/ y .* f < Oregon T raffic Jan. 1-18, IMS: 15 Jan. 1-18, 1865 : 38 Toil CENTRAL POINT w TIMES weekly! by N orm a] «an Second Class Postage Paid At Madford, Oregon — This waak we bring you * story that really happened In Long Beach, C a llfa rn la .. . on Medicare I A Long Beach attorney attemp­ ted to qualify hl» mother for Medicare, which la, a» I recall, for those over 65 year» of age. She 1» 91, but unfortunately can't prove It, for ahe waa born In a ranchhouae near Waco, Texas, on January 1, 1874, and they weren't Issuing birth ce rti­ ficates at that tim e at that place. When the ton made the appli­ cation, the Long Beach office of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare In the Social Security office demanded proof of his mother's age. He explained by letter there was no documeotray proof and that she had outlived anyone who might have personal knowledge of her arrival. With the copy of the letter he sent a copy of his own blAh certificate, pro­ ving that his age Is 76. Now to you and I, a 76-year old son Is prodT enough his moth­ er Is older than 65. But not to the federal government. It says right here In the rule book that certain kinds of proof are accep­ table and the age of a son Is not one of them. He sent that letter with his birth certificate on SefXember 19. On September 21 the office answered him with another letter requiring documentary proof of his mother's age. It read pretty much like the first letter. The attorney tried old Texas marriage certificates, but the one signed by his mother didn't list her age. On September 24 he got another le tte r from the Medicare crew, asking for proof of age. The attorney tried the Los Angeles Register of Voters, but those records to vote In 1944 showed only that she registered, which proves that she must be 42 or older, but not that she Is 65 or older. As a last resort, the elderly son had asked the local office to send an investigator to look at his mother and determine for himself I f she was not old enough to be covered by Med­ icare. It s till remains to be determined by the government if a person can have a mother older than he Is. I can hardly School Bond Election Called D IS TR IC T 6 SCHOOL BOND ELECTION FEBRUARY 24 The Board of Directors of School District 6 held a special meeting last Monday evening and voted to hold a school bond election February 24, In the amount of $1, 977, 825, 000 for needed plant construction. The amount w ill finance con­ struction on the proposed Junior High School on Scenic Avenue. The land was purchased last year. The new building would accommodate 800 students, be comparable In sise to the present high school and would also relieve the present shortage in facilities throughout the school system. Also it would build the following at Cold H llli 6 classrooms and a library at Patrick and double the sise of the gym I t Hanby. Sam's V alley Elementary would be completed at it still needs dressing rooms, a w a lk -in free- ser, bleachers, a covered play area and paving. The present school bus garage located In Central Point on Fourth Street across from the present Junior High w ill be doubled In sise. This is needed to perfect the investment of $180, 000 in buses and equip­ ment. Traffic Deaths Increase in County G am e Council to M eet The Oregon Fish and Came council w ill meet Saturday, January 22, at the Girls Com­ munity Club, Medford, to dis­ cuss the 'planting' of Roosevelt elk In the Applegate area. President Blankenship urged a ll interested persons to attend. Blankenship stressed that, In order to know what the hunters want, it Is necessary to have a good representation of sports­ men at the meeting. The meeting w ill begin at 7:30 pm. FIRE DEPARTMENT ELECTS The Central Point Volunteer JEWETT PTA T O HEAR SPEAK |R Fire Department elected new Jewett PTA w ill hold a mee­ officers for the coming year at the regular meeting In the ting die evening of Jan. 20th. This is a fam ily type program, and should be attended by c h il­ fire hall January 5. Noel Moore was elected pres­ ident, Jerry O'Conner new vice president, Paul Emery, Sec­ son County recorded 50 traffic deaths for the year of 1965. This represents an increase of 127% over the 1964 figure of 22 deaths. The increase was given an added shove by a late year bus accident that claim ed 14 lives. Records for the years 1936 through 1965 show that the 1965 of fatalities of one year in the county. The lowest number Operators of Oregon’s two and three-wheeled vehicles are specialist for Pacific Power and going to have to prove they know how to operate not only retary and Eloy Sutton, treasurer. Light w ill be guest speaker. these vehicles but a full size His speech and demonstration car, too, in accord with a law Is both entertaining and infor­ scheduled to take effect soon. m ative. It is designed to help Riders of these vehicles m ay obtain a form from the D epart­ us live safer electrically. D U N C A N TO SPEAK ment of Motor Vehicles on or The evening Is arranged so Congressman Robert Duncan after January 17, on which they w ill speak o n "Washington that children w ill not be out can inquire what steps they Scene, 1966" a t 1 p.m . Friday need to take to comply with too late. Refreshments w ill a t Churchill Auditorium on the be served at 7:15, a short busi­ the new motorcycle licensing Southern Oregon College cam ­ law. ness meeting at 7:30, followed pus. The public in invited at The law, which takes effect by the electrifying "M r. Haz­ no charge. July 1, requires motorcycle op­ erators to have a special en­ ard, " himself. dorsement on their d river li­ cense. The form can be obtained from any field office of the De­ partm ent of Motor Vehicles, or from a driver license exam iner. The department w ill then ad­ vise the would-be applicant what tests