Central Point times. (Central Point, Or.) 1964-19??, August 17, 1967, Image 1

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    H an ley , a ry
Box 85
J a c k s o n v i l l e , O re.
Entered As Second Class Material
U.S. Postoffice, Medford, Oregon 97501
O regon
Log Truckers
Association, whose members
represent 27 Oregon Counties,
will hold its first annual state­
wide convention in Salem at the
M a r io n M otor Hotel, Aug.
26-27, according to Leonard
Lively, Wallowa, president.
for the two-day
convention is “ Cooperative Act­
ion today - Individual Results
Keynote s p e a k e r
wil be
Gerald W. Frank, Salem, mem­
ber of the Governor’s Advisory
Committee, Oregon Division of
P la n n in g and Development.
Frank’s address will be given to
the convention at its opening
session Saturday noon, Aug. 26.
Highlighting the Saturday aft­
ernoon business session will be
a report by the association staff
on log hauling rates followed
by a panel discussion. “ Log
Hauling Rates . . Negotiated,
State-set or Status Quo?*
The association is expected
to decide whether or not it
will officially champion an eff­
ort to have the state regulate
log hauling rates as it now re­
gulates the transportation of
other commodities. This de­
cision is expected to be made
on Sunday afternoon at_the final
session of the log truckers.
The convention is open to
all log truckers and their
wives in Oregon and more than
250 are expected to attend. A
complete business and social
program has been planned in­
cluding leaders in the Industry
scheduled to participate.
* Findings of a national public
opinion poll on reduction of fed­
eral spending in preference to
a tax increase are hardly sur­
prising. In the first nationwide
p o l l taken s i n c e President
Johnson’s State of the Union
Message, the public favored
reduced spending and no tax
Increase by a 13-1 margin....
(this) would leave little doubt
it seem s to us, that congress­
men and senators would be doing
the popular thing in voting for
reduction in expenditures and
against any tax Increase at this
101.4 T . .r * Awf M - fe p i 4 4 M m , O n f M
by Mabel Van Horn
The eight week long battle
between the teams, The Ghastly
Girls and The Beastly Boys
ended on Saturday, August 12th
with The Ghastly Girls as win­
A weekly score was kept on
two counts with the girls winning
The 1967 Summer Reading
Program at the Central Point
L ib r a r y theme was “Be a
Reading Giant*. A total of 248
girls and 189 boys signed a
contract to read at least ten
books during the eight week
Many of the team members
failed to fulfill their contract.
S o m e o f th e
rea so n s
were vacations, other activities
and some have moved away.
Some of the team members
joining were from outside the
Central Point area. They were
from Medford, Gold Hill, White
City, Sams Valley, Jackson­
ville, Glendale, Oregon, several
places in California and three
from Wyoming. At the last but
not final count a total of 219
children finished.
Due to lack of funds at the
beginning of the program no
parade or party was planned for
this year. We have been assured
of the necessary funds for next
summer by a Central Point
This year each one who com­
pleted reading the required ten
books will receive an Oregon
p o lis h e d
stone, a reading
certificate signed by Mr. Omar
Bacon, director of the Medford
Jackson County Public
Libraries and ticket to one of the
Medford Giants baseball games.
During the summer months
852 books were borrowed from
the H. P. Jewett Elementary
school and 511 books from the
C e n tr a l
P o in t J u n io r
High School libraries for a total
of 1363. A list of the books
were made at the Central
Point Public Library plus a new
card for each book. These books
were in constant use. At the
present time the staff at the
Central Point Public Library
are engaged in mending torn
pages, erasing pencil marks and
cleaning th e c o v e r s of each
book. The books will be returned
to the schools this month and
their library
shelves In correct order.
ExcHomont, Education and In ter-
tainmont of tfce 1 * * 7 O R IO O N
STATE FAIR—Aug w»t 3« thro Sep­
tember 4 in Salem. Something
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What do Americans think of
when Canada is mentioned?
Mountles in red coats who al­
ways get their man? Vast areas
of widerness and tlmberland?
The locale of Expo 67 and other
places to visit? If the limit of
our concern about Canada is
such thoughts as these; , our
knowledge of our neighbor to
the North is typical but hardly
PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY people were interested spectators when R. T. Jaske,
Battelle Northwest scientist, calibrated thermograph being installed as first step in $92,000
environmental study under way in the Columbia river. PGE is financing the study in preparation
for construction of one-million-kilowatt nuclear generating station between St. Helens and Rainier.
Battelle Northwest scientists
and Portland General Electric
c o m p a n y men are installing
equipment involved in a $92,000
study of river temperatures and
other environmental conditions
in the Rainier stretch of the
lower Columbia river. The first
of four thermographs , which
will measure temperatures in
the river, was Installed at the
T r o j a n site, where PGE
proposes to build a one - million-
kilowatt nuclear generating
director and research associate
in environmental and radi­
ological sciences from Battelle
N o r t h w e s t at H a n fo r d ,
Washington, is supervising the
m«fadhdloM. others thermo-
8 cities win AAA
pedestrian awards
Eight Oregon cities received
awards in the AAA National Pe­
destrian Safety Contest for 1966,
according to word from the AAA
the plant goes into operation
in 1975. Probably effects of
heated effluent on fishery
resources also will be sum­
marized from available infor­
Details of the study will be
submitted for comment and
suggestions to all of the public
agencies involved with water
quality and fishery matters in­
cluding the Oregon Water
Sanitary Authority, Oregon Fish
Commission, Oregon Game
Commission, and their Wash­
Federal agencies involved will
Include the Federal Water Pol­
lution Control Administration,
B u r e a u of F i s h e r i e s and
. 1 1 1"T*
which sponsors the contest in co­
North Bend—Safety Citation,
operation with local AAA motor no pedestrian deaths for 7 years.
clubs to stimulate interest in safe­
Albany—Safety Citation, no pe­
ty for the man on foot.
destrian deaths for 7 years.
Oregon’s winning cities for
Roseburg—Safety Citation, no
deaths for 4 years.
1966 were:
Medford—Safety Citation, no
Lebanon—Award of Merit.
pedestrian deaths for 1 year.
Dallas-r-Safety Citation for no
Cont on page 7 Col 1
pedestrian deaths for 8 years.
graphs are to be Installed at
B e a v e r ; M cG ow an below
Bonneville dam; and on the
Longview bridge.
Purpose of the study is to
ascertain whether a nuclear
reactor power plant located at
the Trojan site, as proposed
by the electric company, can
be directly cooled by river
water and operate within the
water quality standards being
developed by state and federal
water - pollution - control age­
A c c o r d in g to PGE and
Battelle Northwest officials,
data from the one-year study
will be used to predict the
temperature regime that will
exist in the river below the
nuclear plant site at the time