Central Point times. (Central Point, Or.) 1964-19??, January 20, 1966, Page 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1966
7««e 7
Christian Science Lecture Reviewed
And wbat can be the U8e ot bim im portant »he w ti able to help
“ more than 1 can *ee”?
others see God as good and the
gressive and fruitful >■ «—• ether * limited worts! sense of hndv oni£ cau? * L __, u
stage of existence. Maybe> we
much use to us. What is
D“ “ i “
t o * '« iw n t
v a n c in e ven rs
nan't Hr,
ia ! ¿T L 1 h*
ran h ! („?»«.
________ ___ i
rw niirod is tn coo A u rroh,«.
to indulge in envy because she
didn’t seem to be talented that
way. But she instantly reversed
Use thought declaring that, to ttw
us the assurance that w e're see-
ing something of m an's unity
with God> a “ d Reeling God’s
^ 7 ? ," T ™ ” ’
13 ° “ r
____ _______- in d iv id u a l e x n r e s sin n n f infinite» p r o o i OI progress.
piness which results from this being v are
m e ain-
ïg o immortal,
r 'r e V h n e we
« : can
k e rm
s " ; M l| *■ E(idy - - - ..r x - -
V r e of v im
X t parting
o n “ Ä and promot
spiritual activity. But to fulfill l t d health’
ogres',"to' bu ol h jm an °^igin is the coun*
f r d ^ d " o , ,tb e h e i
- - - - -
, b . , . . . . i
requires a progressively deeper life as limited "intcTthe* deeper Ln“n concepts, mortal shadows
of°C hri!t eVabI‘8h®d cj?e
understanding of what God
i M
' a
u r v s s s s
»inn will keep u, safe from all
change the face of the w ^ ’sh e
Cod produces these shadows change the face of the world. She
Progress Through Scclns Life that m ateriality can claim to do The demand U that we stond in
us h T t0 do
to us We can stand in the full the
t!,“ ' full sunlight of T ru th w h e r e .The more
as Spiritual
she came to recog-
T here’s a verse
verse in the Bible ‘“ {^ath can o ^ iy ^ o m e a ^ t h e Co/
v e beam
w arm nize
S^® spiritual
spiritu7 5.1u“
tion. a as s th
the e
Co *
l’s i-nv« ’o
nf f'lo
m___ _____
£1?® ,,?’ 7 5 and bright on us and on our ..........
P n n SIple
o f . Christianity. the
ur greater was the good, the free-
come my aalvatiorr he is my Cod, ‘^ a ‘basT cla’ m o í"a íT e rií’ Jw u's is
pealing we h tve J® »
t¿ a ‘w ®an}®
and I
> « i* a ^ s 2 L K «
t - a
t e
f t «
belief more
«UPP»7 of a rt'i« t^ ia ls"a 7 5 'w e n T ^ o m
is realized
h g ™ , ¿ ^ . e nÄ
a b n ity ^ T h r e e ' y’ea^s^ later" her happiness
Every selfless act
, ____ ___________ in
^ ¿ s z s & r
God s provision for us. Every
f‘:°m ? large exhibit to be dis- effort to know God better helps
a *af g® ®xblblt, ‘®
di? ' u S to know ourselves and yield
our b bodies and our environm ent
J l . ” T- lon’, L , ‘ “ rough the . His
correction of her lack of expec
i?n7 ’u and ‘b i ° ugh refusing to
Progress Can Begin Now
1,ln,‘ her abilities, much happi-
" T h i ? re a s 'o n S ' can be applied m U U ^ Î y m t o  V o p ^ r t Î n i t ÿ
* • - *
in spiritual reality all dence, proclaiming to the world
here for us now. We need th a t “all men are endowed by
increasing our expec- their Creator with certain un-
as His expression.
