TH U R SD A Y AUGUST 17, 1907 PAGE 7 C E N T R A L P O IN T TIM E S THE FACE FLY THE „OOD OLE* U.S. A. W h ile tio m l * commenting on the interna* oiitical mud-slinging these past .months, a friend of ours back iron' occupation duty in Germany thought this story would give us pause to be a bit happier we’re in the States despite the victor. Seems three prisoners in a Russian work camp were talking: T h e first asked, "W h y are you here?" His co-prisoner replied, " I was for Siansky. W h y are you here?" T h e first said, " I was against Siansky." T h ey then turned to the third and asked, "W h y are you here?" H e confessed. " I ’m Siansky.” Mrs. Newlywed: "N orval, my dear, 1 know something is troubling you; and I want you to tell me what it is. Your worries are our worries now." M r. Newlywed: "W e ll, dear, we’ve just had a letter from a girl in Boston; and she’s suing us for breach of promise." Missionaty: "W hy do you ludk at me so intently?" Cannibal: " I am the food inspector." "Sam stopped looking at television ages ago, but he still loves to turn off the commercials." MORE CARS THAN TELEPHONES PO R TLA N D - Oregon has one automobile fo r every 1.9 p e r­ sons In the state; in fact, there are m o r e automobiles than telephones In the state. T his Inform ation comes from the latest edition of the “Oregon Fact S u m m ary,” a four-page c o m p i l a t i o n o f Inform ation about the state, Its economy and resources, Issued by the Econo­ mic Developm ent D ivision o f the Oregon Departm ent of C o m m erce. Some highlights from the folder: Oregon has 39 colleges and u n iv e rs itie s , 54 banking firm s and 40,500 fa rm s . It is served by 10 a irlin e s , 5 ra ilro a d s , 22 bus lines and 54 re g u lar motor freight c a r r ie r s . O ther data Includes county- by-county population figu res, state labor force and em ploym ­ ent, personal Income and farm production. Confucius say: “Man who get holes In pants, instead of shoes, making contact in wrong place.” C O R V A LLIS - A new pest, the face fly, has Invaded Oregon and bids to become a serious p ro ­ blem In the state, according to D r . R. L . Gouldlng, associate professor of entomology at Oregon State U n iversity. In Oregon, the face fly was firs t noted and collected in late June in Wallows County, Gould- ing said. M ain areas of infest­ ation now are east of the Cascades in Wallows and Union counties near E n terp rise, Elgin Im b le r, and LaGrange. An Oregon State Departm ent of agricultu re survey entomol­ ogist has also found the face fly In Richland In the Powder R iver area and at Durkee and Baker in the Burnt R iver area. Goulding said that the most recent rep o rt Indicates the firs t evidence of the face fly west of the Cascades has now been noted in P o rt Angeles, Wash. The face flv is about the size of the house fly and gets the name from Its habit of clu s te r­ ing on the faces of cattle, horses and open-faced sheep. It feeds on eye secretions, open wounds, and saliva deposits. Face flie s are bothersome to humans only because they hibernate In homes and barns during fa ll and w inter and be­ come active during w arn sunny days, Gouldlng noted. Anim als bothered by the .’ace fly seek shade, thus In te rru p t­ ing norm al behavior and feed­ ing habits. T his causes poor pasutre u tiliza tio n and results in loss of production. There is also the p o ssib ility that the flies may spead pinkeye disease to cattle, Gouldlng pointed out. The OSU entomologist said that presently there is no com­ pletely effective and p ractical methods o f control. Some r e lie f may be obtained by the careful use of Insecticide baits, sprays, and self-tre a tm e n t devices such as back and face rubbers. Goulding explained that the face fly infestation now Invading Oregon Is a European im p o rt, coming from the northwest European m a ritim e areas to Canada in the e a rly 1940’ s. It showed up In New Y o rk state in the 1950’ s and gradually worked westward. The face fly was firs t noted In western Idaho and eastern Washington in late 1965. Although there seems to be some c lim a tic lim itatio n s to the face fly , Oregon’ s conditions are most favorable, Goulding said. The fly appears to be following the Grande Rhonde R iver System , moving slow ly from herd to herd and ranch to ranch. The fem ale fly Is the most troublesom e, scientists say, and p refers to bother the liv e s ­ tock In bright sunshine. Eggs are laid only In fresh cattle droppings and em erge as adult flies from 10 to 21 days la te r. Gouldlng forecasts a gradual Increase In the face fly through­ out the state each yea r. He expects it to show up In other r iv e r drainage