Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, February 04, 1926, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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!i a (' ksi'>\ ,r‘s ’ ii( ioi'/n is t itir t
NO. 6 , SS:
lulled during the time of King Arthur,
The Junior class o f the high school
Ed Musty, who has been looking
about 450 A. D. He
mild to hare
been the son o f a Welsh princess and ovq$ southern United States, has re­ held a hard-time party Monday eve­
a demon, and early dixpla.ved the gift* turned to his homeland, Oregon and ning. They report a very good time.
of prophecy and divination. He la said Central Point.
The city census is not yet ready
*° hav’*
for publication.
We expect it for
I table
---------1 ------- ---
W -jT "
to have brought from Ireland the Howard Mayfield, o f Table Rock, is next week.
stones found at Stonehenge. Spenser said to be suffering from an attack
refer« to him In the “ Faerie tjueene,'' o f pneumonia.
The condition o f Mrs. L. E. Smith,
and Tennyson relates some of his ad­
who is suffering from a long strug­
ventures In the “ Idylls o f the King."
Mrs. Mary Mayfield left Wednes­ gle with pneumonia and other trou­
The manner of his death Is variously day night on the north bound train
bles, is reported as a little better
given, and his grave is shown at Drum-
melzler on the Tweed.—Kansas C'lty for Portland, called by the serious at this time. Her improvement has
illness o f a sister.
thus far been slow.
that at the School
Diatrict Bond
Election hereby called to be held at
the High School Building, in Central
Point, Jackaon County, Oregon, on
the 11 th day o f February, 1926, in
und for said School Diatrict No. 6 .,
betweent he hour* o f two o ’clock,
y . rs., «nd seven o ’clock p. m., o f
aaid date, there will be aubmitted
to the legal voters o f aaid School
Detignating Had Indian
Diatrict No. 6 , the question o f con­
tracting a bonded indebtedness in
The word Amerind Is composed of
the sum o f Forty Thousand ($40,- the first syllables o f “American In­
000. 00) Dollars, and to issue its
dian," suggested in 1899 by an Ameri­
negotiable coupon bonds in said sum
bearing interest at the rate o f five can leilcographer as a substitute for
per cent per annum, for the purpose the Inappropriate terms usej) to desig­
o f constructing and equipping a high nate the race of man inhabiting the
school, or a unit thereof, in and for New world before Its occupancy by
auid district.
The use of the word
The vote upon this ouestion shall Amerind occasioned a discussion In
1. e by t-ullot upon which three shall which It was supported by some and
be written the words: “ Bond— Y es” attacked by others. The name, never­
nnd “ Bond— N o,” and the voter shall
place a cross (X ) between the word theless. has found Its way Into both
“ Bond” and the word “ Yes,” or be­ scientific and popular literature.
tween the word “ Bond”
and the
word “ No,”
indicates his
No Set Rule to Follow
Some editors and other authorities
The polls fo r the reception o f the
ballots cast for or against the con­ make no distinction between the two
traction o f said indebtedness will, words “O” und “ Oh.” The commonly
on said day and date and at the followed rules, however, for the use of
afart'aaid, be opened at the “ O” Is directly addressing a person
hour o f two o ’clock, p. m., and re­ or a personified object, In uttering a
main open until the hour o f seven wish, and to express surprise, indigna­
o ’clock p. m., o f the same day. at tion or regret; und for the use of
which time the polls shall be closed.
BY ORDER o f the District School “ Oh” Is un Interjection and as the col­
Board o f School District No. 6 o f loquial Introduction to a sentence.
Jackson County, Oregon, made this
20th day o f January, 1926.
Thit Name of Poet
A ttest: C. A. BOLES, District Clerk
So then, gentlemen. In the eyes of
Chairman, District School Board men of your refinement. I would have
Jan. 29-Feb. 5
this name of poet to be regarded as
aacred: It Is a name to which barbar-
Antarctic Land Part
tam never yet did violence. Hocks and
Mr. Lewis o f the Central Point
The Christian church officials are
Meat Market, is on the flu list this announcing a series o f meetings to
week and is missing from the shop. be held at the church to open Wed­
Mr. Peck is serving the trade.
nesday evening, February 10. D ef­
inite plans will be announced later.
Mrs. C. E. Clark o f La Grande,
Oregon, with her twd children, are
Charley Genzel took us to Medford
here fo r a visit with James McDow­
with him Saturday evening where we
ell, Mrs. Clark’s father.
attended a meeting o f the M. W. A.
