Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, February 11, 1926, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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make light yields. The best sowing
fo r safety is 12 to 15 pounds an
Bliss Heine
acre unless the seed is exceptional
The city council at its meetings and is drilled in shallow.
last week, ordered a long needed im­
---------- o----------
provement on the street in front of “S E R V I C E A T C O S T ” M I S N O M E R
the armory in tl.e form o f a large
Periodically some well meaning
street light. This has always been
a dark spot, people having to practi­ person or organization suggests that
cally feel their way down the en­ the government go into the elecric
trance steps upon coming out o f the light and power or some other busi­
armory. So this is really a matter ness and furnish service \“ at cost.”
All public service companies such
of safety. The council also ordered
the police to keep the sidewalk and as electric light and power, tele­
entrance way clear o f bicycles which phone, gas and railroad companies
small -boys have been in the habit are today subject to public regula­
o f leaving in these places while at­ tion of a most strict nature. Their
earnings are limited by law to a very
tending doings inside.
The city council is very much modest percentage on their invest­
elated over the fact that delinquent ment. The cost o f service is the
property owners have recently set­ rate which public regulation permits
tled their long delinquent -issess- the companies to charge.
In the case o f electric companies,
ments with more continuing to come
the cost o f service includes some
, Council A. J. Crose attended the $150,000,000 a year paid in taxes.
Under the “ service at cost” theory
League o f Oregon Cities at Portland.
Local post office receipts for Jan­ of public ownership, this is virtually
uary increased seven per cent over the only item that could be deducted
from cost o f operating an electric
January If last year.
The Cozy Nook confectionery, property, as publicly owned indus­
lunch counter and news stand in the tries are tax exempt.
But this does not mean that the
Sparta building was purchased last
week from the James Stokum estate $150,000,000 in taxes are saved—
by J. H. Winterhalder. Mr. Winter- far from it. Public ownership usual­
halder has been C. A. DeVoe’s pop­ ly entails heavier taxes fo r more
ular right hand man since the war public employes, and the taxes which
and is well known throughout South­ the private enterprise would have
paid but which the public plant does
ern Oregon.
In one o f the new store rooms not pay, must be added to the taxes
just being completed on the old Page of the “ general taxpayer” who may
theater corner will be a branch store never have a chance to use the pub­
o f the national Piggly Wiggly chain. licly owned property for which he is
P. J. Hansen will be the local man­ taxed.
On December 28, 1917, the gov­
ager. There will also be a meat mar­
ket that will be conducted indeperfd- ernment took over the railroads, and
operated them until March 1, 1920.
H. O. Frobaeh has purchased the The loss t*n the taxpayers was over
interests o f his partner, J. W. Judy, $1,160,000,000. Today, under pri­
in the distribution agency of Gen­ vate ownership, the railroads are
eral petroleum for the Rogue River paying some $350,000,000 9 year in
valley and is now the sole manager taxes, and losses arc met by the
and owner o f the local concern which stockholders—-not the taxpayers.
Public regulation o f public utili­
has been in business here for one
year under the firm name o f Judy ties has never been a success— pub­
lic ownership can show nothing but
& Frobaeh, Inc.
Saturday, February 13th, is the a record o f failure.
“ Service at cost” is a misnomer
67th anniversary o f Oregon as a
— it should be designated as “ service
state in the Union.
On Wednesday evening of last with part o f the cost borne by the
week Talisman Temple, No. 40, taxpayer.”
Pythian Sisters held a well attended
and successful meeting with the fo l­
lowing officers being installed: M.
The old familiar falsehood con­
E. C., Clara Fichtner; E. L., Edna tinues to be repeated, that “ farmers
Nixon; E. Jr., Thersa Hoehne; Man­ buy under high tariff prices and sell
ager, Austia Barneburg; Protector, in almost free trade markets.”
Cecil Jones; Guard, Ella Wortman;
President Cbolidge, in his recent
M. od R. and C., Margaret Goold; Chicago address, made complete
M. of F., Della Watkins; Musician, refutation o f the charge that the
Leila Roberts.
