Central Point times. (Central Point, Or.) 1964-19??, January 20, 1966, Page 2, Image 2

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"S M A L L B U S IN E S S ”
Pnbluhad weekly «vary lhursday by
P. O . Brat M 6
216 E. Pine St. Central Point, Orc. 97502
Entered a* second c la n m ail matter at the part office at
Central Point, Oregon 97502, undqr act of Congress Mar. 3,
1897. Snbeeriptioa G ° 0 per year la Jackson County. S3.50
in tha state of Oregon and $4.0 0 outside Bate.
By Paul Hornbeck
G .O .P . MAINSTREAM? la connection with die recent announce­
ment about the coming Lincoln Day dinner In Medford and that
the featured speaker would be Senator High Scott of Pennsylvania,
Republican Richard Travis asserted that Senator Scott " Represents
the thinking of the mainrtream of Republicanism."
Now we do not like to cast the brand o f ignorance at anyone,
for that b bigotry and we don't want to fortify anybody's accusa­
tion o f bigotry against us. We simply trust in this instance young
Mr. Travis' statement war a demonstration of ignorance of exist­
ing facts. We certainly would regret to leant that M . Travis
is sincerely convinced that Senator Scott represents the mainstream
of Republicanism. Indeed, i f the beliefs and practices and p o liti­
cal conduct embodied in the yean of public life of Senator Scott
may be translated as representing the mainstream of Republican­
ism in Jackson County, Oregon, then the ignorance is on our side
and we are extremely unhappy diet local Republicanism has
become thus degraded.
Senator Scott was one of the leading lights among the seven
m illion Republicans who deserted the Republican Party in 1964.
We hardly believe that any very intelligent people would argue
that this minority represented the mainstream rather than the
tweiBy- million who remained loyal to the Republican Party.
And if that b no« convincing, let's take a look at the voting
record of Senator Scott for the year 1965 in the 89th Congress.
More d»*n two-thirds of his votes during 1965 went squarely
down the line w ith the Johnson administration demands, and it
b a matter of record that never before in history has the White
House so completely dominated the program of legislation as was
true in 1965 . Moreover, that program of legislation not only
had the almost lOOg approval of Communism's newspaper DAILY
WORKER, but Norman Thomas, who, instead of running for the
presidency on the Socialist ticket as had been his custom, plug­
ged for Johnson in 1964, declared that the 1965 session of the 89th
Off Bab’s
C. W I L S O N
the idea of independence and
resumes allegiance to England
o o o
The U.S. Jumped in Io sup­
port Britain, even though
of vitally needed U.S. chrome
comes from Rhodesia.
• • •
The silliness of this situation
is magnified by the fact that it
is remembered that in 1776
there were a lot less than 4
million people who decided
that America should break
away from England, and there
is no record of the Indians be­
ing consulted on the matter
at all
• • •
Of course. It Is nol known
how many Indians were in the
land. But even a hundred
years later, after they had
been decimated by gunpowder,
firewater and disease, at the
Little Big Horn, General Cas­
ter learned there was still
quite s passel of them still
But this little nucleus of less
than 4 million people, at that
time largely of Ango-Saxon ex­
traction, went on to build a
mighty economy for the benefit
of peoples all over the world.
It is hard to imagine who would
have bailed England out of
trouble a number of times
since then if the Indians, who
actually possessed the real es­
tate In the first place, had
been able to veto separation
from England.
• • •
What makes It even sillier is
the fact that Britain has al­
ways turned a deaf ear toward
I American requests to impose
an embargo on communist na-
I tlons. including Red China, and
I Castro Cubs. Yet the Labor
government of England has but
to whbtle, and the U.S. comes
s-runnlng. If Andrew Jackson
were alive today, he would be
dead tomorrow from apoplexy.
Quite a peculiar situation has
developed. On one hand, the
U.S. is engaged in hostilities in
Viet Nam. with American lives
lost No one has yet apparently
been able to precisely explain
the objectives.
