THURSDAY, JANUARY 14; 1926 CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN TAG E TWO now they "blu es" will win. ¡dent,) Gu* Newbury; Imposlnt T here has been quite a bit o f ex­ Spire, (v^pe-preeident), I. E. Schu­ citement shown by the students. A n lodepsrdsn t Weakly Paper Published at Cantra! Point, Oregon, and ler; Keeper o f the Long (They must have seen the drawing ‘'Entered ’’’hvrsday o f eaeb week in the P ottoffice thereof as Second Ciaaa I (treasurer), I. B. Waltiter; High o f our new school house.) Matter ; Sheriff (sargent-at-arms), Dick Mc‘ The Central Point girls lost to the Elhr>*e; Aerial indicators ( i'io rv JOHN B. SHELLY and NETTIE B. SH ELLY, Editor* - the * • - - - Scherer. ] ------ Swigar., Joe Medford gtrU Tuesday night, Janu- i I>^nald; skipper o f ship, Horace I Paul Carl t - , , CLARENCE SHKLEY, Business Managers ” » i T f f an.,f • nd sa w sir svrvwss Biom ley; keeper o f the trail, C. C. i Keder. Meetings will be held once ary 13, by a score o f 52 to 7. The Nov. M-Garland Nw appointed | I^emon; wizard, J. W. Johnson; a month to discuss the carrying out Medford girls showed real speed and SUBSCRIPTION RATES class while the Central Point girls Unltwl WstM .«nator bv Pi!'A, William Hammett; lord* o f the o f the.r "h ig h " ideal*. . Six Months and r uSd # ■ “ tb" : forest. J. J. Butcher. O. O. Alender- The cook , waiter, and waitresses were rusty in there pivoting $ 2.00 * , Nov. One Year is—Fedorai grand Jurv at Chicago f er r . f|. Boyl, E. C. Ferguson, Cole j have formet* a locml union known as guarding. All Subacription* Must Be Paid in Advance ^dutod ^ t o n A M a ;« o r a n ^ d and M j Ht iinea. The iniUllation will take ’ the Culinary Alliance. No. 553 n- 'D e r r Central Point Am erican: Hill as Jiggs and Mrs. S. Burnett as attending high school. Hitlah Temple o f Shriner3 I .ait week they was a peece in that . . elected X* tury Riaraslne. «Uctad provident of Uat> Maggie. It was greatly enjoyed by B. M. Bush received a shipment Mar. J K. Noll of Huntlnatoo. lad., there Male Tribune eawsed me con- tho follow ing officers at their meet- the huge crowd present. The fo l­ irad# biaho;. W a y n v _ -------------- siderbul worry, and wanta ------------ know JJ1* Ashland last week: Illustrious Sunday, o f three Mule deer, fu r­ blehop of of Fort Wayne. ------ , , — _ . I --------- lowing are listed as all-union houses: May 21 Preabyierian eenerml u n m U v | ¡f enybudy can be o f a sistunce to | Potentate, F red D. Wagner o f Ash nished him by the State Came Com ­ II If I f.l I * f l b lfl ■ n H a elac'od laiP tld I Dr. ke I ___ ¡_ 9 _ . ■ n . á • a a t , . e n e, n a m W am ah n e i met In Cotumbue. Ohio, and Rex Cafe, Franklin’s, Electric Grill, mission. I I ■ land; chief o rabban, Sam U H. W Baker Mr. Bush now has eight :■ ■ I C. rt Krtiman of Princeton seminary nit in I l g p e r i n I t OJt. | , f ’ ren ta P ose - • « iits r t - u . n Club Cafe, Gusher Cafe. These are does, five o f them Blacktail, aad 1 moderator Now my w ife an I bin married I J” “ ^* V ^ Î d ?* ™ ^a,L’ all first class restaurants. Music May_î*— J. T Secpee Indicted m D ev- | n ieh on twenty-two year, and it , Phillip K. Hammond, Ashland; high expects to get more until he has a t-U ton. T , Tenn.. for test caer of etate law gh on twenty-two year, never before secured to her that she priest and prophet, E. C. Jerome was furnished by the Paramount Or­ large herd from which he will later asatnst (M eblng of evolution theory. be able to furnish stock for parks j' /"/ Y T O 4T If ! Governor Baker of Missouri appointed ! mite hev made a “ mistake, as she M edford; oriental