Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1925-1927, January 28, 1926, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 2

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ing to a report prepared by the state SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELEC­
Industrial accident ccmmission. The TION NOriCE. FOR SCHOOL |
A n I n d e p e n d e n t W e e k l y P a p e r P q b l i t h r d at C e n t r a l P o in t , O r e g o n , and
The Local Christian Endeavor held
E n t e r e d T h u r r d a y o f e a c k w e e k in the P o e t o f f i e e t h e r e o f ae S e c o n d Cleae
heir annual election last Sunday
City, loader; Lee Sankey, Springfield,
logger, and Henry Van Poucke, Port­ STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF evening and the following were chos­
land, oijer. A total of 571 accidents
CLARENCE .SHELEY, Business Managers
NO. 0, 8 8 :
Bernice Shaw, President
was reported.
Addie Cline, Vice-President.
Fort Stevens, at the mouth of the that at the School
District Bond
Six Months
Vera Davis, Secretary.
Columbia river, will be rehabilitated Election hereby called to be held at
One Year
$ 2.00
Thelma Pankey, Chairman of th».
to become a training center for Ore­ the High School Building, in Central
All Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance
gon national guardsmen, according to Point, Jackson County, Oregon, or Lookout Committee.
A d vertisin g Rates Given on A p plication
Roland Hover, Chairman o f the
an agreement made by Major-General the 11th day of February, 1926, in
and for said School District No. 6.,
Frank W. Coen, chief of coast artil­ betweent he hours of two o’clock, Prayermeeting Committee.
Lola Davis, Chairman o f the Mis­
lery, with Brigadier-General George A. p. m., and seven o’clock p. m., of
White, adjutant-general of the Oregon said date, there will be submitted sionary Committee.
national guard. The fort has been to the legal voters of said School
Gertrude Shaw, Chairman o f the
District No. 6, the question of con­ Social Committee.
neglected since the world war.
tracting a bonded indebtedness in
The oficers o f the society will
The Eugene and Springfield cham­ the sum o f Forty Thousand ($40,-
ber of commerce will unite In asking 000.00) Dollars, and to issue its meet with the president at her home
B r i e f R e i u m e o f H a p p e n g i n e o f the
W eek
C ollected
a new highway bridge across the Wil­ negotiable coupon bonds in said sum Thursday evtnig to work out the
bearing interest at the rate o f five
lamette river at Springfield, according per cent per annum, for the purpose program for the coming six months.
Next Sunday evening the society
to announcement by A. A. Rogers, of constructing and equipping a high
A wide spread epidemic of Influenza funct, according to two opinions hand president of the Eugene chamber. Mr. school, or a unit thereof, in and for will meet at the Christian Church at
is noted in the Brownsville section of ed down by the state supreme court. Rogers has appointed a committee o( satd astTiot.
six o’ciock sharp when they will go
The vote upon this Question shall
Linn county.
Highway construction in Oregon this two to accompany a like committee t.e by ballot upon which there shall in a body to Medford to attend the
The annual convention of the Ore­ 1 year will not be as extensive as It from Springfield to meet with the be written the words: “ Bond— Yes” evening o f the Special Day services
gon Beekeepers' association was held , has been In the past decade, owing to state highway commission soon.
and “ Bond— No," and the voter shall and luncheon being held at the
in The Dalles.
An appropriation of $5,090.000 to place a cross (X ) between the word Christian and Presbyterian Churches
the decreasing funds. There is much
“ Bond" and the word “ Yes,” or be­ of that city.
Lloyd T. Reynolds of Salem was I work under contract, but for new pro- provide capital and credit for tribal tween
the word “ Bond” and the
---------- o----------
elected president of the Marlon Coun­ | Jects the highway commission is limit­ Indians on the Klamath reservation word “ No,” which indicates his
ty Community Federation.
ed financially and Intends proceeding is asked by a bill Introduced in the choice.
