Central Point times. (Central Point, Or.) 1964-19??, August 17, 1967, Page 6, Image 6

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by Jessie Matheny
Houseguests at the Robert N.
Beyer home, N. Oregon St.,
are Beyer’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. C. Beyer, Orange, Cal.
and Mrs. Beyer’s sister, Mrs.
Richard C. Skow, Dayton, Ohio.
Major Skow is one of the pilots
in charge of Green Beret troop
transportation in Vietnam.
Picnic hosts, recently, to Star
Promenaders Square Dance
C lu b m e m b e r s —85—, and
f a m i l i e s were the Walter
Jensens, at their home on 238
Applegate. An afternoon and
evening of fun followed a short
business session.
L a s t Wednesday evening,
J a c k s o n v i l l e Lions Club
members, their
wives and
guests were among the 250
southern Oregon and northern
California area Lions attending
the Ashland Lions Club benefit
barbecue dinner held in Lithia
The group attended a Shakes­
pearean performance, “ Taming
of The Shrew,* following the
dinner, concluding a very
enjoyable evening for all who
participated in the evening’s
Last Thursday evening, local
club members participating in a
final clean-up of Britt grounds
in c lu d e d Jim Scheffel; John
C r a b b ; A rt Davies; Larry
Madden; Dan Jacobs; BobHord;
Ole Bakke, and Stub Matheny.
A. C. Bowman also
participated in this annual club
Sunday, August 13, more than
300 persons attended the benefit
C huckw agon
b reak fast
sponsored annually at the
opening of Britt Festival season,
according to Lion president,
John Anderson. This is the first
of four scheduled breakfasts
planned by the club, s ta te d
Anderson. Proceeds go toward
club project--Sight and Blind
T h e Jacksonville Library
R e a d in g
Program, “Be A
Reading Giant,’ concluded Sat.,
August 12, with 43 children
completing the program — 60
children originally signed up to
participate in this event, ac­
cording to Mrs. Arthur Roberts,
local librarian.
The annual presentation party
will be held Friday, August 18,
at 1:30 p.m. at the Library,
Mrs. Roberts.
Refreshments will be served
following the awards presenta­
tion, added Mrs. Roberts.
Sponsors of this party, in
addition to M r s . Roberts,
in c lu d e Jacksonville Lions
A m e r ic a n
Auxiliary to Centennial Post
100, and R. E. Collins.
Tuesday evening, last week,
more than 150 persons attended
Britt Societe’ annual
“welcoming* potluck supper
event held in Britt grounds -
“home* of the Festival concert
Musicians and their families
arriving for the Festival season
were guests at this event hosted
by club members. Members,
families, and the general public
participated in this evening
event, including Mayor A. C.
and Mrs. Bowman and family.
Mrs. Bill Jones, retiring club
president, and Mrs. Harold
Gilbert were in c h a r g e of the
event. Mrs. Pauline Bright was
in charge of flower arrange­
ments. Jacksonville Gold Glads,
were available through the
c o u r t e s y of Warner Bulb
This Informal event provides
m u s i c ia n s a n d p r o d u c e r ,
c o n d u c to r , John Trudeau,
th e opportunity to become
acquainted with one another,
should this be their first season
with the Festival; also , to
become acquainted with their
lodging hosts assigned them
during the concert season.
Sat. August 12, Jacksonville,
Oregon once more made history
a national
historical landmark, one of 99
western towns qualified for this
honor, according to John
Hussey, regional historian of
the National Park Service, prin­
cipal speaker of the dedicatory
100 persons attended this
event, the results of efforts,
initiated in 1956, by Siskiyou
Pioneer Sites Foundation.
Master of ceremonies of this
brief event was former mayor,
“Curly* G r a h a m . Others
participating in the service
were the Rev. W. D. Turnbull,
pastor - CalvaryChurch; Mayor
A. C. B ow m an;
Heffernan, president Southern
Oregon Historical Society, and
G e o rg e
Brewer, president
SPSF hosted an informal re­
ception in the SW corner room
of the U. S. Hotel building
the momentous
The momument, prepared by
boys of Fort Vannoy Job Corp
Center, Grants Pass, is of local
stone mounted with the bronze
plaque, according to Mayor
Leon Barnard and Glenn
Arnold, The Crest Gallery, an­
nounce the arrival of a large
kiln to be installed in the near
future. The kiln, the largest in
the valley, will be available for
firing ceramics, according to
Barnard and Arnold.
S ta n and T om m y Smith,
owners-operators of a number
of Rogue Valley dining spots,
have recently commissioned
Barnard and Arnold to refinish
the fine old furniture to be used
in furnishing Smiths establish­
ments - the latest “The Cork &
versatile gallery
o w n e rs
s p e c i a l i z e in
m a r b e liz i n g a s w e ll a s
refinishing of furniture and are
artists of note.
Visitors are welcome at The
Crest, located in the old Miller
building - the second from the
corner of S. Third and Cali­
fornia St.
T h e M a r s h a ll S w e e ts,
Medford; Phil Sweet, Jeff and
Greg, Sams Valley, combined
business with pleasure Monday
afternoon in Jacksonville.
Cont next col
R. C.Courtright, artist, noted
marine biologist-sculptor, was
honor guest at a reception,
Sunday afternoon, hosted by
members of the Cracker Barrel
M rs.
