CENTRAL POINT STAR Last Barrier Broken On New S. P. Rail Route PLANE ( RASHES INJURING TWO MEN - SMOKE BI.INDH W . II. (.Moose) M uirhead, Vice President of Hie Heaver P ortland Cement Co. of Gold H ill and I.. V. Hex, o f P o i Hand had Hie in is fo rtn n i to beeome entangled in a pow er w ire w h ile fly in g lo w over Hie v i­ c in ity of M edford, endeavoring to a lig ht on the M edford a irp o rt. The tw o men had planned Io fix to P ortland hut found a fte r a rising Hud Hie smoke was too dense to perm it them to see Hie landm arks unit signs. In attem pting Io land llie y fle w loo elose to the h ighw ay and Hie co w l o f H n ir p !m e became entangled in a p ow er w ire th ro w ­ ing them Io Hie ground damaging the plane Io a considerable extent and sending both the occupanls Io Hie hospital. Mr. M uirhead. p ilo t was aide Io be about Hie next day although it was w itti d iffic u lty due to an in ju re d knee but Mr. Hex is s till confined Io Hie hospital but is progressing nieelv and w ill he aide Io lie out w ith in a short tim e. Mr. M uirhead s till contends that liv in g is just as safe as any fo rm of tra n sfo rm a tio n and he w ill have his plane reconditioned fo r fu tu ri use. .it i i 11'n (.an il.i e pageant tin.. Hie delegations from According to advices sent out to Mall Kyekm an, superintendent o f San I i .' • ' i i Ogden. Sail laike, . paper fro m the UL S. Land Office hatcheries spent several days in the Sai I i " . e l " M '.i i.s o ld I akevlew . Hosehurg. Oregon Hie fo llo w in g Gold Beach d is tric t w here alleged i 1 Ho deli > ' onx. if so large S. I*, to a very tasty meal. Citizens gon, und open to e n try by Ihe gen- j ¡is to bother the b ird in w a lk in g , fro m fiv i o r more states rubbed eral p u b lic on January HI, 193(1, at ,-an tie relieved by m aking a three- shoulders and swopped stories over 9 o’clock a. in. A pplications may in cornered tear in Hie skin, o r ta king the festive hoard p rovided by Hie filed in th is ollice by the ex-service 1 tlie shears and cu ttin g out a small S. I*. Many speakers o f note from men w ith in 20 days p rio r to Hie date I ix irtio n o f the skin, says Ihe Oregon a ll Hie im p o rta n t tow ns effected by o f Hie opening, or from Sept. 21. ' E xperim ent station. T h is leaves an tile new ra ilro a d , il j w e ll as several 1929, Io October It), 1929, and by 1 opening Hint w ill not elose im m ed­ ra ilro a d men and the representa­ th y general pub lic fro m December | ia te ly, and thus allo w s the a ir to tive» of the governors o f Oregon and 21. 1929 Io January 9, 1939, i f Hie escape. Small puffs lhat do not C a lifo rn ia , w ere heard and music by lam l s till be open Io e n try . A ll ap­ h in d e r the b ird's movements need the Klam ath H igh school baud was p lica tion s filed d u rin g th is 20-day not be treated. fu rn ishe d. T w o huge loudspeakers period w ill lie considered as HI d operated fro m an express car a id ­ sim ultaneously, and if more than ed in broadcasting Ihe messages of one a pp lica tion tic filed fo r tlie same the speakers. Music was also p ro ­ land, ii d ra w in g w ill he had. duced by remote c o n tro l from K I’BC Ex-Service men must file w ith In San F rancisco w h ich was very th e ir applications fo r the land, sol­ fittin g to the occasion, co nsisting of d ie r's affida vit. copy o f discharge ninny o f the old ra ilro a d songs of and w id e r hole affidavit. T h is land o th e r days such as Casey Jones etc. is revested ra ilro a d and wagon road F ive tra in s o f sixteen coaches lands, and must be paid fo r nl $2.59 greeted the re le h ra tlo n and a fte r the per acre—59 cents per acre and cele bra tion at lla rk a m o re the dele­ fees and commissions, when filin g , gations traveled on to A ltu ras, C al­ and 2.09 per acre and commissions ifo rn ia w here o ilie r entertainm ent when m aking final proof. bad hern p rovided fo r lint due Io T ins land is located in Jackson, Ihe lateness o f Hie h ou r was post­ Josephine and Y iu n h ill counties. poned. The visito rs to A lturas were K W som ewhat disappointed inso fa r as NEWS FROM TIIE STATE they were promised a banquet and ■ GAME COMMISSION OFFICE w hen Hie schedule wus changed il d id not p e rm it o f enough tim e to Sportsmen w ho were forced Io a l­ secure meals nl the catering houses te r th e ir deer h un ting plans because so m any raided fr a il stores, confcc- o f Ihe postponement o f Hie season In n e r man u n til they w ou ld a rriv e must w ait fo r a general rain w hich C apt . tio n e ry stores ele to appease th e ir w ill quench the flames o f destruc­ ut Klam ath Falls. tive forest flic s that (ire sweeping The c ity o f A llura s presents an Hie state. In