Reaify’the onlv death ’th ^ r / u 'T , evening my friend learned
that "t0- da>'-‘hough rejoicing in some taney ° P
i “ i?,®u r hum an experi- alienable
rights” and “that
Don’ most of us want to live ih’ C . X *
*,‘J ! the teacher wouldn’t be Vpmrninv
iLtuiniiiii nrnai-oc, cu« „♦ill
i____ _
more fully
With more
from disease,
S ^ ^ h ^ d o n T m ^ rj^ S S
dte " yi? « tb® reality "of ail a p ^ tm ^ n t^ S h e '0 found
^ A ^ w e * gain* something of this a ‘r®ady donei bul.distrust of one’s m an’s " h^r'itage.’ Mrs. Eddy
experience freer, happier, fuher put up w®th° w totoew * Uck,* o t K ^ l l y ^ e “ whole
-iberation frcm
material limitations is experi-
story poured'out of “the veare of enced Shadows that claim to
—i - « for hide man in God’s image
image are
are seen
?!ck,n®ss and
and vain
vain searching
nothing and are dispelled.
!c a {th tr o u g h m aterial means.
now further*
tjjis greatest
that ” ^ ^bis
insight is and
our sal-
could be blow
our happiness,
^ y f ie n d told her she didn’t heaven’
i T
Spiritual Nature of
Christian Science could help her.
The next day she returned with
As we come to k n o w fin d a«
a c o p y o f S c ie n c e a n d H e a l« » ,
(The following Christian Science
lecture was held In the First
Church of Christ Scientist, Med-
‘ord. Tuesday evening. The
lecturer was introduced by
Mrs. Lyle Newman, second
reader of the church.)
.......... ....................
for our discussion.
. These rights have their roots
In the moral and spiritual truths
which have come down through
the ages. Their seed can be
traced to every effort everywhere
c is in
n n rl
n n h a n t it
just exist?' Because th e y 'd o n ’t
“" y ■ “I " ’’ ¿ 7 Ca.n
r really
e a l!v know
know w
h a t Life
r.(«» <>r
i. fng th belief
‘s by overcoming
or God is.
,ss it appi?ar each
/th ro
u g it-
^hey haven t made room for Him applying our c r o w in c t i m d » .
in God,
their Himself,
______ standing
is Life. nt He is tai L fe* W ^ h a v i ^ ’riTh?“»^
without beginning and without
‘^ t f™m under tee shadow
c i u ^ " n d Sc re T to ^ M "t’^
0^ y ®1 daath and d«?a_d
°>d age
cause and creator. Moreover be
the realm of God, the radi­
cause God is good, everything He into
ance of eternal Life. This is
has created is good. As Christian progress.
Science makes plain, He knows
nothing of discord or decay, dis­
The Christ la the Way to
ease or death. There aren ’t two
i R n 't
« h i . r« h t *
v. school and there was”steadv 7m- is real haPP>ness and completely
oi life, namely, God, and the life learned from the cruciflxio^ a^d provemen‘- Because her p^hysi- ®alIsiyl^ - B®‘ a s.lon8 a» people
He gives is all good.
fix,onI and c,an had been so kind she made
e» seekln8 happiness in m ate-
As these facts become more so clearly understo^d th^ troVh an aPP°in‘ment with him to ex! " al,ty’ they are pursuing it in
meaningful to us, we begin to see that reaï Life Vs G od d e a th E aln w hat had happened. His I1?®, Wfir° ^ d*,rec2Lon and never
that whatever is good and spiri- couldn't conauer him H ? * « « flrst words w ere o i delight at her d 1 flnding it. There is nothing
tu a l, ' n ‘he life we’re now living constantly pVtgressing b e y o n d appearance and gratitude for her ? I 7 e,hne®t" c? ,ve to bum an Pr°8-
J".®«1 ‘" re a lity express the divine the limitingP maUriM* s e n ^ of recovery- She granted him per-
L ba? a f alse m aten al pursuit
B,‘c ’ ‘ here is no other. What things into the sDiritual A« we rn*ssi° n to exam ine her. He
apPears to be m aterial life with |ea?n to k n o ^ the n -d u re of th ! •f° i u d no evidence of the disease. Sacrlficing our beliefs in m ate-
acci^en^s» diseases, and fatali- Christ and Drocressivplv rPsnnnH
woman began to apply riality, in w hat the n h v sir a l
____ i
• »•
Christian Science
O u r H iglit tu Progress
Lcnorc I). liunks, C. S. B.