About twenty men were initiated and
This section was visited by a good
a big fead served at *12 o ’clock.
rain Wednesday night. The weather
Those are “ good fellow s” up there,
the past few days has been very un­
and so is Charley.
settled, with considerable wind.
Marvin Johnson, w ife and baby are
Earl W eaver is suffering the in­
convenience o f a sprained
wrist, ieaving today for Umatilla county,
Oregon, where Mr. Johnson will be
caused by an unstable ladder.
enployed on a large wheat ranch.
E. C. Faber, who has been listed He will also assist in the week at
with those who are ailing, is improv­ the filling station in connection with
ing and is able to be down town, this ranch. The best wishes o f many
friends go with these people to their
but not on full time as yet.
new location.
If the country and its railroad
business develop during the next 25
years as in the past quarter century,
Interstate Commerce Commission es­
timates show that the year 1926 will
see railroad investments doubled.
This is indicated despite the develop­
ment o f fotor traffic, air traffic, and
a possible betterment o f waterways.
Regarding the encroachment o f
the automobile upon the railroad's
business, the Interstate Commerce
Commission says, “ If the people pre­
fer to tax themselves to build great
highways and to use commercial
trucks and pasenger vehicles in pre­
ference to the steam railroads they
have a right to their own decision,
but they must also assume the rc
sponsibilities with the attendant con­
sequences o f that decision.”
In 1924, the railroads paid $340,
000,000 in taxes and $320,000,000
in dividends.
More than seventy-
five per cent o f railroads taxes are
levied by state and local govern­
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Snyder have
both been ill, and Mrs. Snyder is
still kept at home. Anyone who has
escaped these severe colds that are
so prevalent in the community, is
| the “ reds” er to take the “ blues”
to a good cleanin’ ,^sez I. M ell Sir,
Fields sez he counted them ca»s, an
then his folks counted em as they
passed an the vote wuz unanamus
fer 75 cars in that line.
Ya know I wuz perty near sick-
a bed cause that line dident go round
through Maine street in the M et-ro-
polis uv the south uv Oregon an let
’em see a sight thet wud a cured
their bad eyes. “ Central Point pre­
cinct” sure took the appearance uv
the maine show to me.
But sa Mr. editor; How didja like
the sitchuation Sunday, any how? I
them fellers uv the Baptist
church rcglar fellers!
That music
wuz sure the real thing I cud a set
an listened to that kind all day, I
nevar hearn anything equal to it un­
til Tuesday evening ht the big feed
put on by the “ Biggest Thing,” at
the “ Gym.”
Sa; didja knowit?
We g ot mus­
ical talent in "The Biggest Thing”
that.kant be beat, now how. I set
thar a thinkin Tuesday evenin’, sa,
b oy !
If we ever do git the mus­
icians uv that class o men. lined up
together, why sa a feller cud fergit
that part o ’em wuz Red.
Sa, Mr. Editor tha cant say no
more that the days o miricals is over.
We see a mirical o the first waters
Tuesday evenin’ we did, an I'll tell
the founders an permo^ers o pesmism
the little ole home town has took
her place in history.
Central Point has lead the coun­
try with the p roof that we can git
more men out to a Bible elass than
we can to a big feed and good time
meetin’ ; an I maintain thats a goin
som e; an then the honor will always
be ours cause we wuz at the head
uv the persession as First among the
towns uv Oregon to perduce any­
thing like “ the Biggest Thing in the
Rogue River valley.”
Ya know Mr. Editor, I hearn a
feller sa onct that the biggest thing
in the Rogue River valley wuz the
spirit uv the men. Well sir fer a
little while Tuesday evenin’ 1 sed to
myself “ its the spirit uv the wim-
min,’ but I thot some more about it
an I'll tel! ya what Ive decided; the
biggest thing in the rogue river val­
ley is the answer uv our people to
the challenge uv better an bigger an
fin er things.
of America’u Domain wll<lernei's e,ho ,hH ¥olce: ’'*''***
The Field Bros., who are gener­
\ brutes are often swayed by melody
ally first on the market with their
The lu lled States has un Antarctic aD<) stand stock-still; are we, whose
elegant strawberries, potatoes, and
domain as great us [he holdings In the education has been of the highest—are
Arctic region of Alaska. Indeed, If e a not -o be touched by the accents
tomatoes and who put in a large
we were to deem It advisable, we could of a pr.et?_Cicero
acreage o f each are planting 6 acres
I register a sound title to a vast area i
o f potatoes this week on ground
i near the South pole discovered b y ;
rented from W. B. Harris at Seven
Ckvmmander Charles Wilkes, of the
You Said It
About a month later they
United Htatcs navy. In 1840. This re
“ flood heavens, Is there any way of
will plant several more
acres o f
,g 1 on, known as Wilkes Land, has un muklng yon women dress decentlyT”
"iVrtsInly there Is."