Owing to illness
tariff is directed both ways to the
Mary Weber was unable to install
detriment o f the farmer.
and appointed Mary Roberts, Su­
The facts found in the tariff act
preme Representative o f Oregon, in­ itself show that the large proportion
stalling officer, assisted by Hermine of things the farmer consumes are
Klein and Elizabeth Fluhrer.
free from duty, and the large pro­
portion o f things he sells are heavily
What do the free trade advocates
Good seed potatoes pay in Oregon.
A few years ago the experiment sta­ want done with the tariff? Do they
want wool to compete with free wool
tion got some high-class, certified
Burl^mk potatoes. They were excel­ from abroad? Do they want free
lent yielders and very free from trade in fruit and dairy products?
The President showed from the
disease. They were planted in a
records that dutiable goods which the
trial containing many diseases pota­
farmer consumes are only 12 per
toes, and in the course o f about four
cent o f our total imports, and farm
years have become so diseased as to
expenditures are increased only 1.3
be ineligible for certification. How­
per cent by the?e duties.
ever, some rogueing and selection
The free trader would save the
have limited the amounts o f disease
this 1.3 per cent o f tariff
so that the lot is still very much
ind ruin the farmer’s home market
better than the average lot o f Bur­
by reducing farm prices and lower­
banks in the state. In 1925 these
ing standards o f living on farms, by
potatoes were planted near a similar
subjecting him to unrestricted free
row o f a certified lot o f the same
strain o f potatoes. The common
strain made a gross yield o f 230
bushels an acre. The certified lot
under exactly the same conditions
Title o f Sunday school lesson:
made 325 bushels an acre, or 95 “ Principles o f Christian Living.”
bushels an acre difference in favor Matt. 8. Outline— (1 ) Wisdom in
of good, disease-free seed.
Judgment, vs. 1-6; (2 ) Wisdom in
(3 ) Wisdom in
Certified seed o f practically all Prayer, vs. 7-12;
standard grain and potato varieties Way and Walk, vs. 13, 14; (4 ) Warn­
may be obtained fo r planting in ing Against False Teachers, vs. 15-
Oregon this spring. Lists o f certi­ 20; (5 ) Will o f the Father, vs. 21-
fied seed growers may be obtained 23; (6 ) Wise Builders, vs. 24-27;
from your county agent or the Ore­ (7 ) Words o f Authority, vs. 28, 29.
In the morning service the theme
gon Agricultural college at Corvallis.
Certified seed comes from fields that will be: "The Holy Spirit as God's
In the
have been inspected during the grow­ Executor in the Church.”
ing season for mixture, diseases and evening service the subject will be:
foreign material. The seed is again “ Putting First Things First.”
Remember the Church Meeting
inspected in the bin or laboratory.
For best results plant certified seed Friday evening. February 12th, in
the basement room o f the church.
o f a standard variety.
Good stands o f Grimm alfalfa, the A good time, and good refresh­
best for Oregon has been got by the ments.
Rev. J. M. Johnson, Pastor.
experiment station with 8 to 20
■ V . V . W W V A W W . V A 'A S 'W W S W y S V W W A W W V l f l A
Oregon may soon claim title to be­
ing the greatest mint growing state
in the country. With specialty crops
finding honored place in the Willam­
ette Valley, production o f mint oil,
while o f compartively recent devel­
opment, has made an astonishing
The state’s annual production for
several years has totaled between
eight and ten thousand pounds. The
soils now yielding the greatest
amount o f oil are well-drained peat
lands capable o f producing up to 80
and 85 pounds o f oil per acre, the
cost o f production averaging $1.25
per pound. From a tract o f Labish
beaver-dam land near Salem was sold
this year 2,100 pounds o f pepper­
mint oil for $25,080.
An expert from Michigan, recog­
nizing the merits o f Oregon's pro­
duct, predicts the next few years
will see the removal o f the mint oil
industry to the Willamette valley.