ui I ’n rlI uik I, Oregon
M> mhrr w/ ihr llwanl wf l.erlurvshtp »f
Th« Mal her ( hitn h, 1h« Firal (.hurrh «f
C h rb t, Mttonltol, m I I m I m i . M«e»«rhiM«tls
C 1<H>4
I r n v t D. H*nfc»
All riyht» retarved
ucxnowieagca in America s his-
‘7i® ??® u. T ? L a " . nnd‘ng reco«-
nition in all corners oi the earth,
brought th e b a s is L Y pT ogress-
the rights of the individual—into
clearer focus than ever before.
causation and every effect, is ress—to see it as based in spiri-
greater than any difficulty facing tual rights; to recognize it as
us. Because God is omnipotent, liberation from all that would
evil and limitation are impotent, impede our spiritual growth.
But in order to see this proved Such progress is universal and
we need to line ourselves up with possible to everyone in the de­
divine Principle. We must live gree that its spiritual nature is
up to God’s moral and spiritual understood. This is progress
demands. Obedience is lib e r a - ? om th ! hu,m an ‘° the divine,
tion not restriction
from material sense to Soul, from
If we *•**•***
think our v enjoyment
is *„
to Life- i trom
. **
n j v j in c iii i>
i, « m r------
^» 0 ,
le?di„ g
, rom
sion and experience of good, less and needs to be outgrown
the i It n springs
from m m T
of Franklin,
the T ^ ’i a one
^ i o n of : has
g ^ Ä ’the
t a ^ b e h e 'f likeness. Jesus consistently ex- - ‘»"ger needed
o7 an
said. H<* who Khnll mtrnrius««» into
-------- 1 *<. _ *.
. ..
a lle r c v sh p had r a r p fn iiv u m fn h o j
A Lecture
Z ’l
sired a n ^ 7 t o * eJ i ? 7 ^
?irl d and ‘5 bring out he“ 61- and man, we cannot fail to foresee
higher results, often ham pers the the doom of all oppression.’’ In
V1.? ° ‘ one s wings and ensures the next paragraph she adds:
failure at the outset" (Science "Christian Science raises the
and Health, p. 260). A limited standard of liberty and cries:
outlook results in limitations. A 'Follow me! Escape from the
wide horizon of expectancy based bondage of sickness, sin, and
on spiritually scientific under- death!' Jesus marked out the
standing brings the fulfillment of way. Citizens of the world, ac-
these desires into our lives.
cept the ‘glorious liberty of the
So we need to stop limiting children of God,’ and be free!
s - z » . n is m e r i p e n - lh e fa c e o f th
w n r id
A nd hZ
!h i m /X V “ 1
« showed us the way when he
‘h1’ mortal is dropped for the im said, "The Father hath not left
m ortal” (Science and Health, p
Th.s mortal h as' n V V e a l ™ n S ° 7 h ^
‘•xistuiiee but is just a shadow of 8 29f This was how he made^a
™h.at 18 ‘rue and eternally pres- h a b ita tio n tor r ./r i
T here’s . n
comes from subjugating these
rights to the state. A free society which reads:
is the only climate in which prog­ “The shadow of a dog cannot bite.
ress for all can be attained. We The shadow of a sword cannot
need to guard our individual
p ‘®rc®.
rights. We can only do this as
we see their basis in m an’s spiri­ Ihe^i shadow ° f dCath
tual nature.
ft mOf!rCkS CO,neS f ° ‘ r mUCh Vhhi *hT°Ad hWH be afraid Of a
S ° W
no ¿ ^ ^ o T s i b s ^ ^ n '
the physical realm shadows are
8*m Piy ‘he result of the partial
blocking out of the sunlight,
The sun hasn’t disappeared. But
something gets n u t s . way
-- and a
shadow is cast. We s^«°eneShad'
know sh a d -
ows have no consistency
sistency or
pcimaiienve. They’re
1 hey J only the
result of some degree of dark-
n e ss At h ioh nnnn
~ —
were ful-
filled in him. __________ _____is
Jesus was able to assert
right to perfect life because he
s?w j o clearly that the Christ,
J ^ p a ra b le
'JUU‘s ‘ne only cause and creator.
w»,„„ 7 , .? „ ® . pr.
p a y_?Sien.tiflcal!y
y scienuncaiiy.