guide, R. E. Det­ chestra. The Jacksonville Chamber o f Com­ or fo r pets. A* § A w j gtatee ■ rick, Ashland; treasurer, C. H. Vau- s All out term of tote »Widen S Spencer * l _ a h n m ^fl pel, Ashland; recorder, W. H. Day, merce held a successful dance in the j A deal is about to be closed fo r I i i n m M ^vsfbra * M* y n_r3r» nd Jury hi WashInKton re- , T*»OVA p c e ce folks born 1 Cssi E. W. PICKARD turned new indictments Kail, in January should marry folks Ashland; first ceremonial master, H. U. S. Hotel building in Jacksonville the sale o f half o f the old prune v, Sinclair «nd Doheny. | horned in July and folks b o n e d in G. La tiers, Jr., Ashland; second mas­ last Saturday which was well at­ orchard belonging to the Thompsaa bo* " i to 200 VM February should wed With August ter, Car! Y. Tengwald, M edford; tended. Snappy music was furnish­ estate. i May » - D o h w u Isaacs in Elk HW * and so forth an d so on, but when Captain o f the guard, W. C. Van ed by Loveland’s Oregonians. Myrna Bush spent Monday tre- (©. m i. W.«*r$ N»«« p $9« i Union.» | naval oil reoervs am! Hawaii contra'-is ¡t come to Julv it M»Z that them Emon, Klamath fu lls; trustee, three h The dates for the Jackson County . Fair have been set for September ning with her parents. • "iu ; TESSAS i I.omcd m July should with vMT term, W . H. McNair, Ashland; DOMESTIC ----------- »----------- representatives to the Imperial Coun­ 13 to 18 this year. rasro Indicted 2t9 furniture making con­ ’•» :ir< h Talisman Lodge No. 31, Knights NOTICE TO PARENTS cern« and individual!! to r -onibln.n* In I Jmn. 4—Annodate J untie« Jo«oph Me- Well, ns my burthday is January cil, George R. Chapman, Gold Hill, restraint of trade arid commerce. K «iin » of Huxrtfii« rourt r*-(sijfn«e cbA irm aam plMOad folks kin x plain how she dun the The body was specially built i Jan. 7-Benara pâli paasad treasury, MBce and agriculture aup^ily billa. , guilty to trust chargoe and were fined right thing, al! will be peeceful an three-quarter ton Dodge truck and is count fo r games played here, the Jan SI— House passed armv appropria June IF -F m leril Judan Kenn- dy at painted in bright colors. The chas­ student council dec’ded at their last Better repairing and recondition­ - - - bill currying 1 ........... 1-------- K Cheyenne. W yo.. decided the Teapot, happy in our home once more. Ééáñ $321,009.000. sis was lengthened to accomodate meeting. The council believes the ing fo r less at the Independent Gar­ * Yours very truly, Dorn* oil re»*.-rve lease to the tìliielair £ Jan. 10—President Cuolidae announced ar company was legal and proper. adv-rtising will be worth the ten age. t Ae< ret ary of Hlate Huches would . (Name given on request) the large body. ’ adv Juno 2S-President Coolidge moved to itlre from tb« ' on March 4 und Vern C. Gorst, who was awarded cents. ----------- o----------- summer White House at Swamps*, ott. I Krank P Kellogg had been selected the air mail contract from Seattle MR. KINDLE IN ’ FRISCO M am j The P. T. A. held a meeting at succeed h __ Mrs. Clyde Hanson o f Butte Falls, to Los Angeles via Medford, passed the high school gym last Friday. The Swreplnc reorcanlvatlon plan for fed- Charles B *V arren nominated for at- eral prohlblllon enforcem ent announced through the city la3t week enroute subject o f the meeting was “ Citizen­ is visiting friends in the city thW p irney general. M. M. Kindle is in San Francisco department. ' j a n . l í l'rvvl.l.nllal viadora mvt In thv ! *>y. irvaaurv dvoari week. The company will be ship.” •uanufaclurvrv in­ this week attending a Service Sta­ to Portland. te lapttuls and