“ Conditions here are ideal for mint
growing,” he said, “ much more so
than in Michigan, which has in form­
er years been the center o f the in­
dustry in this country. The quality
o f the oil produced here is o f the
finest, equaling that o f the best Eng­
lish oil.”
Shortage o f oil in the United
States, which uses annually about
450,000 pounds, has resulted in un­
prices. Unseasonable
frosts and heat in Michigan and Ind­
iana, where 60 per cent of the
world’s supply o f peppermint is pro­
duced, reduced the crop 70 per cent.
Oregon mint oil has been quoted in
New York at $27 and $30 a pound.
However, no boom in mint acre­
age is expected to result from these
temporary soaring prices. Contracts
are now being made with growers
for three years at $6, $5 and $4 per
pound, respectively.
Tremendous advantages encour­
age expansion o f the industry with
a strong co-operative growers’ asso­
ciation to solve problems o f distill­
ing and marketing in favorable
Oregon has prize celery and prize
cheese. She holds eight o f the
world’s records in milk and butter-
fat production in the Jersey breed.
Oregon produced the wprld’s record
strain of egg-laying hens and today
has the world’s record flock. Oregon
apples and pears command a prem­
ium on the markets o f the world.
The world’s largest loganberry farm,
the world’s largest apple farm, the
world’s largest teasel farm, and the
largest tulip farm in the United
States are in Oregon. Why not the
world’s largest mine farm, produc­
ing the finest mint oil?— Oregon
Mail your shoes to me for prompt and serviceable
pound* an acre, depending on condi­
tions, says the farm crops depart­
Preaching at 11 o ’clock and 7 :30
ment. On a fine, firm, moist, weed- p. m.
Rev. I. G. Shaw will preach both
free seedbed 8 pounds are fairly
good and 20 makes a thick stand. mhming and evening.
Endeavor at 6:30 o'clock.
The heavier stand crowds out the
A cordial invitation is extended to
weed* better, and too thin stands the public.
Shoe Repairing
W it h Best Quality Material
I pay postage one w ay— cash must accompany order
Men’s half-soles .
Ladies’ half-soles .
Men's Panco soles
Corner Sixth and Oakdale
Phone 47
A , . % % S S W A ,. V A W W . V . V 5 V W A W y V W . * A % W W A W A f l A
W e carry a complete stock
of Staple and Fancy
for you to choose from.
We guarantee absolute satisfac­
tion with any selection of mer­
chandise you may make.
SPECIAL: Best Quality of
Cranberries— 2 lbs. for 35c
Phone 61
Central Point. Oregon
Cut Travel Cost
—yet go more often, travel farther, than ever
G o by train. Save in many important ways
by doing so.
Low roundtrip fares secure surprising value
for your travel funds. Figure your expense in
driving your own car against the cost by train.
The saving in train t avel will amaze you. So
save the car for pleasure purposes.
Save nervous energy, too. Your travel re­
sponsibility ends when you hoard the train.
Thus ride in entire comfort, with a chance to
relax and rest and plan your activity at your
N o matter where you plan to go, Southern
Pacific and its connections can take you, com ­
fortably and economically. Any Southern Pa­
cific agent will gladly aid in planning your trip.
Rely upon them for complete,
accurate travel inform ation.
Southern Pacific lin es
C. A. B O L E S , A g e n t
Medford, Oregon
B U R K — FO R A U T O T O P S
Opposite S. P. Depot
Heels, extra ...
Heels’ extra
Boy»’, $1.00; Ladies' ........
Central Point
Why take your cars to Medford
when you can get a better job for
less money at the Independent Gar­
age at Central Point.
property for small,
tract o f land near Central Point.
Inquire at this office.
New Spring Dress
Medford, Ore.
Phone 145-J
Now on Display
Phone 474 . 624 N. Riverside Ave
Highway— Medford,
ment at Popular
Faber’s Cash Store
— A Good Place to Trade—