CENTRAL POINT STAR VOLUME TWO Nations Crops Of Fruit Said To Be Short U Oregon Growers Iteneltt From Low­ er Yield« Elsewhere Which Nooat Market Gcuerully favorable market out­ look for Oregon fruit mid vrgclublrs 1« indicated for the Immediate future by tlie weekly agricultural aituu- lion und outlook report Just issUcd by the Oregon Slide college exlen- »ion service. Reduced acreages in some eases und sm aller average yields for the country in genera* have resulted in advanced prices. Oregon yields are, in the main, good. The domestic apple market is ranging about 50 per cent above that of u year ago with domestic com ­ m ercial production lti per cent be­ low a year ago. The (.'anadian crop is larger, however, anil I here are prospects of reduced demand overseas. Some C.0OO boxes have moved from Portland to South Am­ erica, however, this season. Pear m arkets continue strong ns drouth in the east reduced still fur­ ther mi already short crop. Willi C alifornia below norm al,production, Oregon with a high yield is gelling the benefit. Somewhat the same sit­ uation continues w ith prunes, later reports still further reducing the w orld estim ates to 108.000 tons as compared with 245,804 tons in 1928. The foreign filbert crop is <>«nsid- erablc I m -I ow normal, and as Amer­ ica im ports n larger volume of these nut» Ilian is produced here, the do­ mestic price will doubtless he favor­ able, the report shows. Almond crops are short here and abroad which Is expected to Help the w al­ nut inurket even though yields are normal. SOME GAMES TO THY AT YOUR HALLOWEEN PARTY Are you planning a Hallowe’en p arly? Here are some games sug­ gested for giving the evening a good s h irt: “A nuine game played nt the be­ ginning of the evening will help ev­ eryone to get acquainted quickly. Give each guest upon arrival a card, cut in the shape of a pumpkin, and u pencil. As soon as the last one arrives, announce that five minutes will be allowed for each person to find out every other person’s first m iddle and last name. “ When Hie lime is up, all are told to w rite on their cards as many of the full names as they can remem­ ber. Tin guest who remem bers the most names eorreclely is announced the winner. “After Ibis little warm ing-up con­ test, five persons are chosen for the next amusement. They are told that they are going to be required Io take a difficult walk blindfohle*. The walk is in a straight line from one end of the room to the other, but they will be nllowed to go over the route with th eir eyes open llrst. The walk is in a straight line from one end of the room Io the other, high objects such as stools, pillows and boxes being placed in the path. “Afler the live selected have pick­ ed I heir way along between the ob­ jects, making an effort to remember w here each one comes, they are blindfolded and started at one end to walk the plank. In the mean­ time, the objects have been quietly removed, hut the victims do not know Ibis and cause much m erri­ ment by strenuously trying to step over the supposed harriers." o-------- Car Burn« Mr. Onksnmes, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hay of Ibis city had the m isfortune Io lose a new car nt W enatchee Washington while In­ specting fruit nt that plnce The car enught fire and burned up before anything could be done. NUMBER 12 FOREHT I IHE SEASON NEWS OF INTEREST FROM WAS DISAHTLROUH ONE I I'oresl llr< . «luring Hie ?»nst burn­ ed over ii tidal of more than 30abiee exaroinetj- <1 U . O. Artist Depicts Spirit of Paul Bunyan TOWN OF ROGIE RIVER Gladys Sandry ami three of o-.ir leueherx, Misses I* , in , Willis ami Mason m otored Io San Francisco his last w'-el. eiiil. They r»-oo-t •* very line Hip. Mr, a;id Mrs Julian and Ralph, old re s' til-, of our city an- visit­ ing old friends here this week. They look Sunday dinner at Sundry’s Al Lose and friends were htr.in­ ess callers al Waldo, I; isi Solui « a',. Mr. lio le h rltc a and his sun all 1 d au g h ter have m oved ti inporardy into Hazel and Hill V, h ite s house. Mrs. R ichard S oil arrived tO i.lt* this week I font Grant., tie. Wilil ..er inf. nl daughter, B arbara Lt There w a. no sitr.o j !>nn.*y and Tuesday on a ■« cum of Institute. The teachers all attend ng. On iVedueso.iy the room-* w e n ful; «»lire more, rc arly ali the ill child- eu returning. Last Saturday night O’Kcilys hall was Lie place Io see a real "crow d oi dancers. Aft. r having such a »access with their first dance an ­ other was innoc.!- • « for one w ees roni next Saturday night. A sinai! circa» p.tc.ie ¡Is I here last .Sur.i.ny but owing Io such i rainy day there was a small crowd in attendance. Alden G albiith and friend from Klamath I-alls arc visiting his rel .- tives for a few days. •Mr. Fred Guy, well known mail carrier from Gold ltid io Pogue iiiver passed away last Sunday, Friends of Mrs. Guy, who teaches mus e in our schoo . wist. Io express their sincere regr its to h er in her great loss. Mr Guy was well thot „1 in this community. Paul W rigid who came hottie from O. \. G. sick is now w orking t: i ,.»h te on a new house. ice ue’s broL ei from Kla;.i- ■ U is making them VISI it. FrA's iton Grininietl made a h u m e d trip to Rogue River, Saturday night and hack Io Klainath Falls, Sunday. The long loo-cd tor ram al last. The first rain since June fell this week lo the joy of the farm ers, I miners and hunters. Mr. McGaskcy and family from near Grants Pass have moved upon Mr. Duncan's place and henceforth will be a p ard n er of Mr. Duncan. Jim Rohrbaugh was greeting old friends here thia week. He spent W ednesday afternoon visiting the Love girls. Mrs. Sundry attended Ihe funeral of Mr. Guv in Gold Hill last Tues- EUGENE, Or.—The great North majesty and the solidity of the trees west, land of loggers, has Its own and mountains are faithfully brought mythology as absorbing and thrilling out in the carving. ss that of ancient Greece or those It Is the hope of Mr. Barrett that countries of the Norseland. This the statue may some day become the mythology centers around the famed symbol of the Northwest basic In­ Paul Bunyan and hla great blue ox. dustry. lumber, and that Its replica Tales ot the prowess of the Hercu­ In towering size may be placed In lean Paul and of the great strength some prominent place as a fitting ot the ox are told around bunk house- memorial for thia spirit that Is ao fires at night, the sturdy loggers vis­ familiar and so loved by all lumber­ ing with each other In Inventing sew men. “ whoppers." Mr. Barrett, one of the younger But so tar the great Paul has lacked an artist to memorialise him. artfxti of the West, la already achiev­ to put him Into everlasting atone or ing fame as an Interpreter of the paint him on enduring canvas. Mak­ early Oregon country days. At a re­ ing a bid for this honor la Oliver cent exhibition in San Francisco hla work won warm praise from art crlt- day afternoon, I-aurenco Barrett, sculptor of the Uni­ lea. Notable weatern figure« he ha» ,h e H ,« h *>c.iool student bo anion while ii -ar i ’-in-ai.r.:; when i . T .c coroners juri y exonei te i he man who did the V «eau to r X orris Sheppard of Texas has p ro p ; "«i a taw which will kc the btj.,er of intoxicants equal •y i gtii.ly w , h the boo! h te r. We pre: .-.Li ie this will stop Hie practice of eusioir.e rs .squealing on th eir I*'» • boo die Y 1*. Ha rri.;, t.re ilesn.in who iive Li 111 -isCl'¡oi.! rcceiveu very :»er- iou; ; injurie . in i an o; obile ac- ci