CENTRAL POINT HERALD And SOUTHERN OREGON NEWS An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interest of the Common People Vol. H e ra ld N o. X II. N e w s N o. 2. The Red Cross Workers Drive [lord Central Point, Oregon, Thursday, June 21, 1917 ?----------------------------------------------------------------- - M u sical A r ts Q u a rtet The Red Cross workers in this district are driving hard. Red Well Known Chicago Quartet Secured For West Cross week will go down in his­ This Summer tory. The drive for the $100,- 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------O 000,000 Re<> Cross fund is being executed vigorously all over the United States. In this district the work began with a meeting in Cowley's Rest R o o m on Monday afternoon, when R. H. Paxson, team cap­ tain, organized the work for this district. Three squads w e r e formed and the work was divi­ ded among them. Monday even­ ing the big dinner at the Univer­ sity Club, Medford, was given by the ciun for the army of workers who were to start the big drive the following day. The dinner was a delightful affair, both from the material stand­ point and the social. Mu c h praise was given the University Club for the tine dinner and the hospitality extended to the visit­ M U SICAL A R T S Q U A R T E T T E . ors. Following the dinner and H E Musical A ris Q u a r te tto , w hich the Ellison-W hite C h a u ta u q u a s aro the social hour, the Red Cross proseliti il« for 1917. Is ono of tho most |siptlhir inalo voice ense mbles men went across to the Public known to (T ia utam iuu at. I l.yoomn cirolos. T h is is tin- sa m e i|im rtetto t h a t Library campus to hear the ad­ formoli tin- inaio sootion of tho f a m ous Allo t- Octet wliioli oroatod such a fervor of outhualasin th rou«!io ut tin- E a s t am] Midi!« West. Choice roailin«s. plano- dress of the evening. The pro loKtios and tho o t h e r delim its assoc iated w ith a q u a r t e t t e of tlie IIrat ra n k muke gram opened with several splen­ up a musica] progni in of rotinoti fun a n d a r ti s t i c mo(it. did numbers by the Choral Union chorus, led by George Andrews. The evening was grand and the music in the open air was a de­ lightful treat. After the music JULY 11 T O 2 0 Rev. W. B. Hamilton introduced 1 — — 1 tht speaker of the evening, Ed­ " as alternates. The first two the local auxiliary, had charge gar B. Piper, editor-in-ch'ef of squads went by auto, the last of the dinner, with Mrs. Anna the Oregonian. Although Mr. squad by “ foot passage.” Lane and Miss Grace Upton as­ Piper does not make any preten­ At 1 o’clock the tired, hungry sisting. On Wednesday Mrs. R. sions as an orator, he delivered workers were given a fine dinner H. Paxson had charge, with Mrs. what has been pronounced by at the Red Cross headquarters Wavne Leever and Mrs. J. L. mat y as a masterly and scholarly by the Red Cross women. The Cornutt assisting. Today Mrs. address. He brought out clearly different squad leaders made R. W. Eiden h a d c h a r g e , and the fact, that is beginning to be realized, that the great World their reports and planned the Mrs. H. T. Pankev and Mrs. W. War is, after all, the inevitable work for the afternoon after the II. Ferguson assisted. Mrs. P. struggle for supremacy between dinner. By night they had S. Bandy will have charge of the dinner Friday. the two vital principles of civili­ raised $347.25. Several business men have de­ zation—the old and the new, or voted practically all their time autocracy and democracy. Annual School Meeting Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock to this work since, and all or T h e anniial school m e e t in g was held the local Red Cross squads began parts of the different squads Monday a f te r n o o n a t th e H igh School. have been out eterv day. Up to their work of soliciting from W . A. Cowley w hh re e le c te d by a c c l a ­ house to house for funds. The noon today (Thursday) approx­ m a tio n to r e r v e t h r e e y e a r s on th e local squads are: No. 1, R. W. imately $670 had been raised. school hoard Mr. Cowley th a n k e d those Eiden, J. C. Herring and Rev. The work will continue until p r e s e n t for th is e v id e n c e o f a p p r e c i a ­ tio n. J . W. J a c o b s was re -e le c te d by P. S. Bandy; No. 2, Wayr.e Lee- Monday noon. a c c la m a tio n , also, to s< rve one y< ir as The men of the local team clerk ver and H. T. Pankey; No. 3, R. of th e board Mr. Ja c o b s has held H. Paxson, who is also captain feel especially grateful to the t h is position for 13 y e ars, which is an of the local team. Mayor W. A. ladies of the Red Cross for fur­ h o nora ble record. I. ( ' . R o b n e t t will lie Cowley and Lee B. Franklin, nishing them a fine dinner every th e new c h a i r m a n of the board. I.. I.. N o rc ro ss is th e o t h e r ooard m e m b e r. with Guy Tex and E. S. Palmer day at 1 o’clock. On Tuesday Mrs. E. S. Palmer, chairman of T ASHLAND CHAUTAUQUA. No. 9 Old Resident Called Home Last Thursday afternoon, June 14, Thos. H. Weedon dropped dead while working in his garden on his farm about 2 miles north of Central Point. He had been subject to heart trouble for some time, and it is believed that he became overheated while work­ ing in the garden and that the fatal attack was caused thereby. The funeral was held from the residence on Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. Paul S. Bandy officiating. Interment was in Central Point cemetery. Mr. Weedon was born in Cin­ cinnati, Ohio. lie was 76 years old and had been a resident of Jackson county for 19 years. He was a rancher and had been a M; ;son. He is survived by his widow, Lucinda Weedon, and six children: Mrs. Pearl Duncan of Langeli Valley, Klamath county, ffm. Weedon of Klamath Falls, C. T. Weedon of Dunsmuir, Cal­ ifornia, Arista Weedon of Ash­ land and G. C. and Shirrel Weed­ on of Central Point. M rs. Weed- on’s parents, William and Mrs. Gregory, also live in Central Point. T h e S e v e n th Day. A d v e n tis t* will held revival service» he re b e g in n in g t o ­ n ig h t. T h e m e e t in g s will he held in a l a r g e t e n t one block n o r th o f th e S a v ­ oy T h e a t r e . P a s t o r Rhodes o f N o r t h D a k o t a will p reach. DOST ! W ho lost a bank p o c k e t book in C e n tr a l P oint last S u n d a y ? O w n e r may h a v e sa m e by p a y in g for this ml. G uy T ex, the local p o st m a s t e r , and H e nry Riley, ho e m p lo y e o f C ow le y’s E m porium , a r e g n.ng to t a k e t h e e x ­ a m in a tio n for a comm ission in t h e a r ­ my tom orrow . I f th e y can pass a sa l- isf ‘c to ry e x a m i n a t io n h e re, they will be a d m i t te d to th e o f f i c e r s ' t r a i n i n g c a m p in A u g u s t, w h e r e th e y will r e ce iv e the “ f inishing t o u c h e s ” b e fo re re ce iving th e ir com m issions a s Second l i e u t e n ­ a nts. I do ihe work in your home. Archie Parker Carpets, Rugs, Couches, Mattresses, Etc. CLEANED ELECTRIC LLV 5 0 C ' K N T c t I T . i : I D ) L It CENTRAL POINT, (P h o n e 23X4 ORE