Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, February 11, 1926, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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An I a d e p t n drnt W eekly P«pf r Published al C ea tra l Point,
world’s 1925 production of quick­ >ay and living conditions. Those up by general taxation—often fall­
O rtfo n , aad silver: Italy, 52,000 flasks; Spain itandards now are a t a level where ing heavily on those who get no dir­
E ntered T hursday of each weak ia the P otto ffice th ereo f a i Second C law J2.000 flasks; Mexico and miscel­ there should be little dissatisfaction, ect benefit from the utility.
M atter
laneous, 3,500 flasks; United States. ittle excuse for labor disturbances
f • ■ .H
9,500 flasks; a total of 97,000 and strikes.
Dr. W. C. Schaefer, Dentist, Ex­
Specialist. Local and Gas
In Italy, the Old Idria mine at SOMEBODY PAYS T H E T A X E S anaesthesia. Phone 1117. 426 Med­
$ 1.00 farniola, that formerly belonged to
Discussing municipal ownership of ford Bldg, M edford, Ore.
» 2.00 the A ustrian crown, is about work­
ed out, according to London reports. utilities, H. E. Tobey of the In ter­
However, the mines in the Monte state Public Service company of Ind­
A dvertising R ates Given oa Application
Amita district are increasing produc­ iana, says:
tion and probably will for some “ As to the claim th at the munic­
time. A new district, the Monte ipal governm ent can finance at
Labro, also reports a small output. lower costs than private industry
In Spain the one producer, the through the medium of tax-exem pt
Almaden, continued production at securities, the injustice and evil of
about the same rate as formerly, such exemptions are becoming so
and it is hardly to be expected that flagrant and so apparent that it is
All Kinds of Repairing
not to be believed th a t the public
Edited by S outhw estern O regon Mining B ureau
this am ount will be increased.
and Neatly
In the United States, as in 1924, will tolerate this condition much
most of the domestic production in longer.”
S IL V ER PEA K M IN E IN F IN E O R E development to all parts of the Pa­ 1923 came from four mines; The
We have ju st added a new line
Wednesday the Southwestern Ore­ cific coast. The results obtained are New Idria, New Almaden, and Clov- It takes ju st so much money to
gon Mining Bureau received samples reassuring, and the work m ust be erdale, in California, and the Chisos run the governm ent, whether it be of jew elry. See our window dis­
of exceptionally fine ore from the carried forward and its scope broad­ mine in Texas. There was a scat­ national, state or municipal. W here play.
Stiver Peak mine in the Riddle dis­ ened if Southwestern Oregon is to tered production from Arizona, Nev­ a utility is municipally owned and
trict about 50 miles north of G rants receive the full benefit of the devel­ ada, Oregon, and W ashington. Con­ therefore tax-free, the immense
Pass. These specimens are among opment w arranted by its mineral re­ siderable work is being done in Cal­
the most beautiful ones received at sources. The work is well begun; ifornia in reopening old mines and sums of money which it would pay
(A t Paxson Drug Store)
Bureau headquarters for ' many and its future depends solely on the in new prospecting, and also in Ore­ to the city in taxes, must be made
months, and are attracting a great support of the Southwestern Oregon gon and W ashington. Nevada re­
deal of attention among mining and Mining Bureau by the mining and ports cosiderable activity in the Mina
business men.
business interests it is serving.
district and near McDermott, on the
The vein is reported to be 57 feet Saturday next at 2 o’clock a m eet­ extrem e north boundary of the state.
wide, and three high grade ore ing of the Bureau will be held at No new metallurgical development
bodies have been opened up so far. 511 H street, G rants Pass, to con­ was reported for the year.— H. W.
The body from which the samples sider the question of supporting this Gould, Mining Engineer, in Mining
come is estimated to have upwards work. Every mining man and ev­ Journal-Press.
of 100,000 tons of ore blocked, (ex­ ery business and professional man
posed on three sides). The second­ are invited to attend and assist in E N V IA B L E W O R K IN G
ary ores run from 12 to 22 percent reaching a conclusion that will in­
copper; 30 to 600 ounces silver, and sure the development desired.
Complys with both State and
W age earners in this country earn I
from one-half to 256 ounces in gold,
the bulk of the ore running much President Archer of the Ida mine more, live better, have more recrea- [
less than one ounce in gold but high on Louse creek is expected a t the tion and yet save more than workers !
Federal requirements.
in silver. Prim ary ores run from property next Saturday from his of any other country. Including j
$4.00 up and average for the full Salem home.
skilled and unskilled labor, the daily
width of the 67 feet over $19.00 Work continues at the Mount Reu­ pay of the American workman is ap- |
per ton.
ben at the rate of about 9 feet of proxim ately that of the weekly pay |
The property is owned by the new tunnel per day, and if the of the English workman. Y et the i
Strength is Our Middle Name
Oregon Exnloration company. The Utica vein shows up according to demand is equal to the supply in this
vein is staked for a distance of seven survey, it should be cut within the country, and in some crafts there j
miles, and four companies, includ­ next two weeks. The Utica vein is is a shortage, while in England about
ing the Beaver Springs Mining com­ about 8 feet wide a t the surface and IH million persons are maintained !
pany, are developing the ledge and to a depth of 80 feet average about in idleness on the “dole” which the j
three are operating air compressors. $12 in gold. The California vein— governm ent contributes. England is
C e n tra l P o in t
The Beaver Springs company, of the main objective of the long tu n ­ regarded as the most tightly union­
which H. L. Shauver is president, ex­ nel— is approxim ately 1300 feet ized country in the world. '
pects to tap this rich vein a t a depth further on.
