I Central Point American VOI?. I CENTRAL POINT ^AMERICAN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1926 GOSPEL TEAM VISITS T. ROCK Ijist Sunday afternoon the Gospel Team, composed o f young people of the Union church drove to the Table Rock school and conducted a relig­ ious servie in the assembly room of t[iat building. Miss Miildred Burger had charge, the following giving an outline of the proram. Three young men gave interesting and brief talks, Lawrence Collins speaking first, using Matthew 1:21 as his leading thought. He was fol­ lowed by James Harris with com­ ments on John 3:16, after which Carl Boswell spoke from St. John 1 : 12 . Miss Wilma Sheley played a piano solo, entitled “ The Alp Maid’s Dream.” Miss Gladys Bond spoke on the obedience o f faith, saying that three things are necessary in living a Christiafi life: To feel the need; To believe that Christ is willing to save; To cast one’s self unreservedly at His mercy. The Rev. Johnson concluded the program by a few fitting words of appreciation o f the young people and the excellent work they are pre­ senting. The Gospel Team expect to go next Sunday to Wagner creek, where they have been asked by Sunday School Missionary Randall, who is holding a series o f meetings there. H IG H SCHOOL NEWS (Pickett & Hamilton, Inc) By scoring 25 points in the first half to their opponents’ 9, the Cen­ tral Point tossers piled up a lead that the Phoenix quintet was unable to overcome, in a one-sided basketball game which they won by a score of 32 to 12 at Phoenix, January 21*. Althongh the Phoenix five played a defensive game they were unable to check the fast offense o f the Point­ ers in the first half. In the second period Phoenix tightened its defense, and slowed up the game. The final period was marked by the stalling o f the Central Point team. The Juniors gave a hard-time party last Tuesday night, February 2, at the Central hall. Games o f various kinds were played and then light refreshments were served. The outstanding costumes were o f Don Wilson as a vagabond gentleman, and Miss Kittridge as a Gypsy girl. The Juniors were planning on using the gymnasium until the men’s class asked for it; we gladly exchanged for them. A M U SIC AL BUYS INTEREST , IN FABER STORE Last Monday the editor o f this paper, with the family, accepted an A slight change in the manage­ invitation to spend the evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burger, ment o f the C. E. Faber General closely adjoining our city. Merchandise store was made last There is an old quotation like week. Roy Jones has purchased an inter­ this, "Men are only boys grown tall. Hearts don’t change much, alter all.” est in the grocery department and Well, we feel like a boy in the will have charge o f that part, while respect that we wish others share Mr. and Mrs.- Faber will continue our joy as we tell o f the compan­ the management o f the dry goods’ ionship we met in the persons o f Mr. section. Mr. Jones is well known here and and Mrs. Cy Hamilton,, who were also guests. There is a peculiar fas­ his experience in the grocery busi­ cination for the scenes o f our child­ ness covers a number o f years. The store will be known as the hood days and we learned that Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton had grown to Faber Cash Grocery. man and womanhood less than forty H O M E FRO M C A L I F O R N I A miles from where we did. They knew the old spots we hauntsd and Ralph Haymond and family, who many o f the same people, even our have been near Bhkersfield, Calif., now much revered and red-haired where Mr. Haymond was employed professor, who is still living and by the State Highway commission, wielding the birch and rod over the have returned to Central Point. younger generations o f teachers at Ralph’s brother, Ben Haymond, the State Teachers’ college, in Em­ died recently at Gold Hill, but as poria, Kansas. Ralph did not receive word, of it When we see Cy again we shall in time to attend the funeral, he urge him to say less about the Kan­ sas cyclones as many in this section finished his work in California be­ fore coming home. already have too weird an opinion o f ----------- o----------- that kind o f disturbance. (The Gov­ T W O SU R P R ISE P A R T IE S GIVEN ernmental statistics over a 10-year period gives Illinois first place in On Friday, January 29, the Junior the number o f cyclones and