THURSDAY AUGUST 17, 1907 PAGE 5 CENTRAL POINT TIMES MAZING! EXPERIENCE OF THE ELDERLY For more than 40 years the N a t io n a l A s s o c i a t i o n of M a n u fa c tu r er s has b een encouraging manufacturers to make the best possible use of the experience, knowledge, and skills which ‘older people possess. Excel lent progress has been made by the voluntary route, and many firms have dropped bans on hiring older people. The NAM said It would seem neither wise nor neces­ sary to pass a federal law on this subject at a time when the states are taking affirmative action to resolve the problem at the state level. *1 OOM'T KHCM/V s/taenes Experts Track Shifting Sand Scientists have dumped 2,000 table tennis balls into the ocean off the tip of Baja, near San Diego, in an effort to learn more about sand movement. Dr. Robert Dill, marine geol­ ogist at the Naval Electronics Laboratory at San Diego, said the p l a s t i c balls, when per­ forated, have about the same hydrodynamic characteristics as fine grains of sand. “ By keeping track of their movements, we can determine the nature of underwater cur­ rents and learn where shoreline sand is being deposited,” he said. The knowledge could be helpful in seeking oil sources. u n r iv e t n > N f)M f W MlSUM*RSt>OO fiND &PueD>. A0«Wtf6*r AW TttttW *9.1 CHURCH NEWS « sew r Q f l P lette * /// r r has ] M O M C A N M S .rr ts HOT H S A U V S O S . * HOH OOCS IT M KAH’ÔfWC OUR SpULS’ JJ .® . A .’ — Weeklies:4 Voice of History9 TORONTO— The Canadian Weekly Publisher, publication of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assn, here, saluted week­ lies as the “Voice of History” in its special July Centennial Edition. The special issue will be mailed to all members of the Canadian Parliament and “friends of the industry,” reports Doug McIntyre, general manager of the Association. The August edition will be devoted to the CWNA Na­ tional Centennial Convention and will have a four-color picture of Ottwa at night for its cover. C falvac V) ’;*>**' •* < T X P f l W W S C A U .V Q U E S T IO N S A N D ANSW ERS QUESTION: What areas in Ore­ gon are now listed by the De­ partment of Labor as areas of substantia substantial and persistent un­ employment? ANSWER: The latest May-June list of areas in Oregon lists three areas of substantial un­ employment - - Hood River county; Coos county and Lincoln county. It also lists three areas of persistent unemployment: Josephine county; Lake county and Yamhill county. The three areas of persistent unemploy­ ment are eligible for programs under the Economic Develop­ ment Act and all of them are eligible for procurement pro­ grams and public works. In add­ ition, S h e r m a n and Wascc counties are eligible for public works projects. Portland, as it nas been for many months, is listed in the C or moderate classification of unemployment for major labor areas. Morrow county was recently removed from the list of eligibility for Title I, or public works grants. WHITE CITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Evangelist Willie White, or­ ganizing minister of White City C h urch of C h r is t, is participating this week in the •Men’s Meet* near Cottage Grove, Oregon. This camp is attended by men from the churches of Oregon,Washing­ ton,and Calif.Mr.White will be with the local congregation this Sunday to teach the adult Bible class at 9:45 and to bring the Sunday morning message at 11:00. At the morning worship hour the minister will speak from Matt. 6:33 on the theme “ Majoring in Minors.* In this sermon the speaker will point out four groups of people men­ tioned in the Bible who wanted •The Kingdom,* but did not want it - first.* Family Worship, Sunday evening at 7:30, with the evangelist speaking on “The Last Word from Hell.* Such questions as “Is there a place of punishment in the after-life?* and -Is the Bible Hell literal or figurative?