cast tbelr votes Cool- ^ *^7. dicted for antl-truvt law violation pleaded tion Dealers’ Convention, to be held known as the Pacific Air Transport. • And l'a.vrs being formally elected. The boys’ and girls’ basketball i ^ 0^ from Mrs L Shsw 1g entity and were fined by Federal Judaa ! Jan 12~-Alansoo B Houghton, uni- one day in that city. Mr. < Kindle It is expected to be in operation by teams will go to Grants Pass Friday to tho e ffe ct that her mother, Mrg. Cliffc In Chicago. ■Aaaador to (J'-misny. «elected to suc­ April I. drove and is accompanied by a Mrv. Edith N. Itogerv of Lowell. Stave., k e d Frank H Kellogg as ambassador e wish a big p Marvin, departed this life on The United Artisans have organ­ night. January 16. elected to congreae to auecced her hua- couple o f men in the same business ta Great Britain. bmnd. the late John Jacob ilogerv ized a very fine drill team under the crowd would come and yel) for us— j Thursday o f last week, at h er home nate passed deficiency bill carrying in M edford. July I—Overnight air mail vervl.-e be­ because we re out to win. in Tacom. t Wash. Mrs. Shaw will H u b leadership o f W. L. (B oat) Calloway tween New York and Chicago evtub- Jan. 14—Senate P PASMÉ the Underwood and are known as the “ Medford There is quite a mimber o f high 1 remain fo r a visit with the father llahed. * EM BROIDERY CLUB MEET ■ ua.;« Bhoala ala bill b! Dr. F. K Clark, founder and for 44 Pippins.” It is their present plans school boys getting interested in the and fam ily o f seven children, this Jan IS— C Bua’orn P ia ’ Ofn Slenip as J an IS—C. hlernp resigne*l reel yaara praaldent of Chrtvtlan Endeavor, Ascretary to the President and Everett Wednejwiay at the home o f Mrs. to attend the national convention o f B. T. I. T. R. R. V. Most o f them I being the first meeting o f them all! rvaignad and waa auccaeded by Dr. D. A. Banders of Indiana was named to suc­ Paling. C. A. Bole« the Embroidery club, the order in Portland next August are on the “ blue” side because they I during a period o f twenty years. ceed him. B. Brouaard. Utah, ap­ composed o f about sixteen members, and compete with teams from all sec­ /I t. Hev. W , M. Brown, former talshop | July 10—E pointed to tariff f-ornmlselon Arkanvnv. luuart (ulltv of vlulnilnv Congratula­ Scopea an tl-evolutton ¡aw trial met fo r an afternoon o f social pas­ tions o f the country. _ lvcop.1 doctrinv by church bovril of tions to Captain Calloway on having opened In D ayton, Tenn., with W . J. time. rv tl.w and hlv vxpulvkm from minlMry Bryan aiding prosecution. f r em ir, ended The hostess served a dainty lunch such^ a fine team and may they win Former Hvcrvtary vv .n v d I v P î S Ü J S L . ' i X i f i S i H Z ! and the afternoon waa enjoyed by the highest honors next summer. •nd Fall rundvrnnvd by minority rvport antl-truvt Uw 5000,000 eustern brook trout eggs «11. from w n n u com m ute, on J l t a q u l r y ^ " j „ ly ? Í_ 2 c ¿ p v .' « m v l. ted In D n /.o r were received last week at the Butte Jan 20— I* res id «nt C oolid g e a n n ou n ced •volution trial and fined 1100. oomMetlon of work of M 0 Units«! > flS .Statuti July 36— Nsw indictments returned in Mrs. B. A. Atkinson is recovering Falls hatchery trom Eastern Oregon. im ilrosi administration created duririi ... inn* Chicago The Butte Falls hatchery hatches against 156 furniture manufac­ from a recent illness. the war. cost to nation wan 11974,600,000. turers for violating anti-trust laws. and raises over two million fish enate adopted report : on ‘ ‘ majority ‘ ‘ W illiam Jennings Bryan dlsd suddenly yearly. t Dome oil s«andal. censuring