THURSDAY AUGUST 17, 1967 CENTRAL POINT TIMES PAGE 3 Classified Ads NEWSFAFKt PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION Deadline Tuesday Noon Real Estate Y buy TSSL------- ----------------- ESS tra B ë / c l a s s i f i e d adc GOOD BUY LITTLE ADS BRING BIG RESULTS Published every Thursday by THE CENTRAL POINT PUBLISHING CO.’, at 216 E PINE St. C entral Point,Ore. 97501 p .o . Box 846 Display Rates $1.25 col in. Classified 20 words $1.00 3 tim es $2.00 .15< each add­ itional word. Subscription Rates $ 3.00 yr. in Jackson Co. $ 3.50 out of Co. Any other State $4.00 10? per copy. HEALTHY - 16 year old Junior needs sum m er work will do any­ thing but pull weeds. Call 664-2087 - anytime ask for Frank. WANTED: Office work or news media and public re - , 1 at ions. Have one year of college,m ajoring in Jour­ nalism . Experienced. Ph. 826-3921 . CENTRAL POINT BEAUTY SALON 355 E. PINE 664-1013 Sharon H arrison, Prop, is pleased to announce that Anona Jenson has joined Sharain Sutton to give their ladies the best in personalized hair styling. 3t. FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE - 12 city building lots in Gold Hill, with excellent view - lots of tre e s - city water and sewer - near school. SPECIAL PRICE at $3,500. cash 3t. Ph. 855-1298___ eat APARTMENT FOR RENT - Delux - Spacious 4-plex. (in C entral Point), 2 bdrm s, furnished and unfurnished. Each unit has w. w. carpet, drapes, totally electric with built-ins in kitchen. Water and garbage paid. Located on 393 S. 1st St. Please call 772-9859 after 5 p.m. 3t. New Pamphlet On 3-Year-Olds A new publication from the Children’s Bureau, Welfare Ad­ ministration, U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Wel­ fare, titled “Your Child From 3 to 14,” describes the changes that normally take place in a child’s personality and physical makeup during this period and indicates the best way for par­ ents to cope with these constant changes. For example, much of a three-year-old’s time, according to the pamphlet, is spent ques­ tioning. It is up to his parents to convert the child’s curiosity into knowledge and understand­ ing. His c o n s t a n t "why’s” should never be ignored. In this third year of growth, a child’s health needs will nat­ urally be demanding. The pam phlet advises parents not to wait until their child is sick or has a toothache to visit a pedi atrician or dentist, but to take him regularly for checkups and vision and hearing screening. A few moth balls placed in gar bw , m during the summer. , W w I j 1600 sq. ft., one yearnew house on 2 acres, plenty of room to expand - Excellent well, Dble carport with tool storage. Garden minded? Here you can grow your own with cheap w ater. COURT R E C O R D S ------LtGAt N0TICK FAMILY LIVING Situations Wonted WANTED - Ironing by hour in my home -2161 Taylor Road Space A. Miscellaneous FOR SALE: E vertt & Jennings Wheel Chair - excellent condi­ tion. Hand propeled. Phone 664-2208 after 4:00 P.M. 5T FOR SALE - 1959 - Universal 2 bdrm mobile home - furn. In good condition other than minor rep a ir. 1367 Gibbon Rd. Turn off Table Rock Rd. FOR SALE : 10 BY 50 Mobil Home, washer - d ry er, all e le­ c tric , Oil heat new 220 wiring, set in lovely park, See at 2161 Taylor Rd. Space A 9, Central Point - Immediate possession 57 FOR SALE - Furniture now stored: Gas range, can be con­ verted, nice dinning chrome set. (4 chairs and ext leaf). Large d re s se r, chairs .lam ps, T.V. used 1 yr. need adjust­ ment Call 826-3265 after 6:00 for Appt. to see. 2 bdrm, large basement with fruit room, f a m i l y room, Tom McCall planned for a family - single Driving under the influence garage and shop - sm all barn of intoxic liquor Dism issed. for a cow? A horse? Or a few chickens? I Ted Gann Byrd Lots of nice large tre e s, giving Imp. lane usage $7.50 plenty of nice shade - all on one acre. Close in Central Point. Robert Edward House J r . V B R $12.50 JUST USTED Relax and play in the atm os­ phere of Southern exposure in the beautiful professional land­ scaping of this lovely 3 bdrm home. Near school, church and shopping. Sun deck for morning coffee, unique patio of natural rock, for afternoon leisure or “cookout.” Large corner lot. with alley entrance, Dble. garage. Inside, easy and spacious living, fire place with glass doors. Wall to wall carpeting, lnsolaiod drapes m irrored doors in 3rd bdrm , designed for extra room for your special purpose. Closet storage in abundance. Owners will take some trade. ANHORN - FABER, INC. 411 E. Pine, Central Point Phone 664-2413 664-1276 William Henry Rowe V.B.R. $25.00 forfeit Daniel Clore Hansen Illegal possess.of liquor $35.00 Flees Into Arms of Law After e s c a p i n g from jail, Donald Bradshaw ran into po­ lice who were searching near Skamania, Wash., for another escapee. He was collared and taken back to his cell. Strikes A re Costly Strikes cost the nation’s econ­ omy 10,100,000 man-days of lost production time so far this year —the highest loss level in 11 years—t h e Labor Department reported in Washington. Crater Lake Motors Used C ars 7445 C ra te r Lake Hy. 826-4233 WHITE CITY 61 CHEVY CORVAN nw This is a sharp looking van. has curbside & rear doors. Better be first on this one. No down, |34 per month. 