THE CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1926 FARM POINTERS •onsistency relative to the A rgentine mea with L. M. Clark o* Portland ituation, while “ Foreign, crops and as president and C. A. W 'estran of The m arket situation on potatoes Tiarkets” for Decem ber 14 continue Portland as secretary. They plan on has made little or no change since ‘.o show essentially the same sur­ running their own candidate for the last week, says the O. A. C. exten­ pluses as have been reported here- legislature to represent their rights sion radio reports. The dem and has ofore, tending to confirm the which they claim has been neglected. 1 been light and prices have stayed heory that the early Decem ber flu r­ the auto license tax being cited as at about the same level. Newspaper ry was to a considerable extent an example. T heir headquarters will accounts report a prosecution and speculative. The seed situation re­ be in Portland. fine for a violation of the potato mains about the Same as last week, grading and labeling law. his being an o ff season for plant- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lange and their daughter, also their son Hugo, and I Yellow varieties of corn are rec­ ng. family w ent by auto to Seattle Mon­ omm ended for all grow ers in Oregon MEDFORD NEWS by the experim ent station. In day. chem ical composition, differen t col­ Bliss Heine Mrs. O. C. Perkeypile drove to ors of corn are the same, but the feeder has always noticed thdt live­ The B aptist church is holding re­ Rogue River Thursday. stock prefers yellow corn. E xperi­ vival m eetings th at are being well a t­ m ents indicate th a t yellow corn con­ tended. W ard Baker, an exception­ Merl Kindle returned Saturday tains vitam in A, which is lacking in ally fine violinist, is in charge of from a business trip to Frisco. w hite corn. W here there is no pas­ the music. tu re, as in dry lot feeding, this may M ark M ontgomery, well known Colorful Ribbon Hats be a very practical consideration. local Southern Pacific agent and re­ Smart for Immediate Use “ Sandardize on yellow varieties,” cently transferred to Corvallis, died very suddenly last W ednesday m orn­ says the station. It is possible to plant w heat at ing of heart failure. Mr. M ontgom­ this tim e of year som etim es and the ery was agent in M edford for ten chances for its survival are much years and was one of the best liked b etter with the copper carbonate and one of the m ost prom inent men treatm ent than with previous m eth­ in M edford. He was in the employ ods. It is probably b etter to w ait of the Southern Pacific for 34 years, until good w eather in F eruary before having erttered this service the same day as President Sproule of that planting. Fall w heat, when sown in the road. His death was quite a shock spring, does not usually do as well to his many valley friends. as when fall planted, nor does it Last Thursday night the M edford usually do as well as spring w heat N ational Guard basketball team de­ planted in the spring. In cold sec­ feated the Ashland A rtillery team in tions spring w heat is unsafe fo r fall a fast and hard fought gam e a t the planting but in the W illam ette val­ M edford Arm ory by a score of 26 ley where the w inters are mild to 24. It was one of the best bas­ spring varieties, like Jenkin club, ketball games ever played on th at foisx, rink and little club, may be floor and was hard fought from start sown either fall or spring, and un­ to finish. In the prelim inary game less the w inter is unusally severe, Phoenix defeated the M edford grades stands will be m aintained. Jenkin by a score of 12 to 6. Towards the club is probably the best of these last the dim inutive Bobbie H erriot went in and did excellent floor work. varieties for fall use. He was easily the favorite with the A ccording to varietal tests con­ fane gives promise of rivaling ducted for a good m any years, the his big and brother on the high team. m ost productive spring oat varieties The Electric Bakery W est Main A new idol Is set up in the realm are victory and three-grain. These street was sold again on and of millinery for tlie world of fashion have been rath er consistent high on Monday m orning under new opened to adore. It Is the little soft, lovely m an­ yielders for a good m any years. agem ent. colored hat of wide belting ribbon. Occasionally there is a special m ar­ To Its