• THE CENTRAL POINT TIMES THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1966 JACKSO NVILLE SECTION CARNATION TASTEWELL The reception table deco­ rations were gold net over the tablecloth, with centerpiece of lighted gold colored candles in matching candelabra, and bowl with gold toned (lowers. Jim and Mam ie were married ALMA MATER Marvin W. Maxw ell, San Franciaco, a graduate of Ore­ gon Technical Institute Franclrco, a graduate of Jack- •onville High School, class of 1954, and Oregon Technical Institute electronics graduate In Jacksdivllle, December 31, 1915, They are both members of pioneer families of southern Oregon. Jim worked many claar of 1961, Klamath Falls, visited the campus of O T I re­ cently to Interview electronics yeais with the U. S. Forestry Service, in later years both he and Mamie were employed at students for prospective posi­ tions with M AI Equipment Cor­ poration, San Francisco. Mr. M axwell, branch cus­ tomer engineering manager of this San Francisco corpora­ tion, has duties covering nine northwestern states In the firm's operations. Mr. Maxwell also presented a convocation lecture, his to­ pic "Opportunities for Techni­ cians", during his visit to the O T I campus. flF T IE T H WEDDING ANNTVER; SARY RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Chester M c­ Donough, Ruch and Mr. and Mrs. Carter Hlhhs, D illard ho­ nored Mrs. McDonough's and Mrs. Hibbs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winningham, Jackson­ v ille , on their 50th wedding anniversary with a reception Sunday, January 16th, 1-4 P M ., at the Upper Applegate Grange H a ll. The hosts of the afternoon were assisted by Mrs. Ella Rus­ sell, Medford, who cut and served^cake; Mrs. Eugenia one of the Lookout stations un­ til recent retirem ent. punch and Mrs. V em l Stephen­ son, Butte Falls, served coffee; with guest book In charge of Mrs. V iolet Young and Mrs. Ruth Lawrence, both Jackson­ v ille and M l . Hester Knutson, Medford, Mrs. Russell Is Mr. Winning- ham's sister, Mrs. McEeth is a granddaughter, Mrs. Young and ings; Mrs. Marjorie and Mrs. Mayme Hibbert, Klamath Falls, as w ell as a niece of Mr. W in­ ningham, Mrs. Verne Howard, Klamath Falls and a nephew, Lee Winningham, Happy Camp. C allfo m ia. Mrs. Winningham's wore a blue , two piece brocade dress, her corsage was a white orchid with a gold bow. Mr. Winning- ham's button lare was a gold dusted white carnation. Atten­ denti corsages were of white carnations with gold bows. RAY OFFENBACHER'S VISITED Mr. and Mrs. Ed Word, Mrs. Knutson are a ll nieces of the honored couple. P.oad. Douglas Word is now associ­ ated with the consulting engin­ eering firm of which his father is a member at Redding, after serving two yean with the U. S. Army Engineen in Germany. He is with the aerial survey division of the Redding firm . The Word fam ily made the trip in their private plane. I WEATHER BULLETIN!"! HEAT WAVE - — - RAY-O-VAC Reg. 40« FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES Standard size Pkg. of 2 Maxaon and Becky, Mrs. John Witteveen, Mr. and Mrs. Geo­ charge of the fund raising event M i . R. E. H eim , Mrs. Floyd Wyatt, Mrs. Leona Salyer, hfrs. Patricia O'Manion. * U .S . National Bank Annive­ rsary reception was attended by approximately 100 people on Tuesday. Notice to Jacksonville pro­ perty owners who are opposed to having trees planted in their parking strips please notify Mrs. Arthur Roberts at the Jacksonville Library . Phone 899-1665. Joe Davis , son of Mr. and Kfrs. Woodrow Davis is con­ fined at Crater Hospital with pneumonia. 