' ->"> ■» ~ - - - V » • . \ s % 1 * » X v «» h » »X j»\ ». •« V» -«v ■*. », *• *•.’<* A «r 4 THURSDAY; JANUARY 20, 196« i S ancìn ST Central Point TIMES ECONOMY MARKET 420 E. Pine Central Point EVERY SATURDAY NITE Legion H e ll, Central Point Featuring T R U TONES BeueCt.Cold H U I ¡OOF Bldg. 8 - 9 DAILY 9 . SUNDAY legal CLASSIFIED A D S P AY Notices - ccassifisd U R G E N T .. Responsible party (school teacher) needs a 2 or 3 bedroom unfurnished house N O T IC E O F P U B L IC to rent in the Richardson School H E A R IN G Notice is hereby given that a district by Jan. 31. C a ll 664- Public H earing w ill be had and 1142. 1 tm c. held by the C itv Council of the C ity of C entral Point. Oregon at the C ity H a ll at the hour of "REWARD ! Lost, a teenage FIRST INSERTION, up to 15 words................................75« 7 30 P M.. F eb ru ary 1, 1966 on girl's Christmas present. Four (over 15 words figure at 5« per work) the m atter of the construction SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS, up to 15 words................... 5O< months old Chihuahua, light of a Church by the Congrega (over IS wards figure at 4< per word) brown with black ta il. Lost last tion of Jehovah’s Witnesses on Lets 1 and 2. Block 40. O rig in a l "BUND" or KEYED ADS, minimum • • • • • • , . « , , , , $1,SO Friday evening across from Van Tow n. C entral Point. Oregon in (Ads answered at die newspaper office instead of dir­ Wey's market. Finder please accordance w ith the provisions ectly to advertiser are double rate) of O rdinance No. 304. of the c a ll 664-3930. 1 tm p. C ity of C e n tra l Point and at said hearing a il persons in te r­ ested w ill be heard upon the FOR SALE question. 52 Oldsmobile - Sedan, as is By order of the C ity Council of the C ity of C entral Point. $46. Fritzi Taylor , Rt. 2 F . W. Mason T O M ’ S ELECTRIC MOTOR Box 321, Central Point. C ity Recorder REPAIR AND REWINDING 826-2007 « » « • 1645 Scenic Avenue N O T IC E O F P U B L IC Central Point, Oregon H E A R IN G FOR SALE N otice is hereby given that A ll work guaranteed. a Public H earing w ill be had We B u ild To S u it1 and held bv the C ity P lanning 1 Midnight blooming cerous Commission of C entral Point Paul Hornbeck, Insurance cactus, 1 Organ pipe cactus, Oregon at the C ity H a ll at the Agent for Farmers Insurance both about 4 feet ta ll in pots. hour of 7:30 P .M ., January 25, Group. Auto--Fire— T r u c k - 1966 on the question of the Life. 664-3192, Central Point Change of Zone of Lots 9-10-11, Coffee table— new Block 9, O rig in a l Tow n of C entral Point, Jackson County, Short-wave radio, In leather Oregon, from Residential Zone I, to Com m ercial Zone II , in We’re CLOSING O U T . Our carrying case- w ill reach out accordance w ith the provisions Cable Spinet Pianos, whole­ to Europe. of Ordinance No. 304. o f the sale priced. $495. Lusfc Music C ity of C entral Point, and at Co. 333 S. Riverside. 772- said hearing a ll persons in te r­ ested w ill be heard upon said First trailer with cover, west 8635. question. of Double Dee M ill on Black- H a rry Tonn w e ll Road. N iC O A PLUMBER? C hairm an WANTED- Painting - « H estimates • • » « Interior or exterior. Free BEPAWS - REMOOIUMO N O T IC E O F P U B L IC exim ates with prices with- H E A R IN G le e n e m y Plum bing FOR SALE» N otice is hereby given that >a reason. C all 855-1177 ••♦•USA- 1949 Chev. 3 /4 ton pickup. Rodney E. H a ll has petitioned tie 4 speed. 700-15-6 ply tires. the Planning Commission of the C ity of C entral Point fo r Good condition. 664-2856, permission to construct a M u l­ 1 tmp tip le D w e llin g (4 plex) on Lot 3, Block 9, O rig in a l Tow n of C entral Point, Jackson County. DRY RED FIR peeler cores. Oregon. This property being Cut to oreder, split and del­ (F ormerly w . r kinca ' id situated in Zone 1, Residential. Girls over 18 for full or part ivered. $14 cord. 535-1289. The Commission has fixed the E. P in e - 6 6 4 -2 4 0 3 hour of 7:30 P .M ., January 25. tim e work selling Holiday Ma­ 1966 at the Council Chambers gic Cosmetics. Very profitable in the C itv H a li as the tim e and No door-to-door necessary. place for a Public H earing upon NEED GRAVEL, GRANITE, said Petition. A n y persons in ­ For details c a ll at room 200, terested in said petition or SAND or RED CINDERS ??? 