Central Point American VOL. I CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1926 OLD FIDDLERS BROTHERHOOD CLASS 'i M 'T 'I T 'C 'T ' Last Tuesday night about 40 men met together in the basement o f the Federated church. The object o f this gathering was to hear the plans fo r a men’s Bible Old timers from every nook and study class to be rolled “ The Broth­ corner o f southern Oregon and erhood.” northern California will limber up The speaker o f the evening was rheumatic old joints, tune up their Dr. Campbell o f San Francisco, who fiddles, rub a generous amount of has had a great deal o f experience resin on their bows and vie for in men’s Bible class work all over honors in the Fiddlers’ Contest, the Pacific coast. which is being arranged by the Med­ Dr. Campbell's talk on this subject ford Lions Club. On Thursday night, was very interesting and instructive. March 4th, strains from many popu­ He told o f classes o f 50 in towns o f lar old tunes like "Tu rkey in the 150 or 200; o f 102 members in towns Straw” and "Blue Danube W altz” o f 3,000 in California and stated will issue from the Oriental Gardens that this town should do as well in ballroom at Medford when old-time ! proportion to its siae. fiddlers will compete fo r several I Others who spoke were Rev. Gray prizes which have been offered by o f Butte Falls, Rev. Lawrence o f the M edford Lions. Medford, Rev. Davis o f Medford and With the first announcement of Rev. J. M. Johnson o f Central Point, the novel contest, inquiries from A number o f songs, very delicious Roseburg to Dunsmuir, from Apple- refreshments nnd good humor helped gate to Lakeview, flooded in to the to pass the evening pleasantly. * contest headquarters at the C. E. It was decided to use the entire Gates Auto Company o f Medford, evening merely to plan and explain Enthusiasm has been growing by the proposition and to organize at leaps and bounds and already Indica­ a later date. tions point to one o f the season's M ARRIED most brilliant a ffairs in Medford. Not only will old-timers enjoy tho Esther A. Musty to Sterling G. novel contest but young as well, February since the contest will be followed by Richmond, on Saturday, a big dance where new and old dance 20, at Jacksonville, Oregon. These young people are well bits will be featured. Henry Ford, who has made a country wide e ffo rt known in this community, having to revive the old time dances, has lived here fo r a number o f yeors. Mr. Richmond Is an employe o f been selected as honorary judge of the Copco company in Medford. At the Lions Contest. present they are visiting Mrs. J. W-. Lewis, o f Gold Hill, Mrs. Lewis be­ P. T. A. NEW S ing a sister o f Mrs. Richmond. Mrs. A. T. Lathrop Their many friends in the com­ We take this opportunity o f thank­ munity wish them a long, prosperous ing Mr. Jewett and the members 6f and happy journey through life, the faculty, fo r the courtesy extend­ ed to the local association by the A ¡SURPRISE invitation to the president to be an Perry Johnson reached his 15th honor guest o f the patriotic program last Monday morning. The program birthday List b’riday, February 20th. was most interesting and thoroughly On Saturday, his mother, Mrs. John­ son, surprised Perry by inviting sev­ enjoyed. The foundation o f true patriotism eral o f his boy friends to come to is rightly laid in the home, and it his home and eat dinner with him. is the glorious duty o f all parents, *rhc boys enjoyed the dinner and the as far as lies in their power, to companionship o f one another. Those present were Everett and raise citiaens that are a credit to the community— mentally, morally Lester Scott, Harold Morton, Archie and Eddie Martin, Theron Brown and and physically. The Southern Pacific film * show­ Philip Hamrick. 