Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, March 18, 1926, Image 1

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    Central Point American
Central Point water users will be
assured a bountiful water supply for
the coming summer if the extension
o f the tunnel in the city well un­
amount o f
Work o f extending the tunnel in
the well westward was started Mon­
day morning under the direction o f
Tom Olsen, contractor fo r the job.
A fte r too minor breakdowns in the
Machinery Monday, the work on the
project has continued rapidly by the
three eight hour shifts daily. Five
merf are employed on erfh shift, two
men work under ground digging in
the tunnel, two on the surface load­
ing and operating the dirt car, and
the fifth man hired by the city oper­
ates the pumps.
To keep the water front the men
digging in the tunnel, two centrif­
ugal pumps each capable o f pumping
400 gallons a minute are kept in
constant use. One pump a 3 Vi inch
pump being used is the old one
already installed in the second tank
house, the other a 4-inch enw cen­
trifugal pump, was installed tempor­
arily in th<^ well at the entrance o f
the tunnel.
The tunnel now 50 feet long ex­
tending east from the well, is being
extended fifty feet on the west end,
when completed it will give a reser­
voir space in the well capable o f
holding 26,130 gallons.
It is reported that several good
veins o f water have been uncovered
already. These veins flow from the
westward and come in the tunnel a
foot from the bottom.
The city well is the scene o f in-
F. W. Sebrean o f the Gateway
Theatre has secured fo r
and Sunday one o f the best pictures
on the market.
The picture
show “ Peter” the Great in “ Wild
This dog is a relative of
the famous Rin-Tin-Tin.
Mr. and
Mrs. Sebrean are giving the public
the best pictures that can be secured
and should be well patronized.
Last Sunday was a big day in Cen­
Those who have not been in the
tral Point when there gathered for
meetings right from the beginning,
the Community Mens Bible
have missed some unusually fine
meeting the largest assemblage o f
things. It will be impossible fo r me
men that has ever been seen in the
to give you anything like a full re­
Rogue River valley; it is doubtful
port o f what was said, o f course;
if there has been seen even a mixed
but I can, and ought to give you just
gathering o f such proportions in
a few o f the many best point* made greatest need of power is in living
Southern Oregon.
by the speaker;#
holy, consecrated lives, and that the
A t 10 a. m. the mass o f men be­
Mr. Mergler, on Sunday night em­ only way to this end is in the full­
gan ascending the stair into Cowley
phasized the fact that if we have ness of the spirit life. “ Ye shall re­
hall and at 10:20 they were
crowned Jesus King in our hearts, we ceive power, after that the Holy
coming. This continued until every
are anxious to help crown him King Ghost has come upon you, and ye
available seat, bench and table, was
Any Christian
in other lives; and help hasten the shall be witnesses.”
filled, some sitting on the speakers’
fullness o f the kingdom in the world. can have this power if he is willing
platform and some 20 or 25 stand­
One very pointed statement was this: to pay the price.
W e were all delighted with the
“ I f you cannot speak to others about
When the count,wa3 taken it was
their need o f Christ, it is more than Tuesday evening service. Having the
found that there were 130 Reds and
likely that the reason for your in­ two speakers made the service too
215 Blues— a neat trimming o f Only
difference is sin in your own life.” long, but there was no way out of
85; this caused a great deal o f
He showed the need o f being clean that. Mr. Woodworth’s message on
amusement fo r all. Counting I. G.
the “ Crucified Christ,” based on the
in heart and life.
Shaw, teacher o f the class who is
On Monday evening a fine congre­ seven sayings o f Jesus, while on the
neutral the total attendance in the
gation greeted Mr. Nelson, and ent­ cross, was a stirring, enlightening
class room was just 346, but as there
ered with a hearty good will into sermon. W e all feel more like doing
were seven men who had sacrificed
the service. Mr. Nelson was pleased our best for the Master’s cause. Mr.
the meeting to arrange the staging
with the devout, enthusiastic spirit Woodworth will preach again Sun­
fo r the big picture the number who
Mr. Strachan, who
o f the people. He spoke with power, day evening.
came fo r the class was just 353.
on the need o f the power o f the spoke o f his mission work in South
Up to and including the previous
Holy Spirit in our lives. He showed America has had years o f experience
His message was a
Sunday, March 7th, the average at­
that while we are living at a time in that place.
tendance was about 115 per Sunday
«'hen there is needed, and manifest­ revelation to all who are not posted
while the gathering o f last Sunday
ed, power in so many ways; the on what the real trouble is down
there. W’e were impressed with the
brought it up to about 128.
dustry recalling to the minds o f old thought o f what the world would be
N ever in its 16 years o f existence
timers the days when mining was like if it was all under the dominancy
had Cowley hall held such a crowd
the only industry around here. With o f the same powers which rule there.
and the spirit o f that crowd
Mr. Shaw on Wednesday evening
most inspiring; the good
no mishaps the project is expected
banter and jokes which passed back
to be completed within a week.
