CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN________________________ THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1926 PACE FOUR Miss Gladys Bond. The afternoon CLUB NEW S .gricultural developments that re­ passed quickly with conversation, — flect great credit on region. Everyone who is j intevested in and games. Light refreshments were Again, in its columns have appeared ! Boys’ and Girls’ Club work in Jack- served and all agreed that it was a notes on fish and game and highways son county is asked to meet with 1 pleasant change to meet for purely o f southern Oregon and northern the County Club Leaders’ association social reasons instead o f the usual Portland. Or.—Federal Judge Wol- California. On occasion it has $600 000.000 is Involved The date Executive board business. thought it fit to deal with most verton uphold the validity of the next week in Ashland. On Friday afternoon o f this week state’s gasoline tax for auto users j will be either Thursday or Friday, trivial subjects— it once published a Agreements Now Up to picture o f a pet skunk named Violet, when he dlamiascd the suit of the but as yet is not definitely decided. Mrs. C. E. Bolds and Mrs. Kindle the Senate. owned in Koseburg where broccoli Portland-Seattle Auto Freight Co. and Letters will be Seni giving more def­ are acting as joint hostesses in a is grown with great success. In­ a long list of other truck firms which inite information to some o f the P. T A. benefit party, and Mrs. Eva had been brought against Secretary of members in each community as soon Smith is also entertaining at her Wa.hlngton, D. C. — The war debt deed, almost anything serving to fo­ i State Kozer, alleging that the 3 cent as details can be obtained. Anyone home on the west o f town. agreements with Belgium, Rumania, cus attention on the field o f the tax Is illegal and in violation of the who fails to get one o f thetie letters, Latvia, Ksthonia and Czecho-Hlovakta, company’s operations is regarded as Several other parties are being ar­ federal «institution, since it apparent­ and is interested please call either possible material for this publication Involving approximately $600,000,000, ly Interferes withjinterstate shipments Mrs. Warren Patterson or Mrs. A. T. ranged, which are scheduled to take In the main however, The Volt were approved by tbe house. of goods. Lathrop. H. C. Seymour, State- place shortly. In adopting resolutions to authorize has endeavored to point out the ad­ In ttui suit, the truck operators ask­ leader of Boys’ and Giris’ Work, is ---------- o----------- vantages o f living in the region acceptance of terras recommended by ed the (return of $6,000,000 which they expected to be present. NOTICE TO P A R E N T S the American debt commission, the served by Copco and being engaged said hud been collected illegally The first o f the series of Chain house disposed of the last of the settle­ in some one of the varied industries A class for beginners in the first through, the gaa tax. Parties for the benefit o f the P. T. grade will be started this year. The or pursuits to which the area is so ments negotiated during the summer. Tbe truck men maintained that A. funds was held last Friday after­ second term begins on Monday, Jan­ As aent to the senate, all of the happily suited. This it has done by when the state levied a gas tax, ap­ noon, January 15th, « t the home of uary 25. All children who will be agreements provide for a funding of citing specific examples o f success­ plying the proceeds to tbe construc­ Mrs. A. T. Lathrop. The following six years old on or before the fi f ­ tbe respective obligations over a 62- ful efforts, hoping that possibly it teenth of February will be accepted would point the way to individuals tion and repair of rural post highways, officers and chairmen df committees on Monday, January 25th. year period. along with the reducing of bonded In­ were present: Mesdames C. E. Bolds, — 2t Including the Italian debt, the Uni­ or organizations operating elsewhere debtedness on such roads, then the Merle Kindle, Eva Smith, J. E. ----------- o-----------■ ted States will receive approximately under less favorable conditions. In Better repairing and recondition­ state violated the federal laws which Weaver, H. P. Jewett, Warren Pat­ $3,OOo,000,000 from the six war loans. this manner The Volt has co-oper­ ing fpr less at the Independent Gar­ prohibit the taking of tolls on such ated with the New Industries De­ terson, H. T. Pankey, Snyder and age. Of the 19 war loans to foreign na­ adv roads. tions, settlements with Great Britain, partment o f the company, which was Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland established to do this work in a more wuz recoverin slowly frum the shock and Nicaragua have been ratified by scientific and thorough manner. congress, while the action by the Functioning through it News In­ an he thot by the last uv the week house brings half a dozen more loans dustries Department, the California hed be able to help Jim put that to the last step in their congressional Oregon Power company is constant­ Rally day acrost. Well Mr. editor, while the Reds Journey. ly engaged in assembling and analyz­ Of the seven other loans, Austria ing exact data pertaining to the ter­ an Blues are a wallipun each other has been granted a 20-year morator ritory it sefves. Also it collects data an ever bodys a havin agood time lum, while France, Greece, Liberia and regarding conditions elsewhere in some feller is a gettin in a good Jugoslavia have yet to agree finally the United States— if the facts have punch fer Central Point ever day on their respective settlements. The consequential bearing on the region ur to with a good boost in the Mail present Russian government has re­ in which wc are primarily concerned. Tribune; Im a goin to hunt that fel­ pudiated an American loan of $192,000,- Its aim is to be as intimately ac­ ler up an take my hat o ff to him, 000, and Armenia, with an obligation quainted as possible with aii sections I like any body that looks like me: B. A. BOOSTER. of $12,000,000 has (♦cased to exist as in its operating field, to be able to ----------— o -------------- an Independent nation. speak authoritatively and with cer­ Dr. W. C. Schaefer, Dentist, Ex­ tainty as to their advantages and J A N U A R Y V O L T B O O ST S disadvantages, considered from the traction Specialist. Local and Gas “ MIDLAND EM PIRE" standpoint o f industrial development. anaesthesia. Phone 1117. 