An ultimatum to all pootronma In Klamath Fall* conducting punch boards and alot machines; to all gftmhling dive*; to all bootlegging resort», and to all disorderly house* to desist from unlawful activities was delivered by E. L. Elliott, district attorne). As the first step in a program which contemplates the ultimate purchase by the city of Salem of the present water system, the council appropriated $3500 to cover the expense of an ap praisal of the property of the Salem Water, Light A Power company. Senator Stanfield Invited Governor Pierce to send a representative of Ore gon to Washington, D. C., where Joint hearing before the senate and house public lands committees will be held Thursday to consider bills tc confirm and quiet public land grant! to the states. Thomas K. Campbell, public serv­ ice commissioner, has been notified of his appointment to membership on the committee on express and other contract carriers and the special com­ mittee on uniform regulatory laws In the National Association of Hallway and Utility commissioners. T H U R SD A Y , FEB R U AR Y 11, 1926 CENTRAL POINT AM ERICAN PAGE FOUR better known as shorty Saunders, his father-in-law by marriage, and Fred Knowlton at the Knowlton farm. The shooting was the result of a drinking party which developed into a fight, ac­ cording to both oral and written state­ ments made by Perry. Closing ot the Rig and Little Nes- tucca rivers and the Nestucca bay, all in Tillamook county, were favored by resolutions adopted at a meeting ot the Yamhill County Sportsmen's asso­ ciation at McMinnville. The sports, men also went on record for the clos­ ing of the 1926 season on all upland birds In Yamhill county and approved by resolution the action of the state fish commission in closing for ten years all trout rishtng In Haskins. [lak­ er and Deer creeks in this county. L. R. Brelthaupt, secretary of the world supply and demand committee of the coming eastern Oregon wheat conference, and newly appointed spec­ ialist In marketing and economics for the Oregon Agricultural college exten­ sion service, bas Just completed a three weeks' study In Washington, D. C., where he gathered marketing and agricultural data to be used at the con­ ference at Moro, February 12 to 14. The Moro conference will include 16 counties of the state and is the first of its kind In Oregon and perhaps in the United States. Corvallis was chosen as the 1927 meeting place of the Willamette val­ ley district farm loan associations at the conclusion of the convention at Albany. E. T. Reed of Corvallis was named president for the ensuing year and M. G. Rumbaugh of Kenton coun­ O REG O N ty was re-elected secretary. W E E K L Y INDUSTRIAL REVIEW « Hood River— Taft Transfer com- near Chiloquin, and box mills will | pany starts $10,000 concrete ware- run three shifts. I house. , Clatskanie tax levy for 1926 is Douglas county broccoli crop is 10.4 mills, 3.4 mills lower than in about 4000 acres or about. 1200 car­ 1925. loads. Clatskanie— Allen A Henderson Salem— Bell hop ranch o f 109 cannery will use 500 acres berries this year, besides beeta and beans. acres sold, for $40,000. Reedsport— Umpqua highway dis­ Reedsport— Johnson sawmill inter­ trict formed. Will complete Roose­ ests buy 50,000,000 feet of Wade velt highway from Coo* Bay to timber near Gardiner. Reedsport. Bend— Two brick store buildings Oregon has 216 fox farms, with costing $4,000 each, are to be built $1,325,000 invested in stock and at once. farms. Five farms have each more Oakridge— Oakridge hotel and o f­ than $50,000 invested. fice building, recently burned, will Astoria— Burke Packing company be rebuilt. wants to buy 1,000,000 pounds Klamath Falls— First passenger strawberries for 1926. train runs to Lake Odell on Natron cut-off. Astoria— Move under way to build pulp and paper mill on Young's bay. I Bend— Coal of usable quality I found on Crooked river, near