• • •
In addition, w
the C u b a n ?
t h i n g keeps
cropping up.
with no ap­
parent settle­
ment Insight, t
o o o
But w i t h
t h e s e m at­
ters hanging
i n air, t h e
C. W . H a rd e r
n a t i o n be
comes involved in a dispute be­
tween England and one of its
former African colonies. Rho­
desia. about the sire of Mon­
tana. decided it wanted inde­
Now It appears the spirit of
•16 which freed OiLs nation
from England is no longer In
good taste.
• o o
This small nation was devel-
open by a group of Europeans
with their descendants follow­
ing on As they built a prosper­
ous economic unit. African
tribesmen came over the bor­
ders in great numbers seeking
a better life.
• A •
The British took the position
that Rhodesia should not be
free from England unless prov­
isions were made for these
tribesmen to have a big say
in how the wealth developed
by others should be adminis­
tered or even If Rhodesia
should be independent.
• o o
So the whole matter was
brought before the UN. The re­
sult was a decision to boycott
Rhodesia unless It gives up
fc, S . l l . n«l K rth T lIln a i< Indepnw t-nl I lm lM M
Chief’s Blotter
Joseph Lester W ilcox, Rt. 1,
Box 526, Central Point. No
vehicle license, expired. Fined
Coogress fulfilled more of Ms hopes than he had ever dared to
believe possible.
James W illia m Casad, IM O E.
Pine, Central Point. V io latio n
o f the basic rule. Fined $20.
Now i f the Republican leaden of Jackson County want us to
believe that this is the kind of thinking and politicking that forms
the mainstream of Republicanism in thb area, we trust that the
good people of Jackson County w ill create an unuaually large
Central P o irt. Disobeyed traffic
signal when red. $15 forfeited.
vacuum around the dinner table that greets Senator Scott on Ms
visit here February 12. And i f the Republican leaders insist upon
the course of espousing the unholy socialistic, do-gooder, give­
away, oue-worlder, freedom destroying unAmericanbm being
federallaed upon us by a tyrannical Democratic administration,
they deserve the biggest wholesale desertion on the part of rank-
and-filers ever experienced by a party leadership in any county
in the Ukiited States.
That kind of thing, we adm it, has so far gotten a big ma­
jo rity of the vote. But we also believe the mainstream of Re­
publicanism, to say nothing of a v e ry , very large segment of
the Democratic party, b sick to the pits of their stomachs with
such hypocracy and power-grabbing double dealing on the part
o f otv elected officials— in both major parties.
President Johnson's un-state of the Union message last Wed­
nesday evening was a jewel in oration, in platitudes, in excel­
lency of delivery, and especially in its dexterity in avoiding the
things he didn't want to say. With great force he declared that
the need for im m ediate federal spending to meet domestic de­
mands is so urgent that we must not even consider cutting down
the program because of any fear that the V ie t Nam war demanfo
might overshadow those domestic problems.
We are le ft to presume, then, that here at home we are in
Alvin Roy P rlllim an , 801 Crown,
EHJeon Eugene Garner, 1165
R d ., Eagle Point. No veMcle
Woothow Lane, Medford. Dis­
obeyed traffic signal when red.
$10 forfeited.
license, expired. $5 forfeited.
Herbert Asa Sims, 47 N. Peach,
Thomas Phillip Richardson, 625
Medford. Disobeyed traffic signal
when red. $15 forfeited.
Hazel S t., Central Point. Impro­
per lane usage. Fined $5.
Robert L. Speck, 210 Kings Way
Lee Avery W hite, 1281 Thomas
Central Point. Ille g a l parking,
wrong side o f street. Fined $ 2 .5 t
Brian Carl Boseler, 139 Dutton
R d ., Medford. Disobeyed stop
sign. $10 forfeited.
L y ry Wayne Chastain, 2375
Lark Lane, Central Point. V io ­
lation of the basic rule. $10
Robert Eugene Goodwin, 305 1/2
N. Oregon, Jacksonville. V io la ­
tion of the basic rule. Fined $30.
save their lives. Other millions working for a paltry $3 or
$4 per hour can,'t keep the w olf from the door. Fifty states are
no longer able to teach their children to read and write and
David John Klngslien, 4495
Table Rock R d ., Medford. V io ­
of federal money needed to insure our survival through 1966, the
state of our Union must be miserable, indeed.