Unions in the United States have !
of 300 feet.
The contract work in driving tun­ done much to raise the standards of |
nel on the Ida to open up new ore
The 1925 gold production of Jose­ bodies is progressing satisfactorily.
phine county is reported to be $129,- Call at Bureau headquarters and
000.00— an ultar conservative esti­ ask to see the fine specimens from
mate. Compare this with the United the Silver Peak. It will give you a
States Geological S a v e y ’i report of new slant on the mineral resources
the 1923 gold production— $16,032 of Southwestern Oregon.
— a very healthy increase. How­ Fred Merrill, deputy game war
ever, tho 1925 production is estim at­ den, who owns mining property in
ed by those in position to know to the south part of the county, became
be far in excess of the am ount a Bureau member this week.
named. This increase was brought
about largely by the organized ef­ Production of quicksilver in 1925
forts of the mining men to put the will probably show a decrease over
industry on a better basis and to lay that of 1924, in spite of gradually
the foundation for the full develop­ increasing prices and the best m ar­
m ent of our mineral resources. This ket conditions since 1918. The price
organized effort was obtained per flask has increased from about
through the Southwestern Oregon $70, New York, Jan. 1, 1925, to $92,
Mining Bureau, which came into be­ as this is w ritten Dec. 1, 1925, with
ing in November 1923. It has not no spot metal of any consequence in
only encouraged the mining man to the country. Many who are in
go ahead with his development, but, touch with the industry predict $100
through a system atic publicity cam ­ per fl*«k and upward during 1926,
paign, carried on in local papers and and this is probable.
outside mining journals, many ex per
Consumption of the metal in this
lenced mining men have been country continues to increase, prin­
• brought into the country for invest­ cipally in the electrical and allied
igation of our minerals, several of industries. Although accurate data
whom have taken over properties and are not available, the United States
proceeded to develop same. The le­ will probably consume nearly 45,000
gitim ate investm ent in mining— both flasks of mercury in 1926, or about
m ineral and non-mineral— in Jackson one-half of the world’s production.
Consisting of Solos, Quartette Music
and Josephine counties rus intot he This is nearly twice the pre war con­
millions and is increasing rapidly. sumption, and each year shows a
Much of this investm ent has been heavy increase. European advices
Dancing, Jokes, Monologues, Acro­
dorm ant for several years but indicate an increased demand for the
through the organised effort to place metal on the continent, especially in
the industry on a better basis, these Germany. For ten years prior to
batic and Magic Stunts.
investm ents are being revived and 1914, Germany was the world's larg­
the properties places in shape to pro­ est m arket for quicksilver, and that
duce. Undoubtedly more new money country will probably again become
was brought into Southern Oregon a large consumer. Heavy im porta­
for mining during 1925 than from tions into the United States continue
any single line of industry.
from Spain and Italy, and a small
Does it pay to place the mining am ount is being received from Mex­
on a better business basis; to make ico. Very little quicksilver ia ex­
the otherwiae idle 90 per cent of the ported, on account of the import
district produce new taxable wealth; duty of »18.75 per flask.
to not only bring in large am ounts Through the European situation,
of new money from the outside, but as far as quicksilver production and
also to produce a large sum of new m arketing is concerned, in somewhat
money from the earth annually; to obscure, nevertheless it is apparent
provide payrolls for the district; to that the Spanish and Italian produc­
provide a rash m arket for farm nro- tion is at present in very strong
ducls a t your door; and generally to hands and that producers in Spain
do those things te insure lasting and Italy are in a position to secure
prosperity* Any thinking business the best possible prices for their pro­
tnan can a.iswer these questions only duct. Inasmuch as the balk of the
Given in School Gymnasium
in the affirm ative.
world’s production comes from these
The agency created to b etter the two countries, and mostly from
mining conditions of the diatrL-t has three or four m ine* it h easy to Admission: Children 20c
Adults'3 5c
Reserved Seats I 5c extra at Paxson.
carried <>n over two years, quietly understand how the m arket can be
and systematically, carrying the news controlled. The following is a rough
of our mineral resources and their estim ate that I have made of the
CLARENCE SHELEY, Business Manager
Six Months
One Year ..
All Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance
The Jeweler
F. M. Jones, Prop.
" '*■
Central Point State Bank
Minstrel Show
SA TU R D A Y, FEB. 13
“A Night on the Old
Benefit of the Central Point
Boy Scouts
An Evening of REAL FUN
B :