THURSDAY, JAN U ARY 28, 1926 OREGON WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW served a sumptuous turkey dinner. Pennsylvania, speaking loudly for the Liberty Bell; Iowa and Kansas with corn; the South for cotton and piccaninnies; and Canada, our neigh bor, with the maple leaf were con­ spicuous among the tables; but the best o f all were the beautiful decor­ ations o f the Oregon* table with a miniature Crater Lake set in a back­ ground of living moss and Oregon grai>e leaves. Mrs. A. Schopen o f the Rogue Valley Floral Co., haining from Ohio, donated a beautiful bouquet o f red carnation in honor o f her state which is the state flower of Ohio. C. E Gates presided as toastmas­ ter and all present enjoyed a well- planned program. A three-piece or­ chestra, consisting o f Bliss Heine, violinist; Sidney Hoffman, saxaphone and Miss Eunice Parrett, pianist, rendered splendid music. Dr. T. H. Temple invoked the divine blessing which was followed by toasts, read- nigs, and musical numbers. “ Lib­ erty Bell” was read by Eleanor Pal­ mer. Clarence Meeker sang for Ill­ inois and Mrs. L. C. Collins sang a group of songs for the Southern States and led in “ Dixie” with all singing. The foreigners, with Mrs. Dr. Heine as hostess, were toasted in an able manner, in the absence o f Dr. Clancy, by Rev. Temple who hails from England. The following fo r­ eign born were introduced: Mr. Hu­ ber, Bohemia; Mrs. Samuel Bate­ man, Denmark; Frank Van Dyke, Penanz Malaysia; J. J. Buchter, Switzerland; Alice Roberts, Panama; and Dr. Holt, China. Other toasts were given by E. C. Koppen, Mrs. H. E. Robbins, Dr. Sleeter, Mrs. Ar­ thur Short and Mrs. S. A. Cornwell. The Canadian born stood up wjiile Mesdames A. E. Leyman, W. M. Van Scoyoc, Donald Robinson, and the Misses Gladys Bridges, Eunice Par­ rett, Ellen Williams, and Viola Diet- rick sang “ The Maple Leaf For­ ever” . Mrs. C. M. Sims gave a read­ ing “ Out Where the West Begins” , which was a fitting tribute to the Western states. A number of speak­ ers emphasized the fact that their native state or country was a good place to come from. No one tbasted California, so the toastmaster entertained the guests by “ roasting” her with an appropiate poem. Following this the banquet­ ers joined in singing “ Oregon Suita Me” followed by a splendid piano duet by Mrs. W. M. Van Scoyoc and Mrs. Clarence Meeker and the pro­ gram was concluded by all singing “ America” . THE CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN M A K I N G E L E C T R I C C A R S MO RE P O P U L AR PAGE THREE made. Addressing the Insurance Federation o f America at its annual get-together dinner, James B. Emery of the National Association of Manu­ facturers, said: “ Whatever could be said o f the en trance qf government into the field of manufacture on a commercial ba­ sis, there is far less that could be ad­ vanced in support o f any proposal to make any unit, state, or national, of the federal government an insurer, and if one turns back to the argu­ ment, it seems to me that he must go beyond the mere suggestion that the government ought not to compe'e with its citizens. The issue is far more fundamental. It is an issue that goes to the very roots o f the purpose for which this government exists, because the purpose of the American government is political and not economic. “ Government competition is poli­ tical suicide. It means that the gov­ ernment is engaged in undermining and destroying that which gives it its own life and existence. , “ Every time you attack the struc­ ture upon which the investments of insurance are predicted, you are threatening not merely the security o f each individual, you are threaten­ ing the security of every single busi­ ness.” the woes o f mob rule or the dictator, the people must select executives strong enough to curb the appetite for political spoils. The New Year finds business in the Many new features are being sug­ United States on so firm a footing gested by street railway executives that local reactions, in no matter to make railway service more invit­ what part o f the country, are in­ ing. Eight-wheel brakes, bumpers at capable o f shaking it. both car-ends, smoking compart­ ments, flood-lighting, individual St. Helens— Pacific Telephone & leather seats, easier entrance and ex­ Telegraph Company to spend $4,000 The Best Candy We Have Ever in improvements. it are some o f the features to make