Central Point times. (Central Point, Or.) 1964-19??, December 02, 1965, Image 1

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    »y N o n n a je a n
Now that Thanksgiving la
p s * we w ill get U to the
spirit of the coming Christmas
saason. We wish to inform
our readers In other areas
Central Point city crews did
NOT begin putting up our
seasonal decorations until
AFTER Thanksgiving, and
we thank them for It. It Is
our thought that too much
commercialism on Christmas
Is not proper before the Thanks­
giving turkey Is In the ovenl
h it now we w ill get in the
swing of things.. has every«
one noticed the lights in our
downtown section? And we
hear our tree for the city
should arrive soon, maybe
even before we get to press!
Oh the wonders and joys of
the Christmas season! We
love it!
Speaking of Christmas,
please remember the dead­
line for m ailing packages to
our boys in V iet Nam is
December 11 and a ll packages
posted now MUST go airm ail
in order to arrive in tim e.
Heard a good report last
week that cltlsens in the
United States are swamping
the boy» in V ie t Nam with
wonderful letters, thanking
them for what they are doing
over there. No one seems to
be able to find out where
complete strangers to the
boys arc getting their names
and m ailing addresses, but
those who have them have
been doing something
certainly worthwhile. We
go on record as urging a ll
citizens of Central Point
and everywhere the Times
reaches to at least send a
card or letter to the boys
you know personally who
are overseas. It sure gives
them a boost to hear from
home. Let the Creeps,
Commies, Pinkos and
Beatniks march to their
hearts c o n ten t.. . we're
weary of them! Let's te ll
our boys we appreciate what
they are trying to do for us!
Now, on the lighter side
of life . Other day two
Irishmen were out at the
cemetery laying a wreath
on the grave of a friend
when a young ChineM man
was seen sprinkling rice
on the grave o f a countryman.
"When do you expect your
friend to come eat that rice?"
ÿ i& û jù iÿ , i M v b l y !
Second Class Postage Paid At Mjdt'ord, Oregon
M t. Ashland
Pine Street Christmas Decorations Up!
Ready But
Snow Needed
A ll lifts at the M t. Ashland
w inter sports area w ill be in
readiness for operation t h i s
weekend if there is e n o u g h
snow on the ground, it was an­
nounced today by M anager D a ­
vid Keirer
Keiser said final parts for the
new Pom alift w ere to be Ship­
p s from southern California
today and that If they arrived
by Thursday, the lift would bo
In operation. Both T -B a r lifts,
the chair lift, and rope tow are
ready to go, Keiser said. M in ­
or difficulty was experienced
last week on the T -B ar lifts be­
cause of w ater condensation la
the mechanism. K e iM r said,
but added that this had been
Keiser also said more than
10,000 colorful new brochures
were now
being distributed
along the west coast to adver­
tise the ski resort.
K e irer said season tickets for
both individuals and fam ilies
w ere still on M ie at the office
of the M t Ashland Corporation
in the M a rk Antony Hotel. He
M id more season tickets had
been sold this season than were
sold all last year.
Medford Site
Of Democrat
W illiam Davidson, chairm an
of the Jackson County Dem ocra­
tic Central Comm ittee, has an­
nounced that a p re-p rim ary
election convention of the D em ­
ocratic Party of Oregon w ill be
held in M edford.
Mrs. Davidson and M rs. George
H. Schwleger, attended t h e
meeting of the executive com­
mittee in Corvallis Sunday as
delegates. They invited the con­
vention to M edford and the in­
vitation was accepted.
The convention w ill be held
Saturday and Sunday, M arch 39
and 37, Davidson M id .
T he Jackson County pre-pri­
m ary convention was held In
Medford p rior to the last elec­
tion, buj this w ill be the first
tim e that the state convention
has been in Medford.
on a charge of asMult and
robbery while armed with a
dangerous weapon.
Bail was set at $1 500.
Jones was arrested Saturday
by Sgt, Jim Corliss of the
Central Point Police Depart­
ment on a complaint signed
by Harold (Pete) M itchell,
owner and operator of the
T im e OH Station at 131 Front
Street, Central Point.
