J lu y « , i w y CENTRAI POINT TIMES PAGE 11 DALE ROGERS IN VIE T NAM - DRIVE RS OVER 65 Blotter Other measures passed late in the session will raise ben­ efits for unemployed Oregon­ ians and create lower enempl- oyment tax rates for employers with good job-providing records raise the minumum wage to $1.25 per hour for some 10,000 workers not covered under fed­ eral law, and establish a new benefit schedule for on-the-job • accidents. Oregon is joining 43 other states for Industrial develop­ ment attraction through passage of a bill allowing port districts to develop land and buildings, without public bidding, and in turn lease or sell facilities to industry. Most observers here agree that, all in all, it has been a profltalbe - if long - session resulting in concrete benefits for nearly all segments of the state’s society. Whether the eff­ orts of those reponsible for su- c esses will be appreciated fully is something only the months ahead will tell, but there is a feeling of confidence here in accomplishments expected to stand the test of time. Oregon’s older drivers are not being discriminated against At An Khe, a company of by the Department of Motor men was leaving for the Jun­ Vehicles according to its dir­ gle, I saw no fear on their ector, Vern L. Hill. faces, only grim resolve. Here Hill said statements made and there a young lip trembled during legislative considera­ a little, probably from nosta­ tion of the driver re-examlna- Legislative adjournment, un­ tion proposal at least implied lgia at the sight of “home folks* fortunately, always leaves some the licensing agency was “too I was so choked up I could hardly public questions unanswered, rough* on senior citizens. talk « . . . When you watch our whether for reasons practical The facts he said, refute the younger American generation In or political. implication. action out here, you get the Idea As for laws passed or failed •There are more than 110, that they aren’t as foolish and this session, continuing specu­ 000 licensed drivers over 65 rebellious as we have been led lation no doubt will continue to to think. in Oregon,* the motor vehicle be heard from two sides. Al­ director said, “in 1966, 1,139 So writes Dale Rogers In her Garl Steven Grigsby though casualties often produc­ drivers over 65 - - one per diary kept during a USO tour Failure to stop $5.00 ed the biggest headlines, many cent of the total - - were called of military bases in Viet Nam. bills passed by the recor-length in for examination. Almost half Dale and Roy, along with Wayne 1967 session will emerge in of these senior citizens called West and The Travelons, enter­ Wade Leonard Swell final summation as major vic­ in for all reasons - - factual tained American GI’s in planes Inp. Lane usage $10.00 tories for the future of Oregon. reports received from courts, and hospitals, in flat-bed trucks Most disappointing to many police or families, accident in­ and old rice m ills, In stlffling here were Senate unacceptance volvement, or too frequent vio­ heat and soaking downpour. of time-consuming proposals to lation convictions - - passed They talked to GI’s chaplains Thelma Jean Jenks let voters decide on a revised the tests,* officers, doctors, nurses and V.B.R. $10.00 Oregon Constitution and whe­ •Our records of all cases others, who like themselves, ther we want a sales tax to processed in 1966 indicate were there to entertain. They raise property tax relief money. that it was necessary to sus­ saw the men in action and at Theodore Hugh Sanders Last week’s Senate defeat of pend about one-half of one per rest. They ate with them, played Sol. w/o lie. forfeit $25.00 single-member subdistricting cent of the 110,000 licensed with them and worshipped with also was a blow to many who drivers over 65. That figure them. would carry the “one-man-one hardly supports a charge of Dale Rogers recorded her Fred Chas Tompkins vote” concept down to the level discrimination,* he noted. Impressions In a diary which Is dis traf, sign forfeit $15.00 of head-on races for all legis­ The department’s 1966 reco­ now being shared with the Am­ ly sis Sample Record under “sa­ lative seats. rds do indicate that 737 driv­ mple description.