Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, March 04, 1926, Image 1

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    Central Point Am erican
.M i n i s t e r i a l a s s o c i a t i o n m e t
MADE IN 1925
$500,000 LOSS
The Ministerial Association o f the
The main mill o f the Stout Lum­
R°Kue River valley met in the Fed-
ber company, North Bend, was de­
iNEv VV I X C iv U lV l- / erated church in Central Point, on
stroyed by fixe last Friday with a
Monday o f this week. A fine din­
loss o f between $350,000 and $500,-
Community Men’s Bible ner was served by the ladies o f the
University o f Oregon.— “ The dis­ 000. Two hundred and fifty men
F. W. Sebrean, who owns the pic­
class at its regular meeting last Sun­ church at 12:30 o ’clock, and the aft- covery o f the Cosmic rays, common­ were throv. out of work. The blaze ture show building here will return
day in the class room in Cowley H all; cynoon program began shortly after ly called the Millikan rays, is the was discovered by a night sweeper, to Central Point with his family and
broke a record which has held since one o ’clock. The following members most significant achievement of but spread so rapidly that he barely take charge o f the picture show. Mr.
its organization— the “ Blues” won were present: Revs. Nelson, Bel­ 1925,” is the opinion o f Dr. A. E. escaped. The origin of the fire is Sebrean started the picture show
the attendance contest two Sundays knap, White Mordoff, Gray, Randall, Caswell, professor of physics at the undetermined.
here and made a success o f his ven­
in succession; heretofore the Beds MacVicar, Eaton, Temple, Heiner, University o f Oregon. “ The discov­
Fire departments from North ture.
and Blues have alternated each Johnson o f Medford,
Lawrence, ery o f the Millikan rays proves that Bend and Marshfield prevented the
He has billed some high priced
King, Howe, Thuemlcr, Mergler, there are great ranges o f wave blaze from spreading from the main films and the people will see as
On account o f this “ double head­ Woodworth,
Young, lengths never discovered, bringing mill. Officials announce the mill good pictures as shown anywhere.
er” the Reds are thrown a long way Fields, Captain Gay, Shaw and John­ immense amounts o f energy into our is to be rebuilt.
Mr. Sebrean will take charge o f the
in the rear and must show a big son.
earth which may have an influence
Discovery that attempts were made show house Sunday, March 7 and
burst of speed in order to catch up,
A fter the regular routine o f busi­ upon the energy o f the earth, what to blow the Southern Pacific’s safe his many friends in this locality will
not to mention winning the present ness, Dr. Eaton presented a paper application they will have, however, here at the time the mill was burn­ be pleased to learn that this fam­
contest. The attendance for the day on “ How Can the Ministers and only time will tell.”
ing led officers to believe that the ily will return to Central Point
was: Reds, 61; Blues, 69; total at­ Churches o f the Rogue River Dis­
R. A. Millikan, director of the Cal­ fire was incendiary.
tendance, 132.
trict Secure an Outpouring o f the ifornia Institute ‘o f Technology, and
Company officials reported that
In order to avoid taking up too Holy Spirit upon the Churches?”
one o f the leading physicists o f the two months ago the Stout Lumber LIME PLANT REMOVAL GETS
much o f the time needed fo r the
The discussion which followed was United States, has discovered that company’s plant at Thornton, Ark.,
lesson an executive committee was quite general, and emphasized the there are electric rays coming in was destroyed by fire at the same
Final approval was given at Salem
appointed to attend to all routine many good points o f the paper.
through all space from every direc­ time the railroad company's safe was
on the 27th for the moving o f the
businesw and to prepare all other
The association will meet in Grants tion. He discovered these rays by robbed.
state lime plant from Gold Hill to
matters for presentation to the class Pass next month.
experiments made upon planes o f a
in concise form, there to be accepted
great height, one o f which was Pike’s CIVIC CLUB WILL SERVE LUNCH Salem where it will be operated by
convict labor from the state peni­
or rejected by the 'class.
