FACE 3 CENTRAL POINT TIMES THURSDAY, JAN. 13, 1966 Gold Hill Notes MUd«6 Tilley « 1 » 1900 The County road grader has been bury on Celia Creek Road- ---snow and rain had done some damage to the raod, but thanks to the County the road la in good shape again. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vaterla«, who live on the Old Stage Road near Cold Hill, enjoyed a visit In Ashland at the home of Mr. and Mn. John Sklbby. Mrs. Vaterlaui and Mr«. Sklbby are alaten. M . and Mn. Vaterlaua also visited their »on, Cordon Va- terlaus, while In Aahland. Mn. Mary Robinson of Foots Creek and Mr. and Mn. Mai* colm Caldwell of Dardanelle Trallor Court visited Mn. Lola Cuy. Mr, and Mn. Raymond Du- senberry and little «on, Lane, of Eugene «pent a short time on business and visiting friends and relatives In the valley. They also visited the home of M . Dusenveny's jitters, Ma. George Tilley of Calls Creek Road, Cold HUI, and Mn. Raymonl Bile« on River Ranks Road In Grants Pass be­ fore returning to Eugene. Spendlng the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Aaneth and children were Mr. and Mrs. Swede Hencklckson and children. Bob Unger of Medford, Mr. and M . Earl Ac come of Cen­ tral Point and Mrs. Leroy Sut­ ton and son, Bobby, and dau­ ghter, Shirley, of Old Stage Road visited at the home of M . and M s. Jack Hendrick­ son and children , Cheryl, Steven and Michael. A meeting for all Cold Hill Volunteer firemen w ill be held at seven o'clock In the evesung on January 24 at the Cold Hill City Hall. Guest speaker at the Cold H ill Parent Teacher Association meeting held January 10 was Mbs Hortense Zepeda, a stu-d dent at Crater High School. Mlaa Zepeda is an exchange student of the American Field Service and la from CoeU Rica. Founder's Day was observed. Boys In the eighth grade class w ill affect the amount of time recently «pent six week« In m e­ given. The minimum make­ chanic el drawing and three up time tor violations are as week« in «hop. They made follows! models of Joints; also bookends. 1. Disrespect for authority--- 2 1 / 2 - 5 hours to suspension. Recently a student panel 2. Fighting (circumstances The naw school In the Sams from Crater High School visited Valley area are scheduled to determine)- - - 1 /2 - 5 hours to ba opended soon has been under suspension. the Hanby Elementary school discussion on the name for it. to discuss problems that w ill 3. Destruction of school pro­ Members of the P .T . A. sug­ face the eighth grade students perty- - - 2 1/2 -5 hours (finan­ gest that It ba called the Sams when they enter Crater High cial responslbllty). Valley Elementary school as It 4. Chronic use of vulgarity---- School. will house the fourth through The panel of students con­ 2 1/2 -5 hours to suspension. eighth grades. The old school sisted of all Cold Hill students 5. Continued violations-- - 5 could then be called the who are at Crater High School, hours suspension. Valley Primary school as It will 6. School rules, scuffling, with the exception of Sancfra house the first through third Canong, who Is a former resi­ tardiness, note passing, * grades. dent of Cold Hill, but now a designated play areas, undesi­ resident of Central Point, rable language or actions, dis­ Linda Stokes is a new student rupting games of others.. .1 /2 - The discussion consisted of this year. She attended the Mike Turner, a senior, who 5 hour.. Sierra Junior High school In Several teachers were asking discussed good working habits Fresno, California. their opinions on the matter and what you can do to make of make-up. Various answers studying easier; Darrell Klger, Practice Is underway for the weret feel It Is better than a a senior, discussed sports; Su­ zanne Kinney, a senior, dicusjec* Sams Valley Basketball team for iot of other punUbment« and seventh and eighth grade studen- (eclj lt gejyes Its purpose; the honor club; Judy Corona, a ts of the Sams Valley area. thinks lt is a lot better than ma- freshman, discussed the fresh­ Students will participate in king the students stay In, as the man girls physical education; the present Sams Valley school then the teacher Is also puni- Ellaasi Kell, a Junior, discussed gymnasium until the new gym- shed by having to stay with the art; Ssncfra Canong, a Junior, naslum Is completed at the students; you cannot have rules discussed music. new Sams Valley school. without punishments because Varsity members will consist some people would not follow Members of the student body of students who are able and rules. This way only the per- council at the Hanby Elemen­ to meet certain scholastic and son who violates a rule 1s pu- tary school are