The polls for the reception o f the
Mrs. Elisabeth Lyons of Springfield [ cautiously, using available funds senate by Senator McNary. The pur­
ballots cast for or against the con­
On Wednesday o f this week a
celebrated her 99tb birthday at her I where the best results can be obtain­ pose of the measure is to encourage traction of said indebtedness will,
industry and self-support among the on said day and date and at the number o f ladies from Central Point
home In that city Monday.
Two contracts, the last needed to Indians. It provides that any sum ap­ place aforesaid, be opened at the attended the luncheon at the Lithia
David W. James, 14, committed sui­
The Dalles-California high­ propriated shall be prorated, share and hour of two o’clock, p. m., '.nd re­ Springs Hotel in Ashland and dur­
cide at Roaehurg by shooting himself
way from end to end, were ordered share alike, under the direction of the main open until the hour of seven ing the day heard the lectures given
through the head with a rifle.
advertised for the February 25 meet- secretary of the interior, among mem­ o’clock p. m., o f the same day, at by speakers from O. A. C., Corvallis.
which time the polls shall be closed.
The State Holstein Friesian associa­
I ing by the stae highway commission. bers of the Klamath and Modoc tribes
In the forenoon Miss Maude Wil­
BA’ ORDER of the District School
tion will hold Its annual meeting at These Jobs consist of surfacing the and the Yahooskin band of Snake In­
Board of School District No. 6 of son spoke at the library along the
Oregon City Saturday, January 30.
ten-mile section between Bend and dians. The appropriation would be re­ Jackson County, Oregon, made this line o f Home Economics and in the
20th (lav of January, 1926.
Mrs. William Bell sold her 109 acre I i,aVB Rut,* and surfacing the ap^ imbursed out of tribal funds.
Attest: C. A. BOLES, District Clerk afternoon Prof. Fairbanks spoke on
ranch, located a few miles south of prouches to the Crooked river bridge,
Of the $1,500.000 made available
Art from various view-points.
Salem, to John J. Roberts, the consid­ the latter structure being now in pro­ from the sinking fund of the veterans'
Chairman, District School Board
The ladies report that the entire
eration being $40,000.
state aid fund, to be lent to the farm •Jan. 29-Feb. 5
cess of being built.
program o f the day was very instruc­
The state supreme court has signed ers for the purchase of grain for re­
Sheep men from all sections of the
tive and many new ideas were pre­
state attended the 29th annual con­ an order compelling the board of seeding areas upon which the growing
vention of the Oregon Wool Growers directors of the Ocboco Irrigation dls- crops were frozen out during the win
By Mrs. A. T. I athrop
The Civic Improvement Club, of
| trlct to levy a tax on the lands of the ter of 1924-1925. an aggregate of $396.-
association In Pendleton.
Thè regular meeting o f the Con­ Ashland, gave a very fine musical
431.29 was ient to 536 farmers of six gress of Parents and Teachers will program in connection with the
A flax growers' meeting was held at
Aurora Tuesday night for the purpose i Ing expenses, interest on bonds and counties in eastern Oregon In 1925 by he held in the gymnasium on Fri­ luncheon at noon.
of Interesting farmers In the vicinity J delinquencies for the district for the the state board of control. Of the total day afternoon, February 5th, at
Those attending from here were
year 1926.
amount lent. $369.928.59 has been re­ 3:30 p.-m. An interesting program
In the flax-growing industry.
Mrs. J. H. Burger, Mrs. Paul Martin,
The new state highway bridge over
has been arranged, and the Presi­ Mrs. Head, Mrs. Floyd Hedgepeth
the McKenzie river a short distance averaged slightly less than one a week had been collected in interest to Jan­ dent of the County association hopes and Miss Marion Hamrick.
below the old Hendricks bridge near j for the 53-week period between De- uary 1, 1926, leaving a balance of $26.- to be present. There are several im­
---------- o----------
j camber 28, 1924. and January 2, 1926. 502.80, outstanding on the principal
Watervllle was opened to truffle.
portant matters to come before the
Mr. Maple is again at his work in
; In that period of a little more than a of the loans on that date.
association and a large attendance the Faber Store.