must be completed before the endorsement can be issued. Oregon has more than 30,000 licensed motorcycles, but t h e department says it does not ex­ pect that it w ill have to give tests to that many people, since most of them are probably al­ ready licensed to operate a mo­ tor vehicle. The law requires a motorcy­ cle operator to first pass all tests, including a behind-the- wheel driving demonstration 'n a four-wheeled vehicle, before being tested as a motorcycle operator. Local Boys Nominated for Naval Academy Oregon Senator Maurine Nenberger Solomon has nominated two Crater High boys for the U. S. Naval Academy. Shown above are Charles Lusky (checkered sweater) and Richard Rehfeldt. Richard is the ton of Mr. and M s . Richard Rehfeldt And Charles Is the son of Captain (U SM M Retired) J. C . Luaky and Mis. Lusky, both fam ilies of Central Point. The boys w ill compete with 18 other young men In Oregon of which three w i l l be selected. Front o f Building Being Com pleted See you next week, KENT and make the by-laws. There w ill be another meeting of this group on Tuesday, January 25. SITES FOUNDATION MEETING MembeR of the Siskiyou Pioneer Sites Foundation are reminded of the regular mon­ thly meeting date, Monday, Jan. 24th, at the City H all, 7:30 PM . A ll members are urged to attend as there are a number of important things to be discussed and decisions M T . ASHLAND WEATHER AND SKI REPORT IN V ITIN G M T A SH LA ND — 120 inch pack. Clear, light southerly wind. Big and little T -b a r op­ erating during the week. Road good, watch for ice last one- half mile. Lodge, snack b a r and ski area open 9:30 to 4:J0 seven days a week. to be made. District 6 School Bus Garage More space is needed. It is planned to double the slie of this building if school Improvement bonds are voted on favorably Feb. 24. Set M eeting Date A meeting of the newly formed Independent Conserva­ tives w ill be held In the Rich­ ardson School In Central Point on January 25, 1966 at 7i3O pm The neighbor hung up before he could protest. The following morning a t 3 a. m. he called his neighbor to report, " I don't tee on By-Laws and also a re ­ port from the Com mittee for have a dog I" the formation of a platform. And so it goes.. . . My name is Kent Anderson. I have been asked to invite a ll little boys and girls age four or under to register next week at the Central Point Times office after next week's paper comes out. O f course you can't come in alone but have your folks bring you in so you can enter our Kiddie Kash Contest which w ill be explained in next week's paper. I can't be in the Kontest because my daddy works for the paper. I'm going to be sort of a front man I th in k --lik e I am now. This Is the present Crater High School bus garage. This group recently come Into being and Is a p o litic a l action group. In the forth coming meeting the group w ill consi­ der a report from the C om m it­ loudly I can 't sleep." Dear L ittle Friends: A new group called Indepen­ dent Conservatives was formed and the preliminary organizing began at a meeting held in Central Point last week. The chaiiman is Mr. Carroll Powell, vice-chairm an, Mr. Ray Ridge secretary, Mis. Ray Ridge; treasurer. Mr. Laurence Cuf- fe ll. Committees were ap­ pointed to chaw up a platform o / floor tile around? The scouts could use it. Or s donation would be appreciated. Donations One local fallow was more than a little annoyed when a neighbor telephoned a t 3 a. m . and comp­ lained, "Your dog is barking so Hl Conservatives Elect O ffice rs of deaths recorded In any one year period was ten, recorded w ait. In 1938. The Traffic Safety Division also stated that 1965 represen­ W ell last week we plead for ted the worst driving year In a few small supplies for our the history of Oregon, with 682 Rescue Aid tru c k .. so far deaths occuring. This represent none have been forthcoming. an Increase of over 100 deaths We are not asking those of you from the 1964 state death total. who have contributed so generous­ Resident from Jackson County ly In the past. But how about you cities k ille d in Oregon traffic folks who haven't? It is YOUR numberedi Ashland 2; Central truck you kn ow ,. . let's keep Point 2; Medford 13; Prospect It In order so we may use It I 1; T ra il 1; and Cold H ill 2. We're still looking for a flash The Division urged a ll Jack- camera........... son County motorists to exer­ Also the newly organised Boy cise more driving care In 1966 Scout Troop 40 Is badly In to help curtail the grim ly rising need of some underlayment and highway death to ll In the state. floor covering In their scout shack where meetings are held. Anyone have tome old plywood may be le ft at the Times office or c a ll Mr. Olsen at 664-1409 or Mr. Fuller at 664-1373. Remember- donations such as this w ill help you with your income tax tool Baby Popularity Contest Starts Next Week Motorcycle Requirements Increased dren as w e ll as adults. Mr. Claude Haggard, safety According to year-end fi­ gures released by the Traffic Safety Division of the Depart­ ment of Motor Vehicles, Jack- 10 cent» per copy THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1966 VOLUME 2, NUMBER 5 A ll Interested conservatives are invited to come. , Carroll Powell, chairmen. Our neighbor across the street is getting its face completed. We do not know yet who the tenant or tenants w ill be but it is going to be an i mprovement to Pine Street when com pleted. $1 CHARTERSUBSCRIBERS MAY USE CENTRAL P O IN T TIM ES Jackson County Advertiser This certifie» that address THIS BLANK TO MAIL YOUR $1 Is a charter subscriber to the above newspaper fo r $3. 00 paid — and the right to renew for one year for $$3. 00 C E N T R A L P O IN T T IM E S PLEASE RENEW NOT LATER THAN JAN. 31st date Regular Y ea rly Subscription 8^.00