* will be considered in this study. Members of the congregation will participate in a valley­ wide Skating party for churches of the area, at the Rollarena, Tuesday evening at 7:00. P R E S B Y T E R IA N Members of the college group of the valley Presbyterian churches plan a retreat at the coast, Friday and Saturday, August 18 and 19. Bible study and discussion will be combined with fun and fellowship. Those attending will meet at the Central Point church at 6:30 p.m. Friday. On Wednesday, August 23, the high school group will meet at the church at 4:45 to go together for a swim, followed by discussion. Each person attending should bring his own sack supper. Of special interest is the Vacation Bible School to be held Monday through Friday, August 21-25. C lasses are scheduled for those from 4 years through junior high school, from 9 to 11:30 each morning. Regis­ t r a t i o n w i l l b e g in a t 8 : 3 0 Monday, at the First and Oak Street edifice. The cost of books and materials will be covered by a fee of 50 cents per child or $1.00 per family. Any child in the community is welcome to attend, according to Mrs. David DeArmond, dean of the school. Put Cereal Cheese Ball in Center of Fresh Fruit Salad Plate streamline the ease of prepa­ ration make ideal convenience foods for such delicious tidbits. For further nourishment, pass tiny hot oat muffins. The following recipe makes Cereal Cheese Balls nestled 16 to 18 cheese balls. CB R B A L CHBBSB B A L L S in the center of a fruit salad 1 pkg. ( • OXS.) V4 t*p. MAMBed lend just the right degree of Cl «am cheese, salt heartiness to a luncheon plate. room 3 to 4 drops You stay cool because there is tem perature Tabasco sauce no need to use the stove or heat 1 tap. grated 1 cup oveu- onlon toasted the oven. rice cereal The cheese balls are quickly made by m o l d i n g seasoned Beat cream cheese, onion, seasoned and Tabasco sauce u n til smooth. cream cheese into small balls, salt, Shape m ix tu re Into halla, using a ta ­ then rolling them in pufft oven- blespoon of m ixtu re fo r each ball. Roll in cereal and then serve. Y ield : 16 toasted rice cereal. Breakfast c e r e a l s which to 18 balls. Cheese Balls Easy to Make ow Possible To Shrink Hemorrhoids And Promptly Stop Itching, Relieve Pain In Most Gases. Science has found a medication with the ability, in most ca ses- to relieve pain, itching and shrink hemorrhoids. In case after case doctors proved, while gently re­ lieving pain,actual reduction took place. The secret is P re p a ra tio n ¡ f . It also soothes irritated tis­ sues and helps prevent further infection. Just ask for Prepara­ tion H Ointn «nt or Suppositories. APPLEGATE COMMUNITY . CHURCH PASTOR: Thornton S. Gapen Sunday -10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 7:00pm Evening Serv. Monday-7:30pm Choir Practice Sat. 8:00pm church work day. NIGHT DRIVING Safety experts report that driving at night is more than twice as dangerous as driving during the day, says -Today’s Health,* the magazine of the American Medical Association. In 1965, there were 10 persons killed for every 100 million vehicle miles traveled in dark­ ness—four dead for every 100 million miles traveled In day- CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (United Church of Christ) 1801 E. Jackson Street at Berkeley W. Medford, Ore. Minister Rev. Ed Wulfekuehler Summer Schedule 10:00 A.M. Worship Story - Time 1st to 3rd grades Nursery Care i.k. .. *. ■ •.». '■ • • CHURCH OF CHRIST (meeting in barracks building N. of Post Office) WHITE CITY Willie White - organizing minister Sunday: 9:45 - Bible School 11:00 - Morning Worship 7:30 - Evening Service Thursday: 7:30 - Bible study and prayer MEDFORD FRIENDS CHURCH corner Merriman & Debarr St. Medford, Oregon Pastor - Oscar N. Brown youth mlnister-Harold Antrim 9:45 - Sunday School 11:00 - Morning Worship 6:00 - Friends Youth 7:00 - Evening Service Wednesday 7:90 p.m. Bible study and prayer FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH South 1st and Oak Street Central Point Donald Baird, student minister Sunday: 9:45 - Church School 10:00-Adult Bible Class in study 11:00 - Worship service 6:45 - College age group GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH 745 North 10th Street Central Point,Oregon. Pastor, Rev. DAVID E.CAMPBELL SUNDAY SERVICES: I 9:00 a.m. worship Service 10:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Adult Class