Central Point times. (Central Point, Or.) 1964-19??, March 17, 1966, Page 2, Image 2

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FwblUlMd w eekly every Thunday by
P. O . • «
216 E. M ae St. C eatral Pole». O r . 97502
B U S IN E S S ”
C. W I L S O N
M e t e d a« aecoed cla w B a ll m atter at the port o ffice at
There is one thing that can p o p u la tio n of th e n a tio n an d
be said for the A m eric a n bu­ It b ir th c o n tro l is th e le g it i­
re au crat K ig a rd le s s of often- m a te a n s w e r to a p r o b le m ,
nmvs narrow lines of thinking th a t (o x e m in e n t sh o u ld be a b le
» h e n he gets on a subject such to a d v is e ih e p o p u la tio n on
as sex. he is capable of think* p ro c e d u re s .
C e atra l Potat, Oregon »7502, under act o f Congress M ar. S,
1S»7. Sebacriptioo 8 - < » par year ia Jackson County, S3. 50
la th e « a te o f O a e n a aad M . 0 0 owtalde « a te .
in g
e e ry
b ig
c o u is e
t ills
is all p ie d ic u le d on other ; h * o -
ph-'s money
S « th e n e w ­
w r in k le
alo ng the Ho- _
tum a<
w lth l
so m e a g e n c y ’
a g e n rie s
w o r k i n g on
s o m e th in g
c a lle d in te r ­
n a tio n a l
o p e ra tio n
to spend S IM
C. w H a r s tr
m illio n in t ’ .S. ta x d o lla r s to
te a c h peop le a ll o v e r th e w o rld
w h a t causes b a b ie s.
The biggest deception ever perpetrated against a free people
by any gang of power-hungry, egotistical fabricators is this
Federal Aid fiasco which the American people have fallen for
so ingloriously. Before He visited the Flood upon the earth,
God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that e\ery imagination of the thoughts of his heart was
only evil continually." We know of no better language with
which to describe those in this 20th century world who are
foisting upon the American people this ruinous falsity which
w ill bring us to penury and ultim ate slavery— complete sub­
servience to their sophisticated oligaichy.
First, who are the engineers of this knavery? It is by no
meant confined to the o ffic ia l Johnson administration; it has
been operating through the last several decades and the poli­
tic a l administrations simply furnish the implementation of the
fraud. Indeed it is not an organisation of definitely designed
framework. It is the amalgamation of mind and desire and
purpose of individuals forming several distinct organizational
bodies, some of them no more than committees, with vari­
ous individuals in some instances actually belonging to more
than one entente. We can here name only a few of those
The Council on Foreign Relations, probably the oldest.
Formed of like-m inded individuals im m ediately after
World War 1, but not actually given organizational frame­
work until 1927. Presumes interest only in our foreign affairs,
but {Tactically every move v ita lly affects our domestic interests.
Ad Hoc Committee on Triple Revolution. A committee of
32 economists, union officials, educators and others, including
Pulitzer and Nobel prize winners. Slay have been instituted
in Eisenhower's administration; only preliminary reports were
received by Kennedy; the fu ll report coming to Johnson in
1964. The committee stated frankly that the American people
are incapable of conducting their own lives and affairs in their
own be« interests and that capable hands and minds such as
their own mu« regiment every phase of our lives and assume
entire responsibility. Here is a quote from the report: "The
economy of abundance can sustain a ll citisem in comfort and
economic security whether or not they engage in what is
commonly reckoned as work. We urge that SOCIETY under­
take an unqualified commitment to provide every individual
and every fam ily with an adequate income AS A MATTER OF
R IG H T ." (Capitals ours) .
The policy- making heads of the National Education
hfr. Johnson's recently appointed 15-member advisory group.
Presumed functions: To advise the course of the Great Society
and recommend governmental reforms.
The ADA (Americans for Democratic A ctio n ). Not to be
confused as a wing of the Democratic Party- there are " l y
Republicans in it.
There are others. But together they form what M. Stanton
Evans appropriately terms the ESTABLISHMENT in his recent
book "The Liberal Establishment".