Mike Makahus, track walker for the
j year Portland reported 50 deaths from
is desired.
Shevlln-lilxon company, was killed In­
automobiles, as compared with 41 for
The Pre-School Circle for mothers W a t c h m a k e r s ,
stantly when hit by the branches of a 1924 and 39 for 1923
Jewelers and
of children under school age will
falling tree near the company's logging
Nearly 25 per cent of the voters who
camp south of Bend.
meet in the gymnasium at 2:30.p .
were registered In Klamath county six Gardner. * former county clerk and m. on February 5th. Mrs. Nettie B.
(Long Famous for Diamonds)
The American Legion will hold a
years ago have left for otjier sections. county judge and one of the best Sheley will lead the discussion on Use Our E a s y Payment Plan.
district meeting in Baker February 18
Confidential Credit System
It was revealed by County Clerk De- known public officials in Southern “ Thrift.” All parents are welcome
Included In this district are Burns,
Lap, when nearly 1000 out of 4000 let­ Oregon, came as a great shock to his to these meetings, but especially
Canyon City, Prairie City, Baker, Hunt­
ters sent out to voters were returned hundreds o f friends throughout those with young children, and the Main at Central
Telephone 81
ington, Ontario and Vale.
Medford, Oregon
by the postoffice because the ad­ Jackson County. Death was a res­ programs are both helpful and in­
ult o f complications following nn op­
The public service commission sus dressees cotild not be located.
teresting. Any little children who
pended, pending an Investigation, the
eration for appendicitis.
Fred Springer, exconvict, who was
come will be taken care of by Miss
proposed new rates of the Kirkpatrick-
reported to have been killed while '
Florence® Hamrick in Miss Beeson’s
Collins Water company, which oper­
staging a hold up In Canada a few heart complications set in but were room. Grade II.
ates In Multnomah county.
months ago. has been arrested at Mc­
A great deal o f interest and pleas­
Dan P. Smythe, millionaire sheep Allister, Ok la., according to word re­ covery was fully expected when eurly
ure is being taken in the series of
man, died at a hospital In Pendleton. ceived at the Oregon state peniten- on Tuesday he complained of trouble
Chain Parties given for the benefit
lie was 43 years of ago. Mr. Smythe Gary. A prison guard has left for with his throat and died about seven
f the P. T. A. Will those who are
o ’clock that evening.
was one of the largest sheep and farm Oklahoma in quest of the prisoner,
Judge Gardner was only forty- entertaining please give their list of
operators in the northwest.
Responsive to a vigorous protest
All Kinds of Repairing
guests to Mrs. J. E. Boswell, who
Harry 8. Thlenea. 25, of Deer Horn, against closing of numerous trout three years of age. His first public has kindly consented to attend to
Promptly and Neatly
who was accidentally shot by hta streams for a period of ten years in office was postmaster of Talent the keeping o f those records.*
, brother, Earl, while the two were out | all parts of Oregon. E. F Avert»,
on a trap line, died at the f’aciflc j state game warden, has asked the following which he was elected North Bend I. O. O. If., Medford
We have just added a new line
Christian hospital in Eugene.
j state game commission to defer ac- county clerk. He was re-elected to Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Jacksonville,
o f jewelry. See our window dis­
Wtth four eases of smallpox at Can J ,,or> in the matter until the next regu- this office for a second and a third Knights o f Pythias. Jacksonville
by, one a new ease. Dr. Frank Wallace. | ¡«r meeting of the commission Fehyu- term following which he retired to I. O. O. F., Siskiyou Canton Auxili­
ary, W. O. W. Canp No. 90., Lions
Clacknmas county health physician, arJ *•
vaccinated 240 boys and girls at the ! County judges of n majority of the judge, holding this office for six Club, members of-the County Court,
high school and grammar school of 18 land'grant counties of the state af­ years. He took an active part in all and many pieces from individuals ad
county activities, especially in the families.