Kansas League o f the Union church gave a ranks eighth; Illinois having almost surprise party to Miss Ruth Webster twice as many as any o f the others.) and Mr. Harold Morton at Webster’s Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin and home. Games were played and re­ family added much to the pleasure freshments were served. A good 'Y the evening. time was enjoyed by everyone. The girls favored us with several On Saturday, January 30, a sur­ good musical numbers and Mrs. prise party was given by Mrs. E. E. Burger ser.cd a delicious lunch. Mr. Scott to Miss Betty Hansen and Miss Hamilton also played on his mando­ Elizabeth and Ethelyn Scott. Light lin, a much appreciated innovation. refreshments were served and a good We are glad for the courtesies ex­ time was enjoyed by everybody. tended us. ----------- o----------- ENTERTAINED STEELHEAD FISHING STORIES G IRL SCOUT A C T IV ITIE S Girl Scouts show great entlfusiasm as they review and demonstrate their knowledge of the Tenderfoot Test. The Meadowlark patrol gave a good example in thrift by returning $1.50 made from the sale o f 25c worth of popcorn. The Court o f Honor will be held this month at v-’.iich time an impressive ceremony will be given before the council and friends. All girls wishing to become charter mem­ bers of the Central Point Council, (The only Girl Scouts’ organization in Oregon south o f Roseburg), will have to pass the Tenderfoot Test before this time. A Colonial party will be given the Girl Scouts in the near future. The Scouts’ hall will be transpormed into an old fashioned garden. Cos­ tumes and program will be in keep­ ing with the day. The Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts o f Central Point wish to express their thanks to the Palmer Piano House for the use o f a piano; and to Mr. Cline for moving it to their Scout Hall. BOYS’ CLASS MEETS Tuesday evening the young men members o f Mrs. H. W. Davisson’s class at the Union church went to her home at Table Rock and enjoyed a very pleasant time. During the evening they organized the class and elected officers, but have not yet decided on a class name. L E C T U R E — "U N D E R TH REE FLAGS” The Boy Scout lecture, “ Under Three Flags,” to be given by I. G. Shaw next Tuesday night at the gym­ nasium is to be one of the big feat­ ures o f next week. This office is hand bills. T O L D IN printing tickets and Children, 20 cents, adults 35. NUMBER 42 DOINGS” OF THE MEN S BIBLE CLASS Last Sunday morning, as planned, a long line o f cars left Central Point at 9:20, and arrived at the Baptist church in Medford in due time, to which place they had been invited for services and to take charge of the Sunday school hour. The cars were lightly decorated in the distinguishing colors, red and blue, and they made a very fine pro­ cession. The men marched into the church two abreast, displaying their colors. The Blues outnumbered the Reds only a few, the entire number from Central Point being 216. The Medford class furnished some excellent music and the leader of the class, I. G. Shaw, gave an inter­ esting presentation of the lesson. The Medford people expressed themselves as dee-lighted with the enthusiasm, fellowship, and general good feeling asserting itself and in­ vited them to come again. B I B L E C L A S S D IN N E R On Tuesday evening the dinner for which the members of the Men’s Bible class have been waiting so long, materialized, and it was all and more than they expected. The Rev. 1. G. Shaw expressed thanks. The committee on table arrange­ ments deserve credit for the very neat and attractive appearance of the tables. A regular “ western feast” was spread by the men’s wives and everyone had plenty. Following the dinner, an excellent program was given. Every number was “ just fine.” The program was opened with a song, “ That Sweet Story o f Old,” by little Dorothy Smith, who sang in a very creditable manner. A trio, composed of two violins and the piano was played by the Misses Bernice and Mildred Burger and Wilma Sheley. It was “ The Dream of the Shepherdess,” and the encore number was the popular song, “ Sometime.” Mrs. Esther Merritt Sanderson sang “ By the Waters of Minitonka,” and responded to encore with "Mighty Lak’ a Rose.” Miss Doris Richardson and Mrs. Strohmeier sang "Bird o f My Heart.” Ray Hen­ derson very ably impersonated an English dude in “ The Languid Man." The West Side Quartette