1 H/O 1 y l" U I\ U TO BE JUDGE ing the activities o f the 500 boys and girls who were privileged to at­ tend the 1925 Summer school, were shown at the gymnasium on Friday evening, February 19. Unfortun­ ately, the pictures were not as dis­ tinct as one would have liked; but they served to show what splendid opportunities the young folks o f to­ day have. There were one million boys and girls in 4 H Club work in the United States last year, o f these nearly 8,000 were in Oregon. In Central Point there were 46 completed projects, three clubs com­ pleting their work 100 percent. I. D. LE W IS IM PR O VIN G I. D. Lewis, who has been under­ going a siege o f pneumonia is re­ covering and hopes to soon be on duty at his place o f business, the City Meat Market. NUMBER 45 L A D IE S ’ CIRCLE MEET OREGON MAN 18,000 ILL FROM j The members o f the Circle, a PICKS UP RADIO j ladies’ society in the Christian church COLD WAVE IN .net fo r a social afternoon Wednes- FROM ARCTIG I j day MEXICO CI T Y o f this week at the home o f Grants Pass, Feb. 22.— Radio mes­ sage from the ship Arctic, frozen in ice north of Baffin's Land in the Arctic Circle, were picked up Sat­ urday night between 12 and 1 o’clock by F. I. Adams, o f Evans creek. The messages were voice transmission, the operator attempting to pick up headquarters at Montreal. The re­ ception was good. Adams listened fo r some time to the talk. The message was transmitted on 291 meters. The ship will be on the air again next Saturday night at the same time. Adams used a Kellogg wave-master in picking up the broadcast. B IR TH D A Y P A R T Y Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burger enter­ tained Saturday evening at their country home in honor o f the ¡Toth birthday « f their daughter tternie«. A Jbliy crowd o f young people en­ joyed new and interesting games, after which dainty refreshments o f fruit salad ttnti cake Were served, tri each piece o f cake was baked an em­ blem such as a badge, a white ele­ phant, a Japanese lantern, a safety pin, or a ring, by tneans o f which the possessor’s fort me was told. A lte r lunch there Was music and singing; then Miss Bernice displayed her birthday gifts. Those present wore! Thp M isses Lola and Vera Davis, Thelma Part- key, Beatrice Seabrooke, Mildred Burger, Dorothy Martin, Wyvotte Boswell, Florence Hamrick, Wilma Sheley, Violet Scott and Alice Rea- broOke; the Messrs. Carl Boswell, Ituster Brown, Milton Coleman, James Harris, La wren, e Collins, Archie Martin, Carl Coleman, Perry Johnson, Edwin Martin, Donald Faber, and N w w ai W ylie; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin, Mrs. J. E. Bos­ well, nnd the guest o f honor, Ber- nieee Burger. The guests departed at a late hour, wishing Miss Burger many more happy birthdays. W. R. C. M EETIN G Last Saturday afternoon the W R. C. o f Central Point met and with them were twenty-seven visitors from the Medford order. Several persons were initiated as new members and others who expect­ ed to become members were ill nnd not present. Refreshments were served and an enjoyable time passed. The Central Point W. R. C. has a large and growing membership and it is an organization o f which we should be proud and to which we should give aid when it is needed. The ladies stand ready and willing to fu lfill every standard fo r which they are organized. Mrs. W iley, o f this city. About twenty-five ladies, some o f whom were guests, were present. Boll call was answered by each lady giving a patriotic quotation. Lincoln, Washington and Longfellow were ali mentioned in story or poem, as the birthday o f each occurs in this month. One o f the unique features o f the program was the bringing by a num­ ber o f ladies o f an old keepsake o f interest, the owner telling some­ thing o f the history o f the article. A number o f these articles dated hack Warty years and all present en­ joyed seeing them. Delicious refreshments were serv­ ed an a profitable and pleasant time spent by all. J. E. W E A V E R IL L Eighteen thousand people within the federal district o f Mexico City are ill with influenza and the death rate is alarming. The federal dis­ trict is a small area surrounding the capital, similar to the District o f Columbia. Statistics fo r the whole republic are not available, but physicians state that the epidemic is due to the cold wave and exposure during a carnival which is just terminating, and when thousands rode on floats in native costumes, lightly clad. DAMON CAFE TO PU T IN N E W IM PRO VEM ENTS The Damon Cafe will have install­ ed soon one o f the finest fountains in southern Oregon. The interior walls o f the cafe will be painted as well as the fixtures, making it up- to-the-minute in every