426 Med­ ford Bldg, Medford, Ore. 18tf What is being done by the Cali­ Very complete surveys, made with the same care given work in which fornia Oregon Power company to at­ H. A X L E Y . M. D. > tract new settlers and industries to the company is directly concerned, Physician and Surgeon, 4th floor, B L A N K E T S T O S L E E P IN A T $ 1 . » 5 and $2.25 this territory is explained at some have been compiled, and these the Medford Bldg., Medford, Oregon. company stands ready to pass on to $3 .00 to $ 3 .5 0 B L A N K E T S R E D U C E D T O fi.2 5 Irngth hy this month’s issue of The 8tf Volt which is now in its sixth year those seeking knowledge o f this reg­ $4.00 B L A N K E T S A T $3.50 Central Point L o d ge No. 193, and has hcetf aptly dubbed “ Amer­ ion with a view of establishing busi­ I. O. O. F. ica's most diminutive regular month ness enterprises or industrial plants MEN’S F L A N N E L SHIRTS A T $1.50, worth $2.00 Meets every Monday evening at 7 :30 ly publication.’’ In this import work somewhere in the territory. o ’clock. Visiting brehtren welcome. The work of our New Industries % which is continually carried on by SEE O U R R E D U C E D P R I C E S ON C O A T S , S O X A N D UNDER- WM. MUSTY, N. G. the Copco concern two particular Department has been carried for­ WEAR. C O M E IN A N D G E T O UR PR IC ES. ward along broad lines. It repre­ J. E. VINCENT, Rec. Secy. agencies stand out as accomplishing sents an effort in which numerous the greatest number of direct re Central Point L o d g e No. 135, suits. These arc the New Industries individuals not of the Copco organiz­ A. F. A A. M. ation, and associations o f individuals, Department Bnd The Volt. Regular Meeting Nights— Thursdays In connection with these two out­ such as chambers of commerce and on or before the Full Moon of Each M. A. ADAMS, W. M. standing activities o f the Copco or- commercial clubs, also are vitally in­ Month. L. HATFIELD, Secy. gunizntion, the following information terested, and therefore it is a logi­ The Federated ( U n i o n ) Church will be o f interest to those most con­ cal move for this department to strive to work in close harmony with cerned with the growth and devel­ such forces located within the ter­ opment o f Southern Oregon. The Volt represents a sustained ritory. This policy is being followed, effort on the part o f the California and plans now under consideration Oregon Power company to dissemin­ hold excellent prospects for a most ate information. Rehind its publica­ effective co-operative regional effort , tion are the following outstanding along these lines. One o f the most interesting feat­ facts explanatory o f its reason for ures of the January Volt is a splen­ being: The modern public utility manu­ did double page relief map o f the facturing and selling hydro-electric­ Pacific Seaboard. This map features ity is interested —in common with as its center attraction the Southern all other business enterprises— in the Oregon and Northern California ter­ development o f its business. A util­ ritory which is aptly named the ity o f this kind functions as a man­ "Midland Empire” and shows its true ufacturer, wholesaler and retailer. relation to the rest o f the Pacific Unlike moat other business enter- coast. This is the first time such "ei.es, however, it is limited, in the a map has been available for gen­ outlet for its product— limited to the eral distribtuion and it is predicted square miles o f territory immediate­ that there will be a big demand for ly adjacent to itc transmission and extra copies o f the January Volt on distribution-line facilities. Thus this account. OREGON GASOLINE TAX LAW UPHELD HOUSE APPROVES WAR DEBT PACTS Blankets- W arm Blankets. Special Price in all W ool Blankets worth 16.00 and 18.00 now at 14.00 14.50 B. P. Thiess & Co. Subscribe for the growth in the business o f a company o f this kind depends upon the pop­ ulation growth, industrial activities and prosperity in the area where it distributes electric current. Two main problems are involved in the sales efforts o f this company. First: to persuade the individual, corporation or other organisation o f operators already located in the lim­ ited area o f Copco service to use electricity to a maximum economic degree. Secondly: to interest per­ sons elsewhere, who, if aware o f the advantages to be gained by locating their homes or enterprises in this region, would do so— and thus be­ come potential users o f hydroelectric power. The first o f these functions Is per­ formed hy the company's Commer- rial Department; the second, by its New Industries IVpartment. The Volt aims to supplement these tw, departments to aid them in the at tainment o f the ends in view by dis­ seminating information relative to the field o f Copco operations. While some o f the facts it seta forth hear directly on the use and development o f hydroelectricity, others are only remotely, if at all, connected with the business o f the company. Sometimes this publication is given over to descriptions o f industrial and Central Point American COMMUNICATION Editor, Central point American: Dear Mr. Editor: Sa, it certainly is too bad haint it? I guess that old man Pep will crawl o ff an die now since there’s no more "Reds’* in town! Yea. the Reds are all “ Blue" now! I hearn a feller say it sure wuz a terahle trrmmin the Reds got last Sunday, he sed it wuz plum pitiful to see a good crowd git seek a maulin’. But Mr. editor ya got to hand it to Jim Krrnutt; he cum up thnr hig as life an twist as nateral an sez ■■es he “ Next Sunday will be Rally day for the Reds!" Sa what makes Mr. Isaacson look so kinda peekid? Do you supose Mr. editor he's realy wurried ’bout Jims bluff? Well sir I hearn a fel­ ler that «u s rite hy me Sunday mornin, he sei set he Wow, Jims all het up haint he; whut do ya know bout that? Rally day; O Min! I see tiuy Tex ’tother day an he had changed sox yea. ya know Guy m u weann red sox around fer a week er two, hes got a kinda powder mongrel color on now! lie told me Monday he wut a feelin kinda puny! A feller told me thet Mr. Glenson * 1 it gives the news in which you are interested 2 .00 the year