sang two humorous selections which were en­ joyed. Mr. Hamilton played a man­ dolin selection which was also en­ joyed. About 250 persons were present and everyone seemed to be happy. Votes o f thanks were extended to the school board, to those helping with the program, to the ladies for their excellent help and to all who in any way contributed to the suc­ cess o f the gathering. Friends o f J. H. Territt, who is On last Friday afternoon Mrs. Rogue River steelhead fishing lames Edward Weaver entertained came in fur some fine publicity this in the State hospital at Salem, will at her home by giving one o f the month in recreation magazines o f be glad to know that he is making numerous Chain parties for the ben­ the country. Two excellent articles rapid improvement under the care efit o f the P. T. A. in publiations o f more than national he is receiving there. The afternoon was spent in story circulation were printed, these by Last Sunday morning early, Traf­ telling and guessing games. All Zane Grey and Ben Hur Ijimpman. fic Officer McMahon arrested a gen­ ieemed to have a merry time. At Grey this month started a series the close o f the afternoon refresh­ o f articles on “ Rocky Riffles on tleman from California just at the ment* were served to which all did Rogue River,’ in Field and Stream. edge of Central Point. The traveler »mple justice. Mrs. Weaver was as­ Lampman has an article in the Out­ was in a large touring car and was A fter being taken to sisted in service by Mrs. Carl Ed­ door Recreation magazine, telling o f speeding. Justice of the Peace court and plead- ward Weaver and Miss Doris Hub­ the fishing on the river. in guilty he was fined $15 and dis­ bard. The following guests were pres- N E W T E L E P H O N E O P E R A T O R S missed. *nt: Mrs. Leonard Lawrence Nor- Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Truax, accom­ •ross, Mrs. John Oliver Isaacson, Miss Pearly Pankey is now our panied by Miss Miriam Martin call­ Mrs. Millard Fillmore Hubbard, Mrs. '“ hello girl.” ed on Grandma Oberchain Friday of Robert Hamilton Paxson, Mrs. Fran­ Miss Pankey is not new here, hav­ last week. They were enroute from cis Marion Denton, Mrs. Dolly Love, ing served in that capacity for seven Portland to their home in Klamath Mrs. Florence years at a previous time. She has Falls. Miss Martin is a granddaugh­ B A S K E T B A L L B O Y S M A K E BIG Mrs. L. Eastburn, Stephenson, and the Misses Mildred HIT A T A P P L E G A T E been in Portland for a couple o f ter o f the ¡ate Alexander Martin, The “ Phantom Five” from Central Beeson and Hazel Stephenson. months and has only recently re­ one o f the early settlers o f Central — Contributed turned to Central Point. She and Point. Point downed the Applegate aggre­ gation Wednesday evening in a very her father will have their home to­ O LD -TIM E FRIENDS M E E T queer game. Several fights were E. J. Stewart and son, Park, rel­ gether and the father, O. R., will narrowly averted. The floor had atives o f W. B. Harris, former res­ assist in the management. Mrs. C. T. Genzel is confined at E. T. Weed and family o f Med­ been used for dancing and was so We feel sure o f first-class serv­ idents o f Medford, but now o f Mc­ slick the Pointers could hardly ford, spent Saturday night and Sun­ ice. Minnville called at the Harris home home this week with sickness. stand up. This was remedied by a day at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Cy Tuesday.. A fter spending a day or CAM E TH E GOOD OLD W A Y Traffic on the Southern Pacific wet rag which the Pointers would Hamilton. On Sunday evening they two in Medford they will go to Los stand on and could then take about all went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angeles where they will recreate for and Pacific highway is delayed on Mr. and Mrs. Amos Weaver left a month. Mr. Stewart stated that account o f high waters on Cow creek three steps without falling down. Harvey Dietrich and enjoyed a radio Marshfield, Oregon, on horseback they drove in a terrific wind all day washing out a bridge and section o f One townslady objected to water on party for several hours. A few ( ? ) years before the ed­ last Tuesday noon, and arrived in Tuesday and that they past 20 trees track, and on account of a landslide the floor and after some struggle captured the rag and made o f f with itor o f the American gained his Central