The orator President started off by picturing the terrific gains
in profit made in our various industries during 1965.
w ill be glad to know, for instance, that they made a big gain in
profits on their operations last year.
He tzarwlated the gains in
percentages. Trouble is, he didn't bother to explean th a t a bus­
iness m a n who made 1/2 of 1% of a profit one year and then
gained fifty percent of the next year, that next year would have
brought him the enormous profit of three-fourths of one percent
profit. (That would at least pay a dollar or two on Ms tax b i l l ) .
He was totally against discrimination. But he intim ated that
he wouldn't be opposed to a little discrimination FOR the
negro and some other favored groups. Like repeal of 14B.
A little discrimination against non-union members wouldn't
hurt, of course.
He wants to Increase the quality of our education and our
life in general. He stressed some materialistic and security qua­
lities that are needed. But he didn't mention an increase in spi­
ritual qualities.
He proposes to introduce bills this year to enable us to spread
our educational and health measures to the international level;
mustn't selfishly keep them here In America. Gotta tote the
w o rld , yon know. And in that connection we must also remove
the rest o f our ta riff barriers so we can assist the peoples of
other nations by buying their goods instead of American made
goods. Mustn't be niggardly and isolationist about this.
H e says w a m a rt and w il l give our figh ting men In V ie t N am
ALL the q u a lity equipm ent and m a te ria l th ey need.
(News re -
Richard Gordon Poage, P .O . Box
74, Neotsu, Oregon. V iolation
o f the ’’ssic rule. $10 forfeited.
Joyce Marie Drennen, 789 P itt
View R d ., Central Point. Oper­
ating vehicle without corrective
lenses. $10 suspended.
such a bad state that the federal government just must bail us
out of our misery, regardless of wars on foreign territory. A ll
over ur land there are millions so poverty-stricken we've got
Washington must give them billions for school aid, retroactive
to last July. In other words, i f we are to Judge from the amount
Robert Speck (Same as above). . .
violation of ord. 306- sec. 68.
Disturbing the peace. Fined JS.
lation of the basic rule. Fined
Jane Mowry, 3125 Old M ilita ry
R d ., Medford. Ille g a l parking,
wrong side o f street. Fined $2.50.
According to the U.S. D epart­
ment of Agriculture, per capita
egg consumption has gone from
393 eggs in 1951 to 307 in 1965.
Some reasons given: No time
for breakfast: a sedentary j o b -
no need for a big breakfast;
too busy — no tim e to bake.
ports said most of the boys over there wouldn't lik e to listen to
the speech, and those who did said "Same old stuff. " They have
been pleading for up-to-date weapons, and would like to get or­
ders from their generals instead of McNamara's fair-haired desk
boys in Washington.) The President didn't explain why we have
not heretofore given the fighting boys the weapons and equipment
they need.
He said we could stand by the Geneva agreement. Wonder
why, when we thought to little of it when it was made that we
refused to sign it.
He said we are In V ie t Nam because we have men to fre e --
to restore liberty to them . But he didn't say a word about deman­
ding and getting the freedom o f the hundreds of our boys still
held by the Red Chinese from the Korean conflict.
There were other heroic words. Altogether It almost was
exactly what we had expected, though we adm it we were bowled
over by its Tnesse.
But there was one piece of real news and It
was a genuine expander. Nfr. Johnson said that the Great Society
embodies a federalism that is the dream of the American people.
You don't say! So when Washington and Jefferson and Franklin
and other great early Americans warned o f and against the feder­
alism they were rooting for the Crest Society. Could it be that
the (beam Mr. Johnson envisions right be something akin to a
nightmare ?
If you dislike our estimate of the speech , we can assure you
that there were much bigger men a ll over the country who alto
grasped the EM»TINESS o f It. Editor David Lawrence o f U . S.
News C World Report was one of them.
