dash, girls—
Richmond, 1st; Collins, 2nd; March,
3rd. 100-yard dash, boys— Shores,
1st; Hover, 2nd, Faber, 3rd. 50-
yard dash, girls— Richmond, 1st;
Collins, 2nd; Patterson, 3rd. Shot
put— Coleman, 1st; Skyrman, 2nd;
Beall, 3rd. Baseball throw, girls—
Von der Hellen, 1st; Hamilton, 2nd;
Eicher, 3rd. 220-yard dash, boys—
Shores, 1st; Faber, 2nd; Hover, 3rd.
80-yard hurdle, girls— Collins, 1st;
Richmond, 2nd. 80-yard hurdle,
boys, Faber, 1st; Snyder, 2nd.
High jump— Benson, 1st; Von der
for their winning the Jackson coun-
Hellen, 2nd; Coleman, 3rd. Broad
jum p— Hover, first; Benson, 2nd;
Faber, 3rd.
B asketball an d T rack T rophies
A rrive
Basketball and track trophies
awarded to C entral Point high school
ty hoop title of ’26 and the Jackson
county track and field meet in ’25
arrived here today and are now in
the new trophy case in the hall.
The basketball trophy consists of
a silver basketball mounted on a
silver pedestal which in turn sets on
an ebony base. The names of the
players and coach are engraved on
the basketball. They are Coach T er­
rel, Orval Shores, Forrest Pickett,
Raphael Benson, Scott Hamilton,
Iionald Faber, Earl Beall and Carl
The trophy symbolic of winning
the county track and field m eet is
The Christian church ladies’ Circle
m et last Friday afternoon a t the
home of Mrs. Jam es Cornutt. Six­
teen ladies were present and aside
from a business m eeting a pleasant
social afternoon was spent. The
hostess served refreshm ents of cake
and ice cream.
The Odd Fellow hall has recently
improvements which have been made
undergone a change in the way of
on the inside, including some nice
wood-work finishing, etc. The boys
»r< enjoying their meetings in the
On last Saturday afternoon the
members of Mrs. Victor Burnell’s
Sunday school class met at the home
of Mrs. Hover, the occasion being
their monthly social gathering. A
goodly num ber of guests enjoyed
the afternoon in games, music and
conversation. Mrs. Hover served
dainty refreshm ents.
W arren B. Smith and Miss Anna-
velle W alker were among the local
residents picnicing in the Applegate
district Sunday afternoon.
C. T. Hamilton, well known local
orehardist and contractor, is the
huilding inspector for the new high
school structure now under construc­
Dorothy, the 11-year old daughter
of Mr and Mrs. W alter Lunbeck.
had har tonsils removed last week
J. B. Stevens has renewed the
American for another year. J. B.
is prety busy these days working his
tract of land west of town.
A cert:.in young lady who will
graduate this spring is expecting a
nice wat h or piece of jew elry as
a graduation gift. Why disappoint
her? See Jones, the Jeweler.
F r id s , a ite — O ld T im e D ance.
M ondar a ite Jaas D aace bv th e N ile
H aw ks 7-pseee O rc h e stra .— G atew ay
T h e atre. C en tral P e ta l
I visited the high school Thursday,
i Miss Blaxier is on a tour from the
Monday morning marked the be­ college inspecting Home Economic
ginning of the last six weeks’ period departm ents of schools whose in­
in the final sem ester leaving only 30 structor is a representative of the
more days of sch^d. The report college. Miss Marie K ittredge of O.
cards containing grades over the last A. C. is the local high school instruc­
six weeks were issued tn the students to r of home economics.
G irls M ake C ra ter L ake T rip
Monday noon.
A novel event of the C entral
U. of O. R eg istra r V isits School
Out of the entire Freshman class Point Gills League party Friday
115 students didn’t last three months night was an .all day trip to C rater
according to Carlton Spencer, regis­ Lake. The couples chose their fav­
trar at the University of Oregon, orite car pv . del and, equipped with
in a talk he presented to the student a liberal supply of "suckers,” were
body Tuesday afternoon while on a off on their sight-seeing tour. Places
tour of visiting southern Oregon on the school ground were designated
high schools. "The cause of the to represent the principal points of
students falling by the wayside,” interest on the C rater trip. The
continued Mr. Spencer, "is not be­ trip was successfully drawn to a
cause the high nchools have not close, by having the group assemble
given them good training, or that in the banquet room for refresh­
they lack mental ability, but their ments.
failure of being able to quality to Clever costumes and lively games
these questions: Do you know how added much “ pep” to the occasion.
to take care of your time? Have The G irls’ League, an organization
you will power enough to enable of girls, was recently installed in the
you to study your lessons? Have school activities of the high school.
you sense enough to take care of This party was the first social func­
your finances? Are you man or tion they have undertaken.