L a V e s ta (Fred)
G a r d n e r , Cracker Barrel
member, won sweepstakes
honor at th
h o n o r at th e 20th annual
Southern Oregon Art Exhibit,
sponsored by the Grants Pass
branch, American Association
of University Women. Mrs.
Gardner’s painting titled “Fall
Leaves On a White Chair,*
is on view in the Studio at the
corner of W. California and S.
Artist Courtright’s work will
be exhibited at the Studio
through August 27, according
to Studio members.
The L e o n a rd F ir m a n s ,
Lane, were hosts
recently to visitors from Cali­
fornia - Firman’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Leland B. Firman,
San Diego, Calif.
The Ed. Ramsays of Apple-
gate Valley were recent hosts
to Mrs. Ramsay’s sister, Mrs.
James Rice, and daughter,
Peggy» Sierra Vista, Arizona.
A combined anniversary-
b ir t h d a y
d in n e r
participated In by Medfirdkes
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ludwig at
the Stub Matheny horn*1 on /alley
Lane, S u n d ay . Mr. and Mrs.
Ludwig c e l e b r a t e d their 57th
wedding anniversary.
Labor Day is just around the
corner. The symbolism of the
day has been lost to many in
the enjoyment of the good life.
Never in history has such a high
level of well-being been the lot
of so many people. For most of
us, the struggle and deprivation
of the centuries have faded into
the limbo of history and are no
longer comprehensible.
Since this is the case, it may
be the better part of wisdom to
consider some of the practical
aspects of Labor Day as it is
now observed. Coming as it does
at the end of summer, it is an
invitation to one last fling. This
means countless millions of us
will take to the highways and
byways, to mountains, lakes and
the sea. An army of attendants,
maintenance crews, firemen,
p o l i c e , first-aid and rescue
personnel will be on hand to
minimize the casualties. Their
task is formidable at best, and
u n l e s s h o lid a y th r o n g s
co-operate, it becomes a hope­
less rearguard action.
So this Labor Day, drive
carefully, put out y^ur camp­
fire, handle firearms with care
and u s e co m m o n s e n s e
precautions around “the old
swimming hole*. Above all, re-
Cont next Col
member there will be other
holidays and other trips. Don’t
leave the countryside a no man’s
land of litter. There are
millions of litter receptacles
around the country. They are
th e re
help preserve
the beauty of the land--so let’s
use them.
Mother Finds Copperhead
Snake in Child’s Buggy
W h i l e p icking b la c k b er r ie s
n ea r W est P la in s, M o., M rs. E f­
fie C ollins le ft her sev en -m o n th -
old dau gh ter in a bab y b u g g y .
When sh e had filled h er b u ck ­
e ts and returned to th e b u g g y ,
M rs. C ollins found a c o p p e r ­
h ea d sn a k e on top of the b lan ­
k et w hich co v er e d h er sle e p in g
infant. She g ra sp ed th e sn a k e ,
to sse d it to the ground, and
k illed it w ith a rock. T he b a b y
w a s unharm ed.
Congressman Wendell Wyatt
(R.-Ore.) introduced legislation
establishing a Small Tax Court
to assure the average taxpayer
of fairness in any dealings with
the Internal Revenue Service.
“ Our court system should serve
as arbiter in disputes between
the Internal Revenue Service
and any taxpayer,* said Wyatt.
“It is not always fair that the
executive agency serving as
collector of taxes also serves
as final judge as to what taxes
are actually due.*
A t th e a g e o f 93, M rs. L illian
G. G a n d y is c o m p le tin g her
10th te r m a s ta x c o lle c to r in
the to w n o f C orbin C ity, N . J.
N e x t N o v e m b e r , sh e w ill se e k
e le c tio n to a n o th er fou r-year
te r m . E v e n if an opp onent d e­
fe a ts h er, M rs. G an d y w ill not
be w ith o u t a m u n ic ip a l job.
Sh e h o ld s th e a p p o in tiv e offices
of tow n tr e a su r e r and cu stod ian
of sch o o l fu nds.
'Z&Z 11
Of all the things we daily see
As often as the clock,
There's none that holds a charm for me,
Like an ordinary rock.
I guess I'm odd, without a doubt.
Perhaps a laughing-stock;
But I know what it's all about,
When I go hunting rock.
It's just a hobby, people say,
Like raising hollyhocks,-
But I grow wiser every day
By studying common rocks.
To say they speak a silent sound
Would seem a paradox;
But there are sermons to be found
In fellowship with rocks.
I've found all colors; every size
From round to square, like blocks;
And those I couldn't analyze
I classified "just rocks".
Many a story yet untold
Would give us quite a shock,—
To know the assayed part of gold
In just an ugly rock.
My one real hobby, I'll confide,
(It's secret I'll unlock)
Is trees that died and petrified,
And turned to precious rock.
The story of the Past is told,— .
Of Time, and earthquake shock;
The age by circles true unfolds
In trees that turned to rock.
The mighty, towering mountain peak,
All robed in snow-white frock,—
What mysteries, if it could speak,
Would come from living rock.
If I could build my House of Dreams,
Where kin and friends could flock,
I'd want it by some mountain stream,
And built of LOVELY ROCK.
—Written by D. E. Millard.