FSU in Dayton, Tenn. COMMUNICATION d Dsnby. Last Friday evening M edford hi July 21—W illiam J. Bryan Interred In Mrs. Miriam A Fsrguson Inaugurated Arlington National cemetery basketball team, for the first time iwverndr of T e la s. Aug F Ford s bid of U 7W.00S for 200 Dear Mr. Editor— Jsn KF-Col. Charles R Forbes, former ir. four years, were defeated by the United States shipping board vessels ac­ rana' bureau a*d cepted Say. Mr. editor I want ya to keep alumni in a fast game at the Arm ory nllHonairs contrac- Aug. 1*— National crime commission it under yer hat, but Jim Kernutt by the score o f 23 to 18. The game guilty bv a Jury | organised In New York by prominent consplrsd to de wuldent shake hands with Mr. Isaac­ was hotly contested from start to son Sunday a tall. I hearn the finish.- Laing o f the high made the voIdl.rv , ,n COB,rmCU ' ° r 1 M u o n . -n a .l- m .U c . pro- *°r.T.*iu iV.jii. f i , . , ! fvnvor In Unlvvrvllr of Wtvcnnvln. vivc was teacher a tellin ’em shake an make first score on a foul which vnd-Tr, % r.vvntvd 'crvdviTtin^v*u>4^l-rvv'dvnt - «•«. < * [_.< > • »*«> * .« ( ' ’»«Icnko quickly follow ed by a field basket Aug lb - MacMillan expedition aban­ up and they wuldent do it!! CAdUdgS. by Kmps for the e!""».r.i. The finest doned exploration of polar regions by A feller m t a talkin to me ’ tother •sn«te^j>a«sed poatol pay and rats In- | , ntrpBti, airplane for the season. day an he sed, se* he I w ui a vis- basket o f the game was made by AUg 2b- S e cre ta ry of A gricu ltu re itin the school tother^ day and they Knips from near the center o f the I .Ü 5 .'!? H Î k .iï " Ë X * " . V J ? ? ! 5 J « J * M <-“ ■'•<« Dr H <3. Taylor fhivt of (or di olili- u v í ¡ Btr ° * #B Nome started j bur^ u of agricultural economics wu* a class uv high* school fellers field. In the last quarter the high on tiS iid l. ran Ad£ 11- Assistant five rata rv of thv a reciten an the teacher ast “ What made 8 points to the alumni’s 5. The Fvb. y ~Bvruni rvachvd Noma In racord Trvavnry Andrews announced appoint- brvaklnx Ulna wu* H ana-Bell?” an a feller sed, ‘ ‘ He game ended 23 to 18 in favor o f the msnt of t4 prohibition district adminis­ H o u m paavvd bill fo r (ISO,000.000 fo r p ub- trators. wuz a Red,’ sez he; L aff, I thot I’d alumni. ‘ din­ prosrain for all v v a r v /H Ilo bultdlnira Aug. I F P o w ir production started at die! The preliminary game was be ■ Dalaw ar. ar. and Utah rvjvrtvd child la- Muscle Hhoals. b o r vm vni1m .n l I wuz a talkin to some uv the tween the M edford high girls and Aug 1 1 - Two navy plan«* bo$un the Fvb. S— ll«(‘iva rvturnvd poatal Incrvavo fii«ht from Ssn Francisco to Honolulu; little shavers in the grades an I the alumni girls which was on by bill to venata, aavvrtlnx Ito rtxht to one broke down 200 miles out. kinder thot I’d see how much they the Hi by a score o f 56 to 4. The InlUalv all raVvnuv leglalatlon Fifty ninth annual encampment of the Fvb 4 -C o l C It IVrbrs and J W wuz a lam in’ an I ast one on ’m ball was in the Hi’s territory nearly i O A R . opsrvd te Ununi R apid« Mich. Thompvon wnlanred to two yanra In Senate recount of lo w « senatorial also- _____ is Oregon ___ _____________ “ What noted _____ fo r , ,” ___ sez I, all o f the time and the team showed privón and (lo.ow lino vach. '* « » votes showed Brookhv.rt 114 s o t « W e l , sir jig t „ „ ujck as „ w ink he good team work. Miss Stewart r e f­ Tvnnvaavv Ivxlvlalura rvjanvd , hMd la­ ahead of Stack. - ------ — ------ the girls’ V game bor amvndmvnt. sez, sez he “ The Biggest Thing in ereed . B H and Scheffel Sept. 1 - Second navv plane forced down F’ab 10- Itouw