* erican public in book form, as Many legislators and their ers under 65 who were called a tribute to their son who died William Harold Logan Complete a Tissue Analysis constituents wish the session in for examination on the same in Germany, SALUTE TO Sample Record at the time of V.B.R. $10.00 had resulted in more laws to basis as the over 65 drivers SANDY, which contains photo­ sampling for each orchard sam­ improve highway and motor ve­ passed tests much more fre­ graphs of their tour as well pled. Detailed records are e ss- hicle safety—although they did quently than the 1,139 over 65 as family pictures, is a book entail in deciding how to ad­ gain approval of a major bill In Spring, drivers called-in. Ninety per just fertilizer programs. that every mother will want to providing for periodic driver’s The Cautious driver learns cent of the under 65 drivers read whether her son’s struggle license re-examination. And, in To watch passed all requirements, com STORAGE AND SHIPMENT is a personal one or a battle final weeks, falling state reve­ The youngman’s fancy turns. pared with 48 percent of the 1. Wrap the sample In a mo­ for his country’s freedom. nue expectations necessitated senior citizens. istened paper towel well wrung As a little child, Sandy Rogers cutting many budgets deemed The difference, Hill said, is out to remove free water and suffered a brain Injury which MOSQUITOS. worthy by responsible supp­ due in large measure to the place in a plastic bag. Seal the handicapped his equilibrium and orters. many failures (73 percent) ste­ bag with a rubber band. It is made his life and uphill climb. But look at the successes: mming from examinations ba­ most efficient to carry a roll His great goal in the armed Largely because of what is sed on factual reports from co­ of moistened paper towels in services was to see action in In bed, amid the nightly gloom, generally regarded to have been urts, police and families. These a plastic bag. Viet Nam, but he never made I lay at rest there in my room outstanding Senate committee reports are sent to the dep­ 2. Keep the samples in an it. While in the army in Germ­ And was about to snore leadership, every major air and artment only in extreme cases ice chest or refrigerator during any, eighteen year old Sandy When, suddenly, I felt a boring water quality bill introduced and usually involve senility or storage until shipment. They made a mistake and paid for Theat put an end to all my snor- this session passed both houses some other equally serious must not be exposed to heat it with his life. ing- Legislators are satisfied that, physical problem of advancing or sun. Ship within two days In memory of their son and A mosquito, nothing more. in this area of great public age. of collection. in fulfillment of his dreams, Howling with pain, I Jumped concern, they have met all goals There’s also the fact that 3. Take all samples with all Dale and Roy, the beloved West­ from bed; they set for themselves in Jan­ younger people find it easier copies of the sample records ern stars of rodeo and televi­ uary. Skinned my shins and bumped to take tests of any kind and to your local OSU Extension sion, volunteered their services my head Because of these bills’ pass­ that, generally, they do more Agent, or mall to : Plant Ana­ to the USO to entertain the tro­ Upon the closet door. age, Oregonians can look for­ driving. Thus, they are better lysis Laboratory, Department ops in Viet Nam. I tried the light to quickly ward to cleaner air and water prepared than many older peo­ Tragedy is not new to the of Horticulture, Oregon State find in the near future. Reasons are ple. Rogers family. Their little dau­ University, Corvallis, Oregon For I had murder on my mind many: creation of regional air Hill said drivers who fail to ghter, Robin of Angel Unaware, 97331. Mail them so they will To rid that insect bore. qualtiy districts to deal with pass the first time are given died at age two. Their adopted But I couldn’t find a “hide or problems geographically and arrive on a weekday. additional opportunities to pass Korean daughter, Debbie 12, hair* qualify for federal aid, r e-st­ before suspension is ordered. was killed in a tragic bus acc­ ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES Of that mosquito anywhere ructuring of the State Sanitary Three chances are usual, he ident. And now they have faced The standard fee for analy­ upon the walls or floor. Authority and giving it more said, but as many as five tests the death of their adopted son. sis, payable when the sample W’eak and weary from the pain, power to crack down on water have been given before finally Sand. Each time they have dis­ is submitted, covers the cost I, slowly, crawled in bed again polluters, planned phase-out of denying a license. played courage, faith and un­ of analysis for nitorgen, pot- And