no season o f the re- in d u s trio u s sight w ith new b u ild in g s ; cen| |)ast has Oregon experienced being b u ilt, many modern stores the long period of draught Hull has und quite a few d w e llin g s b e in g ' been the lot o f Hie slate this y e a r.' b u ilt. T c the citizen o f Hogue Vnl- : W hen lim b e r men were congratu­ ley, and w estern Oregon A lturas la tin g llicin si Ives mi having escaped does not look so good from a seen-' serious Arcs flames broke, old in a ic standpoint. The land is level j large num ber o f places and dem and­ fo r m any m iles around and the ' ed f l i c e fforts of hundreds o f fig h t­ roads not too (’ aid hut when com- I ers. G overnor Patterson, u n w illin g pared w ith Ihe other new tow ns of Io p e rm it the In king o f unnecessary the west it looks very good and no 1 hazards, issued a p roclam ation c a ll­ d oatil v ill have ii "great fu tu re . A < ing fo r the closing o f the season new snv'.uiill Is being b u ilt w h ich from the o rig in a l opening date o f w i ll em ploy a large num ber o f men ! September 15 u n til such a lim e ns P le i.b o f w ilie r w ill insure good Hie com ing o f rains w ou ld w ipe out i I Hsiure fo r range and d a iry cattle the old fires and prevent the s ta rl­ and fo r u v iin vear'- tn enine f e ing o f new ones. Am ide tim e was ! " lid life w ill abound in the nenrby given the sportsmen to make chang­ b 'l ’s. The Inw n is on a new ra il- es in th e ir h un tin g plans Io conform H I and lias m any advantages. Its* tn the o fllc ln l ru lin g . When the sea­ i n w th w ill be m b co n tro lle d by son is tn open depends e n tire ly up­ Hi c n lc rtiris e o f I'c r |ic o |il.. on Ilic W e a th 'riiv in . . n---------- I Reports o f illegal seining and d y n - , m n ilin g o f flsh nil Ihe lo w e r Hogue i n, if \h d id n ’t have no mo riv e r d H ie expense o f Ihe U pper | ' in w hat A o' ff°b A ll’ll - up,, hoy H yo brains was Hogue arc declared Io lie e n tire ly ' iite, and d(? doublr I tb e ry v illio iil f( u m ini ion by H arold C lif­ a hunnerd scabs and den fo rd , State game w arden. To as­ -eco ano • . Ii Io NI MBER 9 -¿--------- ¿ _ Jackson Fair Record Crowd Great Success Visits Crater In All Branches Lake This Year I lie Jin kson Coutny F a ir was a uigt success. From a ll reports we received Ihe fa ir th is year outclass­ ed any perform ance o f foregoing years. 'I he racing, rodeo and ex­ h ib its were a ll w e ll patronized and fro m a ll Indications Ihe livestock and fa rm in g industry of Ihe county is ra p id ly going ahead if one is to judge Ihe c x liild ts as being any c r i­ terion to go by. The e x n ib ils in a ll departm ents. livcsio ck vegetables, fr u it, schools etc a ll fa r outclassed (lie show ings o f fo rm e r years. T lic attendance th is year was much heavier Ilian fo rm e r years. Even Hie evening perform ances w ere thronged w ith Hie people o f ad ci e d i ■) a scene upon w hich the county Ib is year, where Iasi i is painted, the last h a rrie r year o nly few nltcnd?d. • i . Ii Li re resent the last b a r-i T lie fa ir board and the granges o f III i t s e l f III t i l e fulfil- ( the county are Io tie congratulated in . i Hu dream of tile pioneer MORE LAND OPENED TO fo r ihe splendid show ing w h ich ra d ro .n l huihh M r I I irrlm u n . At SETTLEM ENT BY GOVERNMENT they made. W illi u w hlxll«' o f a locom otive . nt c ia s li ami the g rin d in g wheel» I I i . i i i i amt the last b u rrie r broken d o w n * between the R luninlh c o u n try unit a d irect route to die east «'stablisbcd w h ich w ill cut from Ilic distance to tin* cast scu l> it I . . a n a l hundred m iles fo r fre ig h t and passenger service Io the m ajor p o rtio n o f western Oregon. i la scene of tile last h a rrie r was at lla rk a m o re , C a lifo rn ia southeast o f Klam ath Kalis Oregon and n orth w i t o f A ltura», C a lifo rn ia w here • ' ih .iti ni i shallow deuce over tne • hanr./Pns w?i‘ c enroute h o m e from C a lifo rn ia . He W ith the unusual drought th ru - they had been up against at Sucre ■s studying p rb e n co nd itio ns in Ihe out th is section o f the Cascades, the mento. western states. fire demon lias been tempted to The P hiladelphia A thletics have C attle men o f tl •• v- 1 ■' to spread destruction to C ra te r Lake w a tch in g the news o f the fa irs w it i cinched (h e ir hold on the Am erican N ational park through 12 agents, interest and are expecting the H a r­ I eagiic iiennant. T his is the seventh w ho camped in Ihe m ore secluded rison herd to hold th e ir oxvn at Po- tin e Ihe a thletics have held the cov- spots of the park and left camp r . , - _ - . ’ -ere they w ill meet tb re • 1 ele I c- ow n w h ic h w ou ld