I area equal to almost half thut o f con-j
“ Well, what U It’ "
tlnental United States.
"Kill off you men.” —London Mall.
The natlonul congress was so Im
j pressed and elated by reason of this
«Recovery that It authorised the publi­
Editor Central Point Am erican:
cation, In 22 volumes, of the expedi­ Honor to Thote Who
Dear Mr. Editor:
tion's complete report, with all charts I
Grow Old Gracefully
Sa, didja see them ears Sunday!
and surveys. But although so many j
Everywhere about ns are to be ob-
When that pitcher that wuz took
O boy! Sa, I see a feller on the
¡years have Intervened since Wilkes
|dlicovered the territory whlrh now I
»nd niidd^aged men and
street who wuz a talkin, and he sez, uv the jolliest an best crowd ever
bears his name on all the standard women who painfully exhibit the Im­
sez he “ Le’me tell ya somethin, ya got together in this neck uv the
charta, no effort has heen made firmly minence of age and Its Infirmities.
couldn’t git this bunch o fellers to­ woods is ready I sure want one.
i to nail down the heritage. So far aa
Well Mr. Editor, I’ll see ya later.
fer the Forth uv July!
we have heen able to learn, no Amer­ excite our wonder, but they Inspire no
Principal railroads during
Good by
No sez I ya couldent that but ya
ica n flag has ever heen hoisted there. emotion of sympathy within us. They either actually,spent or authorized
fVrtalnly we know that no colony ever h ,ve bo» f ^ »” »he Indictment of age to be spent, approximately $ 1 , 200 , can git em out all rite to wallup
has been established In thnt dreary dm | without presenting any defense. They
000,000 in capital expenditures for
main, nor has any hardy exploring, become old In fact while yet the yeahs
party followed In Wilkes' footsteps to | of age are far from them. They have improvements to the transportation
make a detailed examination of this not the will to live life as It should be plant and for expansion o f its capa­
ar.nwy region and Ita possible oppor- 1 lived. They have permitted the spirit city, including improvements in and
additions to railway facilities, loco­
tunltlea.—Fort Wayne News-Sentinel. of youth to atrophy within them.
How altogether Inspiring and en­ motives and cars.
couraging Is It to consider those who
If the railroads were forced out
“ Butted” Toe Got No
have learned "how to grow old grace
fully,” how to keep In touch with the o f business by a competition unham­
Sympathy From Uncle tides of life, functioning constructively, pered by restrictions imposed on
Uncle Eph Jackaon, an old time col­ winning from existence the priceless rail enrriers, motor vehicles would
ored field hand, was hoeing cotton one ^ boon of contentment by an unswerving be unable, from the nature o f things,
hot day. lie was barefooted, aa he devotion to rational living, that living to take^their place adequately. The
wanted to saw his one pair of shoes! which Is baaed mam rational and con­ public, through crippled transporta
fer Sunday. While lie was hoeing he strurtlve work.
tion facilities, would pay the pen­
noticed a mole sticking Its head out of
p it , the wretched old young mon­
ths dirt. As molea had been making they are the pnthetlc flotsam of this alty.
themselves a nuisance he gave this rushing age.—Cincinnati Enquirer,
'follow a hard rap with his hoe.
At that Instant Unrle Eph Jumped
Title o f Sunday school lesson :
and howled with pain—for It was hts
Larvae Unhurt by Cold
own big toe that he had whacked. In
The bureau of entomology says that “ True Prayer and Right Living.”
'stead o f a mole. The toe bled consid­ well grown larvae o f moths In fur nnd Matt. 6 .
erably and Eph knew It would be sore wool were held In commercial storage
Outline — (11 The Motive in Doing
for some time to come. But he was a at a temperature said to fluctuate be
Right, vs. 1-4.