Secondly, This self appointed intelligentsia actually believes
the American people incapable of doing for themselves. Really
this is a compliment to the people, for truly, i f left openly
to th e irO rn decision, the people would certainly not give
away their privilege of individual responsibility. How wonder­
fully efficacious that responsibility ia has been demonstrated
over the last two humfred yean in the building of the most
highly developed, mort affluent, most competent segment
of civilization yet produced in history,
Thirdly, government CANNOT give monetary aid for any
social leveling or developing purpose. It doesn't have one
cent of money with which to "aid" without first taking it from
the people. Then it gives back SOME of what it has taken —
with strings attached.
Fowthly, Are these benefactors really concerned for the
welfare of the people’ NO. I f they were they would wart to
do it the PROVED American way: help them to help them ­
selves; a continuation of the method by which America got
to its unique position of affluency. W e« Germany has used the
formula to triumphantly revive itself since World War 11. T a i­
wan (Formosa) is the outstanding modern demonstration of
what good government can do to promote the Individual, demo­
cratic welfare of a lib eral, private property, free enterprise
and freedom -«Joying people.
Fifthly, We come to the question of real MOTIVE which
prompts our friends of the ambitious clique to offer us
federal aid: The money cure for poverty, for urban renewal,
for medicare, education, and a ll their other hunched* of
splurges of beneficence. These people are highly intelligent,
to certainly they know that the poor cannot be boosted into
a permanent statin of financial competence jurt by bestowing
upon them a subsistence level of income. For with free income
the recipients w ill lose a ll in cettlve (if they ever had any)
and be coztent permanently with a subsistence statin. This is
being proved over and over in the current Poverty War and W el­
fare Opus.
Which doesn't raise the quality of our citisenship,
even I f It does pull votes In the desired direction. Individual
wealth, education and like desirable emolument* of good
clrtwrohlp c.nnot be legislated or p u rc h ^ d , even with «amd
money. To thru« education upon the talented or the masses
without correspondingly importing hlghter ethical standards and
twpect for authority Is an empty and dangerous pursuit.
There can be no production w ithout work and there can be no
turtalned w ealth w ithout production.
When money is forthcom -
• • •
T h e U S w ill now c o o p e ra te
w ith a n y fo re ig n g o v e r n m e n t
who w ishes to t r a in th e ir |reo-
p le in b irth c o n tro l m e th o d s
T h e A m e r ic a n ta x p a y e r w ill
foot th e b ill
• • •
T h is is q u ite an a s to u n d in g
e x p a n s io n o f A m e r ic a n fo re ig n
p o lie s . I t Is d o u b tfu l w h en in
his f a r e w e ll a d d re s s G e o rg e
W a s h in g to n w a r n e d a g a in s t f o r ­
e ig n e n ta n g le m e n ts th a t he had
in m in d fo re ig n m a ttre s s e s .
• • •
• • •
A fte r a ll. p r iK ie a tii.n has a l­
w ays been considered som e­
w hat of a local m a tte r
• » •
A s a m a i l e r of fa c t , on ce a
lot ol p e o p le a ro u n d th e w o rld
g e l Ih e id e a th a t Ih e t . S . g o v ­
e r n m e n t Is In v o lv e d w ith heav v
h n a n c ia l e x p e n d itu r e s
te a c h ­
ing th e m a b o u t th e b ird s an d
bees, th e y a r e q u ite lik e ly to
re s e n t th is fo re ig n in tru s io n in ­
to w h a t Is c u s to m a r ily c o n s id ­
e re d a p r iv a t e m a i l e r
• • •
• • •
S o m e io y e a rs ag o . s o -c a lle d
fo re ig n a id w a s s t a r t e d to h e lp
w a r to rn n a tio n s g e t b a c k o n ­
to th e ir e c o n o m ic fe e t. N o w .
S IM b illio n la t e r , a n d a f t e r
th ese f o r m e r w a r to rn n a tio n s
a r e b u rs tin g w ith p r o s p e r ity ,
th e r e is a p r o b le m fin d in g new
w a y s to spend A m e r ic a n ta x e s .