here. | Portland— Canned goods shin- ments for 1925, total 40,934 tons, a new record. , GENERAL TEAM W ORK AND WOOD Corner Pine and Third Street Phone 431 Central Point - - Oregon FERTILIZERS SULPHUR — LAND PLASTER — SU L P H A T E OF A M M O N IA — SUPER PH O SPH ATE Oregon ranks next to California ' in Pacific states telephone increase I during 1925. Bend— Charles Brown of Idaho buys Pothook ranch for $40,000, and An unmistakable sign of progress will stock it with $100,000 worth of in our country is the increasing vol­ fine sheep. ume of winter building construction. Glendale making extensive im­ With the growth of industry its hous­ ing must be taken care o f regard­ provements on streets, water and | sewer systems. less o f the season. Because the county must pay the fine money from arrests made on state highways by Its traffic department Into the state treasury, in accordance with the recently enacted law to that effect, the Wasco county court decid­ ed to economize and get along with Oregon prune shipments for 1925 Tillamook— Rebuilt Coats Lumber but one speed cop in the future. totaled 14,929 tons. company mill electrified, and will The public service commission auth­ Pine mill* o f Northwest in 1925, employ large force, orized the Mount Hood Loop Railway broke all records for output and company to reduce its rates on orude shipments. Cut was 1,865,046,303 Hood River— Work begins on May­ 011 hauled from Rood River to Park- feet, and shipments 1,713,282,108 nard & Child $100,000 fruit ware­ dale from 21 cents to 14 cents per 100 feet. * house. pounds. The reduction. It was said, Contracts for concreting Natron will mean a saving of approximately Cut-off tunnels on Southern Pacific $65 per lank to the state highway de­ line require 600 men. partment. Portland-6,500 telephones switch­ J. A. Churchill, state superintend­ ed from manual to automatic system, ent of public Instruction, has distribut­ in two minutes. ed to the schools over the state the Port o f Portland cleared 1422 mnnual to be used in the observance vessels during 1925. Fifty-three of Arbor day this year. Schools in steamer lines ply from Portland. counties west of the Cascade moun­ Oregon produces more platinum tains observe Arbor day on February than any other American state. 12 and counties east ot the Cascades Gresham Berry Growers’ associa­ on April 9. tion sold $400,000 worth o f fruit in Charles Hall, state senator for Coot 1925. Deschutes county will vote in May | and Curry counties, issued a state­ ment in which he anounced that he on $200,000 road bonds. Baker — New $17,000 Baptist will not enter the republican primar­ ies to seek the nomination for gover­ church dedicated. nor. Inability to adjust his business Albany— Heavy demand for good affairs so that ho could devote his dairy stock to ship to Los Angeles. | time to puhlto service is given by Mr. Coquille— All private timber in I Hall as his reason. Coos county is to be cruished for Oregon allotments for pending river $25,000. and i, ,| I,, , Bend— Lumber output here during I Increased considerably over the figures Included in the pending war depart­ 1925 was more than 1,000,000 feet ment appropriation bill as a result of a day. Payroll in two big pine mills President Coolldge's recent action ap­ is $4,500,000 a year. SEE E. W. C L A R K (Mixed Fertilizers for All Special Crops) MILKMAK F. — ECONOMY EG G M A S H — HOGEATS (All Pure— No Fillers Used— Best for Less) PEERLESS— That exceptional baby chick Mash— Baby chick Scratch— Purest for less— Every feed for the Poultryman. ( W e do Grinding, Steam Rolling, C le a n in g ) ASK US ABOUT YOUR FEEDING PROBLEMS Medford Farm Hureau Co-Operative Exchange . . . . PUBLIC Woodbum— Woodbum Light A j proving an addition of $10,000,000 to the $40,000,000 river and harbor item Power company takes over 14 rural I phone lines, and will furnish phone j carried In the bill. Improvements In