An escaped convict from
the High Rock Camp, Weott,
C a lif ., Jones was accused of
robbing the local service
station of $80 In cash after
threatening the operator with
a gun. He was captured by
Lamb Joins
Credit Banks
W. Scott Lam b, fo rm erly ed­
itor of Oregon Agriculture and
for eight years director of m em ­
ber and public relations for the
Oregon F arm Bureau Federa­
tion has been ncr-ed assistant
to the director of information
of the F a rm Credit Banks of
Fred A. Knutsen, chairm an of
the presidents com m itte of the
Spokane banks, M id Lam b w ill
assist in handling publicity, ad­
vertising and public and mem­
ber relations program s of the
Federal l-and Bank, Federal In­
term ediate Credit Bank and
Bank for Cooperatives. T h e
Spokane banks serve the 12th
F arm Credit D istrict, compris­
ing the states of M ontana, Id ­
aho, Oregon, Washington and
A native of North Dakota,
Lamb attended Southern Ilinois
University afte r serving five
years in the N a vy A ir Force
during the W orld W ar I I period.
P rio r to going w ith the F arm
Bureau at Salem, in 1957, he
served as farm director of Rad­
io Station K IO A in Des Moines.
Iow a, and as radio and T V di­
rector of the Iowa F a rm Bureau
Federation, also at Des Moines.
AND UP THEY C O ..............V em Capps and Leonard Olson
biaved the freezing weather this week to put up the Christmas
lights on Pine Street. The c ity tree should arrive shortly.
S p irit Vanishes
W ith Trees
Christmas spirit m ay come a
little slowly this year to W illiam
Blunt, m t South Pacific High­
w ay, Phoenix, after unknown
persons stole 299 Christmas
trees from the back yard of his
home sometime during t h e
Blunt, owner of Blunt’s Ranch
M arke t, 3932 South Pacific High­
way, Phoenix, told J a c k s o n
County Sheriff’s officers he had
stored the trees a t his home
p rior to putting them on dis­
play at the m arket.
SOC Wrestlers Travel
Southern O r e g o n College's
wrestling team , under head
coach Ralph W alters, travels to
Seattle, Wash., Saturday for an
all day moot.
The Red Raiders are entered
in the University of Washington
Invitational wrestling m a t c h ,
comprised of schools from all
* « r the northwest.
Foreign Exchange Students Saluted
was the
Something curious going
on about this town. In try­
ing to get some Thanksgiving
news Monday I asked one
w ell known gal In town If
she had company for Thanks­
giving. She M id she had,
so I asked her the name» of
Shade* o f the Old West! That
robbery and exchange of gun­
fire last Saturday was something
a ll local residents are still talk­
ing about. This was the second
o f such Instances lr. the city of
Central Point in recent months.
And you always thought It
couldn"t happen here??
One reminder horn the police
dep artm en t............ please folks,
le t's not chaM arm ed bandits
about town. You are m erely
takin g y o ir lif e Into your own
There guys are hard­
ened crim in als, some have
murdered before and since
there la no death p en alty for
murder In the State o f Oregon,
why should they care what
they do? So they get a few
m ore years in the p e n ,. so
hom e anyw ay. T h e p o lice
know how to handle the
situation and 9 tim es out o f
10, w ill recover the loss. I f
not, the Insurance com pany
w ill.
Tree Sales
Told By BLM
The M edford D istrict Office
of the Bureau of Land Manage-
ment has announced that two
areas have been selected on
which they w ill sell Christmas
trees this year. Thia announce­
ment was in line w ith a pre­
viously announced bureau p ro ­
gram of m aking trees available
to individuals a t specified loca­
tions for a fee of 91 p er tree,
with not more than three trees
being sold to one perm ittee.
One of the tw o areas selected
by the Medford District is lo­
cated west of Medford on the
ridge between Jackson Creek
and Galls Creek. I t is in an ares
where a tim ber ta le is planned
for next spring and m any of
the small trees are expected to
be destroyed in the logging op­
The other area is located on
upper G rave Creek in an area
that was logged originally about
20 years ago. In this area natur­
al reproduction has come in suf­
ficiently to allow rem oval of
some of the sm all trees without
h arm to the future forest crop.
