* + * * * * ÿ + * * * * * * * + * * - i- * + * * * * * * * * * + * + * + * -H--K- * * * * * * ÎC nral a tu'! ■jii'ninual Jltnna W. E. Price, Jr., who received i Miss .1 isephine P.racons, who taught broken collar bone at Weed, Cal., re­ in the Domestic Science departm ent of ported for duty last week, but the the High School last year, was married Company extended his leave till June in Portland, June 6 . to Mr F Kilally 18 in order to give the injured member Greeve. After a short honeymoon Mr ample time to get strong. So Mr. Price Greeve will join his regiment, the en­ is back with us for a short time gineers, at American Lake. Miss Bra- longer. cons was well liked here and left for Mrs. W. E. Owens is reported to be her home In Portland, leaving many doing nicely. She is still in the hos­ friends who will wish her well in her new life. pital at Portland. Betts will buy all your old rubber and Miss Lola Freeman returned last week from O. A. C. rope. Hotel Central, Central Point. Mr. and Mrs. Norris and daughter Rexal! Chillhreaker knocks malaria. visited for several days at Montague, Money back if it fails. Paxson's Drug Store, Cal., recently. Mrs. Clyde Applegate of Summit, Will Thompson, who was working at O rg a n , is in our city for a few days. Weed, Cal , has returned to our city to remain with his family. If you are bilious, or have frequent Mrs. Whipp, mother of Mrs T D. headaches and lack "p e p ,” buy a bot­ Ross, who has been visiting with her tle of Kexall Liver Salts from Paxson daughter for some time past, left for I'ru g Co. 25c and 50c. her home in Nevada last week. Mr. Ernest, Irsel Lewis, Art Lewis DR. T. G. HEINE Physician and Sur­ and Ben Peck, accompanied by their geon. Office over M. & M. Store 22. wives, motored to Yreka and Horn- E. Main Street, Medford, Phone: 303 brook, Cal., last Sunday. How many people coming here look­ Leave your orders for rubber stamps ing for a new location would stop, if at the Herald office. Central Point had no paper? “YES YOU DO Spring time is kodak time, and if you have’nt a kodak see Paxson Drug Co. Some nice ones from a dollar to twelve dollars. Our young ladle« are still busy thin­ ning fruit in the nearby orchards. The new style ladies’ overalls have come to stay, I guess. A r'nt you glad that Oregon has been ‘‘pulled out of the m ud?” Although the majority by which the $ 6 , 000,000 bond issue carried has been cut down to about 14,000, still that is a good number and goes to show that the peo­ ple of Oregon are keeping up with the progress of the times. The women should plan to can every thing possible to combat the H. C. L. Cowley’s Emporium has a hig stock of fruit jars and rubbers for this purpose. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Treesh, who recently moved to our city from Mill City, have opened their new Cleaning and Pressing Parlors in the building across from the Presbyterian church. We are 1 .lad that we now have a clean­ ing and pressing establishm ent in our own citv and believe that many of our C entral Point boosters will give this new “ home industry” at lea«t a trial. Betts will buy all your old zinc, cop­ per, lead, brass, etc Hotel Central, Central Point. MC M. W. DOW M. D., M. S. PliVHcian and Surgeon Y ou K n o w Y o u D o ----- a n d Y ou W ould B u y One If Y o u C o u ld G et ------- The Right Machine at the Rjfcjhi P r i c e on the R ig ht le r m s Here it is—the latest thing in typewriters—the I Invites \ our Patronage I AGENT FOR i — M e d fo rd D o m e stic ^ Sunday School at 10 a.m. Preaching at 8:00 p.m. Epworth League at 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m Thursday. Rev. M. C. Reed. Pastor. Baptist Sunday School at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Rev. S. J. Miner, pastor. Two-Horse Brand Overalls For Your Boy Made with swing­ ing white dri l l pockets (not patch pockets that so quickly wear through) • f * * I L a u n d ry A A new pair FREE . \ if they rip east no m ore thar* ore! ¡nary overalls. v , I £ a " M i/ j A little gem of a Remington— in name, in work, in quality, in everything but weight am1. It sella for $50— a price never] Methodist Basket Leaves Tuesdays and I T 1 ui days returning Saturdays. T r first-grade writing machine. Sent on ten days’ free exam­ ination anywhere within 150 milesof any Remington office —to beret urnedbyyouif you decide not to keep it. You can see exactly what y o u are getting before you de­ cide to purchase. If you like, you can buv on easy payments — #10 down aud tio a month. Here is the right combina­ tio n —the machine, the price, the term s—all three in one. And all three are good reasons why you should mail this coupon. Presbyterian Sunday School at 10 a.m. Mrs. Hat- Held, Supt. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Paul S, Bandy, pastor. ^Juy Levi Strauss & Co’s' A ! Our Churches THE DOW HOSPITAL E R. GLEASON. Proprietor I Dr. J. J, EM MENS SPECIALIST Eye. Ear, Nose, and Throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurist for Southern Pacific Rail­ road Company. Offices in M. F. & H. Co. Bldg., Medford. Phone 567. T. G. HEINE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses titled. Phone: 303, Medford. Oregon. I)R. POELN1TZ- Physician and Sur­ geon. At Central Point from 10 to 12 a m. daily. LYDIA S. DOW D. 0. I he Central Point Barber Shop ! Personal Society of C hrist Scientist. Sunday services at 11 a. m. Sunday School at S:45 a. m .; all under 20 years Hre welcome. Church edifice, 212 N. Oak­ dale Ave., cor of W. Pine. Osteopathic Physician Offices and Residence N eed a T yp ew riter: Business Cards i before equalled for an absolutely L* Rem ington T ypew riter Com pany, (Incorporated) 374 Broadw ay, New Y ork. S nJ me n Rem ington Junior Type­ w riter, price I5 0 , on free exam ination. It is understood th a t I may retu rn the machine, if I choose, within ten days. If I dec d • to purchase it, I agree to pay for it in $ m onthly paym ents of J io each. L ook for - The hotel Central Mrs. G. Betts, Mgr. Central Point, Oregop this Hoc, ***•» o I—* v—I U,f.; i) A W A K D I D O R A N O P R IZE AT P. P I ■ M erle and G uaranteed by LEVI STRAUSS* CO.S.«FrMci«. 3C ASK YOUR GROCER OR BUTCHER FOR 30 “ACORN” BRAND FOR CRACKED and CHAPPED HANDS Donnlt Eucalyptus Olntmant T ubes AT A LL DAUQ S T O R E S 25C J a r s 5 0 c FRANKLIN will write your FIRE INSURANCE Crisp, Sweet Breakfast Bacon Spicy, Succulent Ham C EN TR A L PO IN T PA C K ING CO.