limn strikes It Is nut tut-rely to obtain ■ntcrests o f the Individual and where the liberty o f the Individual will lie enters public service lu time o f peace »11 iiK iviiHu In bln wage; thut Is wbst the papers tell us tbe trouble la all Hlunit »ml llmt la what be asks (or; but more and more circumscribed for the In more nearly tbe same spirit that be wav down underneath what he la really lieneflt o f the community as a whole, would enter military service in time of hi rlle- tweecti capital and labor was that of owner and slave, then catue the period of master and Ulan, then the period of employer and employe, each being a decided atep forward |s-r|od knowledge we have gained from law hooks which were written in the In­ dividualistic age? I f we do we will combatting the mighty onward where the tool user^wlll he part tool r,,sK **f **« w thought and new condl- tlohs, provided In large measure by i w ncr and " Here < apltal and liilsir w ill the s. leutt-t e.iaie molt- equitably lu llie plot Us of lor. the business in which they arc Jointly engaged. This advance la Inevitable because o f Our only decoration— the almighty the government and that tlielr opera 8ecoml, because in our coiinlry especially we arw entering upon a new stage of development which calls loudly for men who will render dis­ interested public service diistriiilly and economically "e have been very great, yet I ♦ face new conditions and The In the educator, tbe tnven- order to survive and succeed we will 9 require a different of compared to the changes that O ik * r«»n«<»it why I hiii «iroruriy for I n it a sad, universal m ilitary triilul'ur is that It (lesslmlatlc future that unfolds? Poe- <1f>velops in the youth it sense o f all life hardly seem worth living under r,.spons|hlllty to his country, the workingmnn to think for himself the new eondltlone or doc* It hold out liot only in time of war tun in time o f It I' Inevitable because Intercommuni­ au optimistic future, with finer op- cation hws told tbe workingmnn In one lH>rtunltle* and more worth while community what the workingman In goals? Ltd me *«e If I can picture It aa 1 achieving it. It Is Inevitable, lusause strikes and |>asL hs-kouts ean never la* settled satlsfac- Why a New Era Co-opera­ PI ret, Juat a glance Into tbe arc coming. I reredent makes « cowards of us all. tion Mast Succeed Pare About the only goal w# baVS had Have tbe men who^ have lived and * “W ITH ♦ choice. We must adjust our thought and action to new : ♦ ♦ conditions. G E O R G E W . P E R K IN S . 4 4 ment In our pork barrel leglslatlool Could we afford to have our railroads operated by tbe same type o f public servants? individual can affect a large worked simply to acquire great for * tunes obtained peace o f mtnd. happl- t I f our government Is to endure, if number of people; therefore we are to take our proper place among nesa and honor? How many o f them J ♦ could answer "Y es” ? $ that form of freedom which ilization. tbe mau o f the future must the nations o f tbe world In the new civ­ the course they have taken? A very J « for large majority o f onr countrymen ♦ would answer “ No “ MihrintHurouR to • ai»11 m I hn to lnhor U ii MiAttnr o f r«. t. a l**u a * or*tag ♦ ♦ intercommuni­ 1 ( V»tllV> I«* ItiMn***»’« Mini !*♦•«-misr It la aa « ♦ 1 is simply another expression Ha* the country been benefited by J It I«» in« x luMf lii-HiiM* It »»hr« «ta the inventor have left ns no ♦ ♦ be did for bis community or bis coun 1 cation drawing the try. * i Rut »b a t baa It all amounted to ) $ world together, the m l of an 1m: ii limn > w mio » s and ♦ ts. “ How much was be worth?” with ! inuiit i.;, > !•> mrmiy rala- J educator, the scientist ♦ ♦ Individualism. scarcely a thought as to bow much « i - h But the i ♦ baa been tbe almighty do'lar. Tbe first question asked when a man dies torily ••• the laid believe they are infiuitesinial public wrvUt. What tH« Futuna Hold* Forth N\ hat I k tbe outlook? spirit changes of twenty five years socially, In- our educe Ilona) system, wbh b teaches other communities are striving for and In recent years we have been bearing a great deal about government owner ship of our railroads. We are told that , In Germany _ .. _..