Peak. They are so penetrating they
On next Tuesday afternoon, March tentiary. The move was decided upon
The class voted to close the pres­
will pars through six feet o f lead.
Last Friday afternoon the Ladies’ They come not only from the sun, 9, the ladies of the Civic club will at a conference between Governor
ent contest on April 18th instead of
April 11th, but to take the count Civic Improvement Club met at the but from the stars ar.d all parts of serve a light lunch to the public, at Pierce and state prison officials.
o f all present on Easter, although home o f Mrs. R. H. Paxson.
the heavens with the same intensity the home o f Mrs. Geo. Fox.
The cost of the plate will be 10
A very interesting and profitable both day and nifcht.
there will no doubt be many absent
who will attend services elsewhere time was spent, in which plans were
Previous to the discovery o f the
Mrs. Mattie Parker was happily
on that day.
made for financing the City Library, Millikan rays, Gamma rays were the go for the benefit o f the City surprised last Thursday afternoon
The sick committee reported that an institution which is greatly ben- most penetrating rays used. Dr. Library.
when some o f her neighbors and
The ladies o f this club are mani­ friends gathered at her home to cel­
the two sick members were much efitting the community.
Caswell emphasized the fact that the
The members o f this club have Gamma rays will penetrate only festing splendid interest in the li­ ebrate her birthday. The many
improved and that flowers had been
taken to them; the class was also been instrumental in “ putting over” about one-half o f one inch o f lead. brary. At present the library is in friends who enjoyed the afternoon
pleasantly surprised to see Ray Hen­ a number o f excellent movements They are now used as an important need o f funds, not so much for new were: Mrs. Grim, Mrs. Farra, Mrs.
derson, class president, march up the since its orga: ization. One recent part o f radium tfeatments, the best equipment as for the need o f making Hill, M rs.’ Denton, Mrs. Hay, Mrs.
past obligations good.
aisle to his station after he had been movement which this club was in­ cure known for cancer.
Ferguson, Mrs. Gleason, Mrs. A.
Inasmuch as the library is making Parker and children, Iris Hill, and
imported as too sick to attend; it strumental in accomplishing was the
“ We have in the realm o f physics,”
seems that the temptation was more placing o f a m ien needed light on the he added further, “ a series o f elec­ a steady growth in equpiment and Bobby Jean Hoagland.
Dainty re­
than even a sick man could stand. depot platform. Due to a misunder­ tric waves.
The longest ones are service, and the community is being freshments were served and every­
The day’s lesson was taken from standing the light has not yet shed sent out by lighting circles. Shorter highly bendfitted by it, the library one wishes Mrs. Parker many happy
the first part o f the first chapter forth its rays, but it is established ones are used for radio telegraphy board are urging that this enterprise hirkhdays.
o f The Acts o f The Apostles, and and with the co-operation o f Station and telephony. Still shorter waves may be well patronized.
It has been arranged with the
was very interestingly and instruct­ Agent Boles, it will no doubt be give the sensation o f heat where
ively presented by the teacher, Mr. doing its duty soon.
there is no light’. The next ones in school superintendent, H. P. Jewett,
I. G. Shaw. Mr. Shaw aiso read
Mrs. Paxson served delicious light order are the X-rays, then the for any pupils in school who wish,
A Tokheim visible, electrically
fiom different parts o f the Bible refreshments.
Gamma rays which are even shorter to take a short time to go to the operated, 10-gallon gas pump, val
home o f Mrs. Fox and partake of ued at $700.00, has recently been
Read in another column o f the than the X-rays.”
answers to a question which had
been dropped into the question box lunch for public library benefits.
The length o f the ray is very im­ the lunch.
installed at the Gateway Service
In the Interest o f civic progress Station.