« « e ^ O T ?’ be
c,reate or cause discordant con-
ditions. Therefore they are un-
When we
wvu us o p im , the sub-
stance of all reality, it becomes
t7 ly ■ ^ubstance
d e s tr u c tib le \l? d ^ is e a ^ it« 1, r 2 '
fills all
d u fg e n c ^ Ä ^ ^ ^
a aoesri i come down ¿jjyQjve
pains of these senses anc^ fiom insecurity of material
anu. foundations
It opens the to
tQ life Principle.
and the pursuit of happiness for
everyone. It gives a fuller h u ­
man life all the way to the un-
tr ,,^
---- they’re from the same source dem andin g of God as divine
ness ^ consistently
S e n t l T w e need
S Ä see
; But
whenever we take our stand¡
° „ . “I
? “ . ^ , ' /
Hut tbe
stand l ^ ‘n d 5 greatoVhLoo^
complete liberty,
it as a sptntuai q we
u a l to
i t y on
Sp*r“ a" d spiritual
happiness all the way
M i n f i n 7e
^ n d ” Z t0 tbc cer‘a *n ^ joy of spiritual
tV b i^sf
whlch demands oi divine 1 Principle understanding. V
we really
would b T m o r e ^ d f i we re started on the way to tnie' sct °,ut i° 5x5fcise
exercise ana
and enjoy the
® ™adlly a“ a lned happiness. We’re being liberated ,sP‘ritu3l rights with which we
keeping if sought ^ S o u l " 7 7 from the dissatisfactions and u n - h3Ve been endowed, we find it’s
t ! ' , c i . ?°ugnt “L ~ °u l. ‘p - happiness that m ateriality brines heaven a11 ‘be way to heaven.
^ . ^ c o T s U n U ^ s t ^ i S ’joy
This turning away ir’ m m atei And lhls is Progress.
as the intrinsic nature of a l^ th a t r,a l.sense is a demand made upon
He has created. And through Us £ .w®5e to erVoy °u r divine
to /S ra im tl
ba°s^ to i% l7 w s°dwoTk.“ H “ c S ! we,h re1Hbe ‘h a ‘ 11Hcra^ lle‘e r n ^ ^ r t i ’o n " "
“s ^ W e
College Professor
t h e r e ^ ^ t h e Nominated For
" diVi"e Harbison Award
^ . t u lv e only demands th at we
o t t
b7c5t.UP Mo^eo^e"/8
® ? V ^ ^ » P b e tT n ir^ X n E ^ e n T S e
d T ^v® “ 1
111« and using those that have
° f Hls Periec‘i° n- There can be sh a d JU ^ f th eT n r7 !n
When my daughter was small n a r D , S O n A W O T O
already been divinely bestowed
c ° S‘7® j ® r s ‘ ages ° ‘ disease. ¡n {0 what is really there
sbe b ad a serious accident and
rv ..
d i , 1
upon us. The Bible points again
?,!nc® God ls the only law maker,
Professor Ehistein
broke her arm. We called for
Phelps, assistant pro-
The lecturer spoke
thing of this when heSsaid ^ ‘A r- help ,rom a Practitioner, but the fessor of geography at Southern
n the Declaration. Paul tells us
W SUP^?rt 8 ~ ®tUS® . ° ---------
r ®ffect rows
rows of ! f hate
im e have
T ia te keen
h^m shot
th o t at 7t Shlld
?hlld was
was stin
still sobbing
sobbing when
when her
her Oregon
Oregon College,
College, has
has been
been nom-
tiully as follows:
To be spiritually minded is life"
Him. n Therefore
anv me’ to®’ but , they
" av® "ever
Been ?h°t
at i,athe[.