Finger Tips
By Barbara Gavin
Crater is trying to help the
Crater Chapter of the American
Field Service find a fam ily for
our next year's foreign exchan­
ge student. A fam ily with a
sophomore or junior student at
Crater , would be Ideal.
I f you would like to check
into this further you can call
Crater High School.
Starting last Monday the ad­
ministration has allowed us to
have sock hops in the boys gym
at noon. The idea seems to be
catching o n , and i f it contin­
ues It could provide fun for
a ll concerned.
The F .H . A . is selling re c i­
pe books again this year. The
recipes included in the books
are sent in by Home Economics
teachers from a ll over the Un­
ited States. There are five
different books; salads, vege­
tables, casseroles, meats and
desserts. The books cost J 2 .95
and are available from any
F .H . A. member.
Fire Chiefs To Participate
F ire chiefs throughout Oregon
w ill gather la Portland January
26-28 for a three-day short
course on F ire
Departm ent
M anagem ent, co-sponsored by
the Portland Canter for Contin­
uing Education and the Oregon
F ire Chiefs Association.
Topics to be covered include
budget planning and develop­
ment, personal relations, com­
munications, and the decision­
m aking process. Meetings for
the session w ill be held in the
Portland Center, 1833 S. W.
P ark Avenue.
The short course is tailored
Alaskan Scenes
Shown At Retired
Teachers Meeting
M r. and Mrs. Fred Pramann
of Ashland gave a program of
colored slides a t the Monday
afternoon meeting of the Re­
tired Teachers Association of
Jackson County in the G i r l s
Community Club in Medford.
The Prsmanns showed slides
taken on a trip to Alaska. They
w ere introduced by president
M rs. M yrtle Patterson.
A musical portion of the pro­
gram was provided by the mu­
sic department of Talent Jun­
ior High School with H a rry Kan­
nasta directing.
Program chairm an was Mrs.
D. R. Sloan of Phoenix. Social
comm ittee chairm en were Mrs.
H. S. Chirgwin, Mrs. W. E.
Sherwood. M rs. W. R. Peabody
and M rs. Elsie Turner. Hostess
comm ittee was Mrs. H. Thomp­
son, M rs. M innie Newton and
M rs. Mabel Sims.
New PE Degree At
College Involves
Nearly 150 Pupils
Southern Oregon College Pre­
sident E lm o Stevenson said to­
day that • new physical educa­
tion m ajo r recommended f o r
the school yesterday w ill in­
volve approxim ately ISO stu­
The Curriculum Comm ittee of
the State Board of Higher E d ­
ucation approved the creation
of the degree plan and recom­
mended its acceptance to the
state board.
The plans have a ll been
made for this spring's presen­
tation of "The Sound of Music"
The movie version starred Ju­
lie Andrews and includes many
beautiful songs. Some arcs
The Sound of M isic, My Fa­
vorite Things, Do Re M l, and
C lim b Every Mountain.
Advanced tickets w ill be a -
vailable by March 1.
would bring in was an unknown
for local use In Oregon cities
but was patterned from course
outlines and case studies of the
International F ire Adm inistra­
tion Institute of the State U n­
iversity of New York.
Crater Lake
Use Drops
2 .7 Per Cent
A 2.7 par cent drop In visits
to C rater Lake National Park
in IM S waa reported recently
by Superintendent J. Leonard
V o b . In IM S, a total of 4M.47S
visits was recorded as com par­
ed to the 484,067 In lie«.
Although total visits were
down slightly, there wae a
m arked increase in use of fac­
ilities by the public. For exam ­
ple, a total of 59,911 camper
days w ere recorded during the
past season, a 12 per cent in­
crease over the 53,331 in 1M4.
F a c to r* Cried
P ark officials felt that t w o
factors appeared to have con­
tributed to the tem porary level­
ing off of park visitation. D ur­
ing summ er months p articu lar­
ly, an increasing number of
travelers used the scenic Lake
of the Woods road in crossing
the Cascades between Medford
and K lam ath Fells thus by­
passing the perk. In addition, a
statistical modification which
brought about a more accurate
determ ination of people-per-car
wee initiated. In the past, a
slight over count waa b e i n g
The States of California, Ore­
gon, and Washington contribute
80 per cent of the perk visitors,
Volz said.