Kelly Talbot, behavioural qualifications. Any Cindy Kellogg, Renee Holder- nixhed and not the rest of the ness and Janice Czmowskl, student body; one Instructor has student who does not keep his unruly students stay in du- who are the officers. Student themselves eligible scholas­ ring their recess period, but representatives are Randy Lit­ tically and misbehaves In scho­ feels for some students staying tle and Mike Henderson from o l , during practice and in ge- after school would be more the eighth grade; Steve Hall eral should not expect to be on effective; feels that some stu­ and Susan Martini from the the team. dents won't work unless pres­ seventh grade! Bill Kallsta and The team will compete sure is put on them and make­ Bill Weis from the sixth grade; against Hanby, Shady C ove, up serves this purpose; feels Janice Zimmer and Kimbra Elk, Trail, Evans Valley, Pros­ there should be no need for Straus from the fifth grade. pect and Eagle Point. make-up system, but some students need to put extra time A new student this year at Make-up system has been a on their work. Hanby Elementary school Is part of the Hanby Elementary Helen Hunter. The family school system for the past two lived at Las Vegas, Nevada, The Margaret E. Patrick years. wheiv she attended the Jim school library now has 2, ISO The frequency of violations Bridger school. The family books. moved from Nevada to Crants Pass, and now make their home In Cold HUI. MISSION MACARONI & CHEESE DINNER 7 ]/ 2 7/S1 r.1% oz. K BEST FOODS ft ft QT. 59( GARTON’S FANTAIL breaded 1 LB. PKG. 98( MAYONNAISE SHRIMP POTATO CHIPS & CORN CHIPS (reg. 69<) g ea. CRACKERS 2 # pkg. 59C HOLIDAY NALLEY’S <- jS 3 SUNSHINE KRISPY 58 MARGARINE MINUTE-MAID 12 OZ. ORANGE JUICE frozen JORGENSON’S MELLORINE MJB COFFEE 10 OZ. INSTANT tuA 11 T.V. TROUBLES? Girls In Mn. Linne's class of Home Economics have been discussing material, color and fashion. Each of the thirty - seven girls in the class have a project and a notebook to hand In at the end of each nine week; period. PIONEER Wl LDCAT I MODEL 1110 GOLD HILL c a || 855-1845 Eves . 855-1928 RICK & LARRY’S TV SERVICE SHOP Hours 9:30 am - 9:00 Mon. . thru Sat, Put a Wildcat to w ork... on your farm, your •state, around your cabin or campsite . . . wherever you need s lightw eight chain saw with power to do any cutting job. Lean, lent«, end 12 pounds light Yet the Wildest hes the guts end go ot professional models, New Sureguard Chain makes it the safest chain saw in the world And easier to operate, too. Safety with strength in a compact chain saw. Lightweight proleetional power with all these important features: e Store than IS jra ato r laaollna caeeclty a Mora than greater chain oil caeaclty SPECIFICATIONS CMGiHt T TP t: Smgle cylm der-tw o e ycle- BO B fi 1 7 5 STBOKC:1 M DtftPlACCMCNT 1.3 cub« inches NOTATION: Clock «MM teem« P.T O end CYUNOCB: D^ca«t aluminum Mock with in­ tegral heed. boro chromepteted end honed. CNANKCASt: Ona p«ece magnesium diecast mg «nth «aparata beann« earner at P T O end PISTON: Aluminum alloy PISTON PINOS: Two compression ring«. cats ttva tn piston against rotation MNO OAP: 0 0 0 / 075 at nominal diem. MAIN BCANtNOt FuM complement of needle rotters M A L I: Closure type CONNtCTINQ BOO; For«ed alloy «tael CONNECTING BOO glANtNQS: Wnatptn and UUkl. , CARROTS, cm . A \ T U R N IP S lb IOC DRY YELLOW ONIONS 3 IOC SALAD MIX LBS. Hara’« how Sureguard work« WITH NEW SUREGUARD - SAFETY C H A IN . . . CUTS DOWN ON KICKBACK The new movable guide links, or articulated safety tangs, are the secret. As the chain moves along the bar the center link tail lies flat, (1) tilling the gap between cutters. Then, as the chain goes around the nose ot the cutter bar the center link tails auto meticelly rise, (2) to keep the cutters trom digging in too deep This prevents one of the ma)or causes ot kickback. See Aarfr page f t rAate specZBeaf/ons HUBBARD BROS. Th« Store With Th« 2 Front Doon M AIN AND RIVERSIDE RHONE 773-7777 STABTIB: Pioneer, automat« rewind C O M P B IS S IO N RATIO: 7 .5 :1 P S M A. E ffective F U IL CAPACITY: ■ Quart CHAIN Oil. PUMP: Manual Typa. CHAIN OIL CAPACITY: 2 Quart. TY PI OF O B ITI: Direct Drive CLUTCH: Centrifugal action, dry Hnlng SPBOCKKT: .4 Pitch. 7 tooth, star typa sprocket O U IO I BAB : Pioneer Durerai!» «tallita tipped, induction hardened ralla, copper fused. lightweight bar CHAIN: Pioneer .4 Pitch SUREQUARD CHAIN SPtCO: At 7500 rpm- 3 5 0 0 teat per minute. OMPATIMG M I M I : Up to BSOO rpm. PEANUTS & MIXED NUTs"J ” ^ 3 ,b. $1 "We Patronize Local Growers” 16 INCH BAR C CHAIN $189.95 CENTRA! POINT'S FROZEN FOOD 10CKER CENTER (Jjo w t S ta S Cvaty >1 1