then he bit me more. wigwam burners and rest­ failing strength even in deep- - • The DMV director said his While I lay there in misery, rictions on field burning, new assuim, magnesuim, boron and agency must constantly weigh, That evil thing made fun of me- e st sorrow. manganese. Additional fees are forest fire protection laws, gi­ Just published, SALUTE TO the personal problems result­ He sang and buzzed me o’er. ant strides in development of charges for zinc, phosphorus, ing from license suspension, SANDY (Fleming H. Revell, or chlorine analysis. Be sure In that bad place of punishment, municipal sewage treatment pi regardless of a driver’s age, $2.95) is a unique story. It sal­ They’d need no fire if Satan sent ants, incentives to spur in­ to mark the sample record when with the need to exercise con­ utes a boy named Sandy, but Mosquitos, nothing more. dustries to take immediate cl­ extra analysis is requested. trols for the public’s safety. Reports usually will be ma­ more than that it is a tribute -Carl Ferrell eanup action, etc. “The Job is not easy,* he iled to growers from county to all the younger generation Numerous streamlining cha­ whose bravery and idealism in said, “but to let personal con­ extension offices in December. nges have come about in e le­ siderations outweigh the pub­ the face of handicaps, danger Asistance in sampling and in­ ction and candidacy laws, as lic safety, in my opinion, would and death is the strength and The Department of Motor Ve­ noted in past columns, Improve­ terpretation of results is pro­ be a serious breach of res­ hope of our country. hicles urges sports fans to ments arc due in many licen­ vided by the OSU Extension ponsibility on the part of this give their car a safety check sing reqiirements and exam- Service without charge. department.* at your favorite service sta­ ptions, and in several instances tion. Make sure it’s ready to of meat, food and beverage pro­ go to bat for you! ducts sold for home consump­ Cont from Pg 6 col 5 NOTICE: tions. nuts, pick leaves from the middle of a fruiting terminal. The Central Point Grange will If you are tired of eating in, or going from one place to another has become a bore, in town or out If five leaflets are present, meet Friday evening, July 7, looking for the combination of atmosphere and fine f o o d ..............and perhaps a cocktail with that select one leaflet immediately at the Central Point Grange Just Right flavor for a light period of above the terminal leaflet. If Hall. “ I.... ■ relaxation, stop in at the “Big Wheel,* seven leaflets are present, take the Pioneer Cafe, in Central Point, one leaflet from the second pair East Pine. of leaflets above the terminal Nobody, but nobody can cook and leaflet. prepare that succulent, delicious steak Take spur leaves only if no as Hannah Sprul, who has returned to N ow Possible To other leaves are available. Note the Pioneer Cafe after a vaction from that the spur leaves were taken (Shrink Hemorrhoids work. for the Tissue Analysis Sample Hannah is well known here, having Record (part of the leaf ana­ served this fine restaurant nine pre­ lysis kit.) vious years. And Promptly 8top Itching, Wear gloves1 when picking ho­ lly leaves. The number one concern of proprietor Relieve Pain In Most Cases. John Galucci is offering his guests If you decide to take a leaf the highest quality in culinary and bev­ sample, obtain a kit and keep Science has found a medication erages to please the taste. the following in mind. . I with the ability, in most cases— The Pioneer Cafe is a family ' to relieve pain, itching and shrink restaurant, where children are ser- INDETIFY YOUR SAMPLES hemorrhoids. In case after case ved with the skill and care usually Print the grower’s name and doctors proved, while gently re­ given the adult. county and the sample number lieving pain,actual reduction took The Banquet Room is a dinning or designation on the card pro­ place. The secret is P re p a ra tio n area you will enjoy sharing with vided and place the card in the H*. It also soothes irritated tis­ your friends for any special occa- bag with the sample. Be sure sues and helps prevent further sion birthday^ or that very spec- to enter the same number or infection. Just ask for Prepara­ anniversary so Important as the years fly by. But be it a “ C o r H a i i n r o o ir * designation on the Tissue Ana- ial j , tion H Ointment or Suppositories. out. .top by the Plonoer, you’ll b . hW y you did. Cocktail Break or the dinner Cant xoi 5f . » A * • * * 1 y