several state game exchange, light.s and power. I.innton— West Oregon Lumber I «•nimlsslon fish hatcheries in the na­ ture of concrete pond partitions, new company plant rebuilt and running, j and larger facilities and stronger dams after $500,000 fire. are now under way and wll be ready Portland— 1925 paper shipments j to hold more fish next summer, ac­ were 107,900 tons domestic, 6,845 | cording to the January report of Mat ton* foreign. Ryckman, superintendent of hatcher­ Umatilla county crops for 1925, | ies for the game commission. were worth $12,765,000. Steps for carrying the fight against Astoria— Spring school registra­ the Portland zoning ordinance to the tion shows 2248 pupils. 164 more United States supreme court were than last fa ll taken at Salem when Chief Justice Pine Grove district near Hood McBride of the Oregon supreme court granted a writ of error to Ernest Kron­ River, will build $20,000 six-room er and Prank Michaels in their suit school house. against the city of Portland, permit Grants Pasa—-Southwestern Ore- j ting appeal to the higher tribunal. gon Mining bureau negotiating for I The loine county court will be asked 100-ton smelter. to obtain additional right of way on Salem— Contracts are being made j the McKenzie highway from Spring for 1926 hops at from 18 to 21 field to Thurston, a distance of five cents. miles, »o widen It from 40 feet to *6 Marshfield — Plastering contract feet. Engineers from the state high­ for new Marshfield Hotel let for way commission have been at work $35.000. on the survey, which will eliminate Pendleton— New Redondo Court four sharp turns that now exist la the apartment are to cost $40.000. highway. Crater Lake park had 80.284 The committee recently appointed guests during 1925. by Oovernor Pierce under authority of Stayton— $17.000 local capital a.v act of the last legislature for t h e purpose of studying the protlem of subscribed for linen plant. forestry legation met in Salem Satur Graata Pasa— California A Ore- i day to organise. Members of the com gon railroad lowers lumber rates, to ! mlttee are G orge T Gerllnger. Kallas; save lumber shippers $12.000 a year I George W. Peavy. Corvallis, ami C K Columbia county spent $400,000 Spence, Portland, all members of the on roads during 1925. state hoard of forestry. Grants Paaa— Washington owners , The latest tragedy of the Rlue moun set out 280 acre* pears here. tains has been cleared up by the coo Portland— 100 barrels of balsam ! feaaton at Pendleton of Joe Perry a shipped to New York for medicinal halfhro. ) Indian of Cayuse. that hr purposes. had shot and killed Orville Townsend. K! i math Falls— Logging starts ON A C C O U N T O F SIC K N E S S, AM C O M P E L L E D T O M O V E TO D I F F E R E N T C L I M A T E A N D W I L L O F F E R A T PU B L IC A U C T IO N T H E F O L L O W I N G D E S C R IB E D P R O P E R T Y . 4 MILES N O R T H O F C E N T R A L POINT, O R E G O N A N D »4 MILE W E S T O F A G A T E S C H O O L HOUSE . ON TH URSDAY February 18 L A R G E FL O CK O F C H IC K E N S 25 or 30 Butter Cu p'» Laying Hen» 12 Rhode l»lsnd Red* , 1 1 I 1 F A R M IM P L E M E N T S Hack Single Cultivator Plough and Spring Tooth Cream Separator 2 Set* Single H a r n e u and other thing» to o numerou» to mention FR E E LUN CH A T NOON 4 1 1 1 I 1 4 H O U S E H O L D G OODS Rocker», 5 Dining Chair» Oak Dining Table, 12 ft. Heater and Coo k Store Kitchen Cabinet Wri ting De»k Sanitary Cuuck Bed Spring» and 3 Bedsteads MISCELLANEOUS Some Fruit Jar» and Fruit 28 Stand» o f Bee» and eatra hire» and • upplie» — C O M M E N C I N G A T 10 O ’ C L O C K — T E R M S — All »urn» under 8IOOO Ca.h ov er that amount a credit o f 8 m o . » . n b . g i r o , purchaser, g i r i . , booka b le n o te , d r a w , . , $ per cent i.T T L f N o property to be m o r e d until settled for. *' r’ ° S. B. TARBELL SAM O ’CO NNO R, Au ctionee r W. H Darison. Clerk Oregon