(A t Paxson Drug Store)
that city.
fected by the withdrawal of the lands
construction of good roads and per­
C. McC. Johnson, spruce lumber mill and consequent loss of taxes, met in
manent highways and was also prom­
operator of Reedsport, announced that Portland and went on record for uni­
inent in social welfare.
he had purchased the Wade spruce ted effort In a campaign to seek con­
The funeral was held at the Pres­
tract of timber at the mouth of Smith gressional reimbursement for loss of
river. The tract has 50,000,000 feet* of taxes amounting In all to about $4,- byterian church in Medford last Sun-
j day at 2:30. The funeral cortege
spruce and fir.
More than 200 out of *000 real estate
Lewis Doolittle, proprietor of a j was escorted from the Perl Funeral
operators in Oregon were penalized restaurant in Tillamook, was arrested | Home to the church by the Knights
$2.60 each for not obtaining their 1926 on a charge of stea'ing food from the. Templars Masonic bodies o f Med-
licensee before January 10 It was an­ Martin store at Garibaldi. Officials I I ford. Odd Fellows o f Jacksonville
nounced by Will Moore, state real ea- believe the alleged stolen food, found j »nd Medfor, Modern Woodmen of
tats commissioner.
in Doolittle's automobile, was intend j America and the Woodmen of the
World. The services at the Mausol-
Abolition of the state parole board, ed for use in his restaurant. He was
| eum were in rharge o f the Masonic
or a rigid restriction by law of Its
bodies. It was one o f the largest
functions and power*, waa recommend­
The Increased prestl > of Oregon funerals ever held in Medford.
ed In resol nt Ions adopted by the Dis­
The active pallbearers were Frank |
trict Attorneys' association of Oregon as a grain exporting sts 1 Is reflected
in the compilation of he total foreign Lindley and Chester Wendt o f the
at the annual meeting In Portland.
r Knights of Pythias, David Dorr, and i
A Southern Pacific rail-laying crew export shipment* for the third qus
Wesley Hartman o f the Odd Fellows, j
putting down 90-pound steel rails be of 1*25. Issued by »he department of
Jacob Whitlntch and r . Pilker of the j
tween Natron and Springfield on the
Eugene Klamath Falls Hue has reach show that Oregon. In the three month Woodmen of the World, and William |
ed a point about a mile east of Spring P eriod, shipped merchandise overseas Coleman anil Frank Saulsbury, inti- j
mate friends
The honorary pall- I
field, having started the work at Xa valued at $12.859.121.
Ivesrers, members o f the Knights i
The Skamania
» . ,
Automobile owners of the state will Ptny, wnten opprttt*B At Ciuirsdf Tempiar Ci umandery. were James
Kick. J. F., Hittson,
be assessed another tag of I cen* a
wan orderetl by the public i»«*rv Ovens. Fr»
gallon on gasoline, for country road i ice commission to repair it* lines and P. M. Kersl w, George Porter, L. II. i
purposes. It legislation proposed ai reconatruct part of Its equipment to Wdlitts and Dr E. G. Riddell.
Floral tributes, , over fifty
fifty-five in |
the annual meeting of the state county comply with (he standard regulations
Judges and commissioners' association Complaint against the company was number, included pieces frr m tl
Jackson County Bar Asso< tat
filed b;
large numi *r "» ra<
In Portland becomes effective.
is r n
In the vtc »tty of
ade Court House employes. Ja-ks o r n ilo ;
The Fidelity A Deposit company of
Chamber of Commerce, High 1 ebool. j
Maryland and the Hartford Accident Locks.
Sunday School, class. Sardine Creek
A Indemnity company, a corporation,
Commandery ¡
Industriel i
are preferred claimants In the liquids I
— A Good Place to Trad e—
Rock Campi
tion of the Stale Rank of Portland, de 1 1
I. O. O. F., Board o f Ihrectors o f the j
Oregon News Items of Special Interets
J ones
The Jeweler '
F. M. Jones, Prop.
Our Entire Stock
on Sale a t H a l f
Every Size and every W eight
Faber’s Cash Store