—— —
o -------------------
at the door. The question was,
portant, Dr. Caswell pointed out, be­
“ What is meant by Mark 16:17-20?”
cause it determines the degree of the public is invited to aid in this
“ This is the latest and most effic­
The answer left little, if any doubt
absorption which determines the effort.
ient automatic gas pump that can
Mrs. A. T. Iathrop
Only 10 cents and its good, too! be obtained, and is the only one o f
inthe minds o f anyone present as
ray’s power of penetration. The
The regular meeting o f the local shorter the ray the less it is ab­
---------- o-----------
to the real meaning o f the passage
this type in southern Oregr.,,” states
Congress o f Parents and Teachers sorbed, thus the X-ray will penetrate
Rev. J. M. Johnson has secured Mr. Beebe. The customer is insured
The worjp of arranging the class will be held on Friday evening at a sheet o f lead and the Gamma ray plenty o f help for the revival meet­ exact, measure as the pump is equip­
office and establishing the employ­ 7 :30 in the gymnasium. A fine pro­ several millimeters, while the Milli­ ings which have been announced to ped with a mechanical predetermine
ment bureau etc., is getting under gram has been arranged, and the kan rays, the shortest o f all, will begin on Sunday, March 14th. For stop that cannot get out o f order.
the first week, beginning Sunday
way and as soon as possible will be Copco pictures will be an interesting penetrate six feet o f lead.
feature. Fathers are especially in­
John Shiley and family are en­
the speakers will be: Rev.
open for business.
The discovery o f the Millikan rays
A great deal o f interest is being vited, and both fathers and mothers is not only the outstanding discov- J. C. Mergler, Rev. Roy Nelson, Rev. joying a visit this week from E. S.
in the contest f o r , „ „ „
, no, . . -
„ .
F'oster, of Walla Walla, on his way
shown in regard to a class orchestra;! will be counted
. „
ery o f 1925, but for all time ,ast, Woodworth, Rev. I. G. Shaw, Rev.
Santa Rosa, Calif., and Mr. and
this is easily possible
e . . ern-
, ..... .......- - o f —™........
. _ ...........
. ..
. Dr. Caswell believes. He spoke of
On Wednesday evening and Friday Mrs. Robert Martin, also o f Walla
as there
------- is „ a great deal o f musical
e. ’ pS >'nlr oc® associa ion <» | tbe measurement o f the electric
talent among the men and it seems , rymfr ” « "• enJ°>
e program, an ■ cbar)rt, carried by the election as an- evening Captain Gay will bring some Walla. Mr. Foster is a brother of
certain that an orchestra will soon ' help make the soc,al tlme a SUCC<,S8' ¡other important discovery o f Milli- o f his Army workers and help us hold Mrs. Sheley and Mrs. Martin is a
street meetings. The Medford pas­ niece.
be organized.
* * *
tors will be in their own meetings
A good deal o f work is being!
Pre-Sch00! :
---------- o-----------
Miss Violet Scott, teacher in a
until the 21st o f the month. They
handled this week by the Executive 1
***% ” *
' l
will help here in the second and rural school near Central Point, was
committee which consist, o f the fol ‘ Ch,ld’
M* * Br*watcr wnl1 ,eud thl* '
obliged to discontinue her school
discussion at 2:30 p. m. in the gym-
That homeseekers all over the third weeks o f our meetings.
lowing: Reds— Tom Pankey and .
_ .
work this week, as she is having an
I nasium Friday, March 5th.
Guy Tex; B lu e s-H . P. Jewett and naS‘U,n F" d\y’ M* rch 5th’ The pr”
o f throat trouble. Miss Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Webber, ac­
Roy Jones; N eu tral-R ay Header-
an interesting part strongly indicated by the fact that on
1 in the program. Show your inter­ the average o f thirty to fifty inquir­ companied by his sister, Miss Hol­ hopes to return to her school by
est in your children by coming out. ies a day arc being received at the land, drove over from Klamath Falls next week.