Valsetz— Cobbs-Mitchell mill re­ travel easier, safer, more attractive. Sold for sumes work with one full shift. Better spring suspension and spring Oregon City— C. G. Forster sells seating to take up bumps o f travel, 50c LB. may be expected as among the piost $700,000 timber tract to Wisconsin buyers. important improvements. The elec­ Is W I N S T E L 2 — Called ‘ 5 in O n e ' Portland— Coastwise traffic b y tric cars still carry many times as — meaning five flavors mixed. steamship is breaking all records for many passengers as all other paid Their “ Dollar Mint»” meaning the volume. traffic, even in face o f automobile size of a silver dollar— competition. Easier riding equip­ Baker— New Churchill school com­ ment in these days o f traffic conges­ pleted and opened for inspection. 50c LB. tion will draw patrons from the pri­ Bend now claims 10,000 popula­ vate automobile and jitney busses. tion, a gain if five thousand since There seems to be no good reason 1920. Cannot be excelled. Just had a why the electric car cannot be made Hood River— Payment o f $260, fre»!i shipment o f each. as comfortable as the modern motor 000 made on cooperative pool of coaches. apples and pears. Portland — Municipal Terminal PAXSON DRUG CO. NOT SCRAP OUR DO ROAD No. 1 may be made into first-class INVESTM ENT passenger pier. The m&XaJUL Store Hood River— Maynard & Child, Commenting on the necessity for New York, will build $100,000 apple Central Point - - Oregon building permanent highways, the house here. Portland, Oregon, Telegram says: Pendleton postal receipts for 1925 “ An automobile has a life o f not were $56,408. much more than four years. At Elgin— The Weatherspoon orchard least it goes into the used class at S T A T E E X E C U T I V E S W A N T E D here, shipped sixty-fivecars o f apples that age and is from thenceforward last year, seventeen cars direct to at greater expense for repairs. Our The federal government for the Europe. saturation point i n automobiles, past three years has been able to Springfield offers free factory and is, say, 24,000,000; then we shall be constantly deduce taxes, while the industrial sites to investors. making annually about 4,000,000 state governments have been con­ Portland— Budget for street work automobiles, which ir about the pres­ stantly increasing them. in 1926 is set at $4,224,773. ent ontput. We shall then have an In a few states where state taxa­ Baker— Stockmen organize for or­ average o f one automobile in every tion has been lowered, it has come derly, supervised marketing o f their family, and every head o f a house about by the vigorous efforts o f an products. SE E will be buying a new automobile able executive in the office o f gov­ Pendleton— First National a n d every six years, besides paying hi« ernor. E. W. C L A R K American National Banks consol­ gas, oil and repair bills and his lic­ GBovernors who have either in­ GENERAL TE A M W O RK AND idate; $4,250,000 deposits. ense tax. The average car can hard­ creased tax burdens or been unable WOOD Portland National Banks gained ly be maintained at less than three to reduce them have generally been $33,409,000 resources and $20,000, hundred dollars a year. Corner Pine and Third Street men who merely play politics, or in­ 000 deposits, during 1925. “ It seems impossible to build an dividuals o f uncertain clerical capa­ Phone 431 Portland— Pacific Light A Power automobile that will profitably live city. Central Point - - Oregon Company buys Deschutes Power, En­ to be# venerable. If while we must If state governments are to escape terprise Electric Co. and Grangaville so quickly scrap our costly cars, we (Idaho) Light & Power Co.-, for $1, also build impermanent highway pav­ 850,000. They will be operated by The Owen-Oregon Lumber Com­ ing, we shall very shortly come to the Inland Power & Light Company. pany have made plans for expansion end o f our means for making more Telegraph Co. will spend $30,000, calling for the expenditure o f app­ roads. For this reason we should de­ improving service o f old Mutual Co. roximately $900,000. O f this $600, mand that, whatever paving is laid, 000 will be spent immediately. Portland— Seventh steamer, West The city council is going to widen it shall be laid to last.” Gambo, 8800 tons, added to Pacific the street to the cemetery from the The Telegram should have gone a Argentine-Brazil line. present twenty feet to