4/> , S IE G L E R OIL HOME HEATER AUTOMATIC CONTROLS! J u tl DIAL yeur comfort I Push s button to start or stop the FLOORS*C IP ! new gives you emexfng SUPER FLOOR The golden louvera in the floor heat outlet are motor driven to rotate back and forth—tu»rping the heat over the floor A ll new in performance, styling and eaciting colors, thia now S IE G L E U givaa you a new dimension in heating comfort See it toon! PAULSEN t GATES 136 E. PINE, CENTRAL POINT CELLO TAPE CORDUROY JEANS 2 - I Q 0 29C DOC CONTROL WARNING Again we wish to c a ll to the attention of a ll dog owners of Jacksonville. There Is an ordinance in fore» requiring a ll dogs by kept on owners pre­ mises at a ll times. It dogs are (ticked up by the Chief of Po­ lic e , and , or, Dog Control officers, and placed at the Dog Control Center, Pacific Highway, T alen t, owners w ill be charged lodging fee, and, or, license fee, plus penalties, should the dog(s) not be cur­ rently licensed. SINCERE S Y NT AT H I ES Are extended to at thia tim e the fam ily of the late Job Ber- rlm an, Highway 238. Job, Continued on Page 6 Size 6-16 pair LIBBYS FROZEN LIBBYS SWIFTS MEAT PIES FROZEN FRUIT DRINK BEEF LIVER »• 29C Beef - Tuna - Turkey - Chicken 6/88C 8 oz. pie 6 oz. can eer a u yoen? cha n s e cash ... ITS WOHTH A COT MOPS THAH STAMPS / h C U R ITI UIAPERS 21 40 X • A s iz e 2.44 P L A IN or M ESH SEAMLESS NYLONS S iz e s Reg. 98< MENS IRREGULARS 50% wool 50% nylon «T?9^O C K M O N ^^^^™ SPEED SHAVER W W B H B H H m v a u ----------- Reg. 5.00 DELUXE onopoly Game 2.88,1 P|*I*V STARTEX 16” x 27” Checkerboard design 100 mg, 100 tablets Reg. 29< VITAMINC 5/99C NO RELCO Writing Tablet 2 /4 9 i V I I I 8 ’ 2-11 • 3 p pk9 99c pmf-i—wvUiiQ pr- / /i Reg. 39< F L O A T IN G HEAD Reg. 1.59 LILT iHom^PermanenM Reg. 1.50 '/2 gal. ’eg 29 95 1 5 .9 9 Bubble Bath Oil (a) c a s h ie r s b o o th 88. Kitchen Towels 3 /9 9 c l Couj 4 /9 9 c ELECTRIC BRAIDED RUG 1.99 HEATER Toothpaste Reg. 59< TROUTMAN’S TR O P IC AIRE Reg 2.98 2 2 ” x 3 4 ” OVAL Assor Reg. 95< COLGATES Family Size auto m atic Reg. 4.98 G.E. ELECTRIC th» exc/t/ng new SPECIAL PURCHASE BOYS WRANGLER 800 " spool dispenser SITES FOUNDATION MEMBERS CONCESSION Art Chipman, Mrs. Wayne No. '/2 can LEPAGES Reg. 23< With proceeds of this ball being presented to Mercy Flight Inc, J t is hoped that the other h alf of that ambulance plane may be purchased. Members of Siskiyou Pioneer Sites Foundation maintained the cloak check service and refreshment bar in the recep­ tion hall of the ballroom durlnj the recent weekend event held In the ballroom. Members assisting were Mr. and Mrs. 79C 40 oz. jar in dress of long ago weret Mrs. Robert Byen, Mrs. Harlan Bos­ worth, J r., Mrs. Therein Rust, Mrs. Richard Sousam , Mrs. W illia m G. Jones, Mrs. Gene Barlow and Mrs. Jim Cabler. rge Brewer and Mr. O .W . Ma­ theny. Mrs. Brewer was In ÓOM//VG/1 PEANUT BUTTER 2 # c°n 99c APPLEGATE PTA FUND R AI­ SING EVENT Thunday, January 27, the At one tim e, Mam ie was Applegate PTA w ill present postmistress for ten yean of the "Enrico , th e-M agician ," as then Copper postoffice. their fund raising event of the Among the more than 200 year. Refreshments w ill be persons who were present to • sold. For details call 899-1635. congratulate the honored couple were two former teachers of LIONS BALL WELL ATTENDED Mks. Winningham, Mrs. Ina Approximately 250 couples Purcel, T A ylor Road, Apple- attended the second annual gate, and Mrs. Bert Harr, Ruch Grand Ball, Saturday evening, at the now non-existant Watkins January 15 In the U .S , Hotel School, Upper Applegate. Ballroom. Those who did not Other special guests were Mrs attend this event missed an in­ Maude Port, Ashland, former­ spiring sight -the ladies with ly Ruch and Star Ranger Station their elegant gowns and mat­ Mrs. Bertha A. Baughman, A ching coiffcre. Many of the Ashland; Donald Helgeson, gentlemen attending were also Canton, Minnesota; Mr. and attired In period cortumes. Mrs. Edward Peteraon, Brook­ Among the guests attending A money tree was among the many gifts prese tfed to the cou­ ple during the aflemooX's event M cR ctb, high w ay 238, served end guests of Mrs. Word's pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Offen­ bacher, 5. 3rd St. and Mrs. Word's brother , sister-in-law and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Offenbacher, Sterling Chunk Style TUNA 5/99C GOLDEN NUGGET COFFEE Douglas, Susan and Jimmy, Redding, California were week­ FORMER RESIDENT VISITS PACE 5 T h e rm o s ta t c o n tro l Sweep second hand p 9 199511.88 ¡Alarm Clock Tooth Brush 19c Always More For Your M om ^ | LADIES 100% ACRYLIC SWEATERS w n d « rl» fr« ll Pullpover or Cardigan style M B A Reg. 4.98 SuiuTay Jan 23ra Reg. 59$ TIGER j ^ k B e ^ ^ ^ N V U L U H W A Y AN^OZIER LAN«