,athpr ram
„ home He w asn’‘ a inated tor ,u
« «■ E. ..T
c art
^ nt
P ’ rv,i„a
m kid’t! ™
h it
it me
the " laoi-oo
H a arris
During the lust war as th ! ‘Bom.
rn s
8:6) and “Where the Spiri
clanP 01
evu has no to
— r .1___
— belong
*— to
- 1’
‘ bu‘ . ' because Harbison award for distinguish-
American troops swept w r 1 - ° i . th? Lord is, there la he
ate ‘i ’ no substance
island of Okinawa, a w ar cor- (H cor. 3:17). The Psalmist
m e s s sn ir iti.n l nilnh»8« , y „.„
no Place to be, no time
family healed through scien- - .
respondent, who was following ntomiscs “Hannv i< n ,« i .,.„,.,1..
progress in our understand- tiflS P^ayer> he didn’t demand ‘°.
of the true nature of man and
1 531 by the nounced
relationship to God the arrow s ?hlll s
aU night declaring her rum inations for the
m aterial sense can n e ith e r find freedom from m aterial laws. By n,om,naiioos ror tne award
or h u rt us. We’re beyond morn*ng ^he acute pain was gone, are ma<^e by a large company
___ reach when the truth of God though she was afraid to move
advisors to the foundation
c iu u j
f Ä
t M
and man becomes established in h®wari“ *.
across the country, including
Man's True Liberty
our thinking. Isn’t this the an -
**® n a d n t been up long when students, teachers, and admin-
for one—Shimmabukc. Thirty limitations'
— limitations which real nature we’re the offspring to do with m atter and its limita
-- -
** call came from —
Mary Baker Eddy had the
this A m village
had are itions
been V isited
l.v 1...
e ric a n mT.
beyond our control and of God—sustained by Principle,
»h«, e^point’
" ! i 7. o f"our
I 8 sP‘ritual insight to discern the problems, for H vm T tog^heT har! neighbor. A member of her “ 7 ! th!nni>Ur7 7 e
P r*nclp,e- tions
‘ions. Reallv
R e a ily ’th
J 11. Y ! 1 n Vn c a '\7n s- which automatically hold us created by Mind, beloved
KoinvoH of
r»f whole
«■•Uni«* h ! m a n _ __
___ ®
honor outstanding teachers
sionuiy. He had left two Chris- back. These restrictions may Love,
’ t „ ,. i .
« . . . ? n o l e .. h . u m # n
tian converts and a Bible behind. take the form of lack of intelli- Spirit
These men had made the spiritual gence, ot limited opportunity due names
truths contained in that Bible to social or environmental con- cnee !_
come alive for the whole village. ditions, or of physical disabilities. And
„1 .vam y « me in-
Then in our orecent evnorinnro ran
Every man, woman, and child Material means alone can't over- dividual expression
of God’s wc sh a ll h « 7 ! » ? ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 ,7 ;
weekly the lower. This lays the founda- wanted ‘° stay home with my ness “ re“ g‘ous inquiry.
which m r o a d ^Boston
in part:"
in Shitninabuke became a Chris­ come these difficulties because a “ .‘lure standing A lw a y s a t 't o ! U m H a tio w 'a n d ^ b ^ a u S T f r S ! P a P ^ name
... j
.. . . .
Qf human affection jn hne daughter Here was a chanen_e
The Harbison award was first
tian. And there developed a material view of life is their P»“>‘ oi perfection, not advanc- all the evil that is so of"en a 7 person
desiring to learn how to
Christian democracy at its purest.
Progress, giving them of my trust in the Christian Sci- established in 1962. As many as
Then tunic war, and the Ameri­
Docs any material remedy l‘>:ht of all that God ' i s T h e perience“’ Instead ‘T /sh T h "!!!™ i’n d 'er'sig n ^V stru ctio n toa\* will strength and perm anence” (Mis-
.ubat had been eight awards wiU be offered on
can Army. When its advance for disease promise perm anent recognition of this fact is bound better health, more abundance
ui »».