Christmas tree perm its w ill be
issued a t the Medford D istrict
O ffice a t 1133 S. Riverside.
M aps showing the location of
the cutting areas are also avail­
‘Messiah ’
Dated Dec. 5
her guests. Know what she
Mid?? She didn't know!
w hat? Usually th at Is th eir
Robbery and Garden Club Sparks
8th Annual Show
Assault Suspect
was arraigned in Jackson
County District Court Monday
"When you fllend come to
Houston Leroy Jones, 47,
they asked the Chinaman.
smell the flov ers"
I-U K U U N EXCHANGE STUDENTS............Honored at the
International Relations Club meeting at Crater High School
re ce n tly w ere (le f t to right) i Orsalina Vessa from Ita ly ,
representing Grants Pass; Ann Larsson of Sweden representing
Phoenix High School and C rater's Efortensia Zebeta from
Cotta Rica.
photo by pieli
The Southern Oregon College
music departm ent w ill present
the eighth annual performance
of Handel's “ Messiah” at 3 p.m.
Dec. 5, in the college gymna­
sium, D r. Herbert Cecil, head
of the SOC music department,
announced this week.
The oratorio w ill be perform ­
ed by the Southern Oregon L it­
tle Symphony Orchestra, t h e
Messiah Chorus, four soloists,
and a narrator. Soloists w ill be
V irg in ia Cecil, soprano; M a rg ­
Ray Tumbleson, tenor; a n d
M aynard Hadley, bass. N a rra ­
tor w ill be the Reverend Joseph
A. Dubay of Ashland's Episco­
pal T rin ity Church.
The narrator's part consists
of the texts from selections us­
ually omitted in modern per­
formances of the Messiah. Ra­
ther than leave these portions
out entirely. D r Cecil felt It
would be better to have the
texts read by a narrator, thus
prererving the continuity of the
text as was conceived by Han­
The public is invited to attend
this traditional performance of
Handel's famous work. There
w ill be no admission charge, al­
though an offering w ill be taken
for the benefit of the SOC Music
Scholarship Fund
a group of citizens after an
exchange of gunfire.
Jones, according to the local
Police Department, has spent
most of his adult life In prisons
In the states of California and
Washington. He escaped from
a work detail on Sept. 20
after receiving a sentence of
five years to life for armed
robbery in Sacremento.
Oregon Gets
For Parks
Oregon remain« ahead of all
other states in percentage of
Interstate freeway mileage open
to and adequate for present
traffic, according to Forrest
Cooper, state highway engineer.
The U.S. Bureau of Public
Roads, in its latest quarterly
report ending Sept. 30, has Ore­
gon leading the nation with 90.47
per cent of its Inter-state system
open to traffic. Thia is 7.33 per
cent ahead of second-place New
Y o rk, 7.51 per cent ahead of
M ichigan, and 7.53 per cent
ahead of Connecticut.
Oregon has 731.1 miles plan­
ned fo r the Interstate system, of
which 487.2 miles are completed
to full Interstate standards,
100.3 miles are adequate for to­
day's traffic, and 0.8 m ile con­
sists of toll roads over interstate
bridges between Oregon and
Washington a t Portland and
U m atilla.
The annual Chrirtm ai and
dried flower show of the Cen­
tral Point Garden Club w ill
be held this year for the first
tim e in Central Point. In
previous years it has been
held in Medford. The new
location is the Central Point
Grange H all on Pine Street,
Theme of the 1965 show is
"Ideas Galore for Winter
According to Mrs. Marie
Shere, publicity chairman
for the event, opening day
w ill be next Wednesday,
December 9. Poors w ill open
at 2 p. m. and remain open
until 8 p .m . On Thursday,
December 9. the second and
closing day of the show, doors
w ill open at 10 a. m. and stay
open until closing tim e which
w ill be 4 p. m. A ll entries
must be in by noon on open­
ing day.
M s . Shere said " As a
community project for Cen­
tral Point and an unjudged
show, the public is cordially
invited to participate in any
or a ll classes."
