Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, April 08, 1926, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1926
youth as a product o f the school?
Why does the youth who seems to be
responsible in the school, who obeys
the rules with seething cheerfulness
while in the schoolroom, who accepts
he restraint of the school room with­
out question, why does this youth
prove irresponsible outside o f school?
Is there something lacking in the
school training? Undoubtedly there
is. The thing that is lacking is self-
control and self-dependence.
training of the school has not carried
over into the situation which the
child meets outside o f school. With
the restraint gf the school gone, and
the restraint of the home gone, the
youth must act on his own respon­
sibility and so often he chooses the
wrong way. Now I am not going to
say that tho school will ever be able,
alone, to develop enough self-re­
straint in a child so that he will act
rightly in every situation. I do not
know that it can be done. It is plain
to me, however, that in many, many
cases the influence o f the school
does not carry over into the situa­
tion outside the school. I know that
many a child will do the thing when
out from under the restraint o f the
school that he would never do on the
school ground.
“ It is easy enough for us as teach­
ers to say that the moral training o f
the child is no concern o f ours, that
it' is a responsibility o f the parent;
but when the parents will not take
the responsibility, or as is more often
the case they are unable to meet the
situation without our assistance, then
they have a right to demand that we
stand ready to help,” concluded Mr.
¡ness building «rill be started at once.
One o f the greatest responsibilities
Forest Grove— Contrmce let for
placed upon the schools at the pres­
construction o f $30,00q building, at
ent time is the responsibility for mor­
Masonic and Eastern Star Children’s
al education, advocated superintend­
ent o f schools H. P. Jewett as he
spoke at the Parent-Teachers meet­
ing Friday afternoon. “ We are real­
Portland— Northern Pacific brings
izing more and more as time goes on
first o f ten deluxe observation-chib
that the greatest purpose for which
our schools exist is the training and
development o f good citizens.
Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co.,
are not merely teaching reading, geo­
will erect three-story building.
graphy, arithmetic, etc., but we are
training future citizens. With this
Oregon 1926 road funds of all
idea in mind we as teachers must dir­
ect every effort to the development
kinds, are expected to exceed $7,000,
o f those traits of character which
make a good citizen. I need not en­
umerate to you all the qualities o f a
New York Life and Metropolitan
good citizen. It is sufficient to say
Insurance companies paid $54,
that he must be honest, truthful, re­
576 premium taxes in Oregon, for
sponsible, law-abiding, obedient, have
self-respect, and be morally clean.
“ With these introductory theughts
in mind, I want to take up two ques­
Astoria— Paving begins on Astor-
tions with you. I feel that you as
ia-Svensen section o f Columbia High­
parents have it right to be more com­
pletely informed as to our purposes
and plans as a school, and that you
Portland receives national prize
have a greater right than you may be
for cities o f 100,000 or more, for
using to take a part in setting the
best progress in reducing fire loss.
standards o f your schol.
“ The first question I shall discuss
Ashland— 250-ton retort of Hart­
is this: “ What is the school doing in
the way o f moral education? “ Our
man Syndicate, said to prove satis­
school systems, especially the hi*h
factory for extracting oil from shale.
schools are under fire, all over the
nation. People are pointing to the
Salem— Adam Engel will build 12-
youthful crime wave, to the liberty
apartment house, to cost $58,000.
and license which some o f our fou n g
people take, to the jazzy spirit o f the
Hood River citizens will support
t'mes. THey say that our young
move for new $169,000 high school.
people are without restraint; that
Florence— Stout Lumber Co. will
they smoke, booze, and are morally
lax. Our critics draw this conclu­ O R E G O N W E E K L Y IN D U S T R IA L rafe its logs, from Siuslaw River to
sion, and I must admit there is some
Coos Bay.
truth in it, they say, "Oar school
systems must be falling down if this
McMinnville — I.infield College
Roseburg — Grant-la n d timber
type o f youth is their product.”
from nine O. & C. tracts, for $56,000. plans $500,000 plant.
_ “ I haven’t the time in this discus­
Astoria— Surfacing o f Cannon
sion to analyze.the situation com­
Multnomah County will make war
Beach Highway «will begin at once.
pletely; to point out all the factors
concerned, or all the influences at on tin-can and careless picnickers
Hermiston— All records for honey
Iwish however, to point out along county roads.
production being broken here, this
a few facts which must be consi­
Salem will be center o f five thous­ year.
dered. I believe that home o f the
criticism directed against the school and acres o f strawberries, grown for
Toledo and Newport join in cam­
is justified, more so in some schools canning and packing.
paign for Yaquina Bay Harbor pro­
than in others. However, I do not
believe that the schools are failing in
Astoria— Pacific Newsprint Mills. ject.
their task to the extent claimed. In
Oregon highway commission will
plans to begin soon on $4,000,
the first place, we can not deny that
the responsibility for the moral train­ 000 paper plant, with total invest­ oil 400 miles o f macadam highway
this year.
ing of the child rests absolutely in ment o f $11,000,000.
the home. The school must work in­
March lumber exports from Coos
harmony with this training, it must
Portland— Northwestern Electric Bay had value o f $61,195.
supplement that training and in no Co. will build $50,000 substation on
Oregon farms have 3251
way undermine it. If a child comes
sets, and 5771 tractors.
from the home with high standards East 32nd street.
o f moral conduct he must find the
Marshfield will start 1926 with 22
standards o f the school just as high.
On the other hand if the school sets blocks paving and new sewes, cost­
a high standard o f moral conduct and ing more than $300,000.
(O. A. C.)
the child goes into a home atmos­
f thousands of dollars
phere o f lower standards, who is to
Klamath Falls— New
blame if the child becomes morally b remont School dedicated.
have been spent for clover seed for
irresponsible? Certainly the school
land that simply will not grow clover
is not to blame in thpse circumstan­
Eugene— Through freight termin­ until it has been sweetened by the
“ In order to be still more definite al on Southern Pacific moved here; application of limestone.
in considering the question o f what several miles of new terminal track
Lime is riot a simple fertilizer, like
the school is doing in moral training already laid.
nitrogen, since it is applied to correct
let me state again the characteristics
soil sourness and only incidentally to
o f a good citizen and point out what
Hood River— Mount Hood Hotel
supply calcium.
the school is doing with each.
to be enlarged, and have new elec­
First, he must be honest. The pu­
Legumes, such as clover, alfalfa,
pil who cheats or steals is promptly tric elevator.
and vetch, if properly used feed the
punished. Every teacher makes ev­
Clatanskie— Paul Border, famous soil, build fertility and maintain it.
ery possible effort to hold up to the
Limestone can be applied at any
child an ideal o f honesty.
Iowa dairyman, building creamery
Second, truthfulness.— This
is here.
convenient time when the surface is
closely related to the first and at all
fairly dry. Where clover is seeded
times in onr daily work, preparation
Newport— Oregon Oyster Co. tries onwinter grain, lime will need to be
o f lessons, etc., the teacher demands
Eastern oyster seedlings in Yaquina applied ahead o f the grain seeding.
Third, responsibility.— Possibly we Bay.
Lime will not take the .place of
do not plan as completely for the de­
drainage, manure, fertilizers, or the
Garibaldi— Maple Leaf chees fac­
velopment o f responsibility as we
might, yet nearly every teacher gives tory has grown 33 per cent in past proper preparation o f the seed bed,
nor can these factors take the place
increased responsibility to the child year.
o f lime.
as he deserves it? The least we can
say is that thei » is nothing about our
Legumes, such as clover, alfalfa,
Suthcrlin— Peppermint
system to encourage irresponsibility.
vetch, that love lime have been,
Fourth, few-abiding and obedi­
and continue to be, the keystone in
ent,— This is at the heart o f all our mint this year.
efforts. Not blind unreasoning obe­
the arch o f any system of soil im­
Douglas County broccoli was best provement.
dience. A recognition o f the fact
that wherever a group Work together o f any section on coast, this year.
Several o f the legumes will grow
there must be a rule o f conduct, and About 400 carloads were shipped.
on a moredately sour soil but they
that all must obey this rule to the
mutual benefit o f all. Fifth, self-
McMinville— New $50,000 Eggles­ arc always more thrifty and valuable
respect— We attempt to develop this
if they have a sufficient supply of
through recognition o f individual ab­ ton store block completed.
ility—-through the fashion o f good
Eugene — $100,000 Wetherbee-
behavior, precept, and example.
“ All these things the school does Powcr* furniture store opened.
from hour to hour, from day to day,
Portland will be district headquar­
and month to month, quietly and e f­
fectively in the school room. It is ters of Tacific Northwest Advisory
my firm apd honest conviction that Board o f American Railway Assor- I
our schools o f today are wielding a
deeper, more far-reaching, sane and lation, to speed up freight car ser !
effective influence than most people vice.
realize. In spite o f the great amount
o f adverse criticism o f the jazzy spir­
Oregon City — Record-breaking i
it and moral irresponsibility o f our salmon fishing expected here this
youth today, I believe our present year.
generation o f young people on the
whole are the finest, cleanest, frank­
Fourteen major sawmill* and box i
est. most wholesome, manly and worn
anly group that the world has ever factories o f Klamath County are cut­
known. If there is a lack o f moral ting 50,000,000 feet a month, anri
JEWELRY That Pleases--
responsibility on the part o f some, employ 4500 men. Ten more mills
it is not because o f the type o f moral will be opened this month.
training in the schools but it is in
spite of this moral training.
Klamath Falls — Weyerhaeuser
“ I might go farther and point out Timber Co. pays almost ten per cent J
many things that the school is doing
in moral education. I might show f all Klamath County taxes.
how in the high school through stu­
Chiloquin—-Forest Lumber C o . 1
dent organization and activities we
I f 70» don’t h o juot what you
develop leadership and responsibility. J buys machinery for electrical plan
and how athletics have a decided in ng mill, costing $38,000. |
w ant, ask fo r it and I ’ll get it fo r
fluence f«r good. I am not going to
give detail along this line but rather
Eugene— Contract let for paving
leave this question «rith this final
thought. The »hole tone and atmos­ Tenth Av. nue from Monroe to Al­
phere of the school and the respon- madén, tot' $27.86«.
»•tle teacher is one of respect for
C resw ell— Plant b ein g
built for
v.hat is right and tolerance for no'h-
Watchmaker A Jeweler
ing bnt the highest standard of eon- j manufacturing pottery, to employ
(A t Parson's)
! twenty-five to thirty men.
“ Why then if what I hare said ia
true, do we h aa the irrespuiiatde j Gold Beach——New Gauntlett bus-
A four-ton crop o f clover removes
416 pounds o f limestone and a five-
ton crop o f alfalfa removes 411 lbs.
of lime and as muc!i as 625 pounds
of an abundance o f lime is available.
Various organic aen’ s wnirh produce
soil sourness are produced l.’, tf*s e f ­
fect of decaying vegetation.
In a
compact mass of freshly fallen leaves
Free Foot Comfort
W E D N E S D A Y , APRIL 14
Seven persons out of every ten have some form of foot trouble. It
may be weak or broken-down arches, weak ankles, corns, cal­
louses or bunions or probably a case of tired, aching, painful feet.
Regardless of what may be the nature of your foot suffering,
you will find quick and lasting relief at our store during this
special demonstration.
Foot Com fort Expert from Personal
Staff o f D r. W m . M . Scholl
A t considerable expense this store has arranged for the services
of one of Dr. Scholl’s most skilled foot comfort experts. He will
be pleased to see, on the above date, all persons suffering from
any form of foot troubles. H is services are abtolute/y free.
Free Pedo-graph Prints o f Your Feet
In a few seconds’ time, without removing the hose, he can make
a perfect impression of your foot that positively shows if you d o
have foot troubles and to what stage the trouble has progressed.
Come in and get a sample of D r.S choll’s Zino-pads for corns. T hey
remove the cause— friction and pressure. Sure, safe, instant relief.
Central Point,
hat would you do
w ithout electricity?
/ / ’
-r-u -
Interesting essays have been written—
pages long — describing the calamities
that would happen if the world ran out
o f electricity.
Interesting—hut idle.
The practical question is—what do you
do -u it/i electricity ?
Few homes have a* many convenience
outlets as every housewife wants — hut
they are easily and cheaply installed.
A vacuum cleaner—an electric sewing
machine—a washing machine—an elec­
tric range—these take most of the drudg­
ery out of housework.
Would you—if you could—do without
is the cheapest service
you can buy.
Medford, Oregon
Roseburg, Oregon
Grants Pa«*, Oregon
Klamath Falls, Oregon
F. M. Jones, Prop.
from silver maple estimated to weigh
500,000 pounds, there is estimated
to be 22 tons o f acidity.
Lime is a very important element
in soil fertility because it corrects
sourness in soils and creates favor­
able conditions for the growing o f
cr-.ps such as alfalfa, clover, cawpeaa
and vetch.
Yrrka, California
M X * PAAI vtA3
Dummuir, Calif, rnia