glory modernistic art is con­ ket calling for some variety like On Monday evening Talisman tributing Its highest genius, especial­ Swedish select or shadoland climax, Lodge, Knights of Pythias, conferred ly In the malici of achieving sub­ Blending and con­ but for the most part, w here one the rank of Knight on a large class tlest color of effects. pastel shades, which at desires to get n good yield of oats, following which a real m ulligan feed trasting present are the chief topic of the was served. This is the largest class mode, victory and three-grain are best. makes the modern belting rib­ Farm ers in many parts of Oregon to take the Knight Rank for some bon hat a theme of colorful tullored time. are beginning to tre a t seed w heat perfection. for spring planting with copper car­ Gordon Kershaw, freshm an in The French Imports are setting a bonate dust. By treatin g the seed commerce, was elected assitant yell standard of sophisticated color blend­ in advance, sowing may take place leader of O. A. C. at a m eeting of ing In these skillfully designed close- prom ptly when conditions are right. the associated students last week. fitting chapeaux» Many of these new­ ly arrived models show the ribbon The standard treatm en t recom m end­ Seven men tried for the position. In clever squares nnd dia­ ed by the experim ent station is two The new S tar Six is now on ex­ folded monds and other novel manipulation, o u ices of eopper carbonate to the hibition in M edford. accenting the nse of several colors. Lushel. Grow ers find th a t in order A num ber of valley people enjoyed The blending of two or more shades to be successful it m ust be thorough­ skiing a t Union creek last Sunday. of one color Is also featured. ly put on. The treatm en t in no way Sunday noon about 25 traveling Very smnrt, also Is the nll-hlack injures the seed, as form aldehyde salesman m et a t the Hotel M edford belting ribbon hat, two very fashion­ and form ed a tem porary state organ­ able exponents of which are shown and bluestone do. S tatistics of acreage in O reeon ization known as Organized Sales- In this picture. and in the U nited States show th at the planting of w inter w heat was considerably below norm al in the Hard to Get Started fall of 1925. There is some ju stifi­ cation for increasing the acreage of spring w heat over the norm al plant­ ing, experim ent station w orkers oe- lieve. F or eastern Oregon, federa­ tion, hard federation and in a few very high elevations early B aart are the highest yielding and best priced varieties. F or w estern Oregon, fed­ eration is very good in Jackson, Jose­ phine and Douglas counties, especial­ ly on the mellow and fairly rich soils. In the W illam ette valley on mellow rich soils federation, Jenkin cub, and bluechaff club are all ex­ cellent yielders. On the heavier soils, the uplaid soils and on some of the soils th a t are som ewhat run down, Huston is w ithout doubt the best available variety from Douglas county north. The w heat situation has changed but litlte as the m arket has tapered j o ff to some extent and dem and in the Pacific northw est has lessened, said a late O. A. C. extension radio dispatch. Newspaper reports from Chicago continue to show g rea t in- PAGE FIVE and CORSETS on Sale a t Half Price Every style and every grade included in this sale Faber's Cash Store —A Good Place to Trade— Children scream when they play the dark That’s something for parents to think about— and think seriously. Dark rooms are peopled with fearsome ghosts. Real ghosts! Dark corners are hiding places for shadowy apparitions. T hey’re real— to any normal child. Szvitch on the ligh ts! Banish these spectres of the dark. Electricity is plentiful, and so reasonable, here in our town, that no one need count the cost of a cheery, well- lighted home where children love to play. Electricity is the cheapest service you can buy. THE CALIFO RN IA OREGON POWER C O M PA N Y «4 Sm L- CALIFORNIA ORJ(.( >N I POWER COMPANY l H U P PAKINBC 3 IN PROUVEES SLCH ÎS LIFE by Van Zelm—That’s Different YOU MEAN TO N S at yo u G >O o t T FOR p u n is h e d fo FINE WAY bring -PUNISH h im LAU6UIN6 POP WAS CARRYIN' SOME . JELLY JARS AN' I LAUGHED WHEN HE TRIPPED AN' <- FEU DOWN THE CELLAR ) ■ = -7 for b* «e BCB r„o, Û \ —# ! STAIRS ,------------ T — r^ ~ Medford, Oregon Roaeburg, Oregon Granta Pass, Oregon Klamath Falla, Oregon Yreka, Calif. Dunsmuir, Calif.