Point last Sunday evening. that had fallen across the highway. on the highway north o f Roseburg. Mrs. Weaver is a granddaughter it. The boys came to the front with present weight, Ke crossed bats many four handkerchiefs well wetted, times with E. T. Weed, who was o f Mrs. J. B. Stevens. HIGH S C H O O L B U I L D I N G F A C T S This couple expect to make their which they would rub on the soles also a baseball player." That was in home here. o f their shoes, doing very fcood work. the Sunflower state. For the purposes o f comparison with the proposed bond issue for a new high school building for Central Point, the following figures are The game ended 20 to 14 in favor CH AIN PA R TIE S E V AN G ELISTIC SERVICES A R F given. These are taken from the last biennial report o f the State Super- , o f Central Point P L A N N E D FOR U N IO N C H U R C H intendent o f Public Instruction to the last session o f the legislature: The Pointers will play the De High School Pupils Enrolled Place County Cost Mrs. E. R. Gleason and Mrs. Jack Molay Friday night on the home 24 $15,000 Gates Linn Co. Southwell entertained at a chain 69 $25,001» floor. This promises to be a very Baker Co. At the monthly meeting o f the i Richland 70 $35,000 Clackamas party given for the benefit o f the Church Board Tuesday evening o f Sandy fast and clean game. 54 $50.000 Jefferson P. T. A. at the home o f Mrs. Gleason, this week it was decided that the Madras Men's Bible Class Bs n q u e t 55 $30.000 Fossili Wheeler Union church would hold a series o f [ (All the buildings named above have been built in the last four years and The Men's banquet which was on last Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in var­ evangelistic services beginning Sun­ indicate what other communities have thought necessary for the enroll­ held in toe gymnasium last Tuesday night, February 2. was enjoyable ious amusements after which delic­ day, March 14, and continuing to ment shown.) The following building is also given for comparison: from every standpoint; not only from ious refresnments were served by Easter. Butte Falls Jackson Co. $20)000 16 the hostesses. the side o f the eats but from the ( Proposed) Those who enjoyed Mrs. Gleason’s 92 Mrs. Swartz, who is constantly Cen tr al Point Jackson Co. $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 entertainment side. While the eating was going on two »nd Mrs. Southwell's hospitality were confined to her home, and who is T H E E S T I M A T E ON T H E P R O P O S E D B U I L D I N G IN C L U D E S T H E flashlight pictures we -e taken o f the Mesdames C. B. Rostel, A. B. Maple, I known as a dispenser o f cheer and F O L L O W INC i— crowd which numbered between two Jesse Richardson. Hubbard. Merritt , good-will in this community, cele- A re-inforced concrete building as indicated by the plan. Hoagland. J. B. Stevens and H. T. brated her «1st birthday, Tuesday, A central steam heating plant in a building o f its own. and three hundred. ventilating system providing for pure air in the rooms under Pankey.— Contributed. j February 2. May she enjoy many A modern all conditions. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Matthews and ~~ ■ ■ o —■ — - | more. All plumbing complete, including all toilet features, such as towel racks, son o f Los Angeles, who are mak­ A. R. Shumway o f Milton. Oregon. 1 _______ soap dishes, etc. Hot water tank for the domestic science room. ing a Pacific Coast tour, stopped candidate for U. S. Senator, and at Report reaches C« ntral Point that All lighting fixtures and window shades providing for the economical con­ trol o f lighting day .,r night. here the last o f the week for a short present representative in our state Earl Obenchain. wh.. is in the War Magnesite treads on stairs and magnesite in toilets. visit with Mr. and Mr*. Paxsnn. Mr. legislature from Umatilla and Mnr- j Veterans’ hospital in San Francisco, i All shelving, built in features making for economy o f apace and efficiency Matthew* was at one time pharma­ row counties, visited Central Point is making very decided improvement 1 in teaching. cist for Mr. Paxson in Butte, Mon­ this week while on his tour o f south- in health and it is expected that he i All electrical wiring. All teaching equipment such as additional desks, science equipment, com­ tana. ern Oregon. J will return home this spring. mercial department equipment, etc. J