• • •
A m e ric a n
b u re a u c ra ts
c a m e involved in fo reig n steel
auto production,
food production and in fact a ll
phases of econom ic a c tiv ity un­
til th e re is perhaps no m o re
r> »»m to proceed.
t«; » "derail r f In.lepe'-TrS'f Ku-I-»a«
“ I believe effective state gov­
ernment is important in this
day of increasing federal pro­
" I t is essential that the state
take an active part in these
opportunities to insure our ob­
taining our fa ir share of fed­
eral help without foregoing our
superintend your cultural pursuit*. The one thing they w ill
be unable to control w ill be the VALUE o f your wages, for
they w ill be helpless to prevent the rise in price of a loaf
of bread to a thousand dollars and ———-
What the boys upstairs want is your vote to PERPETUATE
them IN OFFICE and IN CONTROL. That is their ONLY
basic objective.
The chest x-ray clinic which
has been operated by the Jacit-
•on County Tuberculosis and
Health Aaan. at the Sacred
H « r t Hospital in M edford for
the p a « 12 years, has been in­
stalled by General Electric com­
pany a t the Jackson County
Public Health Center at the
Fairgrounds in Medford. I t w ill
be located permanently in the
Health Center and w ill be oo-
•ra te d as a cooperative pro­
gram of the Health Association
and the Health Department.
Decision to locate the clinic
a t the Health Center was made
by the association’s case find­
ing committee and the Medical
Society advisers to the associa­
tion when It was found there
would not be space available
In the new hospital
The clinic w ill be open for
x-teya to the public during the
same hours as at the hospital—
ta c h Thursday afternoon from
2 to 3 p m and the f i r « Wed­
nesday evening of each month
from 7 to • p.m.
Ed B a rry , co-chairman of the
association's case finding com­
mittee. pointed out that the x-
ray clinic Ja operated as part
of the »»rociatkm’s program to
detect .uoe.-culosis as well as
other respiratory and chest con­
ditions such as emphysema,
lung cancer, chronic bronchitie
end some heart ailments. Barry
also pointed out that a p e r m
could have TB and be spread­
ing the disease without knowing
The 4xS screening film s are
read by local radiologists in­
cluding D r. E a rl Lawson, D r.
Medford Native
Carpenter is a native of M ed­
ing without production, the money gradually loses in value.
ford and a graduate of H a r­
This means that eventually the money which brought us "aid"
vard College, class of 1937 D u r­
ing W orld W ar I I he eras a
far our schools, for our airports, for our hospital bills, for our
Navy pilot in N A T S . He is the
farm crops, gradually deteriorates, abetted in proportion to the
owner of Dunbar Orchards and
rate at which government issues the money to perform its "aid"
co-founder and vice president
obligations (both domestic and foreign). Which amounts to slow of Sabroeo Co , manufacturers
of pear concentrates. Carpenter
robbery on the part of the benevolent issuing government.
is a m em ber and p a « presi­
That, ladies and gentlemen, is inflation that kills whole
dent of the F ru it Growers
peoples - - and it is happening here.
League and the Medford Pear
Shippers. He is first vice presi­
If you want to "enjoy" the SECURITY of the bird-in-hand
dent of the Oregon Horticultural
federal aid without regard for the guaranteed consequence of *
Society and a past president
retribution upon yourselves and your children and grande h il-
of the Oregon Egg Producers.
Carpenter is president of the
efren. then go right ahead accepting this deceitful federal
aid largess. Eat high on the hog and drink vodka and ride
— Jackson Ccunty Coop, a pe­
troleum distributing firm He is
tiger propelled luxury vehicles while the federal gas lasts,
treasurer of the Rogue Valley
a“d as long as you can keep your eyes closed to the future's
A rt Association, a p a « m em ­
economic realities.
ber of the United Crusade, and
is currently a m em ber of the
Finally: The Great Society's presumed benevolet motives
Governor’s Advisory Committee
are 1(XX phoney, because the promised beneficial ends are
on the Arts.
impossible, and the promisees know it. A ll the denials in
Carpenter is m arried and the
the vocabulary cannot produce economic prosperity out of
father of three children, one a
teacher, another a senior in
economic vandalism.
high school, and a son who is
The only real motive behind the teem ing offers of federal
in Harvard.
aid is to gain CONTROL of YOUR money. When that hap­
pen* tiie federal bureauocraey w ill control you, and can and
w ill dictate what you do 24 hours of every day and how you
do it. They w ill dictate where you live, where you work and
for bow much. They w ill set the price o f your m ilk and
Chest X-Ray Clinic Relocated
In County Health Center
Dunbar Carpenter, prominent
Jackson County farm er and
. president of the Oregon Shake­
spearean Festival today an­
nounced that he w ill file on
the Democratic ticket for the
state legislature.