. , collaneous W ritings, p. 287).
g ?Ln,1D?s,k®7 the youngster if a national basis. Each recipient
putrols approached the village
to enrich our lives. T here’s a and increased ooDortonftto«’ !n ®nabl® them -0. co,? i? ence hea1’
When we make a habitation for ®h® ‘bought shs could go to the wi„ receive a „ ant to hiL in.
with guns leveled, the G l’s health? Or can you be assured ilcflnite’rela~Uonship“between
d e fin ite reln tin n ch in i
. our
. . . symbols
,c ®,®a opportunities, all mg on a principle of Science with divine Love we find that Love nursery school she attended
,u receive a grant to nis in
g o t itre !g to i n t o l l l g S Wc‘b *® tbought s° “ ‘h®y ! T tK? ,n . the ,mount ol ““
stopped in their tracks as two that just because you're happy present experience and w hat we
little old men stepped forward, today you won't be unhappy to- know about real being. The more spiritual understanding that God Present modes." Here was con- and freedom to face and over- i ' ° , " ‘ make her do anything, full salary for one semester or
bowed low, and began to speak. morrow? No. This is because the
is the only Life,
viction based upon spiritual un- come any m aterial condition. As x® 1 ‘°°k her and requested th at two quarters work of graduate
An interpreter explained that generally accepted means of w t know about our true self­
derstanding. Many were taught wc make room for Spirit, our
no^ L>e asked to participate study, depending on the aca-
they were welcoming the soldiers progress has its basis in m aterial- hood, the better out experience Liberation Is a Divine Right
and many were healed.
true self, our own spiritual iden- n $ ® ^ rUalunPdre°r% 7 d . , M®n‘? ,ly demic schedule of his institu-
ism, mere hum an efforts to will be, and the more progress
us fellow Christians.
, . n. . r under God s control .._..
. ... .
__ ,
True liberty is a God-bestowed ,u ° " e « th£ most progressive tity.
tity, becomes clearer. Constantly
make. As we
The G I’s sent for the chaplain achieve a specific end, reliance on " e
7eM?‘Ve UP righTbOTed on‘V ™ n f t . o n WoUf ‘hings Mrs. Eddy did f,°'r m an‘ entortaining th i thought of di- and
His >®v,ng care Then I tion. He will be able to attend
and officers of the Intelligence human intelligence and human oli* belief of life in m atter, our Spir ,tuai causation And "spiri- £,ln7 ^ a.s
m ake *‘ plain that vine Life protects us from acci- went to my friend and had a full the college or university of his
“ ® n science and God isn’t the cause of the ills dents, sickness, and the deteri- day
P , ua* “ J1“ U°
b®‘ng a good neighbor.
Service. They toured the village abilities alone. Soone :r or later ''h o le human experience, includ- ?pa
and were astounded nt what they such reliance lets us down. We “ ’K < h »’ bodies, is going to be im- Health statos P;is the one aues- 'y h*ch confront humanity, and oration of old age. Abiding with
^ tc ln ‘he afternoon when I
W i n n e r s of the Harbison
go uvvpvr
deeper than
i»v to
iv kv
m a n that. We Pioved. W herever any discord ,*
to be c o n s it e r e d tor m ore that
ln a l He
n e is
ls the
ln e only
o n ‘y cause.
c a u se , That
m a t Soul, we have more spiritual returned, “
uu™ the
me child
cnna hang-
found—the intelligence, poise, have
I found
award will be announced during
J „ th
.®red. for more this understanding is our pro- insight, deeper understanding !ng from a jungle gym
and gentility of the villagers, the ne •ed to understand man’s divine may seem to exist, there s a place
w be,e something more of God S
’ “ ,0
‘®ction from thcse d >8- She had and greater inspiration A con- both arm s Of course’ I « couldn’t the winter of the 1966-67 school
spotlessly clean homes and rights
The widespread skepticism as and of m ans relationship to Him , 70) Soon
, , p. g ,, h (p’ to prove this for herself. The sciousness of Truth as the basis flave been happier. And
streets, the high level of health,
I gem.
whether progress is possible needs to be seen The under- 1 ,u ,‘ soonoi or latei we all hare _ Baker family
„ ......
*ruui the
as unchang-
m e p a sis li>nrn„d
-------- „ By sur-,
happiness, and prosperity. They
all —
good ----
peo- of all reality reveals
’earned „ a useful , lesson.
pie living up to their
had seen many other villages in
eir highest ing perfection of creation. Open- Rendering a personal sense of .