(Continued on page six)
and fourth helped to keep up the
interest o f the men until the lesson
begun, which, taken from Acts, 4:
1-22 was presented by the teacher
as few men have ever presented any
subject to any kind o f an audience.
Complete silence reigned over that
sea o f interested faces and at the
close o f the lesson the speaker was
freely applauded.
Mr. Mulligan, photographer, o f the
lintel Central who had made prepar­
ations fo r photographing the class
and as soon as the lesson was fin ­
ished all passed into the street to be
“ shot” ; however the crowd was much
larger than had been expected and
it was found to be impossible to hold !
the mass o f men until proper ar­
rangements had been made. Mr. ]
Mulligan took two exposures but was I
forced to go to the top o f the post
o ffice in order to get the
P H O I 'O S K D I I K . I I SI H O O t , A T C K S T R S I , P I I I S T , O H .
crowd into the range o f the camera
and this proved to be too far away
Plans are well under way for the building is planned on the department
fo r good results, and the crowd dis- j erection o f this splendid new high school
basis. The commercial department con­
banded before he could set up his ^
building. It will be ready for use at the sists o f two rooms separated by glass par­
camera at a closer range. As a re- ]
beginning o f the fall term in September. tition, one room to be used for typing, the
suit o f this the picture will have to
The building which is of classic design will other for bookkeeping and shorthand. The
be retaken.
It has been stated that the Copco be modern in every respect and will be
typing room has a maximum capacity of
and also the Universal News Service fully equipped.
20 and the bookkeeping o f 30. The
are interested in obtaining pictures
The building will be of reenforced science department consists of two rooms,
o f this class; i f this be a fact there
one to be equipped for laboratory and one
will be a really big time in town at concrete with a stucco exterior, finished
with Medusa white. The entrance is es­ for lecture work. These rooms will ac­
some future time.
The class o ffice and employment pecially attractive with a Gothic design
commodate from 30 to 35.
bureau is now open fo r business and and with Corithian pillars.
Art stone em­
The domestic science department
has attended to some few cases o f
blems representing an open book are an consists o f two rooms, one the cooking
unemployment and a good deal o f
added feature while the worlds “ High laboratory, the other the sewing ami art
class business.
.*. Modern School Structure to House 350
School” will be placed above the entrance
in a gold leaf finish.
The building will be located on the
Last Sunday there were in the dif- I present grounds facing the Pacific high­
classe s including all men. ! way and will be so placed that a central
woman and children o f both churches j
heating plant between the new building
and the Men’s class, just 712 who at- :
and the old building will care for the heat­
tended Sunday school in our little ;
ing o f both.
city o f some 1.060 population.
No effort has been spared in planning
Does any other town o f the world
hold such a record considering pop- | the building to make it modem in every
ulation 7— Contributed.
way with the greatest possible economy
and convenience. The architects are both
Mrs. T. M. Jones o f Coming. Cal.. 1
experienced school men and have had
is visiting her sister
Mrs. J. P. '
Hoaglacd, o f Ashland, also other rel­ considerable experience in p l a n n i n g
atives and friends in the valley. Mr. I school buildings, working together with
and Mrs. Jones lived in Central Point the local superintendent of school and the
several years where they owned a school board they have a building which
store, and Mr. Jones preached here i
meets the needs o f the community ir. a
in the Christian church.
splendid way.
The building has a front of 148 feet
C. B. Stephens, F. W. Jordan, G. j
W. Brooks. S. S. Tule, and W. F. with provisions for future class-rooms to
and C. P. Webb are new readers o f the number of 14 or 18, at the rear.
the American this week.
present unit to be erected contains a large
Mias Myers has returned to Gold study hall and nine class-rooms.
o f the
Hill a fter a week’s visit with her sis­ tent with the recommendations
ter. Mrs. John Welch.