Carpenter said he would seek
Position No 1 being vacated
by John Dellenback who is
running for Congreaa.
In announcing his candidacy
Carpenter declared:
And th e re is alsu to be con­
sidered the thought th a t p e r­
haps a lul of people in other
lands know m uch m o re about
the birds and bees than A m e r i­
can b u re a u c ra ts do
If . as so m e c la im . Ih e g r o w ­
in g w o rld p o p u la tio n is a p r o b ­
le m in n a tio n 's la c k in g s u ffi­
c ie n t food s u p p lie s
an d f u r ­
th e r m o r e . i f b ir th c o n tro l is
th e a n s w e r to th o se p ro b le m s ,
* • •
it IS v e ry s tra n g e , in d ee d , th a t
So p e rh a p s it is b u t a lo g ic a l
th e g o v e r n m e n ts c o n c e rn e d do s te p fo r th e t u r e a u . r a ts Io now
not la k e steps in s te a d o f d e - b e c o m e c o n c e rn e d w ith w o rld
l<ending on th e U S .
w id e se x. A fte r a ll. w h a l o th e r
• • •
hum an
a c t iv it y
o ffe rs
A fte r a ll. a n y g o v e rn m e n t p ro m is e o f c o n tin u e d b u r e a u ­
should be a b le Io d e te r m in e c ra tic Jobs, as sex w ill be in t h -
w h e th e r or not th e r e is s u ffic i- w o rld long a f t e r th e A m e r ic a n
c ie n t food s u p p lie s to fe ed Ih e ta x p a y e r Is b a n k r u p t.
Files For
Swamp G eek
Road Repair
Up For Bid
FloydH art
File« For
Floyd H . H a rt, 34, 118 Black
Oak D rive, Medford, announced
yesterday he w ill aeek the Re­
publican nomination for Position
One to the Oregon l e gislature
from Jackson County.
H a rt, a native of the county,
is currently a partner in Se­
curity Insurance Agency and is
seeking the position now held
by John Dellenback. Dellenback
yesterday announced he w ill be
a candidate for Congress from
the Fourth District.
H a rt is a graduate of M ed­
ford High School and attended
the University of Colorado and
Oregon State University. He
served four years in the U S.
A ir Force during the Korean
conflict and is president of the
M edford Planning Commission.
In addition to his many com­
m unity and civic activities, he
is on the board of directors of
Rogue Valley Hoapital. C rater
National Bank, and is a past
director of the M edford Cham,
her of Commerce.
He is m arried and the couple
has three daughters.
Bids are being called for the
repair of 169 miles of the
Swamp Creek Road, under the
Bureau of Land Management
Storm Repair Program , in Jack-
Some of the projects proposed in federal aid are NOT DES­
son County, according to Don­
IRABLE. Some of them ARE! The important thing to re­
ald J. Schofield, district ranger
member is that WE do the paying, one way or the other!
of the Medford District Office.
The proposed repair begina
We rim ply pay much more and through the nose if we accept
approxim ately 26 miles north-
it at die federal trough. Almost 200 years have proved that
. east of Rogue River. Access to
County Judge E a rl M M ille r
ow way, The American Way, is the sure way, the ONLY way
the project area is vis the
today announced he would seek
to attain the desirable objectives and relatively fast, as
Evans Creek County roads and
re-election to the Jackson Coun.
- the B L M controlled W e « Fork
’ history goes.
ty Court for a third term ,
Evans Creek access road.
M iUer, 59, and a Republican,
In spite of what President Johnson and a ll hia intelligentsia
Estim ated quantities for the
in a statement, said:
cohorts of the Great Society want to do lor us, LET'S RETAIN
work to be perform ed include
"Based upon what I think our
THE D E C IS IO N \J R OURS FIVES. WE are not only capable
a lump sum item for clearing
county needs are, I feel that
and grubbing; 81 stations of un­
of doing it, but WE MUST DO IT i f we are to REMAIN A
I should offer my services for
classified excavation; 1.69 miles
another term
of f i n i s h i n g previously con­
, "Basically I think we have a
Of cotrne, I f you are determinedly sure that you and your
structed subgrade; 4,200 cu.
good growth in population in
neighbors in your county or your state do not have the trains
yds of crushed aggregate base;
the county and that this growth
190 lin ft. of cleaning culvert
to take care of yourselves, then the catastrophe of federal aid
calls for the need of an ex­
in place; 758 lin. ft of cul-
through the Great Society is your only, though deplorable
perienced person.”