He reported that there was
general acceptance of the new
fee structure effective this past
year under provisions of t h a
Land and W ater Conservation
Fund Act of IMS. As the season
progressed, an increasing num­
ber of visitors appeared a t the
p ark already in possession of
the $7 annual sticker that was
good for entry in all National
Parks and certain other Feder­
ally administered areas. Those
in the perk on brief visits fre ­
quently purchased the dally or
seasonal perm its. I t was fait
that the new fee etystem did
not discourage visitation to tha
park significantly.
Aesthetic and recreational us­
es of the perk ere expected to
continue in an upward trend in
future years. Such has been the
trend, with occasional slight da-
crease such as In IMS, since
W orld W ar I I . he said.
A "G l" Raps the
Pro-Viet Cong Demonstrators
(E D IT O R 'S NOTE - Howard F orkn er, a veteran of the 82nd
A irborne Division, who participated In the Normandy invasion
of W orld W a r Q, calls attention to a le tte r he has received from
his son Pfc Jim F orkn er, now on m ilita ry duty In Germ any. Jim
enclosed an artic le fro m the “ Stars and Stripes'* that was w rit­
ten by a m arine sergeant In V iet Nam. The a rtic le so cloaaly
expresses the editorial opinion of lids newspaper that we are
ca rryin g it as a guest e d ito ria l, as follows:)
“ BING HA M PTO N, N .Y . (U P I)— Whet U X troops In V ie t Nam
want most fo r Christm as Is to lay th eir hands on an a n d -V le t
Nam dem onstrator, according to a le tte r fro m s M arin e that ap­
peared in Saturday's edition of the Binghamton Sunday Bulletin,
“ M arin e Sgt. James R. t'usslk, a native of Binghamton who
has been in the M arines fo r 12 years and Is cu rren tly stationed
In Hue Phu Bal, South V ie t Nam, wrote the “ L e tte r to Santa"
in care of David Bernstein, ed ito r and publlslier of the paper.
Russlk’ s w ife and three cM l'tren live in A u ro ra , UL
*'ln an accompanying note to Bernstein, Russlk sold he wee
“ sure I f there re ally was a S s n u and every G1 here could w rite
to him we could end all this protesting and our minds would be
fre e to fight fo r what we believe Is righb—to stop the spread of
com m unlslm ."
Following is Russlk’ s le tte r:
“ D e a r Santa:
“ T his Christm as I have decided to ask you fo r only one p re ­
sent. Since there Is no snow here In South V ie t Nam you can't
land so just glfw-wrap It and I'm sure the postal departm ent w ill
take care of the delivery.
“ Santa, can you imagine the joy on my face when 1 opei, your
g ift and find the one thing I want most in the w orld — an an d -
V ie t form demonstrator.
“ A t least I'd have someone, all mine, to share my exciting
experiences with. I prom ise I ' l l take 'special* care of M m .
" I ' l l give him a h a ir cut (they a ll seem to need one) but I can't
prom ise to keep him clean because baths are pretty scarce over
“ Besides, d irt seems to be a prerequisite fo r protestors so
he should feel right at home.
“ I ' l l share my bed — and sometimes Inedible food — with
“ I ' l l share the disease, the Intense heat and the Impossible
steaming jungle.
“ I ' l l s h a r e with him the heartbreak of seeing my buddies
blown apart.
“ I ' l l share the m isery of trying to identify th eir mutilated and
tortured bodies that the Cong leave behind.
“ PH le t him s it beside me fo r hours w aist-deep in a mud and
w a te r-fille d foxhole; and Santa, I 'l l try not to be tempted to s it
on die shallowest side.
“ I ' l l share my long nights on patrol In the bone-chllllng rain .
“ ELit don't w orry Santa, PU be warm with the Joy of giving:
Giving a little heU to this Christm as present you w ere thought­
ful enough to send me.