The class was held over its regu­
present time by the Land Settlement Sunday to visit Mrs. Wei>ber’s
II. H. Lampman, who is in the
lar time for a few minutes consid­
Department o f the Portland Chamber mother, who recently had a stroke publicity department o f the Bureau
eration o f some problems which
o f Commerce, which, co-ordinating of paralysis. Mr. Webber and his
were of special interest to the en­
The boys o f the Live Wire class with the Oregon State Chamber o f sister returned home Sunday evening o f Police, in Portland sends us two
tire assemblage.
belonging to the Federated Sunday Commerce, has started its 1926 but Mrs. Webber remained for a dollars for a year’s subscription to
the American. Mr. Lampman form­
On Sunday, Mnrch 14th
it is school met at the home o f their state wide development campaign. longer stay with her mother.
erly lived here and at Gold Hill and
hoped that every member will be teacher, Mrs. A. T. Lathrop, last
Since February 1st, fifty-eight
has many friends in both places.
able to get out as a photographer
new settlers have been reported to
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. M. Donelson and
is to l>e present to photograph the Edwin Martin, was in the chair. In the department. Josephine county small son Hall-rk o f Klamath Falls,
Jack Hoogstraat, editor o f the
entire lu n ch ; this picture is to be the membership contest the “ Green” has reported fifteen families located
come over the Green Spring Moun­ Southern Oregon Spokesman, accom­
sent to three o f the big daily news­ side won. This contest resulted in this month and forty one names were
tains in their new Chevrolet Sedan panied by his friend Clyde Wolcott,
papers o f the United States which the membership being more than received from Marion County.
last Sunday, accompanied by Mr. o f Grants Pass, made this office a
will not have any ill effect on Cen­ doubled, the class now having an
One o f the best individual loca­ and Mrs. Tramel o f Ashland. They pleasant visit this evening while en-
tral Point and the Rogue River val­ average attendance o f tuenty boys. tions Wj»s reported this month so far
called at the "Grandma* Obenrhain route to Ashland.
Woodrow Rich and Alvin Maple from Astoria. It involves an invest­
ley. So prepare for that occasion
home in the afternoon. Mr. Donel­
nnd get your face in on the big were chosen leaders in a new contest ment o f $16,000 and was made by
son is one o f the most valued em­
F. E. Stephenson returned last
“ pitcher.” It is understood that the
George W. Peek and H. J. Glover o f ployees o f the Klamath Falls post- week from Scotia, Calif., where he
Delicious refreshments were fur­ Redwood,.California. These new set­
Oregonian and the Chicago Tribune
was called on account o f the sick­
nished by Lathael Stevens, Edwin tlers originally came from Idaho and j
are two o f these papers.
ness o f his mother. He reports his
Martin, Elton Miller and James Lath­ have upent some time investigating j
— Just a Red.
J. 8. March, who has been quite mother improving.
rop, who were some o f the members the agricultural conditions o f both :
ill at the home o f his daughter in
o f the losing Vide.
Oregon and California.
Talent, is reported to be improving,
Fi. W. Clark is home from a busi­
Mr. Glover has already taken ; a fact that his Central Point friends ness trip to Glendale, Oregon.
Mrs. L. E. Smith, who has been I
charge o f the farm and they are plan are glad to not..
suffering from an attach o f nneu- i
ning on extending their holdings in i
Sam Poague has his new home
monia for several weeks past, passed
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCaskey. Clatsop County, which will include 1 The revival meetings at the west o f the railroad track about com­
away last. Sunday morning at the
who have been spending the w ater perhaps another farm.
Christian church are continuing with pleted and has moved bock to Cen­
Medford hospital.
at Coronado, California, arrived
increased interest and attention. A tral Point from Medford.
Mrs. Smith leaves three children. ! home this week.
C. E. Bolds and wife are spending number o f persons have been attend­
a husband, a mother, father and 1 They report a fine trip and an­
this week in Portland. Daring their ing from Grants Pass, Medford and
Mrs. J. K. Hall died at her home
other relatives besides many friends j oy, j the winter but Mr McCaikey absence Miss Mildred
is Ashland. Several o f these are mus­ in this city on Wednesday morning,
Funeral services were held at states that California hasn’t any- staying in their home with the chil­ ical and have assisted Mr. Putnam
March Srd at 7 o ’clock. The im­
Medford Wednesday.
¡thing on the Rogue River valley.
with the music.
mediate cause was paralysis.
'V T C ' l l f I ?