Okinawa in direct contrast to
concept of right. Yet they hadn't ing our thought to Principle as L°ve and completely trusting my A ‘"°ught for the day—Mark
. .r .
n u ilO h tn r
. — -J
iW a in
a a M .
______ *
this. What had made the differ­
the been sPared the calamities which the
upon which
daughter ♦/-»
to God, T I L had
opened . Twain
said: "Work consists
ence? The answ er came from the i t . ------i v ' 7 —’ XL” ■— th in k in * tor T i l
• Z- J ---------- one and only Principle as the at one ? me «r another confront creation rests brings God’s con- ‘he way for m aterial laws of time, whatever a body is obliged Io
evervthinB w ! many ot us- Mrs- Eddy's dearest trol into focus. As we hold to reconstruction, mending of bone, do
’ 7
people themselves: "We have, liberty, and happiness. This un- !.hl.n k “ig foi Life as God, ever t
. v ®V!Lythk
v ‘ J
v hrnthpr
«1.. one Mind, ___
____ *. the
_ _ un- a n A d nd, SO
all powerful, supreme, J?®, . .
ng ” ,®
brother had
had HicsH
died nt
at tko
the nnm
m m - . cnly
we « have
8® forth
ioi ‘b : tr»
,‘° ho
, be overcome, whatever a hodv^(a
honored sirs, tried our best to derstanding ope ¿ns to all the op-
follow the Bible and live like portunity and ability to go for- ‘"hnite, and always expressing ?® h.. d t o in ! in m ir t h ‘S P r ‘ n i‘P!ie mencement of a brilliant career, erring direction which makes A,n d lhc chlld bad her freedom.
,v bt a Bnvnvnir>a
d c i'in
e intelligence
innseit , in
tn , man,
w e re going
going to
to tbe
r e -nine
a n»
n7 her husband in the flrst year of progress, health, and well-being ?‘ s experiences like this that
1 Himself
.. . we’re
-»H m ! or rn Mind,
Here then is the key to real ?avV ,a , b®dy that e a n t become c a u s e d all th a t is or thato!!™!«8 their marriage.
One tough old army sergeant
marriage. Mere
Mere hunr
hum an a natural part of our hurrian ex- brlng true happiness. They give
goodness has never guaranteed perience. Most of all as we make
remarked, "I can’t figure it—this progress—to see that it stems disabled, decayed, or worn out. Ttos is a w .m dlrfoi ¿ 7 7 ? 7 7
kind of people coming out of only from undei standing the nature of Bnf ’.V^'nderstamling is greatly derStand God. When we * make exemption I from
misfortunes, a habitation for God, there comes r
u y , m an an d Ins r e la tio n sh ip to G od.
t d. > Many people have , ,
habitation for G od 7 nd Mrs Eddy began t0 «limpse the desire to express more of the
a Bible ana a couple of old g guj
,u s.” Mary Baker Eddy the Discoverer
we re not going to be limited or’ h®. reason w hy' Pe°P’e were C hrlst-spirit, U? make our con
*• .w » •» Vw
who wanted to live like Jesus
ntly, and Founder of Christian Science, 'W ;U t oi s. There s a gnawing blockJ ‘ goa* g ® ^ L i
a ! ,
believing --------
Then he added significantly
I ”. * *
"Maybe we’ve been using the saw progr
Æ IÎ !
wrong kind of weapons to make God." She
and He_..................... „ ....
the world over."
When the war correspondent Scriptures": “Every day makes n°J*her willpower nor money can
We begin to see that things
There was a time when she spiritual, and we possess it in the
___ ___
av®id .-B ut. God'8 ,d.e- aren ’t beyond our control.
was shown the w eather-stained its demands upon us for higher be„,pJ
on tro l
W e s®®??- i? ’os® everjdhing w orth-
egree that we’re living such
- •— J-
. ' • ••
and frayed Bible which the peo­ preofs rather than profession, of r t h e ^ l t o w h ie V T x T ° Ur
don’t ' ha?e to °be b u f f e d Yy* " hU® ln. h“u man U T ^ h e a h h , quTm les'as exVectanc’y "o? good"
ple had used for thirty years, consi’st^olely'V n the destructhm and 'ecognize its indestructible cba,lc®
1>At* n rovare oneuiûm/^
a « w «B .