systems since It may be following the lush I r r i ­ gation areas of the state. p rese n tly, OSU scientists a re accumulating Inform ation on the fly ’ s control. Gouldlng said that Inform ation on control w ill soon be released by Oregon State U n iversity. indie Fables resting superstitions have 1 out of the flickering of a i light. flame bums blue, there tost in the house. A spark es th at a latter is coming person sitting nearest the STATE FAIR S A L E M -W ith only 17 days left until opening, the Oregon State F a ir Is cleaning up and leveling off this week the ground on which buildings stood which were destroyed by the July 31 fir e . T h e re ’ s no doubt that a ll w ill be ready for Gov. Tom M c C a ll’s big opening at 11 a.m . Aug. 26 fo r the 10-day run, Robert L. Stevens, fa ir manager, said today. The carn ival w ill be moved to the ground fo rm e rly occupied by the buildings and w ill stretch across 17th street ( closed during F a ir week ) into the parking lot on the West side of the fairgrounds proper. Huge tents offered by the Rose F estival A s s o c i a t i o n , county fa ir officials and individ­ uals w ill be placed on the fo rm e r carnival area to house many of the exhibits losing space in the fir e . Stevens and his “borrow ed” assistant, Dick Maul from the State Finance Departm ent, a re measuring available tent space against space needed for county booths, commodity com m is­ sions, farm organizations, the horticulture show and other ex­ hibits. “ It looks like we’l l be able to accomodate everyone,” says StcvGns« The a rt exhibit w ill occupy two huge tents placed in a “U ” shape with a fountain In the Courtyard center. The International Photo Salon w ill move into the second story M ineralogy building. Portable wooden booths and cases w ill provide a solid back­ drop for the exhibitors showing in tents. In the m eantim e, work on the rem ainder of the fa ir goes on uninterupted. Auditions for the A ll-O regon T a l e n t show, of­ fered free daily at the f a ir , continue on the outdoor stage a short distance from where the big bulldozers are clearing the fire area . Livestock en tries closed Thursday and while final tabulation had not yet been com­ pleted, a c c o r d i n g to M r s . Harold Hauk, livestock super­ intendent, the show w ill be as large as e v e r. INTOLERABLE ARROGANCE Some national labor unions have become so powerful In the United States that whole Indust­ rie s and the public a re v irtu a lly helpless In try in g to cope with them. No r e a s o n a b le person opposes the rig ht of people to organize and bargain with th eir em ployer on wages and conditions of employm ent. But m ore and m ore people are com ­ ing to resent monopolistic union power callously used to d e liv e r ultim atum s ra th e r than Im p le ­ ment reasonable collective bargaining. T h i s policy has reached a stage where the find­ ings of federal mediation o r em ergency b o a r d s a r e a r ­ rogantly Ignored. Apparently, some labor o fficials fa il to see that th e ir high handed dism issal of the public interest can lead to but one end — a rb itra ry control of the bargaining pro­ cess. A l a b o r d i c t a t o r , an Industrial dictator o r a p o litical dictator have no place in a free nation. No one wishes com pulsory arb itra tio n , but labor policies threaten o r cause strikes of Incalculable cost regardless of th e national security a n d w elfare w ill not fo re v e r be' to le ra ted. YOUR BLESSINGS N e w s re p o rts f r o m Yugo­ slavia te ll how a one-man campaign challenging that nation’ s communist system has led to a four and one half year prison sentence fo r a 32 year o ld Intellectual convicted of spreading propaganda hostile to the government. The Judge said freedom of opinion guaranteed by the Yugoslav constitution does not give freedom to express ideas against socialism (com m unism ) o r ideas aimed at undermining the government. The t r ia l lasted about 30 minutes. What would happen to repub­ licans, dem ocrats, socialists, Negroes, lib e ra ls , pacifists, conservatives, college students and others in the U.S. if a communist one party system was in control. The Yugoslav system shows you. Dissenters b etter be glad they live in the U.S. and do e v e ry ­ thing in th e ir power to uphold the freedom they are privileged to enjoy here, Including free speech and a fre e press. Medical ID — Card Or Band A Lifesaver All over the world a simple six-sided figure has become (he symbol of identification of personal medical problems. The symbol was adopted by the American Medical Association some four years ago and three years ago was adopted by th e W o rld