paasvd iioalal pay and near Hawaii by lack of fuel and lost the Rogue River Valley,” sez he. I i r«iereed the boys’ game. ra t. Incrvaav bill vubatltuivd for avnatv In stormy m»a. with ersw of five. Found Another new business man in sez, sez I, Go on up boy, you be ■noaourv. ten days iatsr M edford is E. B. Hilton, painted and Banal, ratified rommarclal treaty with long at the head uv the class. Sept. Navy dlrlrlble Shenandoah Ovnnany. destroyed by storm in Ohio. Lieut I went in at Weavers Store 'tother paperhanger, who has opened a shop Fvb. 14- W illiam H Jardina of Kanaa. Com Zachary Lansdownc and 13 others Mr. Hilton day an I sez to J. E., sez I, Well at 32 N. Front street. appointed a.* -.-a r y of axrlcullurv. and killed. Uvorsu l-arka covvrnor o f Alavka John B. Inman of Springfield. III., elect­ J. E., I sez “ How goes it,” an with was form erly o f Springfield, Mass., Fvb. 10~F1oyd Collina, vntrapped by ed commander In chief of (1. A R. . a fur away look in his eye he sez, but came here from California. bowlder In Hand Cave, Kemucky. on Sept ¿ —Col. wtttlam Mitchell «cverely Last Friday evening forty-three as if he dident know whuther the January SO. found dead criticised army snd navv sir service. Senate confirmed nomination of Frank ole tvurld wuld stay put er n ot; »ex | ‘ *H men (men over six feet tall) Sept. 10—President Coolidge retim ed B Kellogg to bv aecrviarv of atvtv. to Washington from vacation. he "T w o and tw o” sez he. jist that t " e ld a banquet at the Hotel Medford Svnntv paaved again Ua own poatal Sept lOLpresident Coolidge named a w ay; L aff, I thot I’d die! *.n<1 organized the Tall Men’s Club kalary and rate blit board of nine to Investigate air defense Feb. It Senate voted lo tnrrv. ve Say I cum up to Earl Bell on the j 2 ° f ‘ he Association o f Long- Sept. 16 James Walker. Tammany vaiarla, of mv—bara of congraaa tu 110,. candidate, nominated for mayor of New street tother day an I sez sez* I, i fellow Clubs and elected the follow- M and of cabinet member, to 116 . 000 . York by Democrats, defeating Mayor H* - Say Earl. Whnt is a perfec number, *n8 o ffice rs : Noble G iraffe (pres­ i Fvb SS- Houv. accaptvd venate amend lan. F D Waterman nominated by the keet-l for raise of congrevslonvl and ses I; W ell sir, he cum rite back— | . ,u , n „ --------------- Republicans cabinet vaiarle. 108 sez he, an then looked like he’d UNION CHURCH R M l a Follette. Jr . nominated bv Feb M -ch a rle a S. D ense- appointed Wisconsin Republicans for United been caught perposin’ to his best ----------- Senator from IHInolt to vucevvd the late State* senator: W . G. Bruce nominated ■ e d ili McCormick. girl, an sez. sez he. O, I thot ya J{4‘ “ Sunday school lesson: by I^m ocrata. House passed Dickinson cooperative wuz a talkin’ about the class, ho sez. “ The Introduction and Baptism o f Sept. 17- President's air Investigation markeilna bill av vubstltutv for Capper- board held first session. I_____ Say ___________ . . . . . . . day that „ a r plot _ _ ,___ J e w »-” I hearn tother Matthew, chapter three. Haugen measure. Feb ft Itepubllean member, of neat niritiL*? FnmVimta? i°f I . ; , , i *’ e*n . discovoroil r i t / her* . in our t Outline— S a K lst\ ala. British communist and del«- . . / i * t v .,» m > ., h o u .. In caucus visited Nicholas lo n g sate to Int rpariiamentarv union. little ole tow n! They sa it wu» * he Messenger o f the Mes- worth of Ohio speaker «•pi ip— t'ol, vvtnivm Mitch,.n r<*ttrvM I hatched up in the post o ffic e . I riah, vs. 1-4. House romndttve reported great frauds T h . WINCHESTER Store Central P .i » ,. Oregon In bureau of printing and engraving *ofV|q* 'Lr\T.V b,C* “** of h“ • » ' " * « « whuther its the g ov’ment Me~ * * o f the Mcssen March S- Hoove adopted revolution ad Sept » - R . M La Folletts. Jr slect-d or th o * ta te p|* J»»t public op inion i h - 10. counting American entry Into world United states senator from Wisconsin | but it seems that a band uv dospert (* ') The Mission o f the Messiah court. V .V .’