“ And I prom i e, Santa, to always give him Ms own way fo r as
long as he lives.
“ O f course that won* the long if he Insists on saying the things
he said In the States.
“ I f he sdU feels the same way a lte r a few days here; w ell, a
prom ise Is a promise:
“ The next tim e one of our patrols Is attacked by the Cong, I ' l l
le t him run to the front line and teU the Cong he loves them end
wants to help them.
• ■
“ Santa, fo: New Y e a r's this ye ar, Pve decided to ask you fo r
another present.
“ Do you think perhaps you could send all my buddies one of
th eir ve ry own7"
Sgt. James R. Ri jslk
3rd D iv . U.S. M arine Corps.
ARC Provides
Link With
W ith tha escalation o f 'o u r ef­
forts in Viet N am , m ore and
more young men are being sep­
arated from their 'fam ilies by
Induction Into the Arm ed Forc­
es. Whenever and " wherever
fam ines are separated, prob­
lems are bound to arise requir­
ing assistance from an outside'
source. The Am erican National
Red Cross Is the only legally
recognized link between the m il­
itary end the fam ilies a t home.
M ore and more thoroughly
qualified end trained volunteers
are needed at this tim e to pro­
vide thia vital servleO To meet
the need locally k Social W el­
fare Aide Course has been
scheduled uy uiS Jlfckson Coun­
ty Chapter of the Am erican
Red Cross. The course w ill be
presented at the Chapter House,
80 Hawthorne Avenue in M ed­
ford, from • a.m ? until 4 p.m.
on Jan. 17, 18' 24 < and 29.
Mrs. Fran k Fairw eather. volun­
teer field consultant for the Red
Cross, w ill be in ttruetbr for the
training program. -
Individuals Interested In thia
service t a the m ilita ry and vet­
erans end their fam ilies must
have graduated from h i g h
school, preferably having some
college background and social
w elfare training. Volunteers w ill
be dealing with social problems
and w ill work cloaely with m il­
itary and veterans Installations
and the fam ilies of service men
and veterans. Another require­
ment for the Social W e l f a r e
Aide Course is completion of the
Lisle training course for R e d
(>oss volunteers. Thia is being
effered on Jan. 14, 21 and 28
and trainees may meet this re­
quirement during these sessions.
For further inform ation o r to
enroll in the Social W elfare Aide
training program , call the Red
Cross office in Medford.
Farm Tax
D eferrm en t
D eadline Set
All farm ers living outside of
zoned farm areas who wish ta
take advantage of the d eferr­
ment of taxes under the Spe­
cial Assessment or (green belt)
Law must file their application
during January according to
County Assessor Thad Hatten
A special rem inder to those
who failed last ye ar that the
total deferred amount from pre­
vious years w ill be due if the
application is not refiled before
Feb. 1.
Also there are areas that
and adult singers from the have been recently reappraised
Rogue Valley ere Invited to where values may be higher
join a newly organised choral now. due to urban
organisation, the Southern Ore- that wiU be qh(ltjl«
this d e fe rrm e n t'
Choral Union, D r. Herbert
Cecil, chairm an of the mu
In order to qualify, the prop­
sic departm ent at Southern O re­ erty must be used for farm ing
gon College, announced today. purposes and to have been used
Tha group meets from 7:20 to for such purposes for at least
8:30 p.m. Thursdays in Room 3 years prior to filing. There
310 of Churchill H all on t h e
are also rules set up by the
state tax commission for use by
The c h o r a l organisation, the assessor to determine whe­
sponsored by the Southern Ore­ ther or not the property consti­
gon College Music Department, tutes a bona-fide farm In order
is rehearsing for a concert to to qualify.
he given this spring. D r. Cecil
Appeals from an assessor's
Is the director of the Choral
decision on whether land is el­
Union. A rehearsal w ill ba held
igible for the deferrm ent are
tonight. Anyone desiring further
taken directly to the state tax
inform ation can call 482-3311,
ext. 338.
“Nobody’» depriving yon of your rights-yon got
freedom to choote!"