__ . arj> owned by tbe railroads dollar— Is receding Into tbe background tion Is most successful. This Is true, profit sharing _ „ ^ . The man o f exceptional ability, of but In Gel-many conditions are vastly Ry profit sharing 1 do not mean .. ' .... more than ordinary talent, will here- different. bonus giving I mean actual profit after look for bis rewards, for his The military training of the youth. In aha ring plans based on the earnings . honors, not In one direction but In fact- *,le entire trend o f education In o f tbe business, with s fntr percentage two:— First— and foremost—iu some Germany Is to Impress upon tbe young to capital slid a fair |>erccntage to ... . public work accomplished and sec- me,‘ o t t“ * t Kind that they owe service lalsir lifter ordinary wages and Inter- . . ... , . .... ondarlly, in wealth acquired. ll*elr country. When a man euters esl have been earned In place o f having It said of him at ,he government’s employ In the rail Profit sharing ran be done satis­ his death that he left so many hundred r°a*i business be Is as eouselenttoo» at factorily only when tbe business con­ thousand dollars It will be said that he would be were be entering the guv. cern makes public Its transactions, so rendered a certain uinouut o f public eminent's service In time o f war. that the laborer and the stockholder service and. incidentally, left a certain ^ our railroads were to be taken can know as much about the business amount of money. over and operated by our government as does the manager himself. Such a goal will prove a far greater !'^ 'KIs Gme, how muny of you think we In the adjust incut of difficulties lie- satisfaction to him. be will live a more duplicate Germany's success? tween ■ 11 it .> I and lalsir I am confi­ rational, worth while life and he will Government ownership of railroads dent llial open Issiks will accomplish tie doing his share to provide a better ,,u,-v *M‘ us desirable in this country as turn h mote than open shops. country In which to live. K Is In Germany, but we must first Tin m - i ll.inges are far-reaching and I have two reasons for ladle' leg that *mve pithlle servants who will at least fundamental W h it are we going to future conditions will he as I have ‘ “ ,l|e somewhere near the standard of do .iliout it? What Is to In* our men Germany's public servants In efficiency briefly sketched them tal attitude Mow are we going to »m l honesty. handle tbc-e problems? F ln t because the world is being Look at the spectacle we are pre- t'au we approach them from tbe drawn together In one centruhxed M'litlng to the world at this very m o same point of view us did our fathers, community throngb the wonderful de­ who lived in a strictly ludi' idualistic velopment in science a n 1 the marvel­ lous work of tbe inventor age? fa n we them from the be In m> Judgment we are Just now en- ti ring ii period of copartnership, and bis fellowmen. How the Rewards Will Como. It can lie solved only on tbe basis of challenged, and I most heartily agree with what Mr. .lohu I> Rockefeller Jr . for hlmaelf duty and a desire to serve bis country signs of the times so certain ss this. satisfactorily solve Ibis problem. V Tbe freedom o f the tniMluesa man to do as be iili'iisea Is now being seriously tie war— namely, from a sense of patriotic To my mind there Is uotblng In tbe la doing. o f Capital and Labor. hereafter but for his fellowtnen. Me m.iy not realise tbla. bat, sub­ consciously tbla Is precisely whet no R elation wm required to he not only tbe profit* o f tbe hualnesa G E O R G E W . PERKINS. activities On tbe whole, tbe license to tlo a* one , J pleases can no longer exist.” Individualistic J live not others for himself slone Consideration for one hut another for la *l>eedll.v liecoming a social. Industrial and economic necessity. GEORGE sge has not been a success, either lor * the Individual, or tbe community lu * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • W. P E R K I NS Centralization is tbe order o f the day. The telegraph, tbe telephone, tbe a u t» mobile and the airship are tbe cauaafe w hlcb he has lived, or the nation. 9 lie Is tutK'b more apt to be a They bare wiped out not only old prec­ lx e are. , beyond . questlou. entering tveaee * ■ . . where . .9 welfare o . f . tbe . faithful cons-lentloue servant than if edents and customs but State and B9 on a period the . . . takes . . He tlonal llnea as w ell •-ommuntty precedence over tlie he bad " u not had military training