.V .’.V .V .’.’. V A V A m w W ^ W W W i V ^ W V V V W w i Navy war game began In thv Pacific “ nd* f ‘ he . leadership uv > | March V—Calvin Coolidge and Charlea _______ l _____ ( « ) The Miraculous Me-^age, vs. criticisms of army and navy air service^ certain public officia here ___ in ______ town ■a I s s m Inaugurated President and etc. and offered defense plans. ^ 1 ” are •*“ • '"* to “ D“ ; “ * the whole town — I 13-17- out Paint 'president of United fitatva. Oct l—Shlppin* l>oard resumed full •RED!* ” W ell, I agree with Sandy. | At the morning service the sub­ March b— United fitatva shipping board control of Fleet corporation. and Emergency Fleet corporation won hit cant he done! je c t for the sermon will be: “ Our Oct 2—K. J Thompson re*1«ne*1 from verdict for lll.5 against Virginia ohlpplns board Sa Mr. Editor I betcha they h ain t, A ll-Sufficient God.” Hhtpbuildlnü corporation Ort 6-< another town int he hul U. S. A. l n ‘ he evening the second o f the M y c h t - U . v . Csl. James X. F ach ., o Ä ’ " °* An’ * r,C* n U“ ,or’ nam ,1,1 aa auccaaeor Io H m « Oan. W u r^oiia™ ■ ■ ■ whats jrot a hunch o in B ble new series o f sermons on the “ Spir­ llam . M l , o h . " assistant .•hT.f of a r m , A S « ’(<. V u S S ur r nT^ i ’ itual Significance o f the Sermon on claea 10H strong. »11 there. a ir s«rvK.’«. •rance, «ad adequate de fans« vlthuut Som ebody sed they wu* afeard the Mount” will be given. kieroh lb- Menate re Jo«* ted nomination Jinfioiam. • f riia r lN He«« her Warren >• attorney that after that feed Feb the secont i The Mid-W eek meeting every* t ^ ls h C r a l m . r f o r r .f i to roatvn aa «•lierai proslfiont of (loo t corporation: "in ivr E some o the fellers wouldent be able Wednesday evening at 8:00 p. m M erck UV l*teetdaat «.'oolid *« e o a t» Crowlrv rloctol to placo. *° _ 1 This meeting is worth your while. •ubmltted nam« o f Warren !• seneta t« Oct I - K plw om l houor of Hahopa af- m attorniar avnaral. Well, they growd from 49 to 71 A short Bible study and prayer serv- firnit.l c h a r * , of asamat Blahop March It Aenete ratified the Isle of M. Brown of Arksnean to 108, the last three week* and the I ices. You can’t afford to mis these Pines treaty which fixed ownership of Is­ oct P John R McWulcrg of Cleveland janitor think* that call* fer about meetings. Public is invited land with Republic of Cuba. Ohio, was el-'«led commander In chief 150 chairs next Sunday and he sed The Ladies’ aih March 14 Senate again rejected Preel of the AmeHcnr Î eiK«^ X o v . I - .I p mea J. V.'al’ier. D em ocra t. MEDFORD NEWS '■ (acted nay or of New York: A Harrv Moore, “ wet” Democrat, elected 44« • Blur HVne »•mor of New Jersey Nov. 6—Biennial onventlon of Sa­ Last week the Crater* club elected loon leagu** offered in Cblcafo. vin e officers fo r the ensu- Nov. 4— Jeme* .lorue appointed dirao* , the lOtlOWi: ter of pro»>.o t.on. _ ___ ; _ Big _ Eruption, _ _ Paul lie - CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN K — f. $ 1.00 •nil* cm*t m tu m m a m t. Chronology ofthe * ^ ff * % S' **Uaby tr.nt ^ JO * * * * H 9t vrtm m if I ^ G w t New Service for W om en Direct From Wholesaler K at this Store Presenting Hundreds of Latest Coats, Dresses and Hats FRIDAY, JAN. 15 7 L. Hatfield,Central Point Gold Seal Congoleum Art Rugs and Yard Goods \ men d«nt Coo’M g e a nomination of Warren to *s auoraev f««*ra l bv vwta of 4C «» ■ ippeinted March 3* ProalAonl l'aol id s. appoint.