give them fires burning. The fires w ere placed f h L i Is th is week. The Oak­ the rip h l Io e nte r the w o rld series. under e o n iro l before they had op­ leigh Lirin is betw een Gold Hill and H urt M. M cConnel. a New York p o rtu n ity Io spread. G eniral P oint on the Pacific high- w rite r was refused the p rivile g e o f Airplanes have been a fa m ilia r w ay. roam ing t i i e w ild s o f New Bruns­ sight over the lake and since May w ic k sans c lo th in g to prove that the 2H. tw e n ty -th re e planes have flo w n intxlern man cou'd live as the p rim ­ MEDFORD BEAUTY SHOP itiv e man d id w ith o u t weapons o r over the lake. ADDS NEW EQUIPMENT clothing. The park season w ill close F rid a y T w o M edford theatres passed in ­ and from then oil there w ill be a t­ to the hands o f the Fox co rp oratio n tendants at the lodge o r on the The M edford Beauty shop, one of as the resu lt o f a sale w h ic h was grounds except the caretakers and o u r advertisers, has com pletely re ­ fo re stry and park men w h o must modeled and enlarged th e ir Med­ consuinated there last week. The rem ain on guard u n til the fire haz­ fo rd p arlors on N o rth C entral ave­ C ra te ria n and R ia lto theatres o w n ­ ed by Geo. H unt w ere the ones in ­ ard is d e fin ite ly past. nue to make room fo r some new ad­ cluded in the tran sfe r. ded equipm ent. Senator Borah o f Idaho denounc Legume hays are considerably A new facial c h a ir was installed ed the ta r iff measure as o utline d by higher in p ro te in content Hian are rece n tly in o rd e r to take care o f the a d m in is tra tio n . He says that bays from cereals and grasses, and new customers. Rnglet perm anent the b ill as presented w ill give no | consequently the most economical waves are featured at th is shop. re lie f to the a g ric u ltu ra l d is tric ts as kinds to g ro w fo r a d a iry herd. Mabel Pogue is p ro p rie to r o f the it w as supposed to have been in ­ Cereal concentrates to feed w ith M edford Beauty P a rlo r and she al- tended, but instead w ill aid the ex- , { ways endeavors Io give her patrons m anufacturer. about h a lf as legume hays are «uuu» .■«». — — pensive to supply as p ro te in con- the latest in best in her fine She is A fire alarm was sent in at W itc h - centrales, fin ds the experim ent sla- to be congratulated on her new im - ita, Kansas by a b o lt o f lig h tn in g tion. provem ents. w h ich struck a fire alarm box. The same bolt fo llo w e d in on a w ire and started a fire at a service sta­ tio n. The flames were soon e x tin ­ guished by tlie fire departm ent w h ic h had been n otifie d in advance A by the lig h tn in g bolt. The w om en’s com m ittee o f 5000 have adopted resolutions to ban liq u o r fro m social fu nctio ns in Cal­ ifo rn ia . They say the custom is no longer in good taste. The n orthw e ste rn senators 'have organized a lum ber bi >c t«Z;>rAect t e lum berm en of the n orthw est against w hat they call u n fa ir com­ p e titio n fro m Canadian forests. Oregon Grid Athletes Ready for Strenuous Campaign ’ey wouldn't blow your certain Ihe validity of statements of I illegal flsh In king M r, C liffo rd w ith off on « windy day* Siiloili'd, ¿20 - ■f ... ❖ Beta are four UalysroltZ • ( Orogaa faatball atara and Coach Mdwan. thia aaaaan« which inaladai l | fM M h M .« - - ■ o ------------ TIMBER LAND IN BUTTE FALLS DISTRICT THREATENED Oregon will hava a tough schodulo W hat was believed to be an in - ! cendiary fire near Butte F alls in the tim b e r owned by the Owen- Oregon campany, broke out Satur­ day a flernoon and a ll available men were placed on the fire lin e to stop ' the flames before they w ere able to gel loo b ig a start. The ttre was brought under c o n tro l a fte r some i 200 o r 300 acres were burned over. Men are s till on the jo b how ever to prevent any fu rth e r spread o f the i flames. New fires have sprung up in several parts o f Southern Oregon w ith in Hie past fe w days. On Evans creek in Jackson county there are tw o fires raging w ith little hopes o f b rin g in g them under c o n tro l and the skies co ntin ue to be clear ex­ cept fo r the dense smoke w h ic h has hidden the e n tire w estern p art o f the state fro m the su n lig h t. So dense has been the smoke that the h ills w ere not discernable in the w id e r stretches in the valleys. The w eather bureau promises n o th in g in the shape o f ra in to a lleviate the situ atio n. U tm ost care should be excerclsed b y everyone using o u r m ountains and highw ays lest they s ta rt more blazes w h ic h w ill destroy forests farm s and maybe lives o f the inhabitants. Kohl-rabl is cooked much the same aa the turnip, but la more dal» icate In flavor« , .' ..’J