. vert installation; 250 cu. yds.
He said he planned no inten­
of loose rip rap; and other
sive campaigning but that he
— O- —
items of work.
would get around the county
Contract time of 90 working
(Managing Editor's Note) We have never taken the privilege
and discuss issues with anyone
days w ill be allowed for per­
o f commenting on Paul Hornbeck's editorials before. Last
He said he felt a ir and w ater
formance of the work.
pollution w ill need special a t­
week in our "Letten to the Editor", we were taken to task
Bids w ill be received at the
tention in the months to come
for our efforts to bring Nft. Hornbeck's messages to you. We
Bureau of Land Management,
that the county's arteria l roads
Service Center, 910 N .E . Union
admire NR. Hornbeck for his solid Americanism. We feel
m u « be improved to meet
he has been non-partisan. We only wish our critic would
growth, and that wage scales
land, 97208, until 2 p m ., PST
for county employes must be
answer some of the outstanding fundamental editorials he
M arch 24.
adjusted In relation to waxes
has had ns print for you. We are proud of Paul Hornbeck and
Inform ation as well as plans
and specifications m ay be ob­
we are humble, for he is bringing you weekly messages that
He added that should he win,
tained from Contracting Officer,
are beyond our meager abilities.
Ashland would get its fa ir
Bureau of Land M anagem ent,
«hare in any discussions by the
Remember, this paper belongs to you, our readers, whether
Service Center, 910 N .E Union
Democrat or Republican. We revere sincere Americans!
Avenue, Portland, 97232 or Dis­
trict M anager, Bureau o f Land
Those of you who take issue with our text, if you are loyal
Management, 113 3S. Riverside
to the United State* of America and Its constitution, with no
Ave , Medford
He who has nothing knows
reaervations or thoughts for any group or philosophy who would
A guided inspection tour of
nothing, and he who knows
overthrow our govern®« ft, you are American*. I f you cannot
the project site w ill be con­
nothing is nobody.
ducted by a representative of
subscribe to being an American, there are empty airliners
enroute to Cuba. Castro neetfc you!
ment at 9 s.m , on Thursday.
Meeting place for those inter­
The Statue of Liberty lnclud-
ested in this tour w ill be at
The safety of our Republic 1* to be found in the Intelligence and the District Office of the Bur­
tog pedestal is 305 1/2 feet
eau of Land Managem ent, 133
partiotism of the common people. . . . R .C . Barrett
S Riverside Ave , Medford
Judge Earl
M iller Seeks
Richard Saul, D r. A.S. M arkee
and D r. W illiam Stewart. Film s
are filed at the health depart­
ment and are available to local
physicians a t any time.
In order to keep this a per­
manent p r o g r a m , a small
charge Is made to cover coats
of film and x-ray m aterials,
association officers state, but
pointed out that no one is de­
nied an x-ray because of in­
ability to pay
"W e are glad to have this
additional facility to add to our
public health program and the
prevention of a communicable
disease.” D r. Merkel stated.
Robert D a m e s , association
president, expressed apprecia­
tion to the Jackson County
Court for use of space in the
public health center.
Ashland m e m b e r s of the
board of directors of the Jack-
son County Tuberculosis and
Health Assn include Mrs. F or­
rest Lasher, Mrs. Que Jameson.
Dr. Dans Clark, G ary Bo-
shears and Mrs. Lawrence Mea-
More Funds
For Parks
To Be Sought
Hoads Republican
Central Committes
Donald K. Denm an, Medford
attorney, was elected chairman
of the Jackson County Republi­
can Central Comm ittee Monday
night following the resignation
of Mrs. Eve Nye.
Mrs. Nye later accepted the
position of vice chairm an of the
precinct organisation.
Gerald Evans, also Medford,
was elected alternate to the
c h a i r m a n and M rs. Nancy
Jones, Ashland, was named al­
ternate to the vice chairman.