826-4233 Crater Lake Motors jT ra te r Lake Hwy., White City 56 PLY 4 R $99.00 It’s very clean and has real Cl€ good tire s , excellent second c a r. No down $10.00 per m o. 826-4233 . C ra te r Lake Motors White City] T ^ jS ^ ra te r^ L a k e J l^ ^ 60 DODGE 4 $199.00 Good slant six cyl. with stand­ ard transm ission. B etterbe first on this one. No down $20.00 per mo. 826-4233 C ra te r Lake Motors White City I ¿ 4 4 5 ^ ra te ^ L a k e H w y . 59 AMBASSADOR 4 DOOR WAGON . $199.00 This may be the one you’r looking for , it’s clean it’s solid, with good V8 and stand­ ard transm ission with over drive. No down $20.00 mo . C ra te r Lake M otors.w hite City! 7445 C ra te r Lake Hwy.826-42331 î/mU'lON E -.’f lO ïn d V . .» • A u . 1 A -S .p l « * l.l.m M O r*« « n HELP WANTED To spread the nawi about the EXCITEMENT, EDUCATION and really #reat ENTERTAINMENT of the 1967 OREGON STATE FAIR. The key word is NEW! New Contact Animal V illa g e , New Mineralogy D e p a rtm e n t, New Art« and Flower« Hall, New Ex­ hibit«, New Ride«, New Show«, New Fun. It'« newer and greater than everl And it'« August 26 thru September 4 in Salem. Don't Miss It! Everyone's Going! REMOVE WARTS! Amazing Compound Dissolves Common Warts Away Without Cutting or Burning Doctors warn picking or scratch­ ing at warts may cause bleeding, warts away without cutting or burn ing . Painless, colorless Compound W , used aa directed, removes, common warts safely, ugly effectively leave NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF JACKSON, PROBATE DEPARTMENT, in the M atter of the estate of HIRAM E. WEBB also known as H. E. WEBB. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as executrix of the estate of HIRAM E. WEBB also known as H. E. WEBB, deceased, has filed her final account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, Probate Dfe- partm ent, and that Monday, the 28th day of August, 1967, at the hour of 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of said day as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Date and first published, July 27, 1967. Date of last publication, August, 17, 1967 Frances C arr Executrix Jam es C. Wilson, J r . Attorney NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT TRAFFIC TUNE-UP #4 Used Cars NO DOWN PAYMENT LOW MO. PAYMENTS $99 to $999 . This is the fourth in a se rie s of 13 articles to test your know­ ledge of Oregon’s traffic laws and safe driving practices. 1. When is the proper tim e to turn headlights on? ANSWER: Lights on moving vehicles must be on from a half hour after sunset until a half hour before sunrise. They must also be on at any time when visibility is less than 500 feet. Use your headlight when driving at dusk even if you can see clearly. Other d riv ers may be facing the setting sun and it’s important that they see you. 2. Keeping to the right is one of the oldest rules of the road. There a re , however, three ex­ ceptions. What are they? ANSWER: 1. When there are two or more clearly marked lanes for travel in the same direction. (A new law which will go into effect September 1967 will require slow moving ve­ hicles to use the right lane only.) 2. When preparing to turn left. 3. When passing another vehicle. 3. How may feet must a signal be given before a turn is made? ANSWER: At least 100 feet. Mechanized or electrical turn signals should be in good working condition so that they are plainly visible either day or night. (If you would like further information, contact your O re­ gon Department Vehicles.) of Motor IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF JACKSON, PROBATE DEPARTMENT, in the Matter of the estate of EMMA L. ANDERSON. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as adm inistra­ trix of the estate of EMMA L. ANDERSON, deceased, has filed her final account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, Probate De­ partm ent, and that Monday, the 28th day of August, 1967 at the hour of 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of said day as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlem ent thereof. Dated and F irst published, July 27, 1967. Date of last publication, August 17, 1967. Lillian C. Anderson Adm inistratrix Jam es C. Wilson, J r . Attorney Teen-Agers Operate Own Store at P ro fit One of the country’s unusual stores is located in the pictur­ esque town of M i l l Valley, Calif., across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. Two enterprising teen-agers, Vicki Gross, 18, and her young­ er sister, Val, operate the Vale­ rie Ann Shop. All merchandise is made by Marin County teen­ agers, who set the prices and pocket the profits except for a percentage which goes to the operators of the store.