S tu d e n ts G ive R eports
woman enough to flunk rather than
In the Worlil History class W ed­
cheat in examinations?
A m erican O ffice to P rin t " P o in te r” nesday, several interesting and in­
The printing of the Pointer, the structive reports were given by the
year book of the C entral Point high students in d u in g the art of paper
school, is to be done by the Am er­ making by Leota Reams, the life of
ican office, according to John Boh- Thomas A. Edison by Donald Faber
nert, editor of the publication. Most and Howard Deitrich, the invention
of the plates have been receives from and development of the typew riter
the W est Coast Engraving company by Forrest Pickett, life of McCor­
of Portland and the printing of the mick the harvester by Eugene Reams
and the invention and development
books will start tomorrow.
F orm er C lass S tu d e n ts V isit High of the wireless and telegraph by
Earl Beall.
S eniors G o O n A nnual Picnic ,
Roy A. W eaver, class of '25, who
has completed two term s of a pre- The Senior class went on their
legal course at the University of annual class picnic yesterday a fte r­
Oregon, was here Tuesday afternoon noon. At the close of the 7th per­
officiating at the inter-class track iod the class of ’26 motored up
W agner creek, near Talent, where
Misses Thelma Pankey and Beat­ they ate their picnic lunch after
rice Seabrooke, class of ’25, were which the class went to Jackson Hot
visitors at the high school Monday Springs. The Juniors plan to go on
their picnic Friday, the 23rd.
The Senior-Junior reception
O. A. C. In stru c to r V isits School
Miss Florence Blazier, head of the will be next Saturday night,
Home Economics education depart­ April 24, at the high school
ment of Oregon Agricultural college, gymnasium.
I a cup of silver, gold lined.
R eport C ards A re G iven O ut
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sebrean and
the Misses M argaret Collins and
Ruth Sebrean. m otored to North
Bend lust Monday and spent a cou­
ple of days on the coast. While
there they attended a Public Recep­
tion given in honor of Mayor Reiser
and his bride who have just recently
returned from their honeymoon.
A splendid program had been pre­
pared and light refreshm ents were
Mrs. Sebrean states one of the
best features on the program was
the chorus of 1000 voices that made
the new Gymnasium hall ring when
the following song was sung—
Title of Sunday school lesson:
“ Feeding the M qltitude,” M att. 14.
O utline: (1) M urder of John the
Baptist, vs. 1-13. (2) M inistering
to the M ultitude, v. 14. (3) Multi­
plying the Bread and Fishes, vs. 15-
19. (4) Mindful of the Fragm ents,
vs. 20, 21. (5) M astering Wind and
W ave, vs. 22-36.
Sunday, April 25th has been desig­
nated "B etter Homes Sunday.” In
the morning service, the pastor will
speak on the subject: “ Some Char­
acteristics of the B etter Home.” In
"O reg on S uits M e”
the evening service the subject will
(Strain of The Battle Hymn of the be: "O ur Responsibility to Those
W ithout the Gospel.”
I have lived in old Missouri,
In that good old show-me state, The annual congregational m eet­
W here they feed you on corn dodgers ing of the Federated churches will
Rutterm ilk and sweet potat'es;
be held in the church basem ent on
I have lived away out in Kansas. Friday evening of this week. Re­
On the broad and rolling plain, ports of the past year’s work; plans
But Oregon suits me.
for the coming year; and some elec­
I am satisfied with Oregon,
tions will be the order of service.
I am satisfied with Oregon,
A general good tim e of fellowship
I am satisfied with Oregon,
The good old rainbow state.
is anticipated.
Rev. J. M. Johnson, Pastor.
I have lived in Minnesota
’Mid her lakes of azure blue.
Where the w eather in the winter
Has a trend of freezing you;
I have lived among the corn fields Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching
Of the good old Iowa state.
services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. C hrist­
But Oregon suits me.
ian Endeavor 7 p. m. Preaching
I have lived in old Virginia
services both morning and evening
And in sunny Tennessee.
by the Rev. I. G. Shaw.
I have roamed around the country
W eaver. S. S. Supt.;
And have crossed th e rolling sea. Mrs. Mr*. J. J. O. E. Isaacson,
Supt. of P ri­
The state of California
Has some wondrous sights to see. mary Dept.; Mrs. A1 Hermanson,
But Oregon suits me.