Simpson Seeks
Senate Seat
Hugh G. Simpson, director of
pubic services at Southern Ore­
gon College, w ill file M onday
for the Oregon State Senate on
the Democratic ticket.
In so doing he w ill oppose
incumbent State Senator L.W ,
(Lynn) N e w b r y, Republican,
and others in the coming p ri­
m ary elections.
In a p r e p a r e d statement,
Simpson said:
"N ever in the history of our
The Jackson County Budget
Comm ittee is expected to I «
naked for 5100,000 for land acqui­
sition by the Jackson County
Parks and Recreation Commia
This is the same amount re­
quested at last spring's budget
session. However, nearly $64-
000 of the current allocation is
uncommitted as yet.
Jackson County now has 7.093
acres of both land and w ater
within the parks system, in­
cluding the land owned by Fed­
eral government and adminis­
trated by the county
The parks commission is now
investigating two sites on the state and nation haa it been
Applegate R iver which would more im perative that citizens
form a huge park at one of who have backgrounds of ad­
the best fishing spots on the ministrative experience, educa­
tion. and devotion to the high­
Other sites the parks and rec­ est principles of democratic
reation commission and ine government should lend their
county court are investigating time and effort to exert leader­
include, three spots on the ship in governmental affairs. I
Rogue R iver, one on Lake have long harbored an in te re«
Creek and three on Bear Creek
in this area of civic responsi­
The Commission also plans bility, and with the concurrence
to increase the facilities within of my im m ediate fam ily and
the park system this year. It the entreaties of many friends,
plans to provide 290 tra ile r sites have decided to declare myself
compared to the present 251; a candidate for the State Sen.
234 picnic sites compared to the ate on the Democratic ticket
present 173; 584 picnic tables in the coming p rim ary elec­
compared to the present 454; tions."
510 fireplaces compared to the
Simpson received his BS de­
present 397 and other improve­ gree from the U niversity of
Oregon in 1942, and spent time
in the arm ed services and in
teaching high school English
and physical education before
Traffic Toil
returning to the university to
To March 11, 1966 82
receive hia masters degree in
To March 11, 1865 : 95
education in 1953 He has been
at SOC since then
March 1-11, 1986: 12
He is m arried to the form er
March 1-11, 1965 15
Catherine L. Florence of Scran­
ton, Pa. They are the parents
of two sons, Eric 8, and Hugh
F. 12
The higheit mountain in
the world is Everert (29,141
feet) in Asia,
Government administrators running the new Medicare
program are having trouble getting the 65-and-oidar group
to sign up before the March 31 deadline This must be very
embarrassing to the politicians and bureaucrats who have
long contended that "the people,” especially the old folks,
were demanding the Medicare program.
L a te « move to sell the program to reluctant eligible» is
a thing called "Medicare alert." Under this project, s cre w
of Medicare promoters will make house calls in commun­
ities as part of a crash sign-up promotion
It is apparent that the government lacks the club of
economic persuasion in the voluntary Medicare program
that is used in signing up participants in the so-called "vol­
untary” farm programs.
One of the arguments being used to push people into
the Medicare program ia the warning that If they don't sign
up by March 31. they won’t have another chance to do so
for two years.
This is not nearly as strong a compulsion as is used on
farmers who are threatened with l o w e r farm income
through government dumping of surpluses at price-wreck­
ing levels to force them into the feed grain and wheat pro­
g ram s
It may also be that many feel that the Medicare program
falls far short of the extravagant promises made by Pres­
ident Johnson when he was running for election
This disillusionment with the Great Society which ia
croppjni UP in 7»*ny places ia generally referred to as "the
R lp n P 0* *’ 1 P0*11* w ,y oi “ y1”«
don t believe all that the A d m ln i.tr.tio n tells them in care­
fully staged T V fireside chats.
There probably is another reason for the less than whole
h earted response to regimentation, even in this day when
government pokes into every nook and cranny of life.
Americans, unlike their European neighbors, have not
fully accepted the idea that the State is the complete master
of their destinies. W e may not be as independent as the
early pioneers who broke the ground on the wilderness
frontiers, but there are some remnants of a free spirit that
find the cloak of big government a little scratchy.
-Oregon Farm Bureau