First Church of Christ, Scientist
recognize its indestructible uppuriunny, nm iiea supply or !3a? s®ep her prayers answered demands, and unselfishness,
thev handled it as reverently and
. 7 v —» — ---
, .. .
helplessness. We have b r ig h t to before. If this hadn t always been
Every right desire can be ful-
lovingly as if it were the origi­ of sin, sickness, and death by the na7,‘v®
100 Wtadse* A,«., 1 IlMk touth *f E«t m *««
w hen we re living up to this co|£
, f
. r,g? ■ so, she was certain that the fail- filled. But we often seem to lose
nal Declaration of Independence. pawcr of Spirit, as Jesus dc-
And no wonder. Through the strayed them This is an element demand w e re daily and hourly ^ ‘’¡ ^ 0 the sunhght of Cod’; ure was with her. There was our happiness or pass it by If
Subject: January 23, 1966
spiritual truths contained In the of progress, and progress is the L®iT.c_tl ng_tbS..common..fear ‘.hat comDlete con trol n !d fin d » !? ., something more about God’s na- we w eie to check our thinking,
Bible they had come to learn that law of God, whose law demands
,° r '•ri,er everything dis- iibelpy This purified thinking lu r® sbe needed to learn. One of we would be amazed at how
all men "are endowed by their ° i 1®f„only what we can certainly
a , s' There s a story about „larks the human progress of her biographers says, “Hers was much of the time w e’re closing
Hi,ua»t”r w1? certain unalienable fn’<” (P 233) This is the kind
s u m m e ^ ! ^ ^ 81! ! 8 m ’ each one of us into tlTe reality of ? desperate attem pt to break the the door on the fulfillment of ou?
are life, liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness."
These words from the Declara­
tion of Independence clearly
establish on a spiritual basis the
Individual rights which are a
fundamental condition for uni­
versal progress. This is their
as a
divine law it reaches everyone,
-veryw here. I I t’s
t’s irresistible.
As we meet God's demands
for higher proof, of C hrl.tlan
power In the destruction of sin,
sickness, and death, we find the
true concept of progress. It's the
also, bad hi« first experience with
’ l.,nb!'rn: *® one ‘bought to tell
"» --------
process -------
. that the pe«“
a n o temporary
n ^ rn h ^sa'id^n
hi°. m7tomUu’}
™ he said to h ism other, "I
d d® ‘ ‘b,nk d start wearing out
at six years old.
We don t have to start wearing
^ h U
° L e s et r u ^ b S ° n hU
freedom from disease- h i s ’lik«7
ness to his Maker was what he
used to heal everyone that cam !
to him. We can accep ^th e f ^ t
this . '-■'■‘»h
Christ, TruUi
ta nere
— ........
n u u i, is
„„a „„„
L ne5®
.t<7 ay and
can a Ppear as consti-
tuting ou
our r n na?urePPW
henever w e
a tu r e
make the effort hum anly to ex
Our body is part of this human
C0„ nsciousness
X ° ° ° ys‘ss that
pha ‘‘ must be seen
p a r e r im
m ■»
in ,1
a s clearer
if we’re to be
really free. Do you remember
Robert Loui, Stevenson’, little
which startg;
t0 hi r weaning from hum an de- impossible to attain,
Pendenc« came the necessity for
I have a friend who years ago
¡!8„ ng
_7 ,eJ divine. The learned to keep the door of her
7 ° re , sh*. ’faned,
the more thought open to the infinite pos
?‘rongly •»>«<•“ » c support of Abilities of man and to her own
the everlasting arm s." At last expression of these abilities. It
the spiritual cause of everything has brought her a great sense of
‘I have a little shadow that goes became clear. Then step by step fulfillment. One day as she ad-
ln and out with me,
she rose above adversity. Most mired a portrait, she was tempted
Church and Sunday School Services at 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday Evening Service,
Yew Are Always Weiaeme