Supt. of Cradle Roll Dept.; Mrs. G.
Russell T. Harris, son of W. B. C. McAllister, Pres, of Ladies' Cir­
H arris of this city, stopped over cle: Bernice Shaw, Pres. C. E.; Mrs.
night last Thursday, while enroute j W arner, Choir Director.
to Klamath Falls from Portland.
Russell will graduate from O. A. C. Harvey Deitrich and family and
as a civil engineer in June but fin­ Ed W hiteside and family were in­
ished his credits in March. He was
in a fishing trip up the right
selected from 30 or 40 applicants by cluded
the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph fork of B utte creek. They reported
company, as one of their employees a fair catch. They also said that
and is now working in the interests the moss in the creek is altogether
of that company. The company also too thick for good fishing.
gives their junior engineers a finish­
ing course in Seattle.
Harry Briscoe and family have
FOR H IRE—-To responsible per­ i moved here from Klamath Falls and
son. Ford roadster, with light truck < expect to make Central Point their
body.— W. A. Crane, phone 37. 2t I perm anent home.
The P. T. A. of Central Point will ; S u itab le m aterials (o r Sm ocks a t
give a costume party at the gymnas- j F ab er's.
ium Friday evening, April 30. Ad- j
mission for adults 25 cents, school : B rick Ice C ream a t D am on C afe.
children 12 years or under 10 cents. )
The money taken in at this party j Earl W eaver and H ubert DeHass
will be used* for play ground equip­ were am ong the local residents in
ment for the grades. So parents M edford Saturday night.
and fiiends of the school, come out
and help a good cause, and we will T he B arg ain T ab le of Shoes at
try tc give you the worth of your F ab er’s is a busy place----crow ded
w ith b arg ains.
There will be a fine program
under the direction of Mrs. Snyder, K. W. Beebe and his sister-in-law,
chairman of the program commit­ Miss Doris Kindle, will leaVe tom or­
tee, after which Mrs. Fox, chairman row afternoon for McCloud, Cali­
of the refreshm ent com m ittee and fornia, where they will visit relatives.
her able assistants will furnish free
B. F. Cummings, who has been
"eats” to all.
This is the last entertainm ent to suffering for several m onths from
be given by the P T. A. this year, a paralytic stroke, is reported as be­
and all are urged to dress in cos­ ing much better.
If you do not w ant to go to the B rick Ice C ream a t D am on C afe.
expense of making a costume, ran­
sack the attic and come as a pio­
neer. O r call it a hard-tim e party
and wear the most out-of-date
clothes you can find.
If there are any who do not care
to dress up, come any way and have
a good time laughing at your neigh­
bors.— Publicity committee.
All is in readiness for the B etter
Homes in America Week, which will
be observed in M edford April 26 to
May 1, with receptions to visitors
to the dem onstration house at 30
North Peach sereet, three to five and
seven to nine o’clock daily, and with
a series of lectures given afternoons
and evenings at the M ethodist Epis­
copal church, by experts in all lines
of home furnisihngs and home mak­
There is no charge for viewing the
home or for hearing the lectures.
W ednesday, April 28, has been
set aside as Central Point day, tho
visitors from Central Point or any
other community arc welcome any
It will not come again
to these young friends of
ours, so let us make the
most of the occasion—
select that gift NOW!
F. W M. atchm Jones,
aker & Jew eler
(A t Paxson’s)
We desire to express sincere
appreciation to the friends who
ga\e the beautiful floral pieces and
extended other kindnesses to U3 at
the time of our recent sorrow.
Mrs. T. C. Law and family.
M erritt Hoagland arrived here
yesterday from Dunsmuir, California
where he has been spending the last
two davs on business.
Roy Jones is again in the store
after a forced vacation because of
a sprained ankle. Roy is using
crutches but hopes to discard them
The Faber Cash Grocery is giving
to custom ers some small sacks of
flour containing a sample of the
ever-reliable Crown products.
Mrs. Robert Simington, of Duns­
muir, California, is here spending a
few days with her sister. Miss Pearl
Pankey. Mrs. Simington expects to
return to her home the last of the
A New Hat
for 25c
Straw Hat
16 Different Colors
The m & xaJU L store
Central Point
Hotpoint and
Electric Ranges
For Sale by
W. C. Lee ver
—A Good Place to Trade_
R ayon Silk U nd erw ear a t F a b e r’..