This year an added feature
w ill be the Christmas section,
using fresh materials such as
trees, door swags, wreaths,
candles and Christmas scenes
of any type.
wood, figurines, cones, and
colored sprays.
There w ill also .be six niches
for Christmas scenes or arrang­
ements 32 inches high, 28
inches wide and 18 inches
deep. This w ill be an advanc­
ed entry. For further informa­
tion on this class call Mrs.
Lester Gorden at 664-2219.
In the program "A ll Through
the House", selections w ill be
shown for the entry hall, living
room dining room, Kitchen,
the nursery fam ily room
bedside table, coffee table
and patio.
A section for horticulture
w ill be used for house plants,
berried shrubs, branches,
Christmas roses, fresh conet
and many other decorative
Mrs. Shere explained that
many persons who admire the
cured waxed and dried leaves
pods cones and grasses In the
finished arrangements which
w ill be on display do not
always recognize them in the
fields. Hostesses w ill answer
questions and explain methods
of curing and drying these
A special treat w ill be a
Silver Tea served during the
Boy Scouts to Organize
Troup 40, Boy Scouts of
America, la being organized
in Central Point. Boys interest­
ed and not presently registered
in Troup 4 0 are Invited to
attend an organizational
meeting at Jewett Elementary
School in the cafeteria at
7:30 p. m. in the cafeteria.
Parents please attend.
Jack Creager Retiring
Visit Fruit
Packing Plant
Cub Scout Pack 40, Den
13, took a very early and
enjoyable trip to Harry and
Davids Bear Creek Orchard
Packing Plant of Wednes­
day Nov. 24.
W hile waiting for the
guide to come the Cubs
were a ll given Candy Cones.
It was very fascinating
Jack Creager, telephone
to see all the beautiful
Christmas baskets filled
with delicious fruits and
candy traveling on the con­
17 years, w ill retire on Dec.
21, closing a 3 8 -year career
veyor belt above our heads.
with the Bell Telephone Sys­
A ll of the Baskets are weave
in the plant and this alone
tem .
Creager, who plans to con­
takes six months out of the
tinue to live In Medford, Is
retiring at hi* own request.
Long active In community
year to do. During the busy
Christmas Season the pac­
company manager in Med­
ford and Ashland for the past
king plant fill* around
affairs, Creager has served
6000 orders a day.
The Cubs watched work­
two terms on the Board of D i-
rectors o f the Medford Cham­
ber Commerce. In 1959, he
headed the Jackson County
ers making pretty ribbons,
flowers made out of candy
pieces, basket weaving,
box making and fruit sorting
Scout s taking the tour
were Billy Bowers, David
Magruder, Jamie Muir, Bill
McKlbben, » la n e Olson,,
Brian Poindexter. Bradley
Poindexter Shawn Sullivan
and Lucille Olson, Den Mother.
Centennial Association during
the celebration of Oregon's
100th anniversary of statehood
Creager ha* also served on
the Board of Director* o f the
United Crusade and the Sal­
vation Army Advisory Board.
He has been a member of
Medford Rotary since 1949
and is « past vice president.
He began hi* career in the
telephone business In Febni-
Accessories w ill be permitted
in a ll classes such as drift­
ary, 1928, a* a night watch­
man for Pacific Telephone
in Eugene while attending the
University o f Oregon. From
1930 to 1932 he worked in the
plant department in Eugene,
Portland, Albany and Salem.
Creager fille d assignments in
the company's commercial de­
partment in Portland from 1937
to 1936 in residence, business
and directory sales.
In 1936 Creager came to the
Rogue River V alley at outside
representative In the Medford
Ixi r in eM o if lc . ~He ~was prtuiaAi d
to assistant manager In 1941, and
transferred to Grant* Pat* aa ma­
nager there In 1946.
Creager waa promoted again
to Medford manager In 1948, a
poet he ha* held since.
W hile December 21 sdii be
Creager's last day on the Job,
he w ill o ffic ia lly retire on Feb­
ruary 2 because o f vacation
Creager's successor has not been