respect. ----------o---------- NEW SUBSCRIBERS J. E. Weaver, who became 111 last Sunday, was taken to the hospital in Medford Monday evening. Mr. W eaver will be given medical treat­ ment and attention fo r a time, and W. A. Crane, our authorized agent it is hoped by his friends in this community that he will be able to for the American, has handed in the following now subscriptions this return soon, nnd in better health. week: Stanley Vaughn, P. H. Mc- Kinnis, M. M. Wright, Henry Schulz, ROSE C AFE OPENED W D. Hood, S. S. Abbott, P. A. Sidney Thomas has returned to Bonney, C. F. Smith, Carl Hammond Central Point and opened the Rose and S. E. Doolittle. Cafe which has been closed this win­ ter. Sidney has had the fixtures The meetings nt the Christian painted and everything overhauled. church continue with interest and He will serve regular meals, short good attendance. The singing by orders and fountain service. Mr. Putnam o f Ashland, is an inter­ — ■ o —-------- esting part o f the program and the A pleasant time was enjoyed by sermons by Mr. Allison are worth all who attended the Woman’s R elief while. corps last Saturday the 20th. Twen­ ty-seven were present from the Med­ An apron and overall party was ford corps. There was an initiation given at Mrs. Mycr's home Saturday, o f four. There were to be six, but February 20 by the Christian En­ two couldn't come on account o f deavor. It was given to make the sickness. There was sixty-two ladies young people more interested in present. Delicious refreshments Christian Endeavor work and also were served after the meeting con­ fo r the purpose o f having a good sisting o f sandwiches, pie, salads, time. Everybody enjoyed the party. coffee and tei, The annual meeting o f the Jack- son Courtty Public Health association which was to b«VP been held March 2nd, at the Methodist Pftureh in Medford, has been postponed until a later Dr. Else o f Portland, a noted specialist, Who was to have spoken could not be present at that time so it was deemed advisable to wait until he could be present to ad­ dress the meeting. J. B. Stevens has purchased a 20- acre tract from the Howard Hill land. On« and 1-4 acres were also sold to J. M. Southerlin who recently moved here from Oklahoma and is now employed at the mill. The deals were made through the Fox Real Estate office. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burg o f Salem, Ore., who have been spending the winter at Long Beach, stopped fo r a ------- 0 ------- short visit Sunday with the latter’s S. B. MeClurken o f Denver, Colo., “ U N IO N CHURCH M ESSENGER” uncle, R. E. Mulligan, a photog­ has been visiting fo r the past two weeks at the home o f his cousin, Mrs. rapher, at the Hotel Central. The Rev Johnson presented us M. P. Holmes. He left Friday for this Week with a copy o f "Th e Union Mrs. E. R. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Sacramento and will visit other Cal­ Church Messenger,” a monthly paper Johnny Williams, Mrs. L. L. Damon, ifornia cities before returning to his published by himself and devoted to home. Mr. MeClurken was most Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Richardson and the interests o f the Union church and favorably impressed with the mild Mr. and Mrs. Harry Copinger, were the community. climate, scenic grandeur and home­ in Medford Tuesday evening attend­ In looking through its columns we like conditions o f the valley and he ing the I. O. O. F. banquet. According to their record sheets find it an excellent sheet, inasmuch has great hopes fe r :L> immediate these projects represented a profit as it furnishes religious news o f a A. B. Maple has resigned his posi­ A CHOICE G IFT future. o f $398.78 to the hoys and girls, general nature and also meets a local tion at the Faber store and will do a fter their labor and all* expenses need. Mrs. L. Hatfield this week pre- carpenter work through the summer Vera Davis Is the leader o f the had been deducted. Added to this, sented this office with some Bosc months. A. B. has just purchased Christian Endeavor for Sunday, Feb­ cash prizes to the value o f $389 were The Rev. Johnson is in Butte Falls pears, grown on their 5-acre tract a new Chevrolet car to assist in en­ ruary 28. An interesting lesson is taken