M edical Associa- tion as the univer- sal indication that the individual dis­ playing the sign has personal health problems that might re­ quire emergency attention. Who should carry identifica­ tion? Everyone, says the AMA. A card, such as the AMA emergency medical identification card, is use­ ful to identify an ill or injured per­ son, to help locate family, friends J and personal physician, and to give inform ation that w ill im prove emergency care. People with spe­ cial health problems should also wear a durable metal or plastic alerting signal device on their wrist, ankle or neck, indicating their need for special medical care. The emergency medical iden­ tification card should note special problems that need immediate at­ tention in an emergency or that could cause an emergency. For ex­ ample, diabetics must be identified so that a person in diabetic coma will get proper treatment prompt­ ly and needed doses of insulin will not be overlooked during treat­ ment for injury. The need for cer­ tain medicines must be known. Heart patients taking drugs to pre­ vent blood clots may bleed pro­ fusely if injured unless they receive special care. Other people are sen­ sitive to certain drugs and must never take them. E pileptics could be saved much trouble and unnecessary hos­ pitalization if they carried • card indicating that they may have seiz­ ures. Neck breathers (those who breathe through a tube surgically inserted below their “Adam's ap­ ple’*) must be recognizable to pro­ tect them from smothering. An emergency medical identi­ fication kit may be obtained by addressing Box C, Emergency Medical Identification, American Medical Association, 535 N. Dear­ born St., Chicago, 111. 60610. Single kits are free on request. The kit contains two identification cards, a pamphlet describing the universal symbol, and a list of manufacturers of signal devices bearing this sym­ bol, ' YO U CA& GET RELIEF FROM EADAGHE PAIN STANBACK gives you FAST relief from pains of headache, neuralgia, neuritis, and minor pains of arthritis, rh e u m a tis m . B ecause STANBACK contains several medically-approved and prescribed ingredients for fa s t relief, you can take STANBACK with confidence. Satisfaction guaranteed! Test___ flW 10* 25* 69* 98* WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION F a rm e rs throughout Oregon soon w ill be required to c a rry workmen’ s c o m p e n s a tio n Insurance fo r the firs t tim e in the history of the 54-year - old law. On and a fte r January 1, 1968 farm e rs with a y e a rly payroll of $1500 or m ore, and who h ire one o r m ore workmen, must have workm en’ s compen­ sation insurance. Non-com plying fa rm e rs are subject to severe financial pen­ alties under Oregon law . To help those In agriculture protect them selves by insuring their w orkers w ell in advance of the January 1 deadline, the Oregon F a rm Bureau has neg­ otiated a money-saving group insurance plan with the State Compensation Departm ent. G arth Rouse, assistant sales manager fo r the Oregon F a rm Bureau insurance company in Salem , said the F a rm Bureau has launched an a ll-o u t publicity campaign to a le rt farm e rs to th e ir insurance requirem ent under the law . Rouse warned fa rm e rs not to confuse workm en’ s compen­ sation In s u r a n c e w ith em ployer’s lia b ility insurance. The law required workm en’ s compensation insurance, Rouse said. W orkm en’s compensation provides injured workmen with compensable claim s with uni­ form benefits under the law , while at the same tim e protect­ ing the em ployer against any lia b ility fro m the employe. The F a rm Bureau analyzed available Insurance plans since the revised workm en’ s com­ pensation law was passed by the 1965 le g is la tu re . Study revealed the Oregon State Compensation Departm ent was the only source which could give the Oregon F a rm Bureau a group plan with a special group ra te to r general farm ing. F a rm Bureau m em bers w ill receive a low er ra te through the group plan, Rouse said. Agents throughout the state w ill be working d ire c tly with m em ­ bers in underw riting policies, auditing and engineering. C laim s processing w ill be hand­ led by the State Compensation Departm ent. F a rm e rs a re asked to Inform friends and acquaintances in agricultu re o f the January 1, 1968 w orkm en’ s compensation coverage requirem ent F u rth e r inform ation may be obtained by calling F a rm B u r­ eau headquarters in Salem, any county F a rm Bureau insurance agent o r the State Compensa­ tion D epartm ent, Rouse con­ cluded. The annual soft drink con­ sumption In the United States la estimated at about 16 gal- kds per person.