* York as member ef the interstate commet e «OtiimlMlM ^5»^'J» S8 Brig Oen William Mitchell erdered te Texee fiving field, reverting *• » M l ef colonel m " Í Í ? * ' ï ” : b ,r L'nA ^ r'1 ^ r > < ñ' tOT 9 .9 M .W u« ! ,iLr. ___ . AprU ^-Indictm ent« aaatnst Full, fitn Oct 12 Bishop Brown deposed from Kplaoopallaa mliilatr* - 1 Cyrus Boltia. U A., won Sunday^ t W . C. Leever y> Wet Weather Footwear t *" P' a<' n" ‘ ‘ C Sanderson ha. envited part 1 | ft#M *ir race« uv Salem to he at the big feed. , Cri. 18-Preeêdent «'ooiidce accepted Sand) *ure does believe in adver- roat*natlon of J W W eek* a* secretary ,>f war and appointed D. F. Davis to suc- S a f, ii feller went in the bank .'•ed him. 'tothor day an sed to Mr. IsMcaon OM. 14 ft lofi op Murro, of MaryDtvl elected nrcauitng bi*hof> L Kpioonpaltana | *es ite Mr. Isaacson. I hearn that I or* oe* r Del HanfoHTM.v i ,t- contest in the Biggest Thing in led __ assistant reterv of war ■ ^t.ler api the *“ » nrt Thursday afternoon^M rv t L & , P?oc.> tvt‘ T h u ^ . y .ft e r ^ o o n ^ V ^ ^ F 2" f ScotL p^sident. * ** E' E _ The Missionary Society, every 4th Thursday aftern oon ; Miss Helen J. * ^r* f ^ w *-, i . Choir rehearsal Thursday e v e -! rlaLr .•".á I^alieas s d is m is i «m • <)ct jgy Ccmrt-msrtial for ¡the Rogue River Valiev ended last ' !Vn*,, “ ‘ * 00 P- « • : Mrs. H. W. ,ti- • m m , . . I Sunday, set he. Mr. Isaacson sed. 1 > a director. ’ r— y, R «. dare toga largeel air | i Mitchell »rd.'r*«| to convene t If you else- Flans sanisi, launched r IT N° ,,r' the contest ha* just *r >ou are not n° ‘ » a worshipper w o r s h ip ApcM 1« fienator Wheeler of Montana »«te Buwttar f>egJn. W e’ve playd with them Reds earnestly w d W yen $> went to trial In Great Falls for Utega’ Ja."« U ji-Iaa- to fin out i.r.a J ’em along gentle like. ! jotxs us; you wifi be most wtlcom e. of bAs la fluence as ssnator , ^ Rev. J. M. Johnson. Pastor, April b-IHetrut of Columbia Jtifice (Vf I ♦ J ff b>v!!'te svm to kinds keep ther speerits up till * maspeiMteJ consent 4scree bv «flieh 'B is BchneWrr ii*>4 j >e$A4 ti race a (4ai- wo got ’em thinkin they wuz some I ■ f Five’* packer« agreh I to divorce them. timore punkins ses he. an row were ready CHRISTIAN CHURCH ASlvee from unreUistl line« r»l « ^ 4 Afliffh . April R -iVnator B K. Wheelar ac'hult- ! Aav of i v rn t1 4*‘ pe navy griehr'-tetl. to start the bail, without no handy I The Chrisitian Bible School held j M In trial «I Great Falla Mont. 1 Lieut, ns^t | v all .. ----- »«•t • • « *’>e«d re* - caps ’ * » a t tall. Why say . feller, sez ‘ he, its Annual * Election o f - O fficers last ' A»eu t?—W’nr same ®* Hawaii ended ord f.»- *»e., rUu* :H .7H a«|!r>s an •w I them tm Reds will think they wuz a J Sunday morning. The follow ing ill lI lM «Ricial itrainn. < «t He m«tre chosen Mrs. J. E. April M~Bollottor General J. A Beck Ott Cour’ •tarttal e f Ootonet U iteh - run. snin’ - „ with a syelone , in tw o week*, fivers were ----- : -------- root«««« ~ | l " e d _______ I ell ei*.*neti ivr.rst summers!!. pr~o.imi | * A feller standtn w eaver. Superintendent; standin cloa* close by, kinda ktnda { ! Weaver. Superintendent- J. J G. G M- Me- i _ 1 p ®Y t - W T Van Orman won nal attoaal of |be ! ri -'****?** r * wtTT. » " a I winked an *ed soft like, to mism>!f. I Allister, Assistant Superintendent ! M in ori race with thunlvear I lf 1 Sladen Mav 4 ta International Council of W — — 1 Ort. S-r