216 E. M a in , Executive Bldg. having objections thereto are How about home—site level­ notified to present the same at (above Zales Jewelry) ing, dozing, landscaping, said hearing. 9 to 5, or c a ll 779-3787 By O rd e r of the Planning dump-trucking or back hoe Practice sessions f o r South­ Commission of the C ity of service?????????????????» ern Oregon College’s newest in­ C e n tra l Point, Oregon. C a ll 855-1450 Anytime H a rry Tonn tercollegiate sport, sluing, got SL a E wood C hairm an underway last week, according COLD HILL CONSTRUCTION 16" - $12.50 for a big lo ad . • * • • to coach Dan Bulkley. Dardanelle Comers Gold H ill MAC'S FUEL S C H O O L D IS T R IC T Bulkley report», d a turnout of B U D G E T C O M M IT T E E Phone 772-9206 or 855-1551 nine prospects for the first ses­ M E E T IN G N O T IC E sion Monday The coach also ) said he would split coaching State o f Oregon, County of Jackson, ) ss. - duties with Buck Martin, head MORE JACKSONVILLE ) of the Mt. Ashland Ski School. School Bist. #6 N otice is hereby given in Continued from Page 5 Martin will handle the Alpine 576 having been a reiident of events (Slaiom. Giant Slalom, compliance w ith C hapter G .L ., 1963. that a meeting of and Downhill) and Bulkley will southern Oregon for 23 years, the Budget C om m ittee w ill be take the Cross Country events. w ill be greatly missed by his held in School D istrict No. 6. First action for the new Red Jackson Countv. Oregon, on friends and acquaintances In Raider skiing team will be Jan. Thursday, the 27th day of Jan­ 29-30 in the University of Ore­ this community. Loas of claves during winter uary. 1966, at 8:00 o’clock P M ., gon Invitational at Bend. T h e months does not always mean Survivors include His wife Pacific Standard T im e , at the team’s only home appearance C entral A dm in istratio n Office, they are diseased, according to Mary, daughters; fvfrj. E. O will oe m the Skiesta on Feb. w ith in said district, located at Dr. Glenn B Rea, state veterin­ (Clara)Graham, Mrs. Eva San­ 26. "We hope to schedule at arian, Oregon Department of 451 No. 2nd St., C entral Point, least one other home meet,” at which tim e the budget mes­ ford, Mrs. R. D. (M ary Susan) Agriculture. sage and budget document w ill Roberts; sons, Job, > . , Russell Bulkley reported. Rea said knowledgeable live- Entering the Alpine events be submitted to the Budget stockmen and area veterinari­ H, ; 11 grandchildren and 4 great will be Corky Barrell, Joe Hum- C om m ittee for its consideration. ans report that many of these grandchildren. asti, Ray Richter, Bob Reich- T he m eeting is a public meeting calf losses could be avoided by ers, Michael Scripter, J o h n w here deliberations of the Bud­ Also, being extended Is the proper diet and good housing. heartfelt sympathy to the fam i­ Thom s, Ken Whitehouse a n d get C om m ittee w ill take plac< He said malnutrition and dehy­ Bjarne Jensen. Jensen. Reich­ and where anv person may dis­ dration are often the cause for ly of the late Irene Culy, whose ert, Thomas. Whitehouse a n d cuss proposed budget estimates the loss. unexpected death has grieved Bob Ducich will participate in and proposed programs w ith the Discussing the calf losses re­ Budget Com m ittee. the Cross Country. the many who had been privi­ ported this time of year, Dr. Dated this 11th day of Jan­ “ This is our first year with leged to meet with her and to George Coburn, of the livestock skiing as an intercollegiate uary, 1966 disease control section of t h e know her sunny smile and a l­ C. A . M eyer sport and we don’t expect great department, pointed out that an­ Budget O fficer ways a cheery word she had for things," Bulkley said “ We hope imals in the western section of to get a good start at develop­ everyone. the state are not used to cold Irene had been secretary of th< ing a sound basis for a skiing weather and calves need special program. Most of the boys have care in near freezing weather Upper Applegate Grange for been working out since October And, the older calf can be a many years and more recently and we hao one practice run problem as well as the very at Shasta before the fall term Chaplain of the organization. young calf The critical time finals.” She was dental assistant for tor