(2 ) The Merit in
'sensible old fellow and he always put tween 21 degrees and 48 degrees Fahr­
(3 ) The Model
the blame where It belongs. He fre­ enheit. but held mostly at 40 degrees
quently carried on long conversations Fahrenheit, and were found to be alive Prayer, vs. 9 15. (4 ) The Mandate
•with himself and So, addressing hla after storage for « . , 8 . 10 , it and l i o f the Master, vs. 16-34.
In the morning service the sermon
wounded toe, he called out: "You month«. Larvae In fur helmets, placed
needn't think you la gwlne git no slm- In storage during February, removed *r|"
on »he subject: The Parable j
pafy fum me; It a ynnah own fault an the fnllowli g December, and held In a i
»he Talents.”
In the evening 1
you knows It.’ Pathfinder Magazine, steam heated building, transformed In service the subject will b e: “ Putting
i considerable
Into active | First Things First.”
adults by the mid.lie o f January. These
Mid Week
meeting every
Nardeet Known Wood
Llgnm » vltae. th è vltal wood. or. adults showed no effects of the refrig- | Wednesday evening at 8:00 p. m.
wood of lite, urhlch la fouad in thè err.lion of the larvae from which they This meeting is worth your while,
West Indica ami some other parta of had devehqied, hat laid-many eggs that j h short Bible study and prayer serv
ices. You can’t a ffotd to mis these
thè tropical America», la sald to be thè | hatched normally. Refrigeration fl>r , meetings. Public is invited.
hardeat wcuul nature produrrà.
The alx months had no noticeable effect
The Ladies’ Aid Society,
rea so n why thla wood Is so toagh la In npon the larvae, except to hold them 1st nnd 3rd Thursday afternoon, Mrs.
thè arrangement of Ita filiera. Inatrad Inactive and Incapable o f causing In Paul Martin, president.
of hetng atralght. they weave back and Jury.
The D«*rcas Society, every 2nd
Thursday aftern oon ; Mrs. E. E.
foeth, croaatng and re< rnaslng. llke th*
' Scott, president.
weave of an autom obile tire. Another
On Style
■The Missionary Society, every 4th
pecultar featu.e in thla wood la that
Mere attention to words Is not Thursday aftern oon ; Miss Melon J.
iii *
when thè ttve te cut, thè sa|> cella All enourh: for real style Is not a matter I Carlton, pres,dent,
*6 7 75
. $ 7 .*;. . $ 8.50 to $15.00
tip wlth a y«ry henvy rosin, wbivù ■ of ahowiness. Solicitude over verbal
Choir rehearsal Thursday eve­
Si o n «1 sc
cause» lt to v. etgh ahout elgtity pound- nt Cvt ha quon he» the ardour of Imag nings at 8 : 0 « p. m .; Mrs. H. W.
*• »3 '*> • m*«e
60 *. 65 c to 75« p ,r , . rd
to thè cubie fe.it. lt Is otte thtrd he*»-- Inal Ion. But no appropriate word will Davisson, director,
ler than water, and so. whtle ex retteti' he torn. If one . . . by prolonged ami
»f you are not a worshipper else-
*2 00. $2 is t . $15 00
ter many a m , lt wontd n«t roake a Judtetons reading acquires a plentiful where. we earnestly invite you to
you will
good raft. lt 1« nsed for rarpenter's I stock of won*» and applies thereto JO,n us;
" be most welcome.
Jaal Come aad See F o r Your.elf
Rev. J. M. Johnson, Pastor.
malie««. is lt la so tough that lt arili aklll In arrangement, and. further, I
noi spili i m o hard naage. ami U la strengthen, the whole by abundant
al so empi .yed for tool bandiva
practice, an that all la constancy at
Preaching at II o'clock and 7:30
hand a tifi be hire one's eye*. When
Waitress’s Ball
at Jackson Hot Springs
Saturday, Feb. 6
Everybody Welcome
Save Money on
Mattresses, Feather Pillows
Pillow Cases, Sheets and
Everthing to make a good bed
Famed in Legend
Merlin was a famous British prophet
and enchantet m ,| » kn I to bava flour-
our amrds are sonnd I-atin significant,
Rev. I. G. Shaw will preach both
elegant, ami fittingly arranged, why morning and « w rdng
should we labor for anything mnre>—
Endeavor at 0:30 o'clock.
A cordial invitation is extended to i
i the public.
B. P. Thiess & Co.