in. Figuring in dollars and this week assisting the Rev. Gray, near Central Point. assured all that come. A ll young joying outdoor life. cents these 46 projects earned a total pastor o f the Presbyterian church These pears are dsually not ex­ people not attending any other young o f $780.78 fo r the boys and girls o f that place, in a series o f religious pected to he in good condition later Automobile accidents have cost peoples meeting are invited to come. services. o f Central Point 4 H Clubs. than Thanksgiving, but these were the United States 123,500 lives since A business meeting ii to be held Elizabeth Southwell won a free his or herself, having utterly failed put in cold storage and are yet not a fter the lesson so every member 1917— more than were killed in the trip to the State Fair fo r being high over-ripe. World war— according to statistics to absorb the club spirit. o f the Christian Endeavor please be scoring girl at the County Fair. The They are a beautiful fruit and in made public by the department o f In club work as in other things present because a very important Stock Judging team gained second at commerce at Washington. top places are not “ attained by sud­ perfect condition. Thank you. business matter will come before the the County Fair, and also gained a den filght,” and defeat only meeting. trip to the State Fair. In connec­ R E A L E STA TE TRAN SFERS A world exposition in New York strengthens the resolve to “ make the tion with the pig-feeding contest in 1932 to celebrate the 200th an best better.” Jackson, county to O. L. Lindley, Miss Gladys Bond, teacher o f the niversary e f the birth o f three boys had a trip to the Pacific • • • George _. C. D. «1. 8 % o f N 4 o f S * first grade, has been o f f duty a International Livestock Exposition at in a bill The regular meeting o f the local | o f N W o f NW Sec 28 Twp 38 S couple o f days, because o f an oper­ Washington, is provided Portland. filed in the house by Representative association will he held Friday eve- I fj j West ation fo r the removal o f the tonsils. Ruth Webster and Elizabeth Scott ning, March 5th at the gymnasium B. I-. Fairchild o f L ew York. Chas. W. Reames et ux to Edyth Miss Florence Hamrick took care o f gave a sewing demonstration at the at 7 :.10 p. m. Good program. Ev­ County Fair. The only contest pro erybody come and bring somebody Goodman, Q. C. D. $1, Lot in Jack- the little people Monday and Tues­ Mrs. M. C. H. Day who has been sonviüe. day, during Miss Bond’s absence. vided by the premium book being in else. visiting her mother Mrs. J. B. Scott, O. L. Lindiey et ux to John Fran- Prone Bread making. returned to her home at Bremmer- • • • ces Wehster, W. D. $10, Ld in Sec The Epworth League entertained ton. traders in 4 H Club work try to Miss Brewster will meet with the 28 Twp 38 S, R 1 West. on Monday evening at the Federated lay as little emphasis as possible on Pre-School Circle at the gymnasium John F. Webster et ux to Robert church, the young people o f Wagner L. O. Davidson is starting the erec­ the financial gain. The real value on March fth at 2:30 p. m. Topic C. Logan et ux, W. D. $10, Ld in creek Sunday school. A good crowd tion o f a new house near the one o f the work is in the achievement, fo r discussion "Feeding the Pre- Talent. came over and a pleasant time is just completed opposite the school the fart o f something worth* while School Child.” O. H. Johnson et ux to H. H. Van reported. house. accomplished, and the acquiring o f • • • Valkenburg, W. D. $10, Lot 2 Blk business habits while doing it. The members o f the 4 H Club 25 Ashland. Frank Keabream o f Santa Rosa, Simpson Wilson is confined at Occasionally, an ex-clab member wish to thank all those who so I rank C. High et ux to Joseph P. Calif., was here today. He experts home today with sickness. is found who has become disgruntled kindly contributed towards the Chisholm. W. D. $10, Ld in Ashland. I to return soon with his family and at not gaining a prize, hut such a '‘eats” they had on sale on Friday J. P. ( hisholm to Frank C. High j put some new improvements on the We want the news. Phone, write, member only refltets discredit uppn j evening last. et ux, W. D. $10, Ld in Ashland, theatre building. or tell as.