sixty feet. step further and said, that the mil­ Eugene— Southern Pacific making This was requested by the I. O. O. F. lions already invested in crushed great progress on $1,250,000 termin­ cemetery association. rock and gravel on graded state and Paul Scherer has been named as al program. delegate to the state association county highways should in every Seaside spent more than $500,000 meeting to be held in Portland next possible instance be saved to the tax­ on public and private building, in month. payers, by salvaging this old road 1925. On Wednesday o f Last week base with a suitable binder covering Linn county built- twenty-four Lieutenant-Commander John Philip o f asphaltic character. This can be Sousa and his famous band were bridges and eighteen miles highway heard before capacity houses, both done for a minimum o f expense in during 1925, thirty miles road and afternoon and night, in concert in providing a hard-surface road. twenty bridges to be constructed the MedfordArmory. People came -------------o------------- from all parts o f Southern Oregon this year. U NDERM IN ING GOVERNMENT and Northern California. This great Cottage Grove — Local cannery ITSELF musical treat was secured by Charles will increase capital stock and en- Hazelrigg and George Andrews and alrge factory. was greatly enjoyed by everybody. During the past year more than St. Helena— Portland Electric Co. There were nearly one hundred mu­ 1,400 bills seeking to regulate the in­ sicians in the band. brings high power lines here, for bet­ Friday noon E. E. Thompson, op­ surance industry have been submit­ ter service. erator o f a truck line between Med­ ted to the legislatures o f the various Newport— Burk Fish Co. will es­ ford and Crescent City, fainted on states, and more than one hundred tablish cannery here, fo r fruits and the Nash Hotel corner just after proposals to create direct state mon­ alighting from his truck, falling fo r­ vegetables. ward on his face and cutting an ugly opolistic insurance funds have been State plans work on Philomath- gash in his face. An ambulance was Alsea road, this spring. summoned and he was summoned handling the sales and service o f the Oakland Six and the latest Scappoose— Strawberry barreling and he was taken to the Sacred popular creation o f General Motaors, the plant offers eight and one-half cents Heart Hospital. He was not serious- j Pontiac Light Six. Mr. Hill is well ly hurt. He had been driving all day a pound for 1926 fruit. and was greatly fatigued. The next fitted to supervise the sales and ser­ Klamath Falls— Building opera­ day he was placed under arrest for vice o f these ears in this territory, having been in touch with the Oak­ ‘Q UALITY and SERVICE” tions here during 1925 totaled $1, violation o f the prohibition laws as land line for several years. was also his partner. James Horn of 635,147. Central Point. Oregon Phone 61 Crescent City. They accosted O ff­ CLASSIFIED ADS Heppner— New Morrow General icer T. A. Talent on Fir Street and Hospital opened. offered him thirty-six gallonsr of WANTED TO TRADE— Good town Salem— Two wings are planned moonshine at eleven dollars a gallon property for small, improved which they cached on the Redwood for Salem General Hospital, adding Highway below Grants Pass. O ff­ tract o f land near Central Point. Inquire at this office. 4p forty beds. icer Talent took Hopnin his car to get it, followed by Officers C. P. Pear canning o f Washington and j h a y — GRAIN — SEED — W O O D Talent , J. A. McMahon and Police­ FOR RFNT— Four up-stair rooms Oregon in 1925 was 1,400,000 cases, man Ingling o f Ashland. for light housekeeping. See J. O. I Phone 54 Res idence Ph o n e 41 Store After Isaacson. 35,000 tons. placing the booez in Talent’s car — Local and Long Distance Hauling— Gresham— Eastman Lumber Co. Horn was immediately arrested and FOR SALE— 4-room Modern Bun­ taken to Grants Pass following which will install complete planing mill. Thompson was placed under arrest galow just completed, ready for WE BUY POULTRY MOVING Statistical records o f the Port o f at Medford after Horn’s confession. occupancy. Term.«— F. E. Stephen­ son, contractor and builder. Phone Last Friday evening Medford Hi 61. Portland show that copper to the again won a decisive victory in de­ value o f $1,391,020 was exported feating Grants Pass Hi *7 to 6 in the JCSSE L. RICHARDSON from Portland during the past year. lo