the older calf cornea at two Following the Oregon meet, to three months of age when he L. Paul Walker, Oakdale Pro­ the Raiders will take part in Jbegtna to switch front a liquid fessional building, Medford. the Reno Winter Carnival Feb. The Bureau of Land Manage­ type of food and calf meal to 12. On March 11 through 13,’ ment, Department of the Inter­ grass, hay, and straw. SOc will participate in the Far ior, is inviting contract bids for Coburn said that if the calf West Intercollegiate meet a t considerable quantities of fresh is to remain in good health it Squaw Valley and on March and frozen foods to feed the en­ HORSE FOUND SHOT is important that it be given 19-20 the Raiders will meet the rollees and staff members at Henry A. Pfaff, 1940 Moun­ access to all the water it re­ College of the Siskiyous and its Job Corps Conservation Cen­ tain Ave., Ashland, reported to quires so that it will help digest Chico State at Mt. Shasta ters at Tillamook and Grant! Jackaon County S heriff! offi­ the solid food. He pointed out Pass, officials have announced cer! yesterday that a horse be­ that the water needs to be Sealed bids will be received longing to him had been killed warmed during the very cold until 2 p m. January 21, 1966 by an unknown person near a weather or the calf may refuse Bounty's Mutineers at the BLM Service Center, 910 corral by hit home. it and dehydration begin. The mutineers f r o m the N. E. Union Avenue, P. O. Box Pfaff told officers th exn im al Bounty landed on Pitcairn Is­ Coburn said insufficient water 3861, Pdhland, Oregon 97206, was shot by a high-powered land in 1790. but their exist­ or water that is too cold could and opened at that time rifle. Sheriff’s officers said they ence there did not b e c o m e cause the calf to turn down ev­ Detailed information on Invi­ were continuing to investigate. known until 1808 en the beat food, which will re­ tation No. 1669 including bidding m it In malnutrition. procedures and the specific i, obtained from the Service Cen ter. Call 664-3600 For Solo A l K O R IO l AUTO REPAIR * WELDING Featuring Quality Products! HUNTS . DEL MONTE . DIAMOND A - NALLEYS C ampbells - jorgensen dairy products . DOLLY MADISON PASTRIES COMPLETE BEVERAGE LINE - FRUITS & PRODUCE . MEATS K TVM DAILY SCHEDULE 6t45-Sign O o /D a ily Word 7tOO-Sunrlte Semester KMED 8iOO-Sign O n/Today Show 8 (2 5 -Morning Visit 8(30- Today Show 7|3O-CBS Morning Newt 8 (00-Captain Kangaroo 9(00-1 Love Lucy 9 (0 0 -Jack LaLanne Show 9 (3 0 -Showcase Ten ICk 0 0 -Morning star 9>3O-Woman's World 10»00- Andy o f Mayberry 10630-Dick Van Dyke l(h 3 0 -Paradise Bay 11 (0 0 -Jeopardy 11(30-Let's Play Port Office 11 (5 5 -NBC News 12(00-Let'a Make a Deal 12 (2 5 -NBC News 1 2 (3 0 -Days of Our Lives 1(00-The Doctor« 1 (3 0 -Another World 2 (0 0 . You Don’t Say 11 (0 0 -Love of Life 11 i3O- Search /C ud llt3O -S earoh/C uidlng Light 1 2 (0 0 -Donna Reed Show 1 2 (30-As the World Turns liOO-Paasword l(30-Houaepnity 2 (0 0 -T o T a ll the Troth 2i30-Edge of Night 3 i OO-Secret Storm 2(3O-The Match Game 2 (5 5 -NBC Afternoon Report 3 (3 0 .Young Married! 4 1OO-Never Too Young 3(00-Cenernl Hospital 3(3O-A T im e for lh 4(00- Ben Casey 4 (3 0 -Where the Action Is Factory-Trained Color Prompt TV Technicians C all Specialists .Economical PAULSEN FOR ORDERS & Service No Point Phone 24 answer, Hr. Service 6 6 4 -2 5 4 3 C E N TR A L P O IN T FLO RISTS - GATES Flower* A P P L IA N C E S Central 664-1878 FREE DELIVERY 664-1797 for & Arrangem ent* All Occasion This Space WANTED... WOMEN!!! Will Be Devoted to New TV Schedule S O C Primes For First Ski M e e t Disease Not Financial F 4 F» 4 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT W hether you are investing b o rrow ing. see your - or friendly M O N DESIR DINING ROOM & LOUNGE CENTRAL POINT BRANCH FIR ST Always Cause Of Calf Deaths B IM Requests Bids On Job Corps Feeding Problems? N A T IO N A L B A N K of O R E G O N For the best Be sure to try N O W OPEN EVERY DAY Tommy 4 Stan Smith will enjoy meeting you Reservation* call 664-2513 d e a l a ll-a ro u n , WIDE TRACK TO W N I NURSERY SLANTS OSOWN IX C LU 1IV ILT (O S YOU D E A N & T A Y L O R P O N T IA C LANDSCAPING ADVICE - BACK HOE 444-161* 2177 S. Pacific Hy. M adford 7 7 3 -7 4 2 5 t 33S6 BURSILL ROAD • CENTRAL POINT,