National Educational association t h e
Watch us do real things fo r Cen­
tral Point and the Rogue River val­
room. Both of these rooms are large and
well lighted and will be thoroughly equip­
ped. Provisions are also made for classes
in English, languages and mathematics. A
teachers’ rest room, superintendent’s of­
fice and library are all carefully planned
and placed to produce an efficient admin­
istration o f the schools.
A bell system with program clock;
modern heating planting; electric light­
ing, in all rooms; an adequate ventilating
system, light and airy toilets with mag­
j nesite floors; magnesite tread on stairs;
firebolts on all outside doors; light finish
on wood work, are several other features
which will put this building in a class by
The bonds have been advertised and
bids will be opened on March 30. Present
, indications are that a very favorable bid
w ill be received. Complete blue print,
plans and specifications are now’ in the
hands o f contractors and construction bids
will be opened on March 31. The clerk
is receiving calls from contractors almost
Our Girl Scout organization, the
only one o f its kind in
Oregon, was organized last Novem ­
ber, but owing to many other activi­
ties o f the young people, its work
was not crowded.
In January, Mrs. C. E. Bolds ac­
cepted the captainship, with Miss
Beeson, a s Lieutenant.
These two ladies have given a great
deal o f time and attention to devel­
oping the Girl Scout spirit and in
making worth while meetings.
The meetings are held regularly
at the Christian Science church
building, and some improvements in
the inside o f the room have been
sponsored by Mrs. Bolds, making a
beautiful and pleasant place in which
to meet.
A t the meeting Wednesday o f this
week Miss Beeson presented some
folk-games and Mrs. Bolds gave to
the girls a "History o f the American
Flag,” in brief
brought out fo r what the American
flag stands, that is, “ A symbol o f
oneness o f a nation.”
The Morse
Code o f signalling, the 16 points o f
the compass, and an oral sewing test
were given. These are only a few
o f the lessons that are being taught.
Some o f the activities o f the organ­
ization are cooking, sewing, darning,
first aid, home nursing, folk-dancing,
the study o f social customs, customs
in polite societv and many outers.
On last Friday evening the girls
held an initiation at which time u
number o f guests were present and
an interesting program given.
Mrs. Bolds gave "greetings,” I.
G. Show talked of\ the "B en efits o f
Scouts to the
Chief Executive o f Boy Scouts, Mr.
Cecil Cook, o f Medford, talked on
"Ideals and Aims o f Girl Scouts,"
and Wilma Sheley played
piano numbers.
The ceremony in
initiation was impressive,
lighted candies representing their
motto, “ Be Prepared,” their slogan,
"I)o a Good Turn Daily,” and their
promise, "On my honor I will try
to do my duty to God, my coun­
try, to help other people at all times,
to obey the Scout laws.”
Mrs. Chas. H. Taylor, Mrs.
Richardson, members o f the council,
served refreshments. A committee
of Boy Scouts lent their service o f
Lieutenant Mildred Beeson assist­
ed with the program which was car­
ried out with great success.
The following girls wers initiated:
May Eicher, leader o f Pheasant pa­
trol, Gloria Bolds, leader o f Meadow­
lark patrol, Audrey Martin, Louise
Bohnert, Fern Clark, Artes Casad,
Julia Casedy, Loomis Davis, Vernan
DeHass, Marine Fields, Merle Hedg-
peth, Elma Hood, Audrey
Dona Morton, Eunice Musty, Eliza­
beth Scott, Ruth Sutherlin, Elizabeth
Wold, Edith
W right.
Miss Harriet Snider has the honor
of being a 1st class scout from the
Each o f the girls were pre-
<ented with a pin, their
’ Every Scout,” a play, was well ren­
te red by the members.
Mrs. Bolds has selected the fo l­
lowing council: I. G. Shaw, church
nterests, Mrs. Sheley, press,
Chas. V. Taylor, Mrs. Snyder and
Mrs. Sid Richardson, civic interests,
D. F. Amich, school interests.
Mr-. Bolds spoke o f the hook,
"Scouting For Girls,” and
mended that earh girl have one as
it contains much practical knowledge
for the use o f every home maker,
as well as for the firls.
Mrs. Bolds will be glad to meet
any girl who wishes to join.
Miss Brewster will have a millinery
class at the home o f Mrs. R. H. Pax-
son Tuesday, March 23. Ladies in­
terested in making hats are invited
to come for the whole day, each one
contributing something to the cov­
ered dish luncheon.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Lewis and their